::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Is curious why the bards in the city, the majority of which to his understanding are part of the college, are disrespectful enough to mock him considering that through his time in the theater it could be mentioned once more without a laugh or sly smirk accompanied with it. For the most part however, he chuckles, even singing the song a bit himself

    You know, whoever wrote it isnt' the most talented man, but its got a good tune and is a bit humerous.

  • Zanetar only rolls his eyes at the songs. He seems to busy with his own affairs to fret over such juvenile nonsense.

  • In the various inns and taverns a new song is making the rounds. Mostly sung in the later evening the singers change and always claim that it was requested by someone whom they cannot point out now.

    It is a pointed lampoon against both Zyphlin and Zanetar comparing them, in various verses, to 'squabbling teenage girls' 'sneaks and tightwads' and, a fan favorite 'the princesses of pout, darkly looking whenever they go out'

    Zyphlins verses often lean towards the accusations of paranoia while Zanetars prefers to make it look like he purposely runs up a body count of his own people so he might stay the strongest by dint of being the only survivor of his little expeditions.

    When questioned the bards singing the song will describe a hooded figure in flowing green robes who taught them the song (and sang quite well himself). They never got a good look at his face but they were all fairly sure he was elven or half elven.


  • Apparently the troll preying on Eastlanders stationed in Peltarch territory is no longer a threat, but it seems to have been replaced simultaneously with a rampaging umber hulk that glows heavily with magical enchantments. The creature relentlessly destroys anything wearing bandit colors, but flees as fast as its substantial girth will take it when approached by anyone else.

  • Kobolds assaulted the western gates of Peltarch. In thanks to the heroic efforts of many people, including Defenders and noticeably, Talgrath himself, the kobolds were repelled. Word has it that one of the kobolds' leaders came to the gate, and that Talgrath spoke to him. The gates were destroyed in the course of the attack, and are currently being replaced. In the meantime, Defenders stand guard.

    Curiously, Talgrath has been seen chopping down all the trees just outside the walls, over the course of several days. When asked about it, he says "The kobolds got in through these, and other folks apparently don't understand the orders regarding the Tree of Azuth. I'm just dealing with a problem when nobody else will…not that that is a surprise."

  • DM

    Magistrate Barrim hearing the young lad who lost his mount south of the rawlinswood, looks around for the lad in his moments between his large investigatory and legal caseload.
    "Reminds me of a clear day 20 years ago or so.. i forget how long it has been."

  • A pleasant looking young woman with violet hair arrived in Peltarch by boat about two weeks ago. She smiles a lot and is regularly seen in the company of various handsome men. Some have heard her speaking fluent elven and seen her carry a bundle of papers with her, to which she scribbles something every now and then. Already frequenting the Bathhouse, she takes care of herself, and wears a maiden-white dress. Her name is Vania.

    // hah, my first true Peltarch character :twisted:

  • a young man covered in scars and fresh wounds and tatoos can be seen sitting in the corner on a bedroll drinking ale obviously drunk and muttering about killing kobolds over and over. Strangly he still has darts stuck in his forarms and if anyone offers aid to remove them he waves them off, then goes back to drinking his ale

  • Two old men with white hair were seen in the commons today. One kept falling asleep and the other kept pesturing people of the whereabouts of "Schmee."

  • _Rumours spread of a young human lad wandering the streets of Peltarch asking strange questions. Wearing shining green and gold scale and walking with a slight limp he is instantly recognisable. It appears that his horse died just south of the Rawlinswood and he has been scouring the towns and city looking for a replacement!!

    As if this wasn't strange enough he has been witnessed on a number of occasions talking to the sky. As of yet, no one has heard the sky respond._

  • Foilir looks at Mirkali with an expression of total confusion. He looks behind him to see if he is speaking to someone else. Seeing no one he shrugs and walks off on his merry way.

  • While many of Peltarch's finer warriors, employed or otherwise, engage in mortal combat with the Eastlanders, there is one oddity; on any given occasion, they might see a fairy or a troll or a puppy, or even a strange black-white land-bound bird, or any number of creatures, dashing (or waddling) through the pass, apparently bad-mouthing the Marauders in whatever tongue available to them. And if that doesn't get their attention, a sharp beak to the shins usually does. Pursuit is almost guaranteed, but the odd creatures have a knack for shaking their would-be killers. Except for the bird, which was last seen dashing towards Peltarch, flippers pumping wildly as it tried to dodge the rain of crossbows bolts thunking into the grass at its webbed feet.

  • Arien Ashald can be seen milling boredly about the commons and taking tea with her family in the civics district. Rumor has it that Eowiel arrested her for suspiscion of hiring thugs to beat up bards. Arien has been heard to remark that it is very sad that the Lady Eowiel has nothing better to do than arrest innocent noble women that she just doesn't like.

  • _Zanetar returns to Peltarch one clear evening with two female cohorts, the three of them slathered in blood and carrying various arms and armors that look like they came off of Eastlanders.

    Presumably the severe and imposing priest was getting irritated by the Eastlanders' attitude and smug comments about Peltarch, the city in which he is very proud to hold citizenship._

  • Zyphlin, sitting within the mermaid, listening to the dwarf and looking at him. He downs a glass of his elven wine, shudders, and stands up walking past mirkali

    Still just….EWWWWWWW. Gods damn you scruffy for ever putting that horrid image into my head....

  • Mirkali watches the said dwarf and grins, taking the free drink, then asks him

    Ohhhh, I didn't know you were into the whole pain fetish. Hope you and the lass enjoy yourselves.

    Mirkali smirks a bit, then grins, taking a long gulp from his drink, winking at the said dwarf

  • Arien seems of late to have taken and interest in visiting her cousin Rath and engaging Sierra in hours of screaming matches and witty reparte. It seems the ladies are amenable to each other though their distaste is obvious.

  • _A whistling and grinning dwarf is seen talking to the regulars at the Mermaid, asking round where an honest dwarf can find suitable living quarters.

    He takes note of all their suggestions by scrawling some markings on a rock.

    He then inquires where one can get his proper citizenship papers.

    Grinning he buys a few rounds for all in the Mermaid.

    Whistling and greeting all he sees, he walks out of the tavern towards the open aired market._

  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    _It's being said on the streets that Sierra Ju'ent was released from jail, and will be allowed to walk free after a rather public display of the Senator Rath Ashald marching to the Peltarch Jails and demanding that Dunderstone "Walease Her!". The Senator Ashald escorted Sierra Ju'ent from the jails, his gleeming armor blinding onlookers.

    It is still a question of who was behind this assassination attempt on Senator Black, and is still under investigation. Sierra Ju'ent will be left under the responsibility of Senator Ashald, and has been asked not to make any plans in the immediate future for leaving the city.

    Rath Ashald was said to be overjoyed at the Lady Natanya's apparent disposition of being impressed with the Senator's uncharacteristic act of kindness to one of Peltarch's common citizens._

  • Lieutenant Eowiel can likewise often be seen leading small contingents of Cerulean Knights into the Nars Pass to bring battle to the Eastlander Mauraders, her sentiments echoing her Captain's ones.