::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::
The gate guards were informed by a passing adventurer that there seems to be increased activity from the Orcs South of Jiyyd.
Barrim frowns over a goblet of wine - sharing one or two with the officers of the guard when they are off duty, and comments to them in a disapproving tone about all the statements made about the wanted but now absent Uthger.
"I wonder how many of these things by folk of the realm would have been said if they even thought for a second Uthger would return, I hope for their sake he doesnt".
"His actions did endager the city, this time… strange how the assets to the city can fall so far from their apparent loyal and useful roles to such chaos and random disorder and distruction, we must all be vigilant in future", he remarks to a few senior officers.
"Now finally we can focus on that filth that dwells in the region, that chessakhan slime.."
Barrim buys another round of drinks for the officers to bolster morale and to give them a much needed break from the riots and disorders of the recent months
Luitenant Senella of the Knights of The Cerulean Star has been seen around the city more often once again, though she still looks ill, apparantly she is undergoing treatments which enable her to perform most of her duties within the city adequately once more, she comments that she has one of her subordinate Knights to thank, but that she will not embarass him by naming him. She is hopeful that a more permenant cure will be easier to find now that she is on her feet again.
Since the moment the punishment was declared, a certain quiet woman in purple began playing a set of pipes to draw attention to herself and then began taking bets on how many lions it will take to down the drow prisoner.
Bets can still be placed at the market shop now that the crowd has dispersed.
Both Khâlomèy and Meril can be seen wandering the City in a state of utter exhaustion. Even a few days later, the two still appear haggard and drained, but there is a twinkle in their eyes. They look like men who have won a great victory through great exertion.
Amazingly, the Knight is now carrying a shield strapped on his back, and a battle hammer attached to his belt. Even though Khâlomèy still looks a bit tired, he can often be seen practicing martial techniques with willing Guards and Defenders on the battlements of his beloved City.
Gildor casually wipes the blood off her knuckles, while turning to pick up her son. Her boy is about four years old, and seems surprisingly not startled by the sight of blood nor the unconscious drunk at his mother’s feet.
“What kind of question is tha..” Gildor mutters “..If I have figured our which cobbler is my kids father”
She takes the boy by the hand and is seen strolling out of the inn a few shades redder.
“Everybody seem tha either become bush-munches, or gettin’ married, I don’ trust this shite, I bet there be some Fay about screwin’ with folks minds and castin’ love spells, or whatnot”
She looks around suspiciously
“Everybody is bloody randy.”
Kalina can be seen jumping into many intense debates lately surrounding the rumors about Lieutenant Uthger. She always rushes to his defense and constantly disproves all the rumors surrounding his recent actions in the south. Whether or not her arguments make any difference or not is still up for question.
Two men discuss at their table…
My wife was going to the market yesterday, and their was a man there, threatening a poor mute elf, you know, the quiet one who wears a silver crescent in her hair. My wife was rather afraid I must say. The gard threatened him but nothing more and when she came back from the market later, the man was still bothering the poor girl. I think next time I'll go with her, I wouldn't like a southerner to harrass my familly like this…
Yeah… Who knows what could go throught the head of those barbarians...
Kaona has been seen more in the city of late sometimes for a few days at a time. She seems to have an unusually bright smile on her face. It could be the company that she has been keeping. She and Anakore have been seen many times walking around the city holding hands and whispering between themselves. Sometimes they have his young son with them. Kaona seems quite taken with both of them.
_The group of citizens rioting at the guardhouse continue. They speak of justice and they want it swiftly. Its been nearly a year since the drow was dragged into the cells. The crowd is usually subdued but easily sparked into rage by anything that comes along.
The crowd was put to rest for the time being by promises of "the rack" from magistrate Barrim. An unknown woman with no political background was speaking off prosecuting the drow. Many citizens just assumed her to be another one of the local "ladies of the night" looking to jump on an opportunity_
rumors spread about the young Uramesy girl. Some say she has run away again, others say she has locked herself away in her room. Others say she is living with someone else at the moment, but they all say she rarely comes out to the streets, and if she must it is only to purchase food, which she dissapears right after buying
Nico Black has not been seen around Peltarch for several days now. He left no indication as to where he might be or any indication he was taking a trip. It seems he has just disappeared.
((OOC: I had an accident this past friday which has left me in a bit of pain. I will be away from Narfell for another few days. Hopefully no more. Sorry for any problems, and I will hopefully be back soon.
Laughs to himself shaking his head as he hears the rumors, grinning a bit
Doesn't take her long to rebound huh. The girl is slick, thats for sure. Be interesting to see what happens though. We already have one of the best magistrates this city has ever seen in Barrim, along with the most experienced and well adjusted and learned of the laws in the city with me as the two so don't see that changing any time longer. Of course she could probably just try to flirt and date some of the senators until they give her thier vote.
Chuckles a bit as he leans back, relaxing agaisnt the stone of his normal seat in the commons
And rising to ranks in the nights. Heh, they could use some good Knights but Anakore does a fine job and there are a number of Knights more deserving of it from years and years of service. First in his pants, now wanting in his position, damn…i knew she was sly but not that sly.
