Travellers to the Rasheman lands

  • tala smiles at Cotton and nods and pulls out her smaller note forgive me if I don't read this one to you sis. makes herself smile and then sighs she'll be so much bigger when he gets back though. resting her chin in her hand

    I hope the information they bring back is worth it. I hope whatever those things were leads to an answer for the undead. I wouldn't be upset if it helped with the drow too. That is probably too much to hope for though.

  • Cotton sits and listens to her sister Tala's news, she happily comforts her and expresses how soon they will all be back and safe where they belong. After sharing more words of encouragement she pulls a weather beaten parchment from her pack and reads it to Tala smiling

    Me sista

    We has made it to Rasheman safelies, as ya no doubt alreadies knew. The boat ride was interestin. Somethin me had neva ex…per..enced afore. Though Klazy didn't seem ta be enjoyin emself much, that one is best suited for solid grounds. We didn't has ta look far ta find the Romani, finding thems on our fifth night after landin. The people of these lands seem ta scorn them, much mores than it is at homes. They were quite suprised when they founds us happy ta see em. They took us to the Elder, Calvi was his name. He is unable ta decipher the book an scroll, an that it could takes several months even with all the Romani bardic an sage eldas. But there is one person who may be ables ta help. Ah crazy old Romani woman said ta be able ta understand the language. It's possible she may helps when she finds out how ancient these writins truly are. The only problem is she surrounds herself with spiders an goblins. We have offered ta try an convince her ta help, by whatever means nec..e..ssary. We wills be back soon, we all will. Keep the camp safe, we are doin our best ta find out what in the nine hells is going ons. Then we can stop it and goes back ta sitting in our ruts.


    Her smile broadens as she slips the letter back into the pack Matta of time sissy, matta of time

  • Alvar walks around the camp and listens in on as many conversations as he can without drawing notice to himself. He is looking for word of his brother Sy'wyn and sister Fadien since he has not seen them in quite some time. Upon hearing the descriptions of the young elven lady he instantly knows that they are speaking of Fadien. His face brightens a little beyond it's usual grim expression and he seems very pleased that they are still alive. As travellers come and go through the camp, he repeats the ritual of listening in to glean his family's fate. Almost never hunting these days, he continues his vigil around the main campfires.

  • _So sunlight spreads till twilight. In moonlight casts to midnight. Under candlelight the study continues while some of the group grow insane. Home sickness prevails. The gray figure lurks out of the Rashimi encampment, early at dawn, coming back rather distorted for the morning.

    All there is to do, is to wait through all impatience._

  • A small group of Romani come in early on in the evening, and make it clear they will be leaving early on the morn. When asked why the short stay, the leader pipes up, "I'll let you know why… it's them Gali up there north. I nay know what all be going on with them, but they were talkin with the Elders and all, and then decided they'd go have a talk with an old Rom woman. I don't know what they think a talk is, but they come back into the camp covered in strands of web, and the pale one has the ol' woman trussed up and gagged, bleeding and tossed over his shoulder. Took her straight to the elders, and then she was being carried by guards out to be locked up. And if that weren't confusing enough, not even an hour after that, well there was some muffled sounds coming from that building, and one of the guards, well he come screaming out the door, yelling something or another about the dead walkin, so i peek my head into the doorway, and there is a hole in the floor, spewing red light, and the shadows were twistin around and hitting people, and you know, them five were standin in a circle about the hole, taking swings, and the hooded elf he was a mumbling in some language or somethin, his hands all glowing, and there was some bones scattered on the floor, and ol Calvi, he was searching them books of his for somethin, told them five five to hold them back... I guess they were fightin em, but you know, i got to thinkin, i ain' much on fightin, and many of the boys here agree that we might spend some time south of here for awhile, get some time away from that....." the man goes quiet, looking into his wine for awhile before going back into some small talk with the other Romani.

  • _Word spreads among the wandering Romani scattered about the lands. The travellers from Narfell have returned from their journey to the old hags cave. The old woman was brought before the Romani camp in Rasheman, bound, gagged and badly wounded. The travellers in rough shape, but alive.

    Not long after the woman was taken away to be put under guard, some unknown force opened a portal to that very camp. The Undead spewing forth in waves that only got more and more powerful, the Romani cowering in fear, the travellers doing their best to hold off the attack. Until the Elder Calvi finally managed to close it. It is clear that the book and scroll are tainted by some evil, an evil that will not relent in recovering the book and scroll, time is of the essence in their deciphering. The Bardic and Sage elders have begun their studies, and now all there is left to do is wait…_

  • tala takes her letter carefully in her hands and tucks it away for a quiet moment at the fires. Waiting she eventually makes her way back towards peckle. Sitting on one of the benches she opens her letter, a smaller enclosed note dropping into her lap. She quickly scans the first note nodding along as she does. Looking around her to make sure that Sarah hasn't wandered off she opens the second note. Pulling out a rag of a tattered old shirt she reads the note sniffing and wiping at her eyes. Holding the note in one hand she picks up sarah and squeezes and kisses her till the little girl complains. Setting Sarah down, she pulls out some blocks and builds her a wall which the child joyously knocks apart.


    tala goes off to look for the rom and enquire if he will be making a return journey if so she hands him a letter of her own.

  • The Romani traveler from Rasheman is seen sitting around the camp fires telling stories of his encounters with the Gali that had traveled north to Immil-vale. Almost haven forgotten he reaches into his pack pulling out a stack of letters, handing them out to the addresses as he meets them.

