Whispers at the Fire

  • A group of people headed into the east rawlinswood a while ago, and only came back days later. While walking back into town, they were discussing whether the ettins they encountered were a scouting party, or a migrating tribe. A redheaded, pale skinned elf came back out not that long ago, dressed in nothing more than some underwear, and took a long bath in the lake.

  • _Throughout the rain storms over norwick for the last tenday, many commoners and adventurers alike had been seeking shelter within the inn and enjoy an ale in the process. During the night, all manner of stories and rumours are exhanged over to the heavy oak tables overflowing with half empty pint mugs and cheese. Among these, it's mentioned that one of the Local Kelemvorites has been seen striding back and forth from the Shrine of dawn and Fred's house with a look of determination on her face, although few to none know what she has on her mind.

    Later that day, Rumours spread that the warrioress intends to lead an expedition into an old ruined temple deep beneith the earth to assess the state of the catacombs there and also to remove any possible threats to the restful dead. When approached and asked, she simply replies:

    "Kelemvor's will be done."_

    ( OOC on : Due to the issues with arranging these sorts of things, I'll be running this on friday, at about 6/7 pm EST. Any members of the watchful repose will be especially welcome to come along, although anyone with an interest in divine events is welcome. I'll be hoping to keep this as close to pnp as possible, so no 5 second rests, etc etc.

    Above all, hopefully fun.)

  • Despite the crystal activity wog can bee seen alot around norwick talking to members of the collectice despite all the supposed signs of danger about them and the crystals. This is evan more surprising since he normally hated norwick and tryed to avoid being there. Howevrer when ever in norwick he always keeps a safe distance from the crystals.

  • :: A woman in a white robe, hood pulled low has been seen just outside the southern gates, though whenever someone moves close to her to try to arrest or see her face, she turns and runs, only to disappear into the Rawlins ::

  • _… in the evening shadows, a plate-wearing dwarf walked through town, taking the "long way" past Fine's barns to the Crafting Hall. Though he stayed in the shadows, he made no attempt to hide his heavy foot-fall in the newly fallen snow.

    Anyone close enough could have heard several voices within the hall, even a few chuckles. After several minutes he exited. He then spent a few minutes inspecting the new doors that have been constructed on the hall, noticing that the same old trusty-rusty lock is still in use. The doors seemed to be doing their job.

    Seeming content with what he saw, he continued south, swinging his pickaxe, muttering something about Dumathoin, ale, and copper._

  • Evendur Mildsilver, a known Senator from Peltarch and a high-ranking Spellweaver Keep official, was seen openly walking around the town in the company of Nalio Bladesong and Bryn of the Collective. Some might speculate as to what he was doing there, others might just jump to conclusions…

  • Tenar is seen about, observing those of the Crystal Army. Whenever a glance is put his way, he promptly disappears into the wilderness.

  • While Norwick was having crystals and flashing lights all about…

    A very, very, VERY loud feline roar was heard echoing throughout the whole Rawlinswood and the town itself.

  • One night, Yolanda arrives back in Norwick, walking side by side with Mirkali.
    Her bad mood seems to have turned around completely as she flashes warm smiles to everyone she sees, and the occasional winks make some people joke she's becoming the Yolanda she was when she worked for Ikurus, however not everyone seems to get it.
    She is still seen going to secluded places to practice with the greatsword, for a moment of solice, or trying to cast spell while wearing armor.

  • Dark clouds loomed briefly over the graveyard, and a handful of undead escaped from the ground, before the high priest of Kelemvor, Hanadros arrived. He entered the graveyard, and sounds of combat could be heard. He returned afterwords, carrying a gem that glowed with a bright, white light. He headed to the Shrine of Kelemvor to rest afterwords.

  • After hearing about Amy's demise, Yolanda, who had seemed troubled and weary days back, only to become as cold and hard as steel, seems to have… snapped.
    She glares angrily at anyone who approaches her, walking away silently, and can be heard muttering to herself. When spoken to, she usually just curses at the person and and tells them to leave.
    Those who find her alone without getting noticed, will usually find her crying, if not trying to wield a two handed sword.

  • _A funeral procession was seen passing through Norwick, South and into the Rawlins.

    The procession was led by a half-orc, accompanied by several female elves and a dark-skinned man. Those who knew the young woman would recognize her as Amalia.

    Several mourners have been seen passing through Norwick, going to pay their respects._

  • _Two boars in Norwick were seen running in terror of something then collapsing dead. People near to the animals at the time didn’t see anything that would have alarmed the creatures.

    Perhaps some illusion working on the minds of the animals.
    Perhaps some odour that only the boars scented.

    Definetly a mystery._

  • Rumors spread through town about a fight that occured just outside of the town gates between a female mage wielding a skull staff and an armored man with a large wolf companion.

  • A young woman who gives her name as Sam has been heard asking around town concerning the graveyard. Apparently she had been unable to find any Lathandrites or Kelvemorites attending to the undead that apparently continuesly infest the crypt. It is said in passing that she intends to regularly see to this herself but has hopes of hearing from a preistess of the other two gods to consult with. Rumor has it that she is infact frequently seen going to the crypt either alone or in the company of one or more indiviuals almost always including an attractive young oriental woman.

    edited to add the word concerning

  • A group of people went mining in the Rawlinswood. On their way back, they encountered what appeared to be a goblin, who was extremely good at sneaking. They tried pursuing, even after a trap hit them, but when the rain made it impossible to track by scent, they gave up.

  • Rumors spread that armaggedon should be coming to norwick soon as the other day not five, no eight, but over ten bards were seen at once entering the town in mass. No one quite knew why, as most quickly avoided them to save thier ears from the loud clamoring going on within the group. They went through town and made thier way into the rawlins.

    They returned sometime later, looking slightly haggard, with a few of them including the headmaster of the Peltarchan Bardic College Zyphlin, warning folks that patrols of Saurials and Yuan-ti seemed to be picking up greatly in the woods near the lost city as if they were trying to keep people from seeing something going on deep within the woods

  • Though it may or may not have been what drew so many people to the graveyard to witness the gnolls there - earlier on that same afternoon anyone casting their eyes east of Norwick would have seen patches of darkness over the graveyard - and perhaps the three elves who left there on unsteady legs.

  • The day after the dragon attack, new rumors spread quickly of gnolls in the graveyard. Most credit Kara Du'monte with saving the town from this attack. Yet some wonder what was the cause of this attack and wonder if the knight caused the invasion in the first place.


    Many people of Norwick and some just traveling through saw a strange fiery thing in the sky north of the town of norwick… In the nars pass...

    Only minuts later two dwarves, an elf a human were seen running through the gates screaming (especially the two dwarves).. Then within a blink of an eye…. the inferno unleashed by what must have been several dragons hit Norwick. At first some brave souls tried to round up the survivors and put them into the boardshed inn.. this plan seemed to work.. untill the same brave souls went out again to assess the situation.

    Was the dragon gone?

    No the rumor fiercely states as the fighting somehow continued for quite some time with several… "small" dragons beeing slain in the inferno...
    This of course are vague rumors...

    All of a sudden the fighting stopped. The perseptive and alert was pointing to the sky northwords, as they thought thay saw a large creature and several smaller ones fly towards the Nars, rumor tells…

    A brave (or foolish) band of heroes, no other word seem fitting, shortly after left the town in pursuit of the dragons…
    Some were seen coming back to Norwick others to other towns with... nothing to report...

    (thanks Dm tricky it was loads of fun)
