Public speech about Jiyyds current agricultural situation...

  • Sabrina approaches the those near the well during a crowded time. In a clear voice, she begins to speak in general, hoping anyone about is willing to listen.

    "Hello to all of you. I would like to introduce myself to you all. I am Sabrina Silverson. Many don't know me, but I have lived in Jiyyd all my life as a commoner and a farmer in this town, and seen many of you adventurers come and go from the hill down south where my father used to own a small plot of land. I have come to speak to you today about something very, VERY, important of late."

    Jiyyd, currently is suffering from an agricultural crisis. Crops don't grow as well as they used to, many reasons being such as farmers are reluctant to work them in the first place or have long moved away to avoid all the dangers that threaten my beloved town.. our beloved town."

    she pauses a moment looking about all the folks who are listening, her eyes meeting theres to add emphasis on her small public speech

    "The lands aren't as fertile as they used to be, the plants are sickly much of the time, twisted; their fruits barely edible, stale, unsavory. Jiyyd has been a farm town from when I was born, my parents, their parents, etcetera, etcetera… but let me get to the point."

    She takes a few breaths, noticing more eyes on her, she seems rather nervous, she looks at her pendant, one baring a Rose with a wreath of grain just behind it. She nods solemnly to herself and continues speaking once more, her tone becoming firmer as she builds up confidence.

    "Jiyyd needs your help to survive. And I'm not talking about just fighting off the dangers outside the gates. Its the dangers within, one that cannot be fought with sword or spell alone, that I need everyones aid, anyone who can help at all."

    pauses a moment

    "What I need you ask? I need anyone and everyone capable of helping Jiyyd become not just a thriving agricultural town like it used to be, but more! We need anyone with experience with plants, nature in general to pick up a sickle and shock the grain, pull potatoes, and the like before they turn and become rotten or inedible. We need folks with strong backs who can help dig irrigation trenches, plow the frost-bitten fields, carry large buckets of water."

    bites her lip for a moment, taking an exceptionally deep breath

    "Forgive me if I overstep my bounds by asking this, but if possible... I feel that the local druids who bare citizenship with the town should aid us with their blessings, prayers, and aid if your faith allows you so. I have already had two or three exceptionally kind druids assist me, and I thank them from the bottom of my heart. What I ask mostly from them is that if they could somehow make the land more fertile once more, their efforts would be tremendously appriciated."

    "Furthermore, any citizens who follow Earthmother Chauntea, Mielikki, Silvanus, the hin goddess of nature Sheela, the great gnomish god Wildwanderer, or any other great dieties of nature who bare citizenship, you are obligated to help our town and our community. We do not run a system based on senates, land owning nobles, and beaurocrats. We are a community whose welfare is dependant on what we all do for eachother!"

    she courtseys politely

    "I thank any and all who have listened to me tonight, and I urge you to at least consider the words I have said, for Jiyyd and for your own benefit as a citizen here. Good evening."

    She then walks off to the southern fields, to tend to the frostbitten crops, cutting down many of them which have become sick and withered due to many possible factors

  • "I was reading in my books about creatures called "Umberhulks" that are capable of processing and grinding through the toughest of earth and dirt. I had seen spellcasters a few times in town before turn themselves into these horrifically large creatures…"

    takes a deep breath for a moment, hoping to herself she will not shock any community members with the perposal but knowing that a few might feel it may be a bad idea

    "If we can perhaps get one, if any of the local wizards or spellcasters to magically turn into one of these creatures and aerate the hard soil - to break it up and soften it to those who are unfamiliar with the term, it would be of further great service."

    "Any ideas, suggestions, complaints?"

    ((I would like to be present if possible if anyone is willing to undergo such a task IC, but if not me, at least a few other witnesses participating in the unofficial agricultural restoration, hopefully soon to be official be present in my absence.))

  • One sunny day, Raisa makes the long walk to Jiyyd to see how the blessings she gave the fields in the name of Bhalla have had an effect. When she sees the attention the fields are getting, her black hair nearly turns white with surprise. "Such devotion from adventurers even," she whispers aloud to herself in her native tongue, "All from the words of one young girl." She shamefully bites back the jealousy that stirs within her and helps as she can by saying prayes, instructing the ill-trained or lifting a sickle or hoe herself.

  • Elrien is seen on occasion helping out in the fields, seeming to have knowledge on such, as well as bringing in meat to the butcher

  • bites her lip looking about to cry

    I thank you all for your efforts and kindness. I'm sure with blessings from the priests and druids, coupled with some down and dirty hard work, we will make the wilting flower of Jiyyd a booming place of agricultural business and trade.

    ((OOC, if anyone who posted her actually has the time to RP in game a few minutes every few days of doing farm work actually performing the blessings in game, it would be not only very much appriciated by me, but it will also show a sincere rp effort to turn Jiyyd into something greater than just "the mundane little town that gets attacked by the orcs every other tenday. If you do already, thumbs up! 😄 ))

  • *After the speech wog walks off back to the leigon halls, coming out a minute later carrying his old battle scythe. He then runs to catch up with the others.

    He is then seen nearly always in the jiyyd feilds helping out with the farm. Moving, digging and cutting, rarely taking breaks. When nto working he is seen encoraging others to do so*

  • *Belade patrols the farms frequently, and tries to help as best as she can, by helping those who injured themselves, making sure they all have something to eat, or dying physical labor.

  • Barquin rushes about his daily chores of tending the crops and blessing them when he hears the speech.

    "Hey, I's been sayin' the same thing fer years! Why it gots ta be a tall folk says somethin' before someone listens. I's sayin' gots ta get they things away before they kill me corn. I's sayin' gots ta tend the crops. Ain't nobody listens. Farkin' crop killas! Everyone's out ta get me corn! I keeps them away. I goes pray now."

    He then scampers off to a secluded area to pray to Sheela Peryroyl.

  • Aelhaearn rubs his chin and then leaves town to rustle up some hobgoblin scythes and kobold sickles.

  • Oreth blinks a bit at the whole speech and….continues renewing his "plant growth" spells over the town as necessary (once a year, if I remember the spell correctly)

  • ::starts bringing in wolf meat to the butcher::

    Maybe not garden stuff but keep people alive.

  • fearing for the well being of the poorest who most assuredly would be the first to suffer in this situation sam as well does her share in the fields

  • Lyte, sickle in hand, follows Sabrina southward, and offers encouraging, charming smiles to any others who express an interest in pitching in.

    "We all must eat, so let us pitch in, and assure Jiyyd, while safe from orcs and duergar, does not fall to starvation instead."