'Working' on the chain gang...'

  • Some of the prisoners that are used as indentured labour in Norwick can be seen tilling fields and doing the usual manual labour more willingly than before under Keira's watchful eye.

    On closer inspection, it seems that the less angry and escape-prone prisoners are wearing saurus collars.

  • _When following on daily patrols with the militia, Oreth offers free healing and barkskin spells to any who give their word to do their best to 'pamper the knife-wielding lizards' (and he has a fair amount of healing to pass around). Those who don't agree get no healing or backup from him, even when dying.

    He does his best to show up whenever patrols are scheduled._

  • @3ae025bfe3=Hekatoncheires:

    Reason I said Corellonite brothers. Please don't metagame people, otherwise I just wont post ic in public forums anymore. Corellonite brothers means clerics of Corellon he knows of. I know of 4.

    ((People aren't metagaming, in fact they're trying -not- to metagame. The IC town forums allow for players to post an IC reaction, however since the forums allow access to any player, specifics such as who the reaction is relayed too have to be noted, otherwise it is easily going to be assumed as general information. Referring to this example, a lot of us probably didn't gather who these Corellonite brothers were exactly.
    The best way to go about this is by only posting information that others could easily learn, If not, post specifics such as who would learn of it, or stick to PMs.
    It's why everyone doesnt have access to every guild forum and DM plot forums. Reading about things OOC such as this provoke an IC response to learn of it. It's better to follow Kate's suggestion and just stick with PMs for a response intended for just 4 people.
    Apologies for Derailing the thread further.))

    A young dark haired woman, a resident of the town, eyes the event with strong curiousity, clearly amused by the entire affair.

  • _*Keira continues to patrol town and occasionally travel around the Nars etc. blissfully ignorant of the Corellonite plots. She's still wary around known Corellonites, but she was before.

    When she takes patrols out into the Rawlins, sometimes she's accompanied by Oreth Meret who wows the less experienced militia with his Subduing Saurials techniques. When he isn't present none of the Militia seem keen to risk death by pampering the knife-wielding lizards.*_

  • @5e4f7419a7=Hekatoncheires:

    Reason I said Corellonite brothers. Please don't metagame people, otherwise I just wont post ic in public forums anymore. Corellonite brothers means clerics of Corellon he knows of. I know of 4.

    ///If it's to a select few people then seriously, don't post it in public forums.

  • Reason I said Corellonite brothers. Please don't metagame people, otherwise I just wont post ic in public forums anymore. Corellonite brothers means clerics of Corellon he knows of. I know of 4.

  • Collar make prisoner not care. Prisoners should care, otherwise punishment mean nothing. Answer is still no.

  • ::standing in the field and watching the prisoners work without having being "encouraged" to do so, Milshot sees the exchange occur as Maya, tired, worn, and looking as though she has come from battle, simply tells Kiera to remove the collars from the workers. As Kiera removes the collars and hands them to Maya, he approaches the two::

    Seemin' tha' them collars makin' these farks do thems jobs witout havin' ta be prodded ta do so… why there be harm in makin em wear em? Since Kiera 'ere done put em on em there not been no one tryi' ta git out the gate. Standin' out 'ere in the farkin rain an cold be bad nuff witout havin' ta try an chase the ones tha' up an run off.

    ::motions to Kiera::

    Kiera 'ere gots a good idea. Cin we juss use em when em out 'ere workin? Not ta mention tha' them cells be cleaner then them been in a long time too...

    ::looking back to Maya::

    Mayhaps ya gots a better idear fer keepin them from runnin' off, aside from loppin' off a foot er somethin'?

  • ooc - same. Mecc, as chancellor, is the political liason for Norwick. If Corellon's faithful are hunting one of the Norwick Militia then there will be responses from the town - I don't mean that as a threat, I mean responses like sending emissaries and giving Keira a protective escort.

  • @272e5c695e=Hekatoncheires:

    (("All I hate 'bout linin' track
    These ol' bars 'bout to break my back"))

    Raryldor candidly relays a message to his brother Corellonite priests that although he has given her many chances of redemption before, slavedriving is by far the most blasphemous act she could commit and it puts her her beyond the league of the most vile orc. He implores them to kill her on sight, planning the same himself.

    ooc - I really need to know whether Maya hears about this. If so, she's going to handle this issue in her own inimitable fashion

  • // Aye. Keep in mind that most of North America still uses legal "slave labor", forcing prison inmates to work for pennies a day. Working is part of their punishment. It's not the same as grabbing innocents off the street and forcing them to do manual labor …unless these happen to be falsely convicted criminals. 😉

  • OOC -

    No, they are not new. It is assumed in Norwick that “jailed” prisoners are earning their food and shelter by working for Fine or making repairs around the town under supervision of the militia.

    It was the collars Maya was objecting to. There’s no point in punishing someone or making them learn the value of a good days work when their mind is too addled to understand it.

  • ((for clarification))
    The idea of feeding and clothing some malcontent or criminal whilst they loll about doing nothing is anathema to our barbarian culture in Norwick. Longer term inmates of Norwick jail are encouraged to perform 'good works' around the town anyway. They help out with some of the less desirable labor and so on.

    The prisoner work gangs aren't new (or so I thought). The collars are an arguably naughty and yet expedient refinement.

  • waits for this information to reach Chaevre's ears

  • ((for my earlier post I assumed the knowledge given in here is available to all))

  • (( Hek - Please indicate the relative overtness/covertness of the Corellonite priestly plotting to kill Keira, and perhaps Rary's own. I know some characters will respond strongly, one way or the other, and it would help to know roughly what the odds were of stumbling across this information ))

  • Elissa hears about Raryldor's threat and just shakes her head, taking note of it.

  • (("All I hate 'bout linin' track
    These ol' bars 'bout to break my back"))

    Raryldor candidly relays a message to his brother Corellonite priests that although he has given her many chances of redemption before, slavedriving is by far the most blasphemous act she could commit and it puts her her beyond the league of the most vile orc. He implores them to kill her on sight, planning the same himself.

  • Keira looks confused and slightly upset. She sighs, removes the collars from the working party and hands them to Maya.

    "They work better like that, they don't run."

  • Maya comes back into Norwick from the south, her armor dented and stained red, her face blood spotted and her hair grimy. The paint on her shield has been scoured away, and hash marks line the griffon on her shield.

    With an extremely tired and worn expression, but with a stern voice she looks at Kiera and simply states, "Remove collars".

  • Upon noting that the "collars'" are in fact plural, Oreth makes it known that he wants to talk to Keira. If the druid can be said to look more irate than he has been of late, he is now.