Jiyyd Rumors

  • _Returning from Norwick, Sil spreads word among the townfolk of Jiyyd and the travelers in the Whore that much of the town of Norwick seems to have been taken over by the servants of the crystals - Slaves of a magical phenomenon that enslaves those unfortunate to come into contact with the magic crystals.

    She emphatically warns against traveling to Norwick and encourages the citizens of Jiyyd and the refugees of the Romani camp to work together to plan a defense against an attack on Jiyyd._

  • After several trespassers into the barbarian lands south were deposited in the town, a messenger was sent informing all of the town that visitors are no longer allowed and the tribe has cut all ties with outsiders.

  • Word spreads that the Eastlanders are in a civil war, and that one side wants control of the Nars while the other side wishes peace with the towns of Narfell

  • A young apprentice is seen announcing in Jiyyd that there is yet again a new Keeper of Spellweavers Keep.

    Chaevre' Vaelen has been assigned Keeper of Spellweavers Keep.

  • _One day an old man enters the Whore and tells a confusing tale about chickens, legions, generals and half-orcs. It seems to concern General Grag, who accidentially stepped on one of Shantie's chickens. Unwilling to show any sign of regret, and unwilling to even think about refunding Shantie, some very confusing events followed. First, a chicken entered the gates. When it was approached by another legion member, fully armored, it attacked as if in rage. Even finding a way to pierce the armor. Grag, furious and seemingly intent at killing the chicken, charged and tried to beat it to pieces with his huge greataxe. Both legionaires then tried to beat on the tiny chicken with their huge weapons. Nimbly the chicken dodged their attacks, and managed to pierce the armor of both fighters. Finally, the two had to withdraw and the chicken used the time to disappear. Apparently to another plane. Rumors are ripe about whether this chicken was the chicken-spirit, a demon-chicken or maybe even only a transformed druid.

    Anyway, after these events, Grag suppoeseldy decided to fight chickens with a more efficient weapon. Fire. He went to Shantie's shed and slaughtered all chickens he could find. None of her precious chickens left alive, Shantie brought the matter before the council. She's been heard later muttering about a_ General Thief_._

  • _"Ale's good here. Really. I come all the way down from Peltarse for a pint of this stuff, don't get such a quality brew that far north. Must be the Icelace. I mean, sure the water is cold but it has over fifty thousand men, women and dwarfs pissing in it. Can't lead to a good beverage.

    Anyhow, like I was saying, I come down from Peltarse quite regularly for a flagon of the Whore's finest. The other night as I was walking down the East Road, I saw the strangest thing. And I've seen some pretty strange things on the East Road lemme tell ya, took a week for that beard rash to clean up.

    It was around midnight and I was picking my way quietly down the road eyes and ears open, not wanting another lusty hobber jumping me. About a hundred yards out from Jiyyd's gate, I spied myself a hobber sittin' against a tree eating a squirrel.

    Now I'm a quitter not a fighter, so I hid myself in the grass and started wonderin' how I'd get around that hairy bastard without workin' up a sweat when it happened…

    Up out of the grass popped this... this... apparation! About a man's height it was, black as the night 'cept it's head which was naught but a shinin' white skull! Jumped up out of the grass in front of the hobber and unleashed some kind of unearthly warcry.

    "Booga Booga Booga!!!", it screamed!

    Hobber dropped it's squirrel and damned near pissed itself it did. Didn't finish though, 'cause that skull thingy stuck a sword in it's belly right quick before he scarpered off. Damn strange. Damn strange....

    Another ale barkeep!_

  • One evaning a group of leigonaires and a few others walk into jiyyd muttering about a dark enchantress. The following evaning snow settle around jiyyd and tempterures drop drasticly. A group heads out east and a few hours later retrun as the weather changes into a warm morning.

  • _A small procession was seen as the young elf known as Amalia was carried on a litter from the Healing shop out through the West gate.

