::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • _Nate sighs as the group of noblewoman take to following him, rubbing his forhead and mumbling about lying assistants. The name Sierra coming up more then a few times.

    He smiles distantly and does his best to be polite, trying to find a moments peace every now and then._

  • In traditional style, as he's done for the past decade or so, he chuckles at the sighs and gives a few flirty comments before grinning his 20 year old grin and heads off to a different part of the city leaving them wondering how he managed to stay so youthful

  • … their mothers still sigh when Zyphlin passes by...

  • ::laughs::

    FINALLY! I got rid of them all!

  • A small group of Noblewomen takes to following Nate arround giggiling and blushing and exclaiming 'its all true!'

  • Anna Sigerlson can be seen moving about the city with wrapped boxes and even going to the city bakeries and such. Seems she is getting ready for a birthday party of some sort

  • Alice Marrian has been heard remarking that her seventeenth birthday is just around the corner. She seems to be happy with being another year older and looks forward to what the next year will bring.

  • Evendur recently held the encore presentation of his Azuthan sermon in the commons to a much larger audience than the original. His mood appears to be improved as a result, despite some sort of altercation with the Eastlanders he is reported to have had only days before.

  • Rumor has it that charred kobolds are found through out the foothills. Burned and some seen to have been bitten by a large dog.

  • _Natanya does not quite know what to make of this news at first, she stands still contemplating it with a grave expression.

    She expresses worry at the thought that now the bandits might be provoked in to an assault on the city that is already facing several attacks from other enemies, she is disgusted with the defilement of their bodies even that of a bandit, and she is saddened by the way her symbol has been used for this brutal display.

    At first opportunity she gets she moves in to the Nars, and removes the heads from the stakes and gives them all a proper burial. She blesses the graves and burns the Tyrrian marked wood in a large bonfire.

    Odd thing is though, she seem to have little issue with them being dead._

  • Anyone heading north to Peltarch would notice a line of stakes with heads on them at the border to Peltarch's officially claimed lands. Some of the heads still have common signs of Eastlander affiliation in them(tattoos, patches of purple and/or orange cloth in their hair, etc.). Each stake has the symbol of Tyr carved into it. On one of the stakes is a note:

    "Eastlanders aren't welcome on Peltarchian lands. Unless you're coming to surrender, turn back here or die."

    It is signed:

    "Your friendly local Peltarchians. "

  • _Trappers and Kobold bead-traders who venture into the foothills west of the city report the wild blowing of ogre horns echoing down from the Giantspire Mountains throughout a day and a night.

    The next night, greasy bonfires can be seen on peaks in the distance. Some older traders assert that the giants and ogres burn their dead after particularly great losses to prevent a sudden epidemic of disease or undeath, and speculate some sort of battle may have been fought._


  • Rumor has it that Evendur's Azuthan sermon was held not long ago before a crowd of limited size. He has been seen canvassing the city to determine whether an encore presentation would receive a greater response.

  • The man with almost red hair, and almost always armored(drelan Ashire) has seemingly disappeared from the city. It has been more than two weeks since he has been spotted in either the commons or the Mermaid. Why he left or to where is unknown.

  • Arien Ashald is seen flitting about the commons in an exceptionally foul temper accompanied by her Seafarer Guard

    Whispered rumors say she was kidnapped and a large ransom paid for her release. She is also very beligerant when asked about it.

  • Zyphlin gives a good laugh at the rumors of the Ghost in the Bardic College

    So far i know of one ghost we got in there, and he doesn't sound like metal…more like some old wind bag

    He gives a grin and moves off, telling anyone that has any real evidence of this to please let him know

  • Rumour spreads of a ghost or monster in the college library that often sounds of moving metal at odd hours of the night. Some have investigated the odd noises, but usually say they found nothing out of the ordinary. However, some have whispered around the halls that the "monster" looks like a person but could not possibly be a man(usually being done so by someone of the female persuasion). Adding, that it my be some new type of undead. The administration seems to be unconcerned with the rumors.

  • There is some talk of how infrequently Senator Gelon is seen in public in recent months, rumours begin to spread….

  • Barrim comments… evidently missing the incident as he was pouring over some more old books on gemstones in the library with Henry the Cerulean Knight...

    Old Rass was hungry was she?... food in short supply in the Bandit Caves perhaps?

    "Where is Cyrus when you need him", he comments to a few guards as they rush to replace the injured men at the tower. "He would have kept her fed and sleeping for a fair while i would wager.", to which he gets a few grins from the hard-pressed guard.

    "Well we'll deal with her one day lads... you mark my words..one way or another.." he remarks grimly.

  • Word spreads that the dragon Rass landed near the south tower in the early morning, killing, burning and demanding a "fat knight" for a meal. After a few hours, a group from the city went out to meet her and seemed to drive her off somehow; though not before the dragon burned one of them to a crisp.