::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • The usually talkative magistrate has been unusually quite over the past month, very rarely talking. When he does it seems some sort of curse has befallen him as he speaks very slowly, breathing between each small word

  • The easternmost areas of Peltarch rumbled as if a large explosion occured underground. Only a few hours before this, a group consisting of Talgrath, Anakore, Meril, Chaevre, and Mingal went down into a grate that lead under the eastern wall. They later were seen exiting the sewers through the dock's entrance to the sewers. Rumour has it that an announcement regarding what occured will be forthcoming soon.

  • In his occasional forays beyond his office, Evendur is careful to remind the citizens that not all of the Senate acts for its own benefit. He cites his own track record of legislature and vocal support for the good of the entire city as evidence of this. Whether the citizens believe him is another matter…

  • Rumors travel very fast through the city. Everyone speaks of Azilar in hushed tones and his proposals and speaches. Many hold the man in high regard and speak very well of him. Most are complimenting him on his plans for Peltarch and how they fully agree with him. It would seem that as each passing day goes along he gathers more and more support. Many citizens begin to openly critize the Senate for not acting sooner and some even claim that they are trying to hoarde the power to a select few, but all that is in large crowds or in hushed whispers as no one is foolish to speak such treason too loudly.

  • Talgrath can be heard bellowing that Syne is hardly the entire senate and that when those in the city voted for him, they had to have known his dark nature. "This is the result of voting for an evil werebeast, you shouldn't have expected anything less."

  • With the new efforts of the white haired elf giving speaches, Ting also kicks up her efforts to kickstart "The Dockworkers Union"

    Any asked in the docks have probably heard her new slogan "Be Powerful, Be United"

  • A slender, white haired elf can be speaking out in the docks after the recent news of Senator Syne's admission of guilt. He seems to be demanding for the Senate to be restructured and what he calls a "new day for Peltarch" to begin. He has many of the city in an uproar over the current state of the Senate and has started gathering quite a following and always draws a crowd at his impromptu speeches.

  • People in the commons speak of one known as Syne who allegedly entered the commons and claimed to be turning himself in for 9 counts of murder, Chaevre' of the Cerulean knights arrested him and escorted him to the jail, later on that day she is seen looking for the young girl Abbie Uramesy

  • Drelan Ashire was seing being hauled into the city, as he was supposedly slung over an imposing woman's shoulder. He looked very cold, smelled of alcohol to all that came near it, and as any story or rumor involving drelan includes the sight of blood. He was taken to the mermaid where the woman supposedly cared for him.

  • Rumor has it that the faithful of Beshaba recently acquired some kind of illness. Apparently she stumbled and almost fell on her face while she was walking seemingly peaceful through the streets of Peltarch. Whether this has anything to do with bad luck is mostly only discussed when people think she isn't listening.

  • A violent and bitterly cold snowstorm struck the city not long ago, freezing extremities of all kinds. Apparently the storm had something to do with the presence of Aurilite faithful in the region, although details are scarce. One of the only real hints as to what exactly happened comes from Senator Evendur Mildsilver, who has been cheerfully (for him) trumpeting "a victory against the Corrupt Union of Shar and Auril."

  • A crimson haired lass is seen strolling hand in hand about Peltarch speaking in elvish to a young black haired boy no older than 7 or 8. Those who knew the slowly weakening red head would notice how much of her color has returned and she simply glows with a happiness about her now.

  • Rumors flow all around Peltarch about a large gathering in the Civic District. Everywhere you turn the name Azilar is on the lips of many as the elf continues to give his speeches urging the citizens to act. Some talk of the last spech held on the very steps of City Hall which was accompanied by Magistrate Zyphlin. Citizens begin to whisper about the Senate and more than a few start to become more outspoken on the "state of things" in Peltarch.

  • A man often in the garb of a squire, or golden armor is often seen by the western fire of late. Each sighting almost always includes the man building the fire up to a very large degree and starring into it with an uncommon determination, perhaps fervor, often running his hand through the flames themselves. Little seems to move him from his tendings, a kobold sneaking through the gates even failing in the task.

  • Elor tried to play a particularly wild song on his yarting, but the instrument didn't seem to be able to handle it. Even after just a few seconds, the strings of the yarting broke, and the "neck" was nearly torn off.
    Elor then left, muttering about needing bigger yartings.

  • Rumors have begun to arise a few weeks after the event mentioned within them…

    "You hear about that bard merchant lady ting got herself thrown out of the college?"
    "Oh yea, one of my friends saw her moving her things out of there and over to her shop"
    "Had a mighty argument, her and that Zyphlin fellow."
    "That's nonsense, she wasn't chucked out. She's just probably moving onto bigger better things."
    "No, my cousin's in the college, he says they were arguing about something and he up and chucks her out."
    "Nah, still don't believe you. She looks way too cheerful, playing her flute, selling stuff like she always did."
    "Yea well, my cousin says she called him crazy. Heard it with his own ears he did."
    "Well maybe he is crazy!"
    "Well maybe she's crazy!!"
    "Well maybe you're crazy!!!"

    …And for no good reason, a barfight erupted a few moments later...

  • Two regular patrons of the Mermaid arrive at the reception desk of the College, a red and gold clad woman in their arms obviously unconscious and smelling of whiskey.

    Here y'are Annika. One o' yours judgin that she offen sings and plays in the common room o' the Inn for no more'n a plate o' the Inn's stew. Thot we'd see her safe since she sings so pretty. 'sides the landlord says she brings in customers and is gonna give us a couple of ales apiece for the chore

    With a wink the men depart and Annika calls a couple of the staff to lift the woman and her gear and take her down to her room.

  • A newcomer at the inn is bending the ear of some fisherfolk who are more than happy to cover the young Chondathan man's tab as he tells them a tale…

    _"Strange country this. If it ain't raining it's snowing, you can't go for a walk in the Pass without getting near trampled by a troupe of elves in plate mail and if an orc isn't trying to sell you a baked potato then hobgoblins are acting like Sharressans.

    The gods' honest truth! I was down near Jiyyd, minding my own business just after some sort of orc attack… This was of course after the orc tried to sell me the potato. Anyway, there I was, minding my own business (And if anyone tells you otherwise don't listen to 'em) when up popped a hobgoblin out of the long grass. A big one. Bigger than most, all teeth and nostrils and slobber.

    Then it clicked. Hobs grow their women large, and this was one busty lass lemme tell ya. Burst forth out of the grass she did, arms wide and was on top of me before I could react. 'This is it', I thought 'A fine life tragically cut short'

    She bared her fangs, took a deep breath and leaned in for the kill... Then... planted a kiss square on my cheek. Up she leapt and ran away giggling.

    It's true! Look ye here, I still have the beard rash. I tell ye it's been keeping me awake at night.

    The horror...

    The horror..."_

    As the fisherfolk shocked mutters echo throughout the inn, the stranger gets up and leaves, whistling an old Valkuran sea chanty.

  • Drelan Ashire can be seen loitering outside the non senate apartments sometimes outside, sometimes inside.

  • A small group travelled to the North Kobold cave, and returned after having killed the Seahag. They were seen complementing each other about a job well done, without any casualties on their side, thanks to a heroic charge by one of them, a certain Hjoichi.

    //sorry if I mispelled the name. I had a blast, great teamwork, great rp'ing 😄