Whispers at the Fire

  • Zyphlin chuckles to the dwarf and shakes his head

    Nothing changed. Non-citizens still can't sell there without a permit from the Magistrate. Its why I'm saying is if anyone is interested in selling thier wares in peltarch then they shoulds eek me out and perhaps we can make a deal.

  • merin sits at the southfire sips on a ale tells to the people around him
    I was with Zoma and Tris in the inn drinking.
    Then a hin arrives, i dont saw him before, he puts Barle away and gave us wine for free.
    For free a nice hin i thought.
    After we had drunk the wine Zoma falls from his chair and he became wanly.
    Tris saw that he was poisoned, we could heal him with some herbs.
    So when ye see a Hin in a blue robe call the militia.
    downs his ale and readys the bedroll

  • An old dwarf hears Zyphlin speaking of the wonderful business climate in Peltarch and fixes Zyphlin with a flinty glare.

    "When they change the law about non-citizens 'a Peltarch bein able to sell arms and armor in the city without a permit?"

  • Zyphlin has been heard talking to people around the south fire, letting them know that Peltarch has one of the finest crafting halls in all of Narfell and it is open to those that wish to use it. As well he lets people know that if they are not citizens of Peltarch but wish to sell thier fine goods then they should speak with him and perhaps a deal could be made. He makes it a point to note that he is more then happy to deal with people outside of the monopolized union.

  • A large barbarian has been seen walking through Norwick again with a greataxe hefted up on his shoulder and a militia badge around his neck. On his armor he proudly displays a large symbol of Tempus which has been carefully engraved into the breastplate. His age showing him to be in his mid 30's and showing signs of aging. Quick tempered and always looking for a worthy foe he walks on his patrols through town looking for any trouble makers and trying to keep with what he calls the Old Ways.

    He doesn't seem too pleased with Jandor's new guard as he doesn't see them as keeping with the traditions of the barbarian lifestyle, but he keeps his mouth closed. He stands ready to defend the town at whatever the cost as he has done in the past. He seems to have a particular hatred for the bugbears and lately the slaadi. Hanging from his side is a mighty warhammer that is rumored to have been handed to him by Tempus himself and only leaves his side when he feels he has a worthy opponent.

    Those who remember the barbarian know him as Revjak, Son of Bravin. A warrior in the service of the Foehammer.

  • Saul pulls the shrunken head of a goblin from his pouch and grasps some of it's ear hair in a twist and yank, then wraps it into a fine braid and hands it to the new militia recruit.

    "Here you go lass. Can't be no good militia if you're not a dwarf, but at least you can put this on your chin and pretend you have a beard. Don't tell anyone I said anything, some dwarves get uptight about hair."

  • Keira is seen often near the South Gates and elsewhere in Norwick quietly reminding transgressors to shut the gates and put their weapons away.

  • Some people have seen that a Slaad was so focused on killing Belade Galadon, it kept jumping up and down on her for a couple of minutes. But thanks to some help from Sune, she survived that, the death magic and the fireballs. She has also noted that those slaadi are cowards, because just when the guardians show up they run away.

  • rumors spread that Slaadis attacked the town of Norwick, casting very powerful death magics.

  • Kallowein can be seen grumbling about theiving buggas takins thins whiles slaads attacking, and about bleedin slaadi amulets an gian black slaads runnin ever which way through norwicks trying to find it, and thinking rando must have it still for almost all the slaad went for him

  • Jena sighs at the mention of the Slaadi attack and says that Ilmater was working over time to keep the injured healthy as she makes her way to the inn for a much needed rest.

  • The talk in the inn is off a large slaadi attack on norwick. some people say that the slaadi made a bee line for rando others say not

  • Chaevre' continues to sell her merchandise unhindered by the guards, though she is still uncertain why, probably because she sells at guild standards, but most often is selling non crafted merchandise anyway

  • Merchants selling crafted goods within the immediate area of Norwick are being asked by guards to show their guild ring; those unable to produce said ring are having a tax levied on them on the spot, or confinscation of goods and an escort to the road.

    The guards are polite but firm, very firm.

  • According to rumour from the guards, things at the jail have just gotten worse since "Wing" got put in jail. Wing has been almost constantly singing "100 Bottles of Ale on the Wall", and inmate infighting has been occuring more often.

  • Tindra seems to be unaffacted by any of this "tainted theater water," as she can be seen being quite affectionate with her love, Andu'mein the archdruid.

  • People of the south lately have been complain once more about Peltarch in recent tendays. However instead of the typical cries of "Koreth is a Banite" or those still suck in the old days talking about the "cruelties of the ice queen Aspera" it is instead replaced by grumblings from most of the men of the land about how those damned fancy pantsed bards must be selling thier water from that cursed theater in the south and causing all the women to go a bit crooked. Zyphlin for the most part sits back against the tree near the fire or off to the shadows shaking his head and chuckling, never really getting tired of that rumor

  • Cyrian heres the rumors of this beast and its appearance and wonders what the hide is like thinking it might be used to make a decent leather armor or better

  • A second, even larger beast simular to the first has been seen burrowing out of the earth attacking people at random. It's huge, pale hide seems nearly to glow, and it's breath as it roars brings a wind of stale death.

    Hin and other small people are advised to climb a tree or other high object if the earth begins shaking. Running along the ground seems to attack it's attention, as does rythmic vibrations, such as that caused by mining.

  • The area immediately south of Norwick is riddled with giant collapsed burrows, and at least one member of Jandor's guard has huge teeth-like indentations in their armor.

    "Bloody farkin 'ell, I was just standing duty when this giant beast…bigger than two horses mating it was!...jumped out of the earth and swallered me whole.

    Thanksfully I were rescued afore I ented up monster droppin's, but I need a farkin vacation."

    The large beast was eventually slain and cut up into steaks, and is being called everything from a landshark to a gurd'muncher. Hopefully no more will be spotted, and people are advised not to bend over any large holes they find dug in the earth.

    Some have even equated the appearance of the monster with the arrival of the lizard-folk to the south, but no official statement was given by any parties.