Feedback on Undead

  • Level 5 character.

    Ghouls = 0xp
    Ghasts = 0xp
    Ghoul Lords = 0xp

    Ghouls I could understand, and maybe even ghasts though I think they aught to give a couple of points, but Ghoul Lords?

    They certainly should give some xp to a level 5 character.

  • yes… that shade is a killer....

  • The Shade is a killer :x

  • They are not spawned but DM dropped. But I would like to test a few of them anyway. The lords seem to fight well but the ravagers seem to be overrated wimps.

    Not sure yet what time. I am thinking between 10 and 11pm EST. those interested and are around I will be on IRC around then.

  • @eccfc3cd55=Belthor:

    Attlen, catch me IG tonight (assuming the server comes back up) and we can test them out.

    Pick a time and PM me. I'll be there. My little gf wants to play video games tonight, so she can hardly complain about a 15 minute break to test something. Besides … she can use that time to make me a snack. BOOYAH!

    [laughs] j/k. She'll probably be helping you test while I stir fry some dumplings.

  • I was the first to bump into them I think, though then they were still dm controlled. If you want help testing them, lemme know, I'm always in for using some turn undead 😉

  • Wait, there are undead auto-spawning in the gypsy camp area now? Gods, I need to get back on campus so I can narf.

  • Attlen, catch me IG tonight (assuming the server comes back up) and we can test them out.

  • I don't know the exact stats on them, and keeping in mind that my builds are notoriously wussy, Damian had some trouble with the one he fought. I mean, had he fought three or four, they'd have killed him. Maybe he shouldn't get -tons- of xp, but a few points seems reasonable for a 5th level character defeating a foe with a radius poison attack that drains con.

    And as for the ghoul lords…that just seemed odd. I thought maybe I was bugged or something, and was hoping someone else would say "yo, I'm lvl 8, and I got xp for ghoul lords!"

  • The Halfling Defence League

    I took out a ghast last night with one flame lash spell, so…..i'm not so sure about getting xp from them.

    That's just me personally, and i've never tried taking on anything stronger than a goblin or hobgoblin with anything other than my druid, so that might be a factor, too.

    Ghoul Lords.....only met them once before, and yes, I agree.
