Whispers at the Fire

  • Word has been spreading about a bloody desecration to the entrance of the Druid's Grove in the eastern Rawlinswood. Those who have been in the area claim that large chunks of, what appear to be, dinosaur flesh has been splatter all around the entrance leaving a scene of carnage for those who wish to enter the grove. The head of the beast was also nearby, and those who witness it, can see that the large beast was shown no mercy when slaughtered.

  • When Tindra hears rumors of the strange circle, she begins to try to find any and all who have seen and badgers the witnesses to give her more detail.

  • A group of people, including the paladins Belade Galadon and Kara Du'monte stumbled upon the circle, and it appeared to them that they managed to remove it.

    //there was no dm on at the time, and since we did everything we could do to remove it…we just rp'd that it worked.

  • There are rumours of a strange witchcraft in the Rawlinswood east of Norwick. People talk of a glowing red magic circle with a pentagram in the middle. Those who know it's purpose have been silent so far.

  • // Hahaha, damn you.


    When confronted with these rumours Deacon attempts to deny everything of the happening, trying to switch subjects or simply walking away.

  • ((^LOL))

  • An orange bard man in a bright red cloak was seen talking with a dark clothed, one-eyed sailor type last night throughout the town. Many recognised the two as Nathen Wingates and Deacon Sterr of Peltarch. They were heard chatting by the sundial:

    Nathen Wingates: Deacon!
    Deacon Sterr: Aye?
    Nathen Wingates: Deacerino…::Chuckles::
    Deacon Sterr: Aye?
    Nathen Wingates: Ehhh!
    Deacon Sterr: Ehh? Aye.
    Nathen Wingates: Deaceraenus
    Deacon Sterr: Nateraaaa! ... Aye.
    Nathen Wingates: Ehhh.
    Deacon Sterr: Aye? Ehh. Aye.

    Rumours circulate how they were following Frago about the town, and the converse was just as equally interesting. Both men had stupid, blank grins on there faces. Most say it went something like this:

    Nathen Wingates: Gnoooome.
    Deacon Sterr: Gnome.
    Nathen Wingates: ::Chuckles:: Gnooooome.
    Deacon Sterr: Gnooooome.
    Nathen Wingates: Gnoooome.

    _Some claim they were caught off guard by undead eastlander preists and had their minds cursed into oblivion, others claim that "All city folk are that way," while most just say they're both idiots. They were also seen pesturing Aleum if spellweaver, many more groaned "Gnome" comments were heard. Aleum was seen muttering about humans.

    Shortly after, both were seen creeping about the tavern, people wonder why:_

    Nathen Wingates: Driiiink.
    Deacon Sterr: Drink.
    Nathen Wingates: Ehh!
    Deacon Sterr: Ehh? Aye. Ehh!
    Nathen Wingates: Gnoo- Err, Driiiink.
    Deacon Sterr: ::Chuckles stupidly:: Ehh!
    Nathen Wingates: EHH?
    Deacon Sterr: Aye.

    Before they could attract too much of a crowd, they were taken to the friar's and releaved of whatever magic was ailing them. Nathen Wingates spent the night recovering at the boarshed inn.

  • tala speaks around the fires to her friends of the hundreds and hundreds of bugbear that attacked the gate. She speaks of the valiant efforts of the defenders. Further she speaks about the low town casualties and the eventual withdrawl of the bugbears back to their warrens.

    Hopefully they'll be peaceful for a bit now.

  • A white-haired man with a near unintelligible dialect of common has been seen about Norwick looking for Yolanda ("Y'know what is one of them Spellkeepers and the like, say she gots that blonde hair and so forth"). Apparently the man lives up near Peltarch but is looking to possibly join some sort of guard that is forming ("Gettin tired of fightin off them never-ending Menacers what the town of Peltarch don't even mind em it seems… Old Hjoichi mayhaps needs a bit of a change, see, some other thing and fightin for some what care for what uses he gots I reckon.")

