A life, or lack-there-of lesson

  • Pardo Adams was out with his new teacher in the magical arts, Arien, when they came upon a lone hobgoblin. Thinking this was a good oppurtunity to practice his magic, she instructed him to destroy it. Pardo closed his eyes and began chanting. He called for a small ball of electricity in the direction of the Hobgoblin, who took the hit with little discomfort and began tossing small axes at Pardo. Quickly, he attempted to hit it with a Ray of Frost spell, the hobgoblin, similarily unphased by that spell, continued it's assault. An axe or two took Pardo in the mid section, and he was gone.
    Though he has no recollection of how he ended up back in Jiyyd, let alone in tattered, ragged clothes, he can still be seen in the company of Arien, talking freely of personal things and training about the region, though when faced with hobgoblins he usually takes a few steps back.