A Letter to the Legion

  • A thick envelope is delivered to the Jiyyd Legion in the night by an unseen messenger. Across the front are the words, scrawled in Infernal by an ornate scribe, Defense, Though Futile. The envelope is sealed with a crimson shade of sealing wax and the stamp used on the wax leaves an impression of Bane's holy symbol in it. The entire letter is written in Infernal.


    To Whom It May Concern:

    It has come to my attention that there is untrue and incomplete information being spread about His church and an affiliation with the orcs that plague your meager village. Though I do not expect your disposition to change – nor do I care -- I will not allow the dwarf Jirka to deliver her knowledge incomplete.

    First, there was no alliance with orcs. There was only a peace treaty forged on a very temporary basis that myself and my servants may pass through their land. Furthermore, I informed the dwarf, Jirka, that were she to escort us, we would not make any pacts of nonaggression with the orcs.

    It may also be of note that the orc I bargained with was slain along with a small army of his comrades on our journey back when the fool creature tried to rob us.

    Be wise in your decisions on stance against us. Be prepared to deal with The Black Lord's wrath should you bring it upon yourselves. He has many willing servants.

    The letter is signed here.

    Imperceptor Zanetar Den 'Kath

  • @3890553663=Eluriel:

    << of course, the letter could have been pm'd to a legion member in the first place :idea: >>

    // Could have been, but I was aiming for more of a 'left on the doorstep' approach. Either way, enough of this OOC business. //

  • Legion

    (( the letter was delivered send me a pm if you want to continue it there or come see me in game after wards…. 🙂 I dont have time to look ig to deliver a message that can be easily handled here... thats what the forums are for 🙂 ))

  • Mog, who lives in Peltarch, delivers the note to the first banite on his list he finds.

  • << of course, the letter could have been pm'd to a legion member in the first place :idea: >>

  • // That is true, Zyphlin, but I would prefer it be handled in game. I imagine it would escalate to argument, and there's no cause to spam the forums here with that. Besides the unnecessary length it would create for this thread, every person who has anything to say on it would conveniently be 'passing by' or accompanying the person who first approached whatever Banite in the commons to add their two cents. //

  • (( Um zane, its not hard for them to go "take this to ::one of the list of known banitse they have that are in the commons non stop:: in peltarch" ))

  • @559301e895=sd_luv:

    *letter with the Troff Royal seal on it sent back *

    Listen here ye farkin banite… If I wanted ye an yer meaga lil band of wanna bes deads ye wuld alreedy be deeds... oK!? So dunt end yer letta wit farkin threets... we see anyun talkin to our swurn enemy we gun luuk into it so deel wit it ye scared lil puppies! Ye jus makin mattas worse by sendin dis dum farkin letta! Ye wish ta save face ye can cum talk to me in persun... if not farkin fark off I got nuff shite deel wit then scared lil bannies.. runnin arund ...
    Nae respect,

    written with a bunch of anger in the writing

    There was no return address, nor do the Banites have any known headquarters in Peltarch or elsewhere. Someone will have to be sent to find them IG to deliver any response.

  • Legion

    ::Ragnar bursts into laughter as he reads over the letter::

    Look at this Grag…thar threatenin us! Yeh'd think they'd be a bit smarter in choosin enemies. Or a bit smarter in tha number of enemies they choose. Hopefully, Peltarch will nae be harborin em much longer...they've already pissed off a Senator. Till then I'll just have teh keep me greataxe nice an sharp.

  • Legion

    *letter with the Troff Royal seal on it sent back *

    Listen here ye farkin banite… If I wanted ye an yer meaga lil band of wanna bes deads ye wuld alreedy be deeds... oK!? So dunt end yer letta wit farkin threets... we see anyun talkin to our swurn enemy we gun luuk into it so deel wit it ye scared lil puppies! Ye jus makin mattas worse by sendin dis dum farkin letta! Ye wish ta save face ye can cum talk to me in persun... if not farkin fark off I got nuff shite deel wit then scared lil bannies.. runnin arund ...
    Nae respect,

    written with a bunch of anger in the writing