::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Luitenant Senella is apparantly spending alot of time going to and fro between the Cerulean HQ, the College and City Hall, usually assisted by various youngsters from the College carrying books and parchments for her. What she is doing is anyone's guess, but the main trait these three places seem to share is their Libraries.

  • Alice Marrian's schooling appears to be going very well. Her teacher is impressed with the young woman's quick mind. Alice has also taken an interest in learning about the Red Knight, studying about the goddess of strategy in her spare time. While she has been seen talking to others, Alice appears to still be painfully shy, and especially fearful of large men.

  • Evendur has been seen more frequently than usual around the docks district. Word has it that he has been making some kind of subtle inquiry, but its nature is utterly unknown to the masses. If for some reason he is questioned about this behavior, he makes use of his senatorial prerogative in refusing to respond with anything more than vague platitudes.

  • <<crap>></crap>

  • Nate, after seeing Nico's body being carried, followed Sam and waited outside the temple until Nico exited. After making sure the Senator was alright, he wandered off towards the bard college with a pondering look.

  • _Some people are talking around Peltarch about seeing the large man known as Sam carrying a seemingly lifeless Nico Black through the streets rushing toward the Temple. Sam carried the body into the temple and soon Yolande was seen rushing through the streets after hearing of her fallen husband. Sam then left the temple and back through the streets not long after entering. Only this time he didn't have the Senator's body.

    Loud noises could be heard inside the temple some time later. Some said that Miss Daisy was heard to be screaming for Nico to be gone from the temple. Soon after a very much animated and moving Nico Black and his wife, Yolande Black, could be seen bursting through the doors of the temple. A dark cloud of what appeared to be smoke could be seen behind them in the temple as he pratically fell down the stairs leading to the street. The Senator could be seen breathing heavy and still covered in some amount of blood. The husband and wife could be seen rushing through the streets afterwords. Nico leaning on Yolande for support as they headed to the Boarshead Inn… Nico hasn't been seen publically since, though it is appearant the Senator wasn't harmed as bad as originally thought.

    The temple was not harmed and Miss Daisy insists he had a brush with some bad things is all._

  • Anna Sigerlson can be seen speaking with Daisy and leaving the temple of Tyr with a stack of books. The next morning she is seen walking the young girl Alice Marrian to the temple and wishing her to have a good day. Word has it she has enrolled the young lady in the temple school.

  • _Nico has been seen talking to many merchants throughout town. Inviting some to have dinner with him at the Mermaid to discuss what issues they might have. He is particularly interested in if they are threatened by the bandits that still remain on Peltarch property. He takes down the smallest little complaint, concern, or general gripe in a journal that he can review later.

    He spends a lot of his time with some of the more prominent merchants in Peltarch talking over many things. His meetings are held in no one place. Anywhere he can get an audience, but the more influentual merchants he speaks to in private either in homes or private rooms of the Mermaid. Some say that coin/merchandise has been exchanged between him and some of the merchants, but then again….it's probably just rumor._

  • Sir Roland and Sergeant Talgrath can be seen disembarking from a ship in the early morning fog at the docks, along with some knights of the Divine Shield and a hin. It is unclear where they have been, though none had been seen in the city for over a week.

  • Alice, the young waif Anna has been helping, is now seen to be wearing new clothes and has been cleaned up. She even is in possession of some adventuring gear. The girl is still quite timid of new people, but is braver when Anna is around. Like a lost puppy, Alice sticks by Anna and shows her hero much admiration.

  • It is being said that the rather infamous Deacon Sterr, together with the Illustrious Captain Panache, has been trying to make contact with the owner of the Mule, a Inn at the brink of demolishment. It is being said that the two captains have plans to buy and renovate the Inn, to turn it into, what they refer to as, a "Gentlemen's club".

  • A young, dirty woman dressed in raggy clothes was seen venturing around the Commons of the Commerce District. Timid as a rabbit, the waif would only talk to somebody if approached, and especially around men.

