Jiyyd Rumors

  • A white ghostly man was seen in Jiyyd. The spirit looked to be very translucent and with no distinguishable features besides softly glowing blue points for eyes. He was hard to see unless nearby and spoke with a whispering voice that also could only be heard up close. He approached an elven, bardic lass by the name of Sil. After some exchanged words, the ghost lead a few people into the swamp. The group returned a couple of hours later carrying a little boy who had wandered into the swamp and became lost and stuck. The boy was brought to the guard tower and soon reunited with his parents.

  • Scutum catches Mallis on patrol through the Valley and does a double-take. She scratches her head and leans over to whisper a question to Ginger.

    "Does Mallis have a twin brother?"

  • wog can be seen talking to a young sorceress around jiyyd alot after saving her from the swamps with sil

  • It has been rumored that the always eccentric Mallis is patrolling the Silver Valley, making sure none of the "tall ones" ever travel within the town's walls at least not without a halfling or gnomish escort to lead them in. Many figure that Mallis's ruling may have had something to do with what some humans did in his town's bathhouse, or more obvious that it was fueled by his own deep hatred of many of the humans. Nevertheless, his actions should be taken seriously, even if he is not part of the town's Council.

  • Rumors of more banite cultists of Kemar have started using the menhir stones to transport from unknown origin. Possibly a tower in the rawlinswood.

    Preceding each attack by the cultists are undead of various forms.
    Citizens are warned to avoid traveling alone on the roads to the south and west of town.

    The assasins of the cult are to be feared for their deadly poisons as they are usually supported by large sword wielding necromancers.

  • Council of Moradin

    Rumors spread that a LARGE caravan entered town, it was escorted by 30 Dwarfs wearin a gold/green armor. Anyone that aproched the caravan was pushed away by the dwarfs as the caravan continues towards the cave where the dwarven temple is being built. Every wagon was sealed tight and a week after the caravan entered, it left north.

  • There's a new face in town, a quiet Damaran fellow who calls himself Crowe if pressed. He claims he is looking for work and would make an excellent farmhand having run a farm for a number of years. Frequent travellers to Peltarch may recognise him as one who fought in the recent Civil war and has been seen defending that city in numerous street fights since. Why he's moved south is anyone's guess.

  • due to the recent undead activity wog can be seen walking around the nars with his new axe held high over his sholder looking about with curosity, he also has a large oder of garlic and an orc club which he sharpened into a stake

  • During the recent undead activities in the pass, Amana is seen carrying a well dressed female body into the healers in Jiyyd.

    Rumours fly about who it was but soon after these are confirmed by those that go to see for themselves.

    It was Lady Aspera Chillwind.

    IS she dead dead or back with us then? rumours on this continue to circulate.

  • One night while on duty Amana is seen leading two drunks [beleived to be worshipers of bane also] towards the rear of the Inn.
    Folks neaby witnessed them being thrown into the Outhouse and locked in.

  • An old codger has been seen of late about the commons shouting:

    "Eggs! Fish! Meat on the Bone! and Apples too!"

    He sells up what he can and then heads out. Seems friendly enough and it's clear his heart isn't in the merchant business. The fish are quite good though.

  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    Rumors circulate of a group of adventurers encountering Drow in the cavern nearby the East Road. Some speak of these drow being accompanied by breeds of spiders not usually seen in that cavern, some which can inflict memory loss and poisoning bites upon thier victims.

  • A strong looking man was overherd in the Regal Whore asking about the rumors of the nearby werewolfs and the danger they impose on the town. He was rather passionate about the subject and mentioned something about vampires as well. We told that nothing has been done to fend off the werewolfs he left in a fury.

  • Sil hasn't been seen much in Jiyyd lately. It seems she's been spending an inordinate amount of time in the Bardic College's libraries in Peltarch. Perhaps when she returns she will have new music to share with the citizens of Jiyyd.

    When news of Lens's capture reaches her, she remarks,

    "I guess I better head down there - I don't know what the Legion will do without it's premiere vocalist!"