    She was exceedingly pale, and not moving. The procession consisted of several sad faced elves, a young man, and a half-orc in Legion armor. She was carried onto the road, joined by a few from Jiyyd._

  • Merina can be seen walking around town watching Wog with a sad face….she opens her mouth to speak several times but nothing ever comes out and she lets him walk off. She doesnt seem to talk much to any others as they pass by, sitting by herself most of the time

  • Those around town will have noticed a group of adventurers shouting to get inside due to orcs attacking jiyyd again. Rumors flood around that 3 leigonaires where captured adn one of them died trying to escape and her body was carried off. The next few days Any, known to most as Wog is looking extrememly annoyed by something and is barely speaking.

  • Rumor has it that the mysterious legend Rass the Dragon made an appearance to a group of orc hunters. Reports are confusing because the dragon could have simply slaughtered the entire crew. Instead it seems to have been toying with them. First seen outside of a cave in orc lands, it chased them back to the east road, which it promptly set on fire. One rumor says a small hin was snatched up and taken away through the skies. Other rumors say no one was harmed at all.

  • Rumors spread around town of a blond haired lass being carried out of town by Maythor. Rumor has it she tried to kill someone within the town and has been banned.

  • More orc attacks on the near east road were repelled. Obviously upset, the orcs responded with catapulting fiery rocks into the area. Cpt. Lyte of the Legion led a small team of people to disable the catapults with limited success.

  • Rumors tell of a huge dragon statue that appeared in Jiyyd and petrified curious adventurers. The rumors aren't clear on any reason for the sudden appearance and disappearance of that statue, but they seem to point to the statue as the cause (or at least, the catalyst) of magic users now being unable to cast spells in Jiyyd.

  • According to some whispered rumor, not so long ago, Kara summoned a devil from the pits of hell to vanquish the terrible foe. During the battle, that lasted for hours, and was shockingly quiet, the only sounds that were heard, was stones popping out of the ground, or falling from the sky. When the fight was over, the devil was slain, but the east gate of Jiyyd and a huge area around it was destroyed. Thanks to the help of a few strong men and women stones were moved to prevent a direct assault of the orcs or hobgoblins.

  • A figre rapt in a large cloak appears at the gates of jiyyd, looking up from beneth the cloak at the gates, he whips off the cloak and stuffs it into his pack. Wog, blood covered, dirt ridden, unshaven and with a few deep rips in his armor pushes open the gates with a large grin and heads streight for one of the many bins and hastily shoves several small objects into them. From here he walks happily to the leigon halls. After an hour or so he reappears, clean and with a grin on his face

  • Another Orcattack is rumored to have hit Jiyyd, this one a bit strange though…

    Roumor states that the attack actually started out in the east road and then as the overwhealming numbers of orcs allmost ran over a handfull bunch of unknown heroes, then a controlled withdrawel towards the town walls of Jiyyd supposedly followed. Rumor has it that this withdrawel was organized by a slightly overweighted hin calling about, all the time for avorine and some kind of guardians...

    The orcs followed and did not come unprepared with scaling equipment and other preperations.. Luckily the handfull reported to stumble upon the situation became more as the residents of Jiyyd threw themselves into the defence of the town..

    After the attack was successfully rebuffed... a series of odd acurences happened, unnatural lightning and some kind of earthquake..
    Then rumor firmly states... all was quiet..

    The few people who heard about this first hand could not quite figure out if the attack was over... or if this was the beginning....

  • Zyphlin can be seen talking to the hin owner of the Whore, a friend he's had many dealings with in the past, shortly after the incident to get a quick peak at the room and sought out the body of the dead man

  • _A man was found dead in one of the rooms of the Regal Whore. He had apparently been killed by someone with a sword. There was signs of a long, vicious struggle, blood all over the room and the man was apparently a priest of Tempus.

    What is most strange of all though is that in the ajoining room there was an older woman and her grandson staying the night and yet they say they didn't hear any strange sounds at all._

  • Sara is buggering anybody, and I really do mean anybody, she can find, all over Narfell,whether they didn't take her stuff.

    //it was lying somewhere in the crossroads map, probably surrounded by bandits