Whispers at the Fire

  • Rumors spread through town about a fight that occured just outside of the town gates between a female mage wielding a skull staff and an armored man with a large wolf companion.

  • A young woman who gives her name as Sam has been heard asking around town concerning the graveyard. Apparently she had been unable to find any Lathandrites or Kelvemorites attending to the undead that apparently continuesly infest the crypt. It is said in passing that she intends to regularly see to this herself but has hopes of hearing from a preistess of the other two gods to consult with. Rumor has it that she is infact frequently seen going to the crypt either alone or in the company of one or more indiviuals almost always including an attractive young oriental woman.

    edited to add the word concerning

  • A group of people went mining in the Rawlinswood. On their way back, they encountered what appeared to be a goblin, who was extremely good at sneaking. They tried pursuing, even after a trap hit them, but when the rain made it impossible to track by scent, they gave up.

  • Rumors spread that armaggedon should be coming to norwick soon as the other day not five, no eight, but over ten bards were seen at once entering the town in mass. No one quite knew why, as most quickly avoided them to save thier ears from the loud clamoring going on within the group. They went through town and made thier way into the rawlins.

    They returned sometime later, looking slightly haggard, with a few of them including the headmaster of the Peltarchan Bardic College Zyphlin, warning folks that patrols of Saurials and Yuan-ti seemed to be picking up greatly in the woods near the lost city as if they were trying to keep people from seeing something going on deep within the woods

  • Though it may or may not have been what drew so many people to the graveyard to witness the gnolls there - earlier on that same afternoon anyone casting their eyes east of Norwick would have seen patches of darkness over the graveyard - and perhaps the three elves who left there on unsteady legs.

  • The day after the dragon attack, new rumors spread quickly of gnolls in the graveyard. Most credit Kara Du'monte with saving the town from this attack. Yet some wonder what was the cause of this attack and wonder if the knight caused the invasion in the first place.


    Many people of Norwick and some just traveling through saw a strange fiery thing in the sky north of the town of norwick… In the nars pass...

    Only minuts later two dwarves, an elf a human were seen running through the gates screaming (especially the two dwarves).. Then within a blink of an eye…. the inferno unleashed by what must have been several dragons hit Norwick. At first some brave souls tried to round up the survivors and put them into the boardshed inn.. this plan seemed to work.. untill the same brave souls went out again to assess the situation.

    Was the dragon gone?

    No the rumor fiercely states as the fighting somehow continued for quite some time with several… "small" dragons beeing slain in the inferno...
    This of course are vague rumors...

    All of a sudden the fighting stopped. The perseptive and alert was pointing to the sky northwords, as they thought thay saw a large creature and several smaller ones fly towards the Nars, rumor tells…

    A brave (or foolish) band of heroes, no other word seem fitting, shortly after left the town in pursuit of the dragons…
    Some were seen coming back to Norwick others to other towns with... nothing to report...

    (thanks Dm tricky it was loads of fun)


  • _Honest townsfolk were giving Grag and Rolan a wide berth as they hotly debated all manner of subjects realting to honour, trust and the rightness of the legion. Only the bravest of souls stood to observer and even they from a safe distance.

    Whether related to the previous Milita captain, Rando, or not - the atmosphere was tense and Grag and Rolan didn't seem to part on good terms. After Rolan flounced off, throwing his Legion keys into the dirt of the path, Grag was heard to mutter 'Some folks can't be helped…'

    Or something like that, anyway..._

  • Rumour has it that a bunch of dwarves in dark armour came to the gates at night. They promised death to any that attacked them or the Underdark Hammers clan. After a brief discussion with the gate guards they charged off to Jiyyd clashing their weapons on their shields.

