::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Syne has seemed particularily moved by the play, talking at length about how well Zyphlin had acted.

    "I tell you, he was so believable, so in character. They were truly the roles he was born to play. The man is truly at home on a stage."

  • Zyphlin can be seen walking around town with a grin on his lips and a tune on his tongue, most famously known as "Rath is great"

  • Talk on everyone's lips is about the new play by the bard Nest (or Nate as some would have it), everyone who's everyone, and quite a few who arn't anyone has been to see it (some more interested in the free ale than the thespians) and talk in the taverns is of Rath's exploits and the performance. Even Rath's enemies admit the bards put on a good show, some suggesting it may have been satire…

  • _Rumors spread of a dangerous panther that was recently seen prowling the plains east of Peltarch. Apparently the cat possesses a cunning that far exceeds that of most animals, and is capable of melting into the shadows in plain sight. Speculation ranges from "demon cat" to "mutation," but whatever it is, it's deadly.

    Senator Evendur Mildsilver has issued an advisory to any hunters in the city, suggesting that they find their meat and pelts elsewhere until the threat is taken care of._

  • Word begins to spread that the gypsy bard, Penny Lane, is looking for anyone who knows anything about the history of the red dragon, Rass. She is apparently looking for any and all information, from how old the dragon might be to any stories about Rass's actions over the years. People who know her well say that she is beginning to write an epic poem/song about the life and history of Rass. Word also spreads that she can be found most days at the Romani Camp, and would welcome anyone who wishes to contribute information over a glass of wine or ale.

  • Nate is seen walking around casually with short-cut brown hair. His red-dye washed out, the hair cut naturally short. Carrying bound sheets, quills and a half eaten apple. Mumbling about being busy, rehearsals and a play.

  • Rumours spread that Eowiel Senella has once again dipped her hand into political affairs, though in a highly unexpected way. Apparantly, so it is said, she is now the Advisor to Senator Rath Ashald. Dispite the increduality many meet these rumours with, the elven girl seems to be spending alot more time at City Hall than she usually does.

  • After a Raid by some unidentified Defenders on a local merchant house Chaevre' can be seen talking to a man called Jenze about the recent attacks on the merchants and looting of shops, after some discussion she and Jenze are seen walking off towards the Ferret in the company of a man in Dark clothes with red trims

    Nate who apparently had interfered with the raid was shackled by the defenders, unable to pick the Locks Chaevre offered to break them, Polymorphing into an Umberhulk and grabbing the shackles trying to break them unsuccessfully the first time but managed to get them off after soem vigourous shaking and pulling on the chains, much to Nates dismay as he was tossed about in the shackles while the hulk tried to force open the chains, although quite shaken up nate wasnt hurt too badly

  • Two of Kaster Lavindo's troops wearing their purple sash can be seen on leave eating in the Mermaid, laughing and talking. They tell of their battle against the kobolds and the civilians that helped. One of them says:

    I hear the Cap got a letter from the Lady in the fiery red and gold armor…the Priestess...yeah that's her.. She praised us for our bravery and thanked Cap for sending Danerk to help watch the senator.
    Says she thinks Cap is a good leader...she might be suggesting him to take over the defenders to some of her senator friends.

  • Rumors can be heard that Senator Evendur Mildsilver, his bodyguard Danerk, his chief advisor Anna Sigerlson, Lieutenant Eowiel Senella of the Cerulean Knights, and dwarven mage Tolin Smalvarktin recently travelled far to the west and north to aid Captain Lavindo's Defender platoon in fighting off an ogre and giant assault. The Senator has openly praised the discipline and valor of these Defenders, and has encouraged other platoons to follow their example.

  • The dwarves in the corner of the Maid, merchants from local shops, proprietors at the Peltarch Crafting Hall, and 'maid customers hear Deacon's remarks.

    Binvet spits on the floor, then wipes her well-groomed beard. "Nai Dwarves in Peltarch? What are we… Chopped Liver?"

    Shaking their heads, they continue to mumble to each other in Dwarven, slowly sipping their ale.

  • Deacon glances angered at mog

    Nae farking dwarves no were in Peltarch, dey cin have deir small stinkin' norwick, 'an stay dere.

  • Rising from a darkened corner a large half orc become visible with a large tankard of grape juice. Raising his mug in salute with abroad grin:

    Mog say we hire Dolvaks as official ogre slayers. Dolvaks good at it, Dolvaks like the glory of the fight, and Dolvaks save bunch lives. Mog say we make new Peltarch company with senator's approval. Maybe them go flush them kobold pests out too. Mog say hail General Foilir! May Foilir axe strike true on Peltarch's foes.

    Then with a swift pull at his tankard Mog sits down with an amused look on his face.

  • *Citizens drink heavily as they speak of the recent attacks by ogres and kobolds.

    "They breaeched the gate!!"

    The talk gets angrier with regards to the defenses.

    "Where were our defenders?"

    Just then a citizen who witnessed the attack speaks up:

    "You will not believe me if I tell you. But that Dolvak, the one with the red hair.. The very one who was being maligned in this tavern.

