::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Rumor has it one of Barrim's advisors or scribes got himself into a bit of trouble as evidentally most of the commons took his comments as rather insulting, two evidentally decided to do something about it, one of those being very drunk. The guard arrived to see a rather strong woman pinning the scribe to the ground as he cried for help. The man didn't seem harmed rather than perhaps his pride and all involved were told to leave the commons. The rather drunk man seeming to collect a following as he staggered away.

  • _The Bait and Tackle, a shop down the Peltarch docks apparantly has been wrecked apart. The owner, A man named "Master Ginfer" apparantly knocked of his socks with a vase.

    When questioned about the proceedings the shop keeper most likely won't say much, other than that it is dock-side business.

    Several more reports have been coming in of shopkeepers being harassed by reputed mobsters, what is true of this is left to be seen.

    Also, symbols of a twin-wave were seen painted on the walls_

  • A new face is being seen around Peltarch's theatre, a flame-haired woman who wears a shimmering robe with Mystra's symbol sewn onto the chest and sleeves. The young woman can be heard exclaiming how impressed she is with the renovasions the theatre has had.

  • Jerr, the skald, sat by the sundial and told this tale to all around, he called it a cautionary tale . . .
    " I spoke with a sailor who told me of the open sea he described it so vividly I was sick for three days
    One day, in open water, the lookout spotted a single 'head' sticking up and watching them "
    -Zyphlin - ::listens quietly::
    Jerr continued . . .
    "Then there were more, all aorund the ship the sailors crowded the rails to see these odd heads . . .
    No eyes
    No mouth
    Just round domes of flesh
    But then the heads moved a bit closer and raised up on fleshy necks longer the necks grew.
    Till the sailors realized their mistake . . .
    Twas not a group,
    Twas a Kraken "
    Richard Luis, a young squire, spoke up " kraken? whats that?"
    Jerr explained "The seperate heads all connected to one great body beneath "
    Richard Luis: " o "
    "A giant squid of great girth "
    -Zyphlin Re'cual-: ::nods a bit, smiling to Jerr, his mind connecting things::
    Richard Luis: " o "
    Jerr returned to the tale . . .
    "The tentacles grabbed the ship and tried to drag it under. At first the sailors fought the tentacles, and were losing.
    But the capytain was an old man of the sea.
    He ignored the tentacles and dropped kegs of blasting over the side, striking at the hidden body "
    "One man is always needed to see what is happening and to make the right call "
    Richard Luis: " i see "
    "Dozens of men may fight the battles, that may never be won "
    Nars Skald: looks to Zyph
    " . . . the body . . . "
    -Zyphlin Re'cual-: ::nods to the skald::
    Nars Skald starts to walk
    "Ever tell you, Richard,
    that if a skald hits the right note . . ."
    -Zyphlin Re'cual- ::chuckles::
    "He can shatter a crystal goblet?"
    Richard Luis replied, amazed, "you dont say"
    Jerr laughed . . . "with his axe, of course"
    Their laughter echoed out into the kobold lands


  • Rumors quickly spread that strange events happened in Norwick some days ago. The crystals around the nars seemed to grow in noise and lights were seen coming from norwick. The barbarian guard uthgor was pushing and threatening and event striking people away from a ritural that seemed to be happening in the middle of the city near the well. Crystals that have been occuring in the nars came up from the ground all around and many people such as Kara of the Phoenix, Hedia the sharessian, Moe of the Legion, and others were knelt before the well performing some kind of ritural. The ground and earth shook and more of the crystals appeared as more strange things happened. By this point many began to fled the city as the guards struck down people that attempted to disrupt the happenings. Whispers spread that somehow norwick has been overrun by those controlled by these "crystals"

  • Senator Bravikus is seen walking through the streets at a quickened pace with a few papers in his hands. He was last seen heading to City Hall and didn't pause for even a hello when acknowledged. He seemed to be in quite a rush and was flanked by two armed Guards who hustled to keep up with him and escorted him all the way inside the building.

  • news of two hins robbing houses spreads around town. they were cought because of being careless, one was wearing red the other black. They seemed to be at the end of their run and with light packs. The guard has been beefed up and they are looking for two which fit those discriptions.

  • Several heads of Eastlanders have been placed on stakes not far out of the city walls. Around their necks still hangs the pendant of Mask they apparantly wore.

  • Drelan Ashire was spotted dare I say, being happy? Having a subdued constant grin on his face but a grin all the same. Many wonder what could have changed in stoic grumpy guss, as some of the hins have referred to him, and is quite a change from his recent behavior. He could be seen speaking to a pink haired lass, his mood seeming to go back to its normal self, and can be seen muttering to himself and spending long hours looking out accross the waves in the docks, interrupted only by the occaisional stranger that walks up to him.

  • Rumour has it that lizardmen, and a massive lizard-creature attacked the west gates. The small force was quickly defeated by the guard, Talgrath, Mariston, Anna, and a variety of adventurers (forgot who else was there).

  • _A heavily armored dwarf can be heard speaking of rumors that the trade halls, once free to all peltarch citizens will no longer be so.

    He talks loud enough as if he wants to be overheard, making sure that everyone understands that he is part of no organization, and wonders what the city will be providing for its citizens to replace it.

    The dwarf then heads towards the Peltarch smitty to talk to his dwarven kin that have shops there, as well as the masters he has dealt with for years._

  • One chill morning, briefly before dawn, a swarm of civil servants can be seen fanning outward from the Peltarch city hall. They seem to have been entrusted with a mission of sorts, relentlessly scouring the city for signs of… something.

  • ::Nathen Wingates was seen turning his C.K. uniform in, as well as his morning star. He was then seen walking south towards Norwick with a bunch of bags, and distant eyes::

  • The usually talkative magistrate has been unusually quite over the past month, very rarely talking. When he does it seems some sort of curse has befallen him as he speaks very slowly, breathing between each small word

  • The easternmost areas of Peltarch rumbled as if a large explosion occured underground. Only a few hours before this, a group consisting of Talgrath, Anakore, Meril, Chaevre, and Mingal went down into a grate that lead under the eastern wall. They later were seen exiting the sewers through the dock's entrance to the sewers. Rumour has it that an announcement regarding what occured will be forthcoming soon.

  • In his occasional forays beyond his office, Evendur is careful to remind the citizens that not all of the Senate acts for its own benefit. He cites his own track record of legislature and vocal support for the good of the entire city as evidence of this. Whether the citizens believe him is another matter…

  • Rumors travel very fast through the city. Everyone speaks of Azilar in hushed tones and his proposals and speaches. Many hold the man in high regard and speak very well of him. Most are complimenting him on his plans for Peltarch and how they fully agree with him. It would seem that as each passing day goes along he gathers more and more support. Many citizens begin to openly critize the Senate for not acting sooner and some even claim that they are trying to hoarde the power to a select few, but all that is in large crowds or in hushed whispers as no one is foolish to speak such treason too loudly.

  • Talgrath can be heard bellowing that Syne is hardly the entire senate and that when those in the city voted for him, they had to have known his dark nature. "This is the result of voting for an evil werebeast, you shouldn't have expected anything less."

  • With the new efforts of the white haired elf giving speaches, Ting also kicks up her efforts to kickstart "The Dockworkers Union"

    Any asked in the docks have probably heard her new slogan "Be Powerful, Be United"

  • A slender, white haired elf can be speaking out in the docks after the recent news of Senator Syne's admission of guilt. He seems to be demanding for the Senate to be restructured and what he calls a "new day for Peltarch" to begin. He has many of the city in an uproar over the current state of the Senate and has started gathering quite a following and always draws a crowd at his impromptu speeches.