::Rumors heard in the Lucky Ferret::

  • According to insubstantial rumors the mercenary brute Kaywen challenged the druid Oreth to a duel which was conducted at an unknown location. Although most regulars of the Ferret seem to know about it. The first round featured Kaywen charging Oreth with a huge greatsword, and ended to Kaywen's favor. Oddly enough the mercenary drew out a sheet of paper and read from it a line that included an insult to the winded druid. Even more oddly she chatted amiably to the druid later and they even fought an second duel. This time Oreth managed to call down a lightning strike on Kaywen, but even such hampered Kaywen managed to overcome the druid using a slightly altered scyth. It is widely believed that if the druid had brought an animal to his aid, as most druids do in the wilderness, the fight would have no doubt ended in the druids favor. Later Kaywen was seen getting thoroughly drunk, first in the Lucky Ferret and later in the Dancing Mermaid.

  • Rumor has it that Drelan Ashire has been down in the docks talking to dock workers about general work loads, compensation, safety, and other matters.

  • a large box was brought in a few days back by a group of people, they say they found it near the entrance to the sewers. when the huddle of people opened the box a few seconds later they all fell silent. The box was spilt on to the floor and it was filled with sacks of gold attached to pieces of parchment with names and times writting on them. Most of the names were of senators, but the ones with smaller bags of gold had names of lessor known people. the box was cast into the ocean, but the gold got almost all too drunk to remember the entire incident.

  • A dwarf with lots of scars enters the tavern. His beard reaches down to his groin. The beard is well cared and adorned with gold and silver clasps. He has a keg that is almost as large as himself on his back, a leather strap is attached on each end of the keg. The strap crosses the dwarfs chest to make sure that the keg stays on his back. The dwarf carries a huge silver greataxe in his right hand. The silver axe is ornamented with golden snakes that trail around the grip.
    The dwarf finds a good table and begins talking to the commoners, sharing tales and even some ale from his keg. The axe is either in his hand on his lap incase someone tries to steal his ale.

  • _For the past three nights running a man calling himself Crowe has walked into the Ferret at the stroke of midnight, bought himself a single drink then left again.

    Some of the customers recognise him as a veteran of the recent civil war, others say that they have seen him patrolling the Docks between sundown and sunrise over the past few nights, stopping people on their travellers to warn them of the dangers of the district, occasionaly escorting people to their destinations…_

    ((Hours of play with no body but Fenz to talk to… It burnssesss... o.0))

  • Drelan Ashire has been sighted questioning, albeit in a friendly, many people in the docks to see if they've seen any unusual happenings. He isn't seeming to differentiate from business owner, or resident asking them all with equal interest. He can also be seen walking through the docks quite often as if making rounds.

  • Word spreads that evidentally many of the guards of Peltarch are saying that NOTHING bad ever happens when the guard's on duty. While many laugh at this very statement finding it one of the most comedict statements ever, a certain person seems more irate about such a thing. He can often be heard grumbling, "And to think I just thought they were corrupt.. evidentally blind and think they're perfect individuals too.. Hrmph stopped more death attempts in my time here than they have all year. Maybe I should go ask them to double my pay from free. "

  • Evidentally three men and a lady stumbled into the ferret one night, looking for Gildor. The men were dressed in fairly revealing clothing and smelled of alcohol carrying several bottles with them in fact, all except for one that wore a full uniform. Being unable to find her, they stumbled into one the backrooms, and later some of the patrons swore they heard an announcer.

  • @3e60804004=Etherian:

    Stories circulate of a now known Drelan Ashire rowing a small boat around the lake and sometimes practicing sword stances while standing in it. Why he's doing such a thing is unknown but anyone that's asked him about it he merely looks at as if they're daft.

    OOC: LOL 😄


    Deacon can often be seen accompanying Drelan in his training or seen shouting orders and instructions from the shore

  • Stories circulate of a now known Drelan Ashire rowing a small boat around the lake and sometimes practicing sword stances while standing in it. Why he's doing such a thing is unknown but anyone that's asked him about it he merely looks at as if they're daft.

  • ((Omg, rofl :rofl: ))


    Ferret's famous Pinup collection - that is mostly illustrations with artistic freedom of famous Peltarch characters - are proud to present this month a new face.

    Get your NEST WINGATE here.

    Yes your very own fold-out illustration of Nest standing in all his manly beauty looking thoughtful out of a window, his rapier ready.

    And not only that, this month and this month only, when purchasing this poster, get one of Nest fondly stroking his quill while working on his latest play "Rath in love".

    Yes ladies "It is true."

  • @839b9382ab=Gildor:

    Anah, and the other people working at the Ferret are all eager to tell the tale of how the manager was attacked in the Kobolt hills.

    It is said she was walking alone along the walls enjoying the sun and the clear sky, when out of the blue a mage and his guards teleported.

    He struck her with a spell that left her on her back bleeding, his two friends ripping through her bag, scattering her belongings on the grass.

    Gildor says she does not have much more details to share for she was left unconscious.

    Zanetar's interest is greatly piqued by this story.

    "Blue magi," he mumbles reflectively to himself, "hmm."

  • Rumour spreads of someone challenging some knight named Fendz that smells like orc and beds pigs. Seems the knight can't find his own arse but his challenger is willing to remind him where it is.

  • Anah, and the other people working at the Ferret are all eager to tell the tale of how the manager was attacked in the Kobolt hills.

    It is said she was walking alone along the walls enjoying the sun and the clear sky, when out of the blue a mage and his guards teleported.

    He struck her with a spell that left her on her back bleeding, his two friends ripping through her bag, scattering her belongings on the grass.

    Gildor says she does not have much more details to share for she was left unconscious.

  • There is a rumor that the reasons the bandits are still freely strolling around the Nars is that they are now holding hands, picking flowers and putting it in their hair. People say they have seen large bonfired, and faithfuls and cutpurses hugging, dancing around the flames barefeeted. Some bandits has been shaking their head when asked why they no longer fight, and answer things such as

    "fighting is wrong, war is wrong, got to be united, its for the people, be strong my brother, be strong, you can be at peace also"

    Some says the bandits are scarier now then ever, and that alot of them need a damn haircut.

  • Ting makes her return no secret, in full purple outfit she is back among the peltarch crowd like she never left … except for that little smile that plays at her lips at all times.

  • "she tended to his wounds three times"

  • Rumours abound that Rath Ashald and Clandra Galpen spent some time in the back of the Lucky Ferret together. Ordered to their room were two bottles of Imagination, two bottels of Black Velvet, and a single boiled egg…

  • Deacon has been asking about in various parts of the city for information on the mercenaries, and that of the recent killing of the Wavebreaker Captain. It is said he will pay for valuable information by those already offered coin.

    ((If you know anything, contact me if you want too))