*Another large sign posted outside the walls*
@ebe172e1fd:LOOOONG LIIIIIIVE JIYYYYYYYYYYYYD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sets lose a wild roar afterwards, visibly pumped up
::Milshot looks around those gathered, looks to the gates, then glances about the town::
Wha the fark ery'one screamin fer? Not seen nothin' ta fight anyhaps…
((Before everyone does reactions, does the child actually do that? DM ruling please?))
tala frowns at the scratched out name and writes the name TALGRATH in large letters with the list of known cyrstal followers at the top of the sign
If someone would take the times to try and obscure a suspicion it must be true.
she is heard telling people as she fixes her original writing
::is impressed a child made it thru the hobgobbies lands when adventurers die there routinely::
((IF Mog finds out, Mog hires the child))
Bah, kids get 5 ranks of stealth for free.
::is impressed a child made it thru the hobgobbies lands when adventurers die there routinely::
((IF Mog finds out, Mog hires the child))
*Sara takes a look at the list, snickers, then walks away, dissapearing into the shadows.
Gears frowns at his name on the list
Ah, dammit…as if I dinnit already have enough people watchin' me.
((thus the "if" statement that began my post, Cust))
If Oreth sights the child at any point, it is very likely the child returns to norwick with stories of being chased by various large woodland creatures, and possibly given wedgies by bears.
tala writes in large block letters
Talgrath:: This name has been scribbled over a few times but still barely readable.
Lilin Rogers
Elyl Wefneran
Thomas Haley((edit at gears request to correct his name
*KULL raises his massive war axe high in the air with his right hand holding it tight, and along with General Grag and Rando, he shouts: *
LOOOONG LIIIIIIVE JIYYYYYYYYYYYYD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sets lose a wild roar afterwards, visibly pumped up
KULL (Half orc barbarian, Training Officer in the Legion)
“To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”
A cloaked dwarf is seen entering jiyyd and looking at the sign,he grumbles,makes a few marks and leaves,those who see it now see that Haela is crossed out,and healea is written beside it
::looks to nate and puts on his legion colored armor. His finger glows blue with prestidigitation and he writes inversly in the air in glowing blue letters::
"You wanted a legion member, here you are. You want to talk. Right here. I needed to speak with you anyways Nate."
::Nate hears of the rumors about himself being fingered by Meril and Merin one day in Peltarch, and, not seeing his name on the official banned list, immediately comes forth to Jiyyd, without arms, wanting to speak with a legion member. He walks into the gates and looks to Keira directly::
"They better not go telling Maya these bloody false accusations." ::He mutters looking altogether annoyed with his public fingering::
"Stupid deranged pirate." ::Mutter mutter mutter:: "Where does Deacon get off telling you that I'm possesed?"
Zyphlin urges people not to just go by random names given by random people that arn't part of your cities council, such as grag. While some may be true, and it would be wise to watch them closely, already the crystals try to spread misinformation with false names. Watch and spy yourselves or give the names to your councilmen so they can send thier spies to watch and see how true it may be before we just attack all of us
Following the worsening situation in Norwick, Keira is a more frequent visitor to Jiyyd. She seems to spend a lot of her time running messages between Peltarch and Jiyyd as the surviving bastions of non-crystalness.
'Deacon says Nate is taken. I saw Grog (Elfhewer) and a man said in Peltarch to resemble Thomas Haley at the Norwick well with Kara and Healea as I was leaving there.'
Rarylor recalls rumors of dark dealings and blasphemies in Norwick, and keeps a close eye on Rando
((Unless you are a super slueth, do not assume you know this ic))
rando listens to Grags words and nods. When grag finishes his speech Rando draws his sword points it in the air and shouts
As Gears scans the list, his face falls towards the end, and he can be seen wandering around the commons rather lethargically afterward, murmuring something about it being "all his fault".