    Let me tell ya folks about those five. They had tree elves wit dem.

    Holds up three fingers

    My boy here, he ain't never seen no elf before. Well not up close at least. So he decides he wants to touch one of dem's ears right. They being all pointy and such, not like our ears ya know. Oh no, I did not tell him their ears be sensitive. So he goes running up to that little elf. Fadier I think they called her. Ya know the shy one, dark hair. Not the half naked white haired one. So he runs up to Fadier while she's not looking and grabs her by her ears, just playful like. Before he knew what hit him, she was a snarling and snapping at him. Her brudder as she calls him…somebody ought a teach that one to talk, she just spout gibberish at us...anyways, her brother tries to grab her, he apparently knew that she was going to insane on my boy. Well she dun slip through that boy elf's hands and was on my boy biting him. I swear she bit him, almost drew blood for we could beat her off of em. Well no we did not beat her off of em, but when we got her loose she goes running off into the woods around the camp right. So we don't see her for a couple days. Her brother gets real upset, it being his little sister and all and decides we need to form a party to go find her. Seems he is no tracker and she a sneaky little thing. Well my boy gets to feeling guilty about making her run off and all so he decides to go with the group to find her. So they get in the woods and decide to split up and look around, cover more ground that way, and sees if they can find er. So my boy be walking along, looking up in the trees see if she hiding in dem when all of a sudden he looks up and sees her standing in a branch over top of him. He says she looked down at him with murder in her eyes, I kind of doubt that, or I think she would have killed him. Not the point. Point is he stand there looking up at her smiling at first and she picks up her pack and drops it on his head.

    Makes an arm motion of raising an imaginary pack above his head and then throwing it down as hard as he can

    Whoooooom ….she throws it on my boys head! Damn near broke his neck! So I bees coming around the corner when I sees her do this right. Well the boy was laying on the ground, grumbling, trying to sit up when she grabs him and throws him over her knee and begins to whip him with the flat of her rapier blade. So the boy be screaming and crying and I be laughing so hard I can't elp em.

    Laughs whole heartedly, wiping from tears from his eyes as he takes a large gulp from his bottle of wine.

    Who knew that little elf such a strong little wench. She held em there and whipped him I know fer five minutes. When she finally look up and see me she shoves him to the ground and takes off in the woods. I ain't seen her since. Oh no, don't worry, her brother found her, she is fine, a little pissed off still, but fine. Just refused to leave the woods until they go home. She apparently can write and all, she sent some letters for her family. I tried to read them, but I have no clue what they say. Somebody told me they wrote in elvish. For a mean little devil, she sure got perty handwriting.

    Daria Arndon - Sweet little bard.
    Nicahh - Stirring up trouble
    Fadien Blackwood - Rapier whipping elf

  • Tala goes to try and find the Rom. Finding him in the inner camp she asks after Arandor, describing him. After several annoying questions asking about how he looked and if he was well, she leaves the tired rom to his rest. Giving the tired rom her thanks, some food and another bottle of wine. Walking away from him with a hopeful smile on her face. Later she is seen talking to Kaona, Cotton and the other fire goers about the very nice Rom man and his good news.

  • What does a old woman whose good with language have use for? Heaps of people talk different sort of jibberish. Wouldn't it just be easier to just have everyone speaking the same thing? Then we wouldn't have to go around asking everyone to translate stuff. All this fuzz about some book and a note. Book and a note? There can't be anything so bad.

  • A Rasheman Romani wanders into camp one night, and after mingling and hearing some of the talk around the Narfell fires, up and pipes up, "Aye, I know those Gali you be speakin of! They wandered into our camp late one nigh'. Set your hearts at ease, they seem in good sorts, if a little odd as a group, up with three of em havin pointy ears an all. Not as common up north." "What was that? Oh, aye, they came in, asked after the eldest and went straigh' to see em. Musta been in there talkin all night, come out askin a few questions about an old hag of a witch that resides up in aroun' the area. Somethin' abou' the mad woman being good with languages or such. They done cause quite a stir, hal' the camp is out and runnin', lookin' for every scholar and mage the Rom can grab. Couple of em spent some time at our fires, told some stories an' all. Two of 'em pointy ears were kind a sticking to the edges of the fire an all, didn't seem as friendly like i guess." "Hm? Oh, who knows? Jus' thought you migh wanna know an' all." Scooping up a bottle of wine, the Rom disappears off further into the camp, seeking a little rest before the sun rises.

  • tala is seen around the camp spending alot of her time with Sarah and Winn. She will sit for hours looking north from Aran's rut by the fires. Sometimes responding to things people say and other times not appearing to hear them. With each day that passes she notches a stick keeping careful track of the days the group has been gone.

  • Word reaches the Narfellian encampment that the arrival of the travellers in Rasheman was indeed the herald of something big… Some ill omen... The travellers spoke at length with people of importance and called for the congregation of all Romani Bardic and Sage Elders... The tall, dark, tanned, brute of a man shares cases of wine with the travelling Rom of Rasheman, telling exaggerated tales of adventures through the Savage Frontier, the High Forest, even the great desert Anauroch... Above all the travellers seem to be asking questions of a crazy old hermit woman in a cave? What does 'she' have to do with this?!

  • Seems like Rasheman has become infested with some bugs or rather. Wait a minute, thats not bugs; Oh it's just some Gali from the Narfellian Romani encampment. Some pretty odd looking group as well. A tanned one, a pale one, a blue one and more? Seems they almost have one of all sorts. Wonder if they are there to stir up trouble.