Gypsy Gossip
//hope this is the right place for this cringes waiting to be struck by T's noodles
She was not happy with going into the gypsy pass. Her mother had told her again and again not to walk here, but Nadia had almost as little regard for her mother as did for the Gali. Besides her sister was here, as well as her niece and she looked forward to speaking with Tala after so long. A smile crossed nadias face…momentairly, quickly ....and unknowinly for the last time.
The day she arrived was also a happy day for the Gali, two of thier own would be joined. Nadia ventured over to the crowd that had gathered, but hurried away seeing that bride and groom were of different races. She struggled to control her revulsion even if her own sister was half elven it troubled her to see such a union.
Waiting near the fires for the cermoney to finish she tried to calm herself, remembering her time with her mother these past 5 years. Though defiant to the lifeshapers authority Nadia found herself slowing sliping back into her old ways. Once she would not even let the non-elven males approach her, but her time away from the camp, and more importantly the time with her sister and her lover Arandor had soften.....almost eliminated those feelings. But now, 5 years later the old arrogance had returned. She sat in disgust awaiting her sisters arrival.
Upon seeing Tala she felt her heart soar.......tightly they embraced and kissed. The conversation was light and joy full, until Arandor approached holding his and Tala's child Sarah'linae. Nadia did not know, could not have explained what happened next but somehow the child....filled her with anger. The angry words rose easilly to her mouth striking out at all around her, Tala, Arandor, any who would disagree with her views on other races.....she had become obsessed with getting her sister away form here. Better to leave the bastard child with Arandor both would be old long before Tala was old, and the only thing Nadia could value at this moment was her pride, which she would salvage by taking her sister far from these mongrals.
Stung by her words Tala and Arandor went to speak with Tara, the camps servant of selune. Nadia was outraged...charged after them ....and into her ultimate fate....
Sy'wyn has been asking any Druids in the camp to try and speak to the dryad in the pass… He mentions that since she has been there for a long time, she may know more about the ring and the recent spirit then any others....
Talk still continues of the group that went out to clear a cave, and returned badly beaten…. After only a short rest, many were witness to the ground opening, and Umber Hulks, Beetles, and Fire Lizards crawling out and attacking those by the fire. This continued until the holes closed and a voice echoed out over the Gypsy Camp..."
Three… months....
" Numerous Gali have been frantically searching for a ring….
Murmurs, murmurs spread through camp of the cave and some little bone critter that hardly could be harmed by sword or bow. Hulks are said to have been spotted along with this critter and flaming creatures of some sort.
Are they still searching for something? Is there going ons in the Gremlin cave that needs investigating? Many share their woes and curiosities of the matter.
_::Camp folks begin to whisper among themselves about a ghostly female being seen around the woods::
::Fear among the camp about the Undead and their growing numbers both in quanity and strength, "did ya here about the cave recently?" asks one. Another was overheard saying, "some ghastly undead creature with no head was seen and is said to have the strength of 10. If this is a sign of things to come. I may have to move my family on sooner then planned".::
::The name Sinti can be heard being whispered in almost every conversation when the dead are mentioned. "I do hope the King and the elders figure out the way to remove the curse from the dead. Before Sinti has his way with us"::_
Some undead had attacked a few days ago. Most surprising of all, a werecat appeared in the chaos of the battle and aided in fighting against the undead. Many were wary of the beast, though some of the older gali calmed the rest by assuring the werecat was an ally. Those that paid particular attention in the battle would have noticed that a blond half-elf wearing black and green was the person who became the beast.
Word spreads that Daria is seen around camp looking very very ill. Sticking as close to her husband for as long as he has free time, she is seen each morning snuggled up in his arms sitting close to the fire. The only thing that truly seems unusual is her constant running into the woods, promptly followed by her husband carrying her out of the woods and back to the shanty to rest.
A few representitives of the Legion greeted the campers one evening… As the Romani would overhear, a meeting will be taking place at the Legion Hall in Jiyyd within a weeks time, and the Gali Elders are to attend. Something to do with the Orcs and Undead? Time will tell...
