Commonly misvisualized D&D creatures in narfell
Now I'm beginning to wonder, Snot Goblin
thanks for the post, it made me think… If anyone has more info on the Kobolds, please post it! are they Canine, or Reptilian, or Both?? lol!! let us know! :oops:
(Hehe, im just a n00b)
In 2nd Edition they were canine-like creatures I believe… Kobolds certainly spend a lot of time barking and growling in the Baldur's Gate Trilogy anyway.
I think the confusion lies in the fact that other game settings have them as canine creatures. But you are correct that in D&D, kobolds are reptilian.
The Kobolds! I've had people come up and tell me that they are Canine creatures… (Dogs) but after a bit of research, i have concluded that they are small reptilian creatures with thin, saurian-like features... anyways here they are:
Kuo Toa. For your viewing pleasure.
Oh wait, here comes another!:
And another!:
And one more! Will the fishfolk never stop?:
Answer: Yes. Because I'm done.
So since currently the stegosaur is using the bullette model, here's what one actually looks like, I beleive. It's the one in the middle.
I beleive I have seen a displacer beast in an event before using the panther model…
gah, cant get it to show as a picture, but its a displacer beast.
The "Bats" in the Oscura Minds…. arent bats they are gelly-fish with wings...
Visually, the other big misconception is with hin-folk. WE all know they really look like this:
That, at least, is how I picture Gears every time I see him.
Er.. elves are the same height as humans? If that were true, then why would half elves be shorter?
In the PHB, Elves are very much, shorter than humans. Even by their rules stated as Physical Description.
Elves between 4 1/2 and 5 1/2 feet tall.
Humans between 5 feet and a little over 6 feet.
So, they ~can~ be the same height, if you had a tall elf, and a short human.
The Players' Handbook applies to the default D&D campaign setting, Greyhawk. In the Forgotten Realms, where Narfell is set, elves are of a more Tolkienesque stature.
However elves in Faer'n are tall and thin, so all elves except drow use the human height and half-elven weight, subtracting 10 pounds from the actual weight. Half-elves use the human height and half-elven weight entries. Drow use the elven height and weight entries.
In FR specifically, elves are as tall as humans. This would override the PHB descriptions. I would hazard to say that half-elves are of similar height because of this.
Er.. elves are the same height as humans? If that were true, then why would half elves be shorter?
In the PHB, Elves are very much, shorter than humans. Even by their rules stated as Physical Description.
Elves between 4 1/2 and 5 1/2 feet tall.
Humans between 5 feet and a little over 6 feet.
So, they ~can~ be the same height, if you had a tall elf, and a short human.
Elves are portrayed as midgets in NWN when in FR they are the same heights as humans.
Creature wise I would love to know whether the Figments that look exactly like Pixies should look like them and whether they are in fact fey.
Here's a few things to add, concerning smaller mistakes in bioware's renderings:
Half Orcs are as being extremely tall and large. However, in the player's Handbook, WOTC didn't even bother to give Half-Orcs a height and weight of their own, saying that they "are as tall as humans and a little heavier"
Half-Elves are portrayed as being the same height as humans, when, in fact, they are slightly shorter than humans.
Dwarves are portrayed as being only a few inches taller then Hin, when they are, in fact, almost a head and a half taller in many cases.
Male gnomes are about a head taller then male hin, and Female gnomes about about half a head taller than female hin. They also do not have gorilla forearms, as shown in NWN.