Grog Elfhewer-The making of a half orc

  • ICC

    login: chrisj144
    character: Grog Elfhewer

    ((my first attempt at any kind of creative writing so be gentle 🙂 ))

    Grog stood on the ridge, staring over the woods he had just fled. Looking down at the great axe in his hands, it's blade still smeared with the blood of his kin he had just slain, he wonders how it came to this…..

    A young Grog sat in the slave pens, listening to his human mother tell him tales of her barbarian heritage. He has heard all these before so his mind wanders...

    why am i not the same as my brothers he thinks. Grog knows he does not have the cruel nature inherant in his kin but does not understand the difference yet. As he listened to his mothers tales of the great deeds of her father and his father before him, he wonders why his father never takes interest in him. He knows his father is Gorstag, orc chieftan of the Elfhewer clan. He knows his half brothers and how they have all been taken to serve their father. And he awaits anxiously the day his father calls for him….

    Time passes and Grog grows, his human barbarian blood mixing with his orcish to make him a massive physical speciman. He towers above his full blooded kin and even outsizes his half orc bretheren as well. He just knows the day is soon coming when he will be called to serve his father and he can hardly wait! Finally the day comes. Two of his half brothers arrive to escort him to his father and two more orcs arrive and drag his mother along. Perhaps she will be there to witness this exciting day in my life! he thinks.

    Meanwhile in his fathers tent….

    "He is different but we can break him" says his father to the shaman, "Once we sacrifice his mother before him and remove her weakening influence, then we can make him into a great warrior."
    "And if he doesnt break?" asked the shaman.
    "then we kill him as well" replies his father.

    Grog stands smiling in between two of his half brothers, not noticing their unease as he stands towering over them. He see's the altar used for the clan's religous rituals and thinks they are making this a great ceremony for me!. He sees his mother dragged forward and smiles, glad she is there. He is tempted to wave but thinks no I must act like a strong orc warrior. His eyes take on a questioning look as his mother is tied down to the altar but he still does not know what is going on. He watches as the shaman and his father approach the altar. "Gruumsh accept this sacrifice of your faithful!" screams the shaman as he takes a knife and cuts out the heart from Grog's mother. The light fades from her eyes as she looks towards her son….

    Grog's eyes go wide in shock. Why? Why would they do that…. he thinks and in a moment of clarity it hits him. The cruel, evil, vile nature of his kin becomes totally clear to him and he knows he does not belong. At the same time a urderous rage overtakes him and he knows they must be destroyed. He turns and snatches a great axe from one of his half brothers, wrenching it away from him in that moment of surprise. He turns and lops the head off the other, then swiftly turns and buries it in the chest of the first. Orcs begin to shout and run everywhere, his other brothers and his fathers body guard forming a protective circle around the chief as Grog begins moving that way. He realizes there is no way he can break through that and turns and flees, cutting down two sentries at the edge of the encampment as he runs into the woods....

    Anger and hatred give wings to his feet and he outruns all pursuit, eventually climbing on to the ridge and looking back....

    I can never be one of them or part of anything like them he thinks.
    "FATHER!! SOMEDAY I WILL COME FOR YOU AND FINISH WHAT I STARTED!! SOMEDAY I WILL HAVE REVENGE FOR MY MOTHER" he screams in orcish. Turning and continuing on his path, he starts talking to himself in common. "Grog member muterz storiez uf great deedz. I willz makez my ownz le-gunz und be famuz like my ancestorz fer I AM GROG!!!!!!"

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