A female wolf plods about Jiyyd

  • Drelan can be seen throwing the wolf an old shirt one day and saying, "sleeves" in a rather usual and stoic fashion. He then pets the wolf's head an speaks with it quietly for almost an hour the main thing of note being, "Calm yourself wolf. Cike is probably.. shakes his head is well. I trained him, and if need be I will drag him back if he's gotten lost learning about some of our customs.runs his thumb over the wolf's nose Not all paths are found with a nose."

  • With her scrying abilities, and Kells nose they shortly find buried in a shallow mound a small leather bound book ((almost done writing it)). Inside blood spatters mud and the scrawled handwriting of one who has little experiance with the writen word. Much of the pages have been torn out words crossed out and goes from ink to charcoal to blood.

    ((Log entry to be posted in Tales by the Fire))

  • Whenever the subject of Cike is brought up, the normally cheerful bard goes sad and quiet for awhile.

    She regularly travels to the Rawlins with Kell to look for Cike.

    She attempts scrying on Cike using the cloak and her intimate knowledge and relationship with Cike to help her.

  • Kell begrudgingly allows Sil to take the cloak, and spends her time with Sil. She eats and regains whatever she had lost on her adventure, and every now and again can be seen nudging Sil's pack for a smell from the cloak. If her back is turned Kell can be seen shorly after resting on the Cloak, rolling over quickly to envelop the cloak about her. Every day she sniffs the air hopeful and looks to the south.

  • Sil approaches Kell and takes the cloak. She washes the cloak and stores it in her pack, also caring for Kell any way that she can.

  • ((Continued from Norwick Post))

    Kell paws at the town's gate and once let in staggers her way towards the well where she colapses. She is thin and covered from head to toe in dirt. She lays on a bloodstained cloak she carried in with her mouth and guards it viciously growling at any who aproach. She nuzzles her head into the cloak and is seen constantly sniffing at it, licking some choice blood stains from it. She whines in her sleep when she naps on it then resumes watching over it energy drained she bearly lifts her head from the cloak. She watches the gate and the Legion doors as if waiting for someone.

  • Kell does not, as expected, tackle Sil but remains in her saddened state, she nudges her every now and again but for the most part remains quite and morose. She polds alongside her and looks a little better when with Sil sniffing her constantly as if lingering traces of something on her attracts Kell to Sil. A few days after on a more windy day Kell bolts up sniffing something in the air and runs through the west gate then south to Norwick as fast as her paws will carry. ((see Norwick Post for continuation))

  • Orc Man responds to Dwin and draws his bow
    "damn farkin right it won't…........seeing as I stole it and and ate it already"

  • Dwin sees the wolf and quickly readies his bow

    Farkin dog aint gonna steal MY chicken!

  • Wog can be seen feeding kell whenever he see him and if she paws at the door of the leigon is happy to let her into the halls for rest and warmth. Wog looks sadly at kell whenver he see her wondering about what has happened to cike, whenever he is at norwick he normally checks the crypts for cike and the forests

  • Sil returns to Jiyyd looking none the worse for wear and decidedly calmer than when she left.

    edit: And is immediately tackled and licked to death by the wolf. ((I'm guessing.))

  • Rolan can be seen playing with Kell and feeding her, he wonders why his favorite little wolf is all alone and goes out looking for Cike in the crypts, his usual place for hunting. He usually returns with no knowledge of the where-abouts of his friend and sits wondering taking care of Kell in his absence

  • (( my computer is broken. AGAIN! and of course it has to be in the maintenance place over the weekend. Poor Kell & Cike ))

    On a potentially related note, Sil has disappeared into the Rawlins for THE FIFTY MILLIONTH TIME!!

  • watches the wolf pace around Jiyyd and thinks