  • Rumours circulate, as rumours tend to do, about an array of individuals going down into the Well, once again. Amongst the well-spelunkers was the once-resident, Tymoran gambler, Tyche, and a young, elven girl, Aurelia. A cowled halfing, her face covered, also dived headlong into the Well, before the two aforementioned people climbed down, using a rope that was tied to a tree and had been there before their arrival. Prior to them arriving, a group of people including a bardic lady in a cowboy hat, Sierra, the infamous Kara Du'Monte, her constant attachment, Zoma, the once-resident redhead, Mel, and a Spellweaver Mage, Merrick were probably the ones responsible for that rope. When, where and if any of them appeared afterward is a bit vague and hazy. Some do report seeing the cowboy bard dragging the then-unconscious, bloodied and moaning gambler into town, accompanied by the Spellweaver mage whose clothes were tattered and in ruins. Once more, the Norwick Well is the center of a mysterious and strange series of events—folk do not, in fact, seem amazingly shocked or surprised by this.

  • Maralina tilts her blindfold head at news of the sacrifices and smiles her pure white smile, cold radiating from her body.

    "Thesse ssouthern folk will learn their lessson well. In time."

  • Rumor of a new evil in the area has occured…. this time in the form of a dread ice queen.....

    _She apparently attacked and sacrificed a dwarf and a half-orc in the rawlinswoods east to Auril, while a small hin part of the companionship somehow got away from the slaughter…...

    Bloodstaines the size of friar freds house can be found in the Rawlinswoodsnortheast area together with ice, snow and some new frozen trees..... that somehow occured arter the vile ritual..._

  • @e0510cd779=Shadow_Dragon:

    Some time after descending into the well to try and find and stop the source of the Wild Magic, Talgrath was seen stumbling from the southern part of town, looking very tired. He headed north for Peltarch.

    A few moments later, Kara followed from Fine's field and moved into the center of town with a slight spring in her step, even if she is seen adjusting the full plate regularly that she claims to be 'too bulky and restrictive' . If anything, she appears to be even fitter than her previous state. She's seen leaving the gates and returning to Jiyyd.

  • Some time after descending into the well to try and find and stop the source of the Wild Magic, Talgrath was seen stumbling from the southern part of town, looking very tired. He headed north for Peltarch.

  • Orc Man, Kara, Shae and Devath returned from the Rawlinswood, battered and exhausted. They speak of crystals, and how Devath and Orc Man went out to find the reason all the animals had their spirits ripped from them, leaving a trail of corpses. They found their way to a clearing, where several crystals were singing. After a bit of fumbling, Devath tried to smash the crystal with his axe, after which a portal opened and a shadow came out, stalking Orc Man and Devath to the edge of the town, where he began to strangle the Shaman. The shadow stalker was eventually scared off when Kara and Shae arrived, and the four headed out to investigate the crystals further. The Stalker once again grappled Devath, while Orc Man found his strength drained by the crystal he was trying to smash. Shae and Kara were swarmed by many imp-like creatures. The ground shook and the crystal itself seemed to fight back. Devath eventually managed to destroy the stalker, after which the imp-like swarmers fled back into the crystal, and the crystal itself dissappeared into the ground.

  • The veteran Peltarch Defender Talgrath has been seen wandering around Norwick for the first time in quite some time. He was looking for information about the crystals.

  • Rumor has it that one of the Eastlander ladies has been asking for a few gold for safe passage through the Nars Pass.

  • According to rumour, while the Shieldmeet Celebration at the shrine to Kelemvor was a big success, shortly afterwords chaos broke lose. Rumour speaks of an undead assault upon the shrine which was fought off by the Kelemvorites and their allies, as well as some remaining celebration-goers. Then, rumours get odder…with rumours of a cat dying and somehow creating a curse and rising as undead bigger and nastier at the same time too.

  • The hunks of meat and bone that were strewn about the entrance to the druid glenn in the rawlins have disappeared, and a line of smoke rose from the trees for several hours. A young blood-soaked and soot-covered druid stalked through the town muttering what could only be curses to himself in a strange language before walking north into the nars

  • Cyrian has the graffiti cleaned off the walls and asks for anyone who witnessed the defacement to report it to the militia