    (( my computer's cd drive stopped working, it's being serviced, with any luck I will have it back tomorrow and Sil will return. ))


  • Cike returns from a trip to Ormpur with a large party of Crafter. They faced trolls and such as well as Frost Giants and Ogres. The only odd thing he found was as they came back from thier hunt, along the snowy east road there were three men. They took the warnings the group gave them but stayed rooted to thier spot, shrugging off the cold and unfearful of the worgs and wolves. As he thinks back now Cike recalls that although thier trip to ormpur was frought with peril from worgs, winterwolves, ogres, and giants, on thier way back there were none,not even a paw print in the snow. Cike wonders if the three men had hunted out the beasts before they left. Who were these men?

  • *Raryldor mentions meeting a duergar knight on the road. In retrospect, it seems to him trying to parlay with the dark dwarf might have been a sound option, if undesirable are dangerous. He also mentions not meeting any further duergar beyond the first on the road."

  • Word spreads swiftly, and later is confirmed to be true and not a rumor, that the Mayor Lens has been kidnapped by duergar and that two attempts to save him have failed.

    Rumors are that an emergency meeting of the council and the various guilds in town would be convened soon.

  • There has been seen a sighting of a pleasant black bearded man carrying naught but a staff making his aquaintances in the town of Jiyyd. He is said to come from Bezantur and speaks often of the Disciples of the Phoenix and his association with them. He has been seen leaving the village heading toward the gypsy camp with a large escort.

  • Mog laughs heartily at the latest rumor of Legion cowardice.

    _Let Mog get this straight, first an invisible destroyer enters Jiyyd Moradin only knows what Destroyer doing then attacks a Legionaire. Then group goes out meets an orc Magi who says the orcs need help because a cheiftain is captured. This orc magi, and all Jiyydians know how trustworthy orcs are, say oh we will leave if chief rescued. That fools story and every Jiyydian know it. What makes anyone think the rescued chief going to honor word? Just because and orc say it is so doesn't make it truth. Legionaires seeing thru this lie say this foolish and leave. Did the others leave? No, their choice.

    Legion position is this, let orcs fight the Duergar to get their chief back and they kill each other off. Then Legion cleans up the rabble. Them want to kille ach other off then fine. This no cowardice, this is tactics, why help an untrustworthy ENEMY when Legion is already beating them?

    This slander is ridiculous, all Jiyydians know it, and Mog think the wise folk of Jiyyd will not pay any attention. Jiyydians have no love for the orcs, orcs have broken their word and treaties before. Now some want us believe it different this time.

    Problem is some no have mind for the big picture. Legion here to make sure Jiyyd have a future, that what Legion plan for. In Legion plan Jiyydians can live in peace and happiness. Legion not here for glory and recognition like others. Legion here to do Legion job. That job to make sure Jiyyd safe.

    Orcs like big ant hill, Duergar another ant hill, Legion trying destroy orc anthill, should legion spend time driving off another colony of ants that fighting any hill? No. Legion let them fight, kill each other, then Legion crush both ant hills.

    Legion wins because Legion uses head and tactics. Orcs have had no luck beating the Legion in the fortress, them scared and running out of troops._

  • That same night in the 'whore, Rumours spread of the legion's cowardice in the matter and their unbending desire to slaughter. It is said they ignored a possible avenue of peace because they were too busy wanting to kill and maim every orc in sight. The commoners also talk of how they abandoned Jiyydians to their deaths because they were too busy worrying for their own skins.

    "See? I told ya' then farkin legion types were naught more than yella' bellied whelps! thinkin o' themselves afore t'town! I dun give two piles o' bat shite how them orcs are removed! if they jest leaveā€¦all t'better!"

    One man is heard yeling, Another cuts in after drinking some of his ale

    "The legion's done plenty for this town. I ain't goin t'believe they left citizens o' this town out there t'die. Not after tha' group tha' left had been seen talkin t'the council."

    "Are y'blind?! I saw them legion types come backā€¦an' then days later..tha' other group. Guess which 'ad dead?!"

    The argument continues

    "I dunnoā€¦it don' seem right...leavin members o' this town t'die...an it 'ent like 'em"

    "It's t'truth"

    "Fine...fine I believe y'..now siddown and drink y'ale.."

    The farmer sighed and moved to his seat to settle down, lifting up his tankard to drain heavily

    "S'how's the turnips Bob?"

    "Oh, right fine they are.."

    Meanwhile, Tolin's group is seen leaving the healing wonders with all the members alive, they are said to be battered, bruised and covered in blood when they leave. None of them look particularly happy with the events and this legion.