    The fellow, though old, is not ancient. He's in good shape, represents well on his long bow and fairly well up close with a rapier and a handaxe. At the recent bugbear raid at the southgate he was seen to apply bandages with skill and hold the line with patience. His ability to hear the sounds about the woodlands more than once presented a quite accurate picture of the forces arrayed beyond the gates.

  • :: a small number of men and women in large stag-horned helms are seen out and about seeking this white ghost deer, referring to her reverently as "The G'Boo" or, if pressed, The Good Cariboo. ::

  • Several people have reported seeing a strange white deer in the surrounding areas that glows and disappears without a trace. One person is rumored to have been healed by the deer's lick. Those with religious backgrounds have pondered if it is the forest goddess Mielikki. Those who hunt wonder if it is the ghost of a deer come back to haunt them.

  • _A roumor of a ghost in the East Rawlins have surfaced in norwick. And a big half orc named Kronk was seen roaming about in town talking to Friar Fred, Della and Melanie. He was visibly scared and shaken about what had happened. Those few who overheard the conversations between the three, picked up words like the souless corpse of himself was found in the forrest, together with some nasty bugbear darts.
    Kronk Is now often seen near the south fire where he seems to be gathering courage to go out into the forrest and meet the ghost, wich also is rumored to have the looks of an old lady…

    He allso asks anyone he sees returning from the rawlins, both east and west if they have seen anything out of the ordonary..


  • Rumours spread of there having been a man who stood near the druid glenn shifting in and out of view. He is said to have returned to a land he was driven from long ago because his enemy has returned. There is mention of hunting, and of giving warning to a fair haired man who is most often seen clad in glowing steely-blue armour.

  • Aleum Kumma hears the rumors and rubs his chin thoughfully, seemingly surprised that there has been some activity.

  • Chaevre' catches word of the battle and its location, muttering to herself she heads off to investigate the remains and then to go and speak to a few people

  • _A party of tired, bloodied and beaten adventurers are seen to be coming in from the North gate with a body in their arms, their armour covered in gore and other substances. It is rumoured the sounds of combat had echoed into the pass around the old bandit mines. When asked, they inform the guards of the bodies piled high in the caves and return after resting to start burying them

    The possesions of the Cult were also seen to be destroyed at the insistance of the paladin in the group, one account reports taking a warhammer to an amulet that was found._

  • Woodsmen and trappers who frequent the Rawlins report occasional sightings of a grubby, pale elf deep in the woods.
    Anyone who takes the effort to notice can see that Keira isn't patrolling the town or standing her usual night watch shifts on the gates.

  • Rumors abound of Kanen Hightower's return to Narfell, and his unorthodox entrance into Norwick just yesterday. Apparently he rode in on the back of an Umberhulk, gripping the creature's antenae for dear life before 'dismounting' as the thing slipped into the back of the Boar's Head Inn. Jokes of the knight's new 'war horse' may or may not be a popular, if short-lived, topic.

  • _Undead attacking Norwick? Witnesses are unsure of the details, but many of the commoners around the market square would recall the normally placid elf of the Militia beating a hin senseless after the undead had been put down. The hin was dragged off to jail, and his accomplice, who also attacked Keira, fled the town.

    Some say the hin had been valiantly defending the town the day before. Others point out how unwise it is to have weapons bared hours after the attack was over. Unwiser still not to sheath them when asked repeatedly. Perhaps most terrible of all, some of those close enough to the fight could smell the hinflesh scorching from the lightning fury of Keira's gauntlets._

  • A woman with flame-red hair has been seen in the area with some frequency. Besides her hair, the silvery robe she wears is quite striking. It appears to shimmer even at night and it's material is unlike any that has ever been seen. The Seven Stars of Mystra are sewn onto the sleeves and front, suggesting her to be a holy person to Our Lady of Mysteries. She's been seen staying at the house of Braeth, and the two appear to know each other very well, like old lovers.