Gypsy Gossip
The ghosts, when seen, have been standing in a particular spot located in the Dank Caverns. Rumors have spread of a vision that was seen there of a gateway in the rift between the world of the living and the world of the dead. The ghosts, using a make shift ouija board have described the spot as the place where Rlia died one-thousand years ago. The rumors spread quickly to all members of the Gypsy Camp…
//Sat April 16th, 12midnight EST, -5 GMT, Gypsy Pass Fires//
Sy'wyn is seen traveling swiftly through the pass, his cloak loose, but the hood low. He seems to be preparing for something large as he nervously checks over his sword and shield, his hand reaching back to his empty bow case now and again, always with a flinch. Each time he passes the fires, he tells any Gali gathered to prepare to defend their home.
//Sat April 16th, 12midnight EST, -5 GMT//
((in responce to eroks earlier post….assuming this gets back to erok))
_Darryanna hid quielty by the Nars pass her breath kept shallow, she would not allow him to see her, she had to know what her friend was doing. Suddenly he appeared from the glow of the fires, large and fierce looking his jaw in a grim set of determination. Most, at least those with good sense, would fear the huge muscular half-orc striding so pureposefully forward and alone. But Darry was not most, and she did not only not fear the half-orc… she did not see him as anything other then a man whom she counted as her friend.
Following Eric did not prove so great a test for her skills, his mind was obviously elsewhere as he strode steadily through the nars. Unfailingly his steps led him to the central plains near jiyyd, and then to the ruined tower that looked down upon the plains. As the rain fell hard onto the ground Darry creeped behind some fallen stones that layed in shagows and watched as in silence Eric removed his sword and thrust it into the ground.
Eric stood toward the south and east rain water running down his face unnoticed for nearly a half hour, unmoving and silent. Just as Darry was about to leave thinking she had wasted her time..she saw the figure. Huge and dark it was, it's stink quite clear to her even before she could clearly see it through the rain...... the Destroyer calmly walked into view. Suppressing a gasp Darry readied the bow Equinox had carved for her years ago and knoched an orc slayer arrow. But eric made no move for his weapon.....and calmly waited staring into the behemoths eyes. Long minutes passed and finally the Destroyer removed it's own weapon and drove it deeply into the ground near Erics.
Both Eric and the monster then removed thier glauntlets and began to circle one another. With a roar and a huge clang of metal the two impacted each other so feriously that Darry found herself stepping further back into the shadows out of fear. Again and again the two pummeled each other, flesh and bone upon exposed skin. Lightning flashed about them the two of them, who were oblivous to all except their opponent including the small elven woman who watched it all from the towers ruins. The battle lasted most of an hour, with both of the combatants having come close to apparent victory many times only to find the advesary unwilling to give way to the other. But in the end it was the destroyer who stood over the unconcious Eric.
Darry once again raised her bow, well knowing that she would get little more then two or three shots before the Destroyer was upon her. But to her surprise the huge orc only rolled over and placed its large hands in the mud and then upon Erics breastplate, leaving a bold mud-red print upon his breast-plate. Struggling to it's feet the Destroyer reached down and retrived his own blade as well as Erics. Turning the blade over in its huge hands several times it turned to speak to the unmoving form prone at it's unsteady feet: <o>you no's so tough halfer....wipes blood from it's mouth me's no's think you's takes from me's again. Eric's unconcious body did not repond and the Destroyer limped away into the now darkening plains.
Darryanna let out a small sigh of relief and creapt quietly from her hiding place and to erics side. Silently she sat beside him cradling his battered head and tried her best to clean his wounds. When she sensed him regaining conciousness she hurried back to the shadows and watched as he silently sat up and stared off into the distance. Without a word or complaint Eric pulled himself to his feet despite his pain and walked back toward camp, Darry followed him quietly from a safe distance.
Within days Darryanna is unable to contian herself anymore and begins to talk with whoever will listen about what she has seen. Unsure and frieghtened she ask for advice from any other of the family as she fears that perhaps soon that Eric may not survive an encounter with this monster.</o>_
((assume the story spreads through camp to any willing to listen perhaps not in the same form as things retold often are altered as they pass from one to another. Story stands as is except for as how Erok or DM's wish to update and correct information.))
Sul' lina - Pinky in disguise/Darryanna to those she loves most.
Merin Wyerspell, who was previously making near nightly trips into the haunted woods has not been, for some time now. Rumours may spread about he had spoken with the ghosts at length, and was looking for the ring, previous to his dissapearance.
_Folks around the fire speak of the search for this ring and how time draws to an end. Many fear for their lives and say not even the Elders or the Gali of old can find it in time.
The Blackwood ghosts haunt the camp and are spoken of even being seen far as Norwick's gates, searching desperately for something. The ring? A source of escaping their torment? Many speak of such things, but none seem to have the answers.
Others talk of the stress getting to Sy'wyn and Cotton, some say they fought with harsh words, others speak that maybe the camp is crumbling and dividing. Worried souls seem to possess the camp, living and that of the dead.
Some wonder why the cow pin has been kept so clean as of yet, nearly any time people wonder to it, the cows are well groomed and the pin spotless. Maybe the ghosts?_
Hedia hears the Rumors of Malar and Shar as she knew about the malar side but just hears that shar could be involed too. Two gods of many she didnt want to get involed with again yet it seems to be happening anyway.
Tindra seems quite interested in hearing rumors of Malar and Shar. It is obvious that her interest is filled with much concern and worry.
Sy'wyn immediately investigates the rumor…
((Any Gali who has been attacked by an Eastlander, PM me, or send me a tell in game))
Overheard at the fires, a gali has been attacked by an eastlander.
• Arandor is given permission by the King to lay claim to one of the caves for a home for himself and his family.