    Anna Siglerson appears to have taken pity on the girl, having given money and food in exchange for errands, paid for a room at the Mermaid, and promised proper clothing.

  • _Rumors swirl regarding a massive assault on the western gate of the city by swarms of kobolds and ogres. The attack was apparently driven off by a group of valiant guards, defenders, knights, other citizens, and outlanders.

    Talgrath of the Defenders was said to have skillfully organized the guards, ordering the catapult and ballasta strikes that led to the ogre retreat.

    Senator Evendur Mildsilver apparently played but a minor role, and was seen leaving the scene after the attack, grumbling about not being cut out for this sort of thing._

  • A Defender was killed in a large kobold attack at the western gate. Several knights of the Order of the Divine Shield were seen shoulder to shoulder defending the gate from the onslaught, nevertheless, vile magery burned one of the Defenders alive before he could be gotten to.

    Rumors in the market and in the Mermaid Inn indicate that Sam has been oddly been spending a great deal of time around Peltarch.

    As usual he is met with the disdain of the commoners who point to the sign of laws and the rule of "persons deemed ugly." The guards usually dismiss these incidents on the spot, saying this law repealed years ago and the signs never updated.

    As if not satisfied and hungering to see another spectacle, they claim he sells weapons in town while not a citizen. Again the guards accost him and he is forced to show his papers signed by Barrim.

    Apparently it is a temporary condition, as Sam explains to the guards and the irritated commoners, that he is under orders by Roland under the authority of the Divine Shield, with written permission of cooperation from Barrim to operate in Peltarch until the Kobold disturbances are resolved.

    Talgrath is seen a few days later in a fit of absolute rage upon hearing that one of his defenders was killed in action. Some commoners whisper that just prior, Sam and Talgrath were speaking and they are sure they overheard the word Thayan as Sam pointed to the west.

  • The city was assaulted by negative blasts from above once again, fortunatly as the attacks began the Knights of the Cerulean Stars, along with Senator Evendur and some volunteers, managed to seek out some sort of magical apparatus causing the attacks, rumours say. After the attack was halted, Magistrate Barrim ordered the Guard to begin dousing fires and cleaning away rubble, the Knights themselves saw to the dousing and cleaning of the Watchtower.

  • Word has it that Talgrath had an odd, sudden collapse just outside the Temple of Tyr. He seemed to be fine after a few minutes, but it appeared he felt quite a bit of pain in his chest.

  • The gate guards were informed by a passing adventurer that there seems to be increased activity from the Orcs South of Jiyyd.

  • Barrim frowns over a goblet of wine - sharing one or two with the officers of the guard when they are off duty, and comments to them in a disapproving tone about all the statements made about the wanted but now absent Uthger.

    "I wonder how many of these things by folk of the realm would have been said if they even thought for a second Uthger would return, I hope for their sake he doesnt".

    "His actions did endager the city, this time… strange how the assets to the city can fall so far from their apparent loyal and useful roles to such chaos and random disorder and distruction, we must all be vigilant in future", he remarks to a few senior officers.

    "Now finally we can focus on that filth that dwells in the region, that chessakhan slime.."

    Barrim buys another round of drinks for the officers to bolster morale and to give them a much needed break from the riots and disorders of the recent months

  • Luitenant Senella of the Knights of The Cerulean Star has been seen around the city more often once again, though she still looks ill, apparantly she is undergoing treatments which enable her to perform most of her duties within the city adequately once more, she comments that she has one of her subordinate Knights to thank, but that she will not embarass him by naming him. She is hopeful that a more permenant cure will be easier to find now that she is on her feet again.

  • Since the moment the punishment was declared, a certain quiet woman in purple began playing a set of pipes to draw attention to herself and then began taking bets on how many lions it will take to down the drow prisoner.
    Bets can still be placed at the market shop now that the crowd has dispersed.