    He.. pause He saved the live of Magistrate Zyphilin.."

    The citizens look at each other in disbelief and the rumblings get louder until the witness continues.

    "Once the gate was breeched, there were too few numbers to keep the ogres out of the city… They came bursting inside the market with the Noriwck folk swinging their blades in the middle of it all.

    Just then two ogres broke free from the pack and started chasing Magistrate Zyphilin through the city, towards the south gate.

    Just then, the tall Norwickian and that Dolvak saw this and hurled themselves into the fray.

    The human, er Rando I think it is, confronted the one by the commons, with the dwarf chasing the other while hurling insults.

    Just then the ogre mage started to chant, and I saw the dwarf drop his axe and pick up an unfamiliar bow. Squinting an eye and muttering some sort of plea to some Moradin or other, he let an arrow fly.

    The ogre stopped his chanting and his fingers started to twich. I could see the grimace on the dwarf's face as he feared he was too late.."

    The mumbling and side bars get louder as the curiosity overtakes the crowd

    "But all those fingers had left in them was a death twicth, as the dwarf's arrow struck true, right at the base of the skull. The ogre fell right at the magistrate's feet."

    The crowd mutters quietly in disbelief at these accounts and raise eyebrows as the Dolvaks and Rando stroll into the bar in dented armor, and looking for ales.

    Foilir looks at Dwin as the place goes dead silent and whispers*

    " <d>why everyun starin? me lil miner out?"</d>

  • Dwin and Foilir look at the empty glass of apple juice, look at each other, and burst into laughter

    Barkeep! Another round…fer any of our friends here in da 'maid that wants another ale...or juice fer that matter!

  • Nate leans back on his chair after finishing his glass of apple juice, glances over at the dwarf talk and stiffles a laugh.

    "More to this then meets the eye? No, to you chum, there's less. Maybe you should think twice before spluttering out nonsense about bards and would-be 'corrupt' politicians."

    He rolls his eyes, pushes his chair back and heads out the door to the college for the night.

  • Small rumors, in light of the past few days, spread of another mage before the red robe. The mage appeared in flickers, causing some type of portal to appear and summoning forth undead minions. During one point of his attack he spoke of a person named Keram with anger and hatred in his words. He disappeared shortly after his last attack.

  • nods as he orders another round at the Mermaid

    …ya dont suppose...nah....

    seems to think better of it, then hesitates

    Hmm, well, da honorable Magistrate said he come ta Norwick to give weapons away..."give 'em away," he said. It was the same time these undersellers were around in town too, and now we hear that they all be talkin together? That barbarian and the magistrate? An unlikely pair, aye?

    We dont see that honorable bard in town that often, but when we do, there's always some undersellin goin' on....

    shakes his head emphatically

    Ya dont suppose there's more to this than meets the eye, do ya? Maybe that's why he was so upset when his friends got in trouble?

    takes another gulp of ale, and buys a round for the kinfolk in the Maid

    I am sure a respected town official...a politician at that... wouldn't be caught up in a sordid situation like this.

  • listens to the rumors and chuckles. He buys his neighbor an ale and speaks loudly

    "Me tells yeh dis.. Bromley wus much better when spinnin his version of things…

    Guess whoe'er sold dat book teh Preath abouts Bromley's deeds really gots teh deh magistrate."


    "Shame he blamin us o'er sumtin dat starteds as a guild matter anna now he makin personal... "


    "Aye.. Yeh see der wus dis band of merchants undersellin all deh towns, e'en yeh own merchants eer...

    Dey wus nae payin deh appropriate taxes teh Jandor anna Norwick. Seem dese theives ran inteh deh magistrate on der way outs of town."


    "Nae sure wut dey tolds im...But he sure agitateds...

    Me thinks he shoulds have a chat with Jandor anna Lucius...

    Me nae believes dat deh honorable magistrate woulds have anythin teh do with dese heinous crimes of robbin deh honest werkers of Jiyyd, Peltarch anna Norwick"

  • _Word starts spreading around the commons and the bars of peltarch. Stories of the hero Adam Bromley, his brave deeds performed to cure half the city of the vile sickness that had threatened the lives of so many, and his rise to become our beloved senator, only to die heroically trying to recover a relic to fight one of the cities biggest fiends. Bards have been going out throughout the city recalling a number of the tales at first, giving the city a fond memory of thier lost senator.

    Following this however begin stories of insults, of slander, of defamation of the character of this great peltarchan theater. Talk of the barbarians to the south, two foul mouthed and fouler smelling dwarves, insulting his name and all that he stood for. Speaking of how they wish to shit on his grave and laugh at any that thought him a good man. They call him a piece of trash, a fark of a man that wasn't worth a dime. This they called one of Peltarchs greatest hero's. They tell of how these dwarves laugh at how they make such money off the ignorant and blind peltarchans, offering thier services and thier inferior items to steal the money from proud working peltarchans. It is even said that they were reported laughing happily about how they destroyed peltarchan property, including famous works of the great hero. The names of the dwarves are spread often with this tale, the name "Dolvak" spoken outloud and the first names of Dwin and Folir_