Proclamation from the King
Alvar watches from the conversation from a distance while wishing he was around when it happened as he has taken a particular interest in besting gnolls as of late.
"Stupd roundears," he says to himself.
Watches the goings on from within the shadows, having came down to the camp to speak to the King about the incident. He shakes his head snickering a bit at the showyness of the gambler, smirking slightly. He moves through the darkened quarters of the tree's awaiting a moment to speak with the King as he gives a distasteful look at Cotton and her new sudden lover. As the crowds talk proceeds he moves up out of the darkness speaking quietly to the king but politely
I would like to have a word with you concerning this situationi in regards to Deacon when you have a chance good King.
::rolls his eyes at Ty, and mutters:: show off….
Leaning against the tree by the fires (which he has been doing quite often), idly shuffling cards, Ty watches the King approach and listens to his speech, rotating his expression between curious, passive, and bemused. As the King leaves, Ty looks down at his cards, cuts them a few times, and produces the King of Spades. Grinning, he produces a second card, the Two of Clubs, and subtly slides the rest of his cards up his sleeve. Silently, he raises the two cards to eye-level, flips them over, holds them together so that they seem as one card, then flips them over to reveal just one remaining card: the Ace of Spades. He chuckles softly, then fake-tosses the card away, actually throwing a thin, blue tissue paper into the fire while palming the card into his other hand and placing it into an inside, jacket pocket.
"Damn, stupid dwarf . . . Trying so hard to belong to something, yet can't keep his alliances straight," he mutters, then brushes a strand of hair away from his face and looks up into the canopy. Speaking audibly, he addresses the general crowd at the fires, "Does this mean my outstanding invitation is revoked? Can't say I want to stay in a city that cuts truces with snakes much longer."
Finally, thanks to the players that allowed me to make a point of this encounter. There was some great RP there.))
//Had a blast myself! Heh, great event, only if Deacon didn't have such a big mouth..
Cotton simply sits with Yurana's hand in her's listening and waits til she has a chance to speak
Bout fark'n time things get put in order round this place Kingy, yas know me loyalty an only need ta ask of me, an yas always have me help. Now yas say me can shoot Deacon
A wry grin forms across her full lips
while warming himself by the fire after his latest return from Ironspur, a sly grin forms on the Foilir's face.
"Der a reward fer dis feller?"
Wearily and with a sole purpose, he staggers up to find Dwin. He mumbles to himself in dwarven the whole time while he walks and thinks
((OOC on… as a King to his people, Horgan would obviously be concerned with any large showing of force from any military group in his lands that are not Rom. Even if that force is benevolent, he knows that situations change. And an outside force that is trusted could inadvertently act as a potential Trojan Horse were that outside force's attitudes to change suddenly.
So while he does appreciate the assistance that the Legion and other Gali have offered in the past, it has no bearing on the daily responsibilities of normal defense of his people. And they cannot be depended on to protect his people, since they are not Oath Takers. Basically said, past deeds do not grant future favor with King Horgan.
Those that he deems as staying true to their Oath will obviously have the interests of the safety of the camp at heart before all others. But when those other interests come into conflict, he expects his Oath Takers to chose loyalty to family above all else.
Because of the potential for conflict there... whenever Horgan sees a STRONG tie and loyalty of any of his Oath Takers to an outside group or person, he will watch them VERY carefully.
As far as groups going into the Cold Caves through the camp? I think it would only be suitable if the gnolls were actively being aggressive towards that camp's defenses that the King would call for interested Gali to form parties to battle them. He would exchange the right to pass through his lands for the loot and glory that the Gali garnered... minus a gift to his people.
In other circumstances, he would like to see more than a token Rom as part of a group. Meaning more than two Rom characters if a group was going through as guests. The idea of Gali using his Rom's hospitality to go and stir up trouble with his enemies is what the King is trying to avoid.
As for Deacon, he let the man leave and has not instructed any of his people to peruse this man. He wants no blood feud with any of this man's relations, but will not permit him to further insult his people or be a threat. So his orders were a defensive one... not an offensive one.
Kallowien is suitably devastated by his banishment. His character chose one loyalty over another. His difficult character choice should be applauded. He was made an example of by the King, who also has a heavy heart over the example that had to be made. The King would still treat him with respect.
I am sure this will be controversial with the player base, but having a King concerned over the welfare of his people, whom he considers family, can only be good to reflect the bonds of loyalty that the Oath Takers should have for one another.
Finally, thanks to the players that allowed me to make a point of this encounter. There was some great RP there.))
"Hrmph," Tindra mutters after she listens to the gypsy King. "I knew that dwarrf was nothing but trrouble. I've seen firrst hand how he trreats folk killed in a fight. Takes theirr belongings and leaves the corrpse behind."
She pauses a moment to grab some Romani wine. "I keep hoping Grrag will knock some sense into him. I guess the dwarrf's loyalties arre still to his purrse firrst."
Fad nervously stands up to speak
Should the other legionnaires who live in the camp take this simply as a warning to know where our loyalties lie, or is there something else we should do for Jarsan's family, maybe? While I wasn't with the group that went into gnoll lands, I feel partially responsible solely by association, and so if I can do anything beyond simply offering condolences and getting my priorities in check, I'd like to know.
A man in darkened plate silently approaches the king of the romani.
"As I am…a hunter" he begins in a slow monotone, with strange emphasis on the word 'hunter' "…and the romani...would you...have me and...mine...track...and slay...this Deacon Star?" he asks, his red-skinned face passive as always.
//ooc on
Someone please point this thread out to Mingal, who I believe hangs out with Deacon a fair bit. He should be aware ic that his friend is an enemy of the romani - otherwise he might be unfairly accused of associating with the gypsy's enemies.
//ooc off
Kaona listens to the King nodding her head. The more he talks the angrier she gets. She clinches her fists at her side When he is done talking, she bows politely to him still fighting her fury as best as she can.
“I am sorry, King. I guess that my sign was not good enough. I will do what I can for Jarsan’s family”….with another quick bow she turns on her heels and stomps off cursing
A short while later, Kaona can be seen checking on the family. If one was to look closely, they might notice fading tear streaks.