Bounty hunters from Norwick...

  • A small but steady stream of ragtag warriors begins arriving this morning. When questioned of their intent they provide a variety of responses ranging from "we're here to save yer arses" to "I go where the gold is".

    Finally, a man garbed in the livery of the Lucius' mercenaries (an outfit working for the Mayor of Norwick), arrives with a missive for the king.

    It reads:

    **A bloodhunt has been called on the humanoids that torment the Romani and the oathtakers. You will have my aid in your defense, always.

    -Gali Mecc, chancellor of Norwick**

    Travellors from the south may have heard…

  • ::A parchment letter arrives sealed with wax containing an imprint of the Gypsy King's ring.::

    Dear Gali Mecc:

    I am honored that you and your brothers are willing to assist us. I appreciate your offer but at this time, I must decline. Our lands are already stressed due to many battles. I am in the fond hope that the number of gnolls has lessened.

    Should a time come when your aid is needed, we will call.

    Thank you again.

    King Horgan

  • :The King, on his way to visit Tero, takes the message. He holds it in one hand and taps his wooden stick outward with the other.:

    I have important business to attend to right now. :Said gruffly not recognizing the messenger’s voice: I’ll have someone read this and I’ll send a letter in response.