Rumours of the eastlanders massing on the bridge in force at about the time of the landslide seem to point to the eastlanders getting restless again.
A massive landslide blocked the pass south from the camp in the Nars. The druid Oreth managed to shape a path through, though it drained him to the point of exhaustion. Rumours spread of how the landslide was caused, be it the Eastlanders up to no good, the Gnolls up to the very same, or simply a tremor?
after the very lovely wedding tala is seen talking heatedly with Arandor, Tindra and an elf that looks somewhat like Tala herself. A short while later harsh words are spoken and the king is seen dealing his justice on the elven woman. Rumors spread over what could have possibly happened. Why did the king raise his hand against the elf? What is it that has Arandor looking sad and preoccupied? For what reason is tala searching for a wood elf and why does she look ashamed every time she passes near horgan?
::Rumors of a beautiful spirit has been seen walking the Pass. Though she seems to be saddened by something. One of the gypsy camp children speaks of seeing a very pretty lady admiring a very shiney ring::
Tala has enquired about Katya's pet bagder and also her nephew Esther rumors fly as to why…
The minor tremors continue to rock the Gypsy Pass and Gypsy Camp… even going down into the Hidden Pass. Gnolls have also been sighted on the clifftops. They even had the AUDACITY to rope down and butcher a cow then drag it's carcass up the cliffface... all the while distracting the gali who were trying to shoot them from thier cliffledge hideaway! Beware of arrowshot near the cliff walls!
_A forboding gloom, darker than usual hung over the camp one night… Several Gali followed what they believed to be the spirit of Kovachi... Followed him to the ruins in the Gnoll lands... yet the Gnolls were nowhere to be found.
Days later, they return... There is a certain peace over the camp that has not been felt in some time. Whispers around the campfire speak of a good man, a son... lured by his father's word... betrayed by one of his own...
The spirit of the murdered son, Kovachi, is laid to rest after 1000 years... Reliving his cruel fate over and over again. The chest was returned to him, for only he would find it valuable. Letters from his father, perhaps all he had left...
Arandor is seen making use of what little peace they had achieved for a time, he spends it with his daughter, laughing and telling her stories. Those who know him best can see how much he worries for her, and of what the days to come shall bring..._
_Arandor returns from the woods, along with Sul'lina, Bow, and Penny. They are beaten and bruised, as is a usual occurance these days. Only difference this time is that they are soaking wet as well…
Whispers around the campfires speak of a ghostly woman wandering through the woods, strange runes, and even a mysterious underwater staircase in the cave of the Hidden Pass.
No one is sure what it is they have stumbled upon, but it is clear that is something that may help shed some light on the ancient Rom's curse._
((orc was a mis drop. Ignore the orc. OOC off))
::rumors start to spread of a ghostly figure of a man walking from the hidden pass. Down thru the gates to the camp. Seems to stop by the river on the way. Washing his face or maybe just having a drink of water. His path enters the gypsy path outer camp. He kneels by the main camp fire. Prays then walks off to the main camp area. Seems the gates and locks do not stop his progress. Eventually walks into the Gnolls woods. looks down into the cravasses to the cold caves. Rumors are high as to whether the ghostly figure is that of Romani or some other undead soul lost among the living. Some say he jumps into the cravass to commit suicide which is why he walks the lands. Other say he stops short of jumping in and just vanishes as sunrise approaches. Some even say that they have seen the cravass full of water and have seen the ghostly figure fall into the water as if pushed::
Rumor has it that Cave Spiders have been sighted in the pass, nearly killing a Gali or two. If these Cavers take up permanent residence, the pass will become a lot more dangerous, not to mention there's a threat to the camp itself then.. as if there weren't enough yet..
((as far as I know that orc was a misdrop
please ignore heh heh))
::A Black and red cat like creature was rumored to be seen at this great battle out in the fields trying to help keep the great ogres at bay… their was also A Horned hin seen running in and out of where the Ogres were camped goating them on and looting everything and everyone in sight... It is even mentioneed he looted one fallen in battle..... All Gaje hins walking through camp have been seen given the evil eye of late....