A orc chieftan issues a challenge

  • Legion

    We at war orcs eat you if you look away they no fair fightin…. ! "

  • Council of Moradin

    Jirka hears the talk and get very very pissed of

    When ye raid te Orcs in te plains fer der sheilds, do ye wiat fer em te git prepared? Ye dum gits, rando prolly saved most ef ye lives by killin dat orc swiftly. Jus cause ye nae like Rando, nae go badtalkin im fer suntin good he done.

  • Waving a hand at the elf, Ty—slouched back in a chair at a nearby table—smirks and rests a hand on a deck of cards, idly fingering them.

    "It's Rando," he says, picking a card out of the deck and holding it up, showing a Two of Clubs. "What do you expect? Still . . . " Ty looks up at the ceiling, studying the rafters and joists—he lays the card he was holding down, and flips out another one: the Three of Clubs. "I wish I could fault him more for it, but . . . " He lays the second card down and removes a third from his deck, tossing a Nine of Spades onto the table. "It was an orc." Ty shrugs, then smirks his gambler's smirk.

    "It does come down to the fact that Rando likes killing things, of course . . . Him having no honour goes without say." Ty shrugs and leans forward in his seat, resting an elbow on the table and picking up the mug of ale in front him to take a long pull.

  • Tolcrack returns with one of the Jiyyd families on the day of the festival, having been hired to take them somewhere safe until the result of the latest war with the orcs had been heard. Amongst the gossip that raced around the crowds, he hears a few versions of the duel.

    Pah! Evil has nae care fer honour - orcs certainly dinnae follow th' same codes as folk like us might.

    He shoos away a hin who is taking a little too much interest in farmer Jaher's potato box

  • Looks around and downs his ale, wiping away the froth from his beard.
    Looks at Dwin and nods, then adds with a grin

    <d>Heads on pikes nae whine.</d>

  • Dwin nods in agreement to Foilir

    I can nai believe these farks are sheddin tears o'er orcs! Not 2 ten-day ago, we killed hundreds in their own fortress. I dint see no orange haired bards no banites cryin' then. What, they just recently start lovin' orcs?

    Skinnies, bards, an banites…what they know o honor? Me thinks all they know is what they hear in songs or at the bard-theater. Me bets none o their swords ever been bathed in orc guts.

    Dem orcs been killin' women an children fer years, and now these lilly-livered bards think they woke up one day with honor?

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Gossips of the duel were going about in the tavern and an elf clad in green armour was heard saying "I agree on part that orcs killed the defenceless but it was a duel and any man of honor should keep the code, especially amongst the brutes, this is what elevates us up from them bastards."

  • raises an eyebrow at the mention of "Orc" and "Fair Fight" in the same phrase

    "What farkin orcs yeh been fightin? Me as ne'er met an orc dat fight fair. Deh only folk me knows dat faught fair wit an orc, ended up in a cook pot."

    *Walks off shaking his head, muttering about stupid skinnies.

    As he walks he recounts the "fair fight between an orc and a hin. They agreed to use their skinning knives. The hin pulls out a knife no longer than a finger, while the orc pulled out a greatsword, with which he then proceeded to skin the hin, pulling the blade with two hands over the dead carcass."*

    " <d>Yeh fight fair when dey is dead."</d>

  • An orange haired man, clad in golden black armor, chewing on a bite of the apple his holding through a smirk sits slumped against the well as he hears the talk. He chuckles and swallows, then clears his throat making a lazy hand motion as he speaks.

    ''Oh yeaaaah,'' he continues with the same sarcastic smirk, ''Don't mess with Rando or else he'll open attack you before anyone can count down for a fair duel.''

    He stiffles a laugh and shakes his head, letting it simmer down to a chuckle.

    ''Orc or no, all he wanted was a fair fight for honar and glory. In fact the orc didn't even want a fight to the death, Rando killed him anyway.''

    He pulls himself up, tossing the apple core into a nearby bin. He then adjusts a shoulder pad and shifts his cloak. With a polite smile to the guard he makes his way from the now ended green grass fair, back to Peltarch.

  • Ving smiles as he hears both versions of the fight.

    "Damned orc got what he wanted. The rest o' the orcs should take a lesson. Don' mess wit' Rando."

  • rando finds Ezachiel and tells him

    " tell that to the widows and orphans of the parents who have been killed by the orcs who attack unprovoked. So don't talk to me about honour, it wanted a fight it got one or you more on the orcs side than the towns? Anyway what do you know about honour Banite"!

    rando spits on him in disgusts "want to step out side the town walls and then i will show you what honour is, scum"

  • Ezachiel Werner tells a different story:
    "I was talking to the orc, setting up a fair fight, when Rando opened the attack, without care for honor or the fairness of the fight. Of course the orc fell, but that was because Rando is an honorless bastard.