Jiyyd Rumors
Rumoursof Goblins and Hobgoblins fighting together on the near east road filter through town. Those that investigate find that they come from Amana.
Construction at the temple is seen in ernest. More sleeping pallats are seen going in fueling speculation that the Temple is expecting arrivals. Amana is seen at the front of it all organising the construction.
Belade has been interrogating Zoma about his love life, which lead to him trying to strangle her. While he was busy doing that, she headbutted him, breaking his nose. After some more questioning, she came to the conclusion that he likes boys more, and is now looking for male Sunites (yes, there are some, honestly
_Rumors about couples are spreading like fire in the wind. Is Zoma with Horbag? Is Jirka with Sy`? Is Kara with Zoma?
People are talking loudly about Jirka and Horbag planning a wedding. People say a wagon of roses rolled into Jiyyd some days ago and that Jirka payed the merchant. Rumors say the wedding is for one of the new couples in Jiyyd.. which one could it be?_
Devath walks to town, talking about how he met a lone zombie orc in the plains. The zombie didn't seem too keen on attacking him, or was just too slow to actually keep up. Either way, this can spell no good for people travelling the roads to and from Jiyyd.
Strange Campfires have been popping up on the Near East Road with no visible attendees
Rumours abound that the Exotics Shop in Jiyyd is one of the finest in the area - able to supply even the most obscure and esoteric items of interest.
The druids from the Rawlinswood passed through Jiyyd recently. When asked, they told they were looking for catnip. After some time in the woods east of Jiyyd, the druids came back through Jiyyd and back home. Their mood was good, suggesting success in their search. The blond half-elf, Tindra, was quite happy and fuzzy-headed on the return trip.
One of the town residents was brutally beaten up recently. Ezachiel, the town scribe, walked into town and started writing someone's name into the book, when one of the barbarians, known as Devath, walked in and started beating him. After a couple of hits, he was dragged outside, where Dev knocked him down and stood on his back for a bit, untill he managed to escape, and fled to the inn. What happened up there is up for discussion, but they emerged shortly after, with Ezachiel gagged, bruised and one arm held behind his back, in what must have been a painful position. Near the gate, he made a desperate attempt to espace, in which his arm was broken. Even though he managed to get free, Dev mercilessly hit him straight in the face, teeth flying everywhere. Being knocked down again, Dev dragged him outside. There, he was halted by a large group of people. Accusations flew both sides, and in the end Ezachiel was dragged to the Heyokar camp, and imprisoned there. Some of the kids in the town have been see to be really sad, since now their so beloved lessons won't go on. It is just a matter of time before a petition to get Ezachiel back in incredibly bad, childish handwriting is turned in.
Rumors say Jirka has been spending alot of time in the jiyyd caves, some say thats where she an Sy do tha naughty things, others say she is moving in there. Since she always leaves the cave with a big smile on her face many belive the first of the saings to be true
Many people whisper that some sort of spirit is stealing chairs from the Regal, some patrons claim to have seen it with their own eyes, lifting them up and taking them out to the gate for no apparent purpose, the story always ends with the spirit bringing them back unchanged, though. Drudo himself confirms the tale "Yes, I went to sleep for half an hour and when I woke up all of my chairs were gone, stolen! I looked around the inn but couldn't find them anywhere, frustrated I checked upstairs and when I came back there they all were, as if nothing had happend…".
After a watching the two work well to defend Jiyyd from a recent orc attack many are heard mentioning that the gruff dwarf Jirka, and the quiet elf Sy'wyn have been carrying on a secret relationship. Wedding planners from Jiyyd have been heard planning many ceremonies out for the two, and have been sending letters to the Elder at the gypsy camp.
::rumors spread form several commoners that the banite Rolan was dancing around Jiyyd in a skirt offering wine to people, acting out of the kindness of his heart::
::rumors spread that Rolan Bentur has been saving kittens from trees::
_::RUmors fly About the Black bitch wanedering around the town of Jiyyd and General Grag SHouting and yelling at all those around her to get out of her way…. " I was der I saw its all! Dat Black Bitch broke de gates! den Grag was sayin folks backs aways... Tha Duum guide.. scoffed an charged her.. We did nae even git A guud cat fight.. she jus went poof!"
::Other rumors are heard of Grag and Ragnar working to conspire and become King of the Orcs and Jiyyd.... then eventually rule all the surrounding lands as A powerful War Lord...:::_
_Rumors also spread that one of the shiny new trebuchets built by the Crafters helped push back and defeat an orc offensive recently.
"Burnin' Orcs" should be added to the growing list of usable ammunition that these marvelous machines can use…_
::Rumors spread of the new Defense council position for Jiyyd that Lens is in secret alliance with the Troff legion and is attempting to give the Legion more say of its defenses. Grag and Ragnar are both being given jobs as defense council and watchman::
::Orcs have been breeding spiders to assist in thier attacks on Jiyyd::
::Some mad evil women has been passing threw town killing the residents with just a stair. Some claim it is a Medussa and has snakes in her hair. Others say is just adventures who have drank to much ale. One thing is sure though. Nobody will go near her with half a brain. Some think she is so beautiful that her looks can kill you::
::Dwarves are thinking of building a temple in Jiyyd caves. What is this town coming to one man is heard saying. "First Orcs at our gates and now dwarves living beneath our homes? What's next? Invite Rass over for a cup of tea?"::