Arandor is very busy for several weeks and many see him very little if at all. Tala grumps by the fire about not even being allowed to see the inside of the cave yet. Although she doesn't really seem upset at all by that talking about very large rocks better suited to dwarves and Arandor.
::Whispers around the camp say their is much evil among the camp and surrounding area. It is said the God's of Shar and Malar are growing stronger with each passing day, yet little if anything is being done to stop it. Talk of doom walks with each who live in the camp::
"I tell ya, I can feel it. The spirits are restless. What happened 1000 years ago is going to happen again. We are all going to die I tell ya".
::Stories of a Mysta and Shar begin to swarm the camp about a battle of the God's are to take place within these lands and the events currently going on are just the beginning::
::Malar Cats are stalking camp members::"The God's have no reason or use for this land. Why would they do battle here?"
::some folks believe that Shar and Malar are working together to take over these lands for their evil and destructive ways::
"This is a holy ground I tell ya. I can feel it. I have looked into the water and seen a land of beauty from ancient times. Mystra is coming back to relclaim what is hers".
Word has spread that a small group of Gali.. and one purple garbed Gaje watched the spirit girl in the spider pass, as she entered into the cave. Though nothing was found, afterwards Sy'wyn was seen taking Mirkali into Katya's tree, and shortly after Mirkali was escorted out. A few hours pass and Sy'wyn came out and returned Mirkali's journal. Some guess that Mirkali stumbled across something that was of use to the camp. Others talk of Mirkali proposing to Katya, and how she turned him down. Others make mention that Sy'wyn may have an answer now. None are to sure of the words that passed between Sy'wyn and Katya, but he is seen back by the fire in his usual place, and talking to a few Gali as he can.
If no one has noticed, Tris has not been around the camp in recent times. Having disapared, she was last seen by the camp fire at moon rise but seems to have left no trace of her sudden departure, not even a note or a letter to any of her friends or Zoma….
Sy'wyn has been seen at the edges of the fire's light, wrapped in his cloak, hood low. Any who watch him for long enough will notice he has his armor on, his shield unstrapped and close to hand, and his sword arm is free at all times. His eyes are a just a bit to bright as they flit here and there across the camp at the smallest motion. He is willing to share information, telling any Gali who asks that Penny is hard at work translating runes that were found on a cave wall… that druids have talked to the dryad... that even Baba Katya has been consulted and given her opinion. Everything hints to one place... a place they have searched time and again... Off and on, a Gali passing close can hear Sy'wyn mumble,
"e: the proper place, at the proper time….. patience... Sy'wyn, patience...."
Tarrick is seen much less often in camp. When he is there, he is not his usual joviel self. Most of the time he speaks to no one other than a quick nod or hello. The time by the fire is usually spent in prayer, causing quite a bit of singed clothing by flying sparks.
Cotton jumps at any opportunity to go out and search for this ring, following any clues or leads told to her.
Many know of the short time left to find this ring, others speculate its all for coin or personal gain. But the seriousness of the search is not in question, as many now who live in camp endlessly continue their hunt.
Erok is frequently seen returning to the camp bloodied and bruised, with occasional knuckle prints laid across his jaw-line. He always returns with a red hand-print on the front of his armor - sometimes with an extra weapon, but more often than not he walks in with one less than when he left, strapped to his pack.
_• The tremors that the camp folk have acclimitized themselves to over the last few months seems to come to halt… but not before huge sections of the cliff face in the Gypsy Camp come crashing down... revealing ancient mines and caverns along it's edges. Some are even nearly intacts... although empty.
• Arandor is given permission by the King to lay claim to one of the caves for a home for himself and his family.
• Torch Khan pays the King handsomly for the right to build a home into one of the other discovered caves.
• The camp finally has a suitable place to store thier large store of wine casks. Babo Latco, a legendary Romani wine and brewmaster decides to set up shop and run the vineyards in the cliffs on behalf of the King.
• Trade routes seem to have opened slightly since the Defiler's death and the first travelling merchant from Impultur travels up the Forest Blood River through the Rawlinswood and sets up shop within the camps.
• The King grows very interested in the ancient runestones and stone carvings throughout the camp. A particularly large stone is heaved out of the chasms to the north after an expedition led by the King goes into the Cold Caves. He know works on uncovering the hidden writings within the stone.
• Baba Katya's old friend Windsong, a forest gnome, comes for a visit and decides to stay for a while to watch over the glenn in the camp.
• An older Rashemi man comes in and is seen talking and laughing with Swordmaster Tero. Overheard stories include adventures it seems that Tero and this man had together as youth. Afteerwards the Rashemi can be seen watching the north gate intently and has set out a tent along the northern edge of the camp. He speaks very seldomly and watches near the edges of the fires when a group gathers._
After spending two nights following his cousins' ghosts Llach has decided to take matters in hand. After sitting with Sy he nodded, touched a tree and waved his hands in the shape of a female form.
"You are going to talk to her?" Sy asked.
Llach nodded and went off to prepare for the trip into the spider woods. With patience and luck he would make it past the eight legged guards and to the dryad who might know more of the gypsy camp and a ring than the locals. Her tree is old, and so is she. She might have clues to the past that have been forgotten by the gypsies.
In his mind the gates opened. Is it true?
Is it needed?
He would speak with her, this was important. It had been years since he last spoke, he went out into the bush and tried . . . his voice sounded raw and hoarse but it would do . . . it would have to.
Llach Blackwood Only silent by choice
Two ghostly forms can be seen around camp frantically searching for something. Any who are familiar with Alvar Blackwood and Pyavain Blackwood will see the resemblance in their spectral images. Both look mournful and try to get the attention of any gali they cross to aid them in their search.