He reaches into his pouch and pulls out a coin, flicking it into a bag of a nearby bard as he moves off into the shadows, pulling the cowl of his cloak up around his body
Kind of sad too, the woman could be a good trusted friend and ally if not for…..the words trail off in the wind as he dissappears into the shadows for the night
Barrim hears a desperate dirty old man leering after kalina as he disperses the riot his only words overheard by nearby guards spoken to kalina as she stood there… being simply "shut up" as he with some effort dispersed the crowd.
Barrim hears the old drunken man saying a few things about the ambitious but totally unproven knight and decides the drunk must be the woman's father.
He has a word with henry, the three star knight to tell the girl to leave matters of public order with the guard, and should she wish to join the guard captain dunderstone is always available. He reminds henry that he might have ways to hone her particular skills which by more accurate rumour seem to be going round the guardhouse, barracks and outpost wondering who will be bedding her next.
He rules out Kalina's offer to prosecute the drow which she seemed to mutter in a fearful moment before the assembled masses, with a comment to the guard sergeant that he thinks pete or lisa would be a far better choice if the senate do not come forth with one of their own for the task. He mentions to the sergeant that it seems that Uthger got rid of one woman, why he didn't kill the drow still a matter of surprise, he must be learning some restraint in his advancing years.
Gildor snaps at a waitress at the Ferret, pointing at a pile of sick a customers left on the floor, she returns to wiping of a table while hearing bits of the conversation.
"Kalina.. tha magistrate of Peltarch.."
she couldn't help herself from laughing, placing a hand on her hip and eyeing the patrons
"How much exactly 'ave ya two been drinkin'?"
she grin shaking her head, and picks up the cloth, folding it neatly.
"To be a magistrate, you need first of all to be lawful, respected, trusted and liked.. that chaotic lill' wench, got none of tha above, she can't solve her own mess, 'ow can anybody expect 'er tha solve somebody elses? Her risin' through the ranks of tha Knights is more tha do with her bein' good at "rising" somethin' else on tha Captains body, if ya ask me.."
She smirks, rubbing her forehead
"Mah.. 'ere.."
She snapes her fingers and a waitress comes over.
"This lass will get you both a free Ale on the house, I think that whatever ya got in those mugs is seriously effectin' ya brains tha wrong way"
She walks away, just laughing and shakeing her head amused.
It starts out small, in the corners of the shadier inns around the city. Conversations between small groups of hooded men, shrouded behind clouds of smoke from their pipes and cigars, their faces hidden by the veil. Small bits of gossip, stories, and suggestions pass around the tables.
"'Ear about that riot?"
"'Course, I was there!"
"Eh? Well, doncha think its time somethin' gets done? That Magistrate, he not be doin' his job. Its a drow, and he wants to wait even longer than 'e already has! It ain't right"
"Nah nah nah, the Magistrate's a good man. Ya see that hot girl with him up on the stand?"
"What about her?"
"She was voicin' the exact thing I were thinkin'. We need this damn trial, and soon. I hope she gets a position in all this."
"Feh, I weren't payin' attention to what she were sayin', more just picturin' what she'd be like on my bed."The two exchange a laugh, pay for their drinks, and leave the inn.
A few days later, another conversation springs up."Oy! Just got back from that rally, over'eard a friend of mine sayin maybe that Kalina lass should be magistrate!"
"Eh? Who's that?"
"Remember that girl with the Magistrate?"
"Oh, the red-head? Ain't she sleeping with Uthger?"
The two laugh.
"I dunno about that, but me friend was sayin she would make a fine magistrate!"
"Eh, I dun be knowin' much about her."
"She's with the Cerulean Knights, risin' through the ranks pretty fast too."
"Heh. Maybe she can save the damn thing."Later, a conversation in the Dancing Mermaid…
"Poor girl, the Lieutenant left her. I saw her run out of the gates a while ago screaming and crying."
"What happened?"
"They broke up."
The group of six simultaneously "Awwwww" at the comment
"Well, she's got a good future. I've seen her back around since then; she's doing okay now. She was at that riot in the docks helping the Magistrate calm down the masses apparently. I wasn't there, my friend who lives down there told me about it."
"Oh yeah? Well good for her!"Meanwhile, Kalina can be seen walking around the city with a faint smile never far from her lips.
_Rumors spread of how the pale elf senator has been fighting for the city day in and day out for the past years of office. Pushing for raises for the dock worker's pay, suggesting tax reforms for trading companies, advocating constantly in the benefits of joining the city defenders and guard. He is trying to create jobs in government, pushing for a reform in the Fighter's Academy, to turn it into a proper military foundation, and finding private investors for something he calls "The Arcanum." The bureaucracy has managed to keep his ideals mostly at bay, but he struggles on, convinced of their worthiness.
Some say he doesn't sleep at all.
Others are more interested about his involvment with the pretty red head everyone keeps seeing him with in his time off. They have dinner at the inn occasionally, always seeking private quarters and being well attended by the staff. The waitresses giggle on about how they are always smiling and exchange subtle touches here and there. He seems to indulge in spoiling the girl as much as he can.
More and more, old fanatical rumors are beginning to seem like self interest driven propaganda._
In contrast to the activity of her fellow Knights, the Luitenant of the Knights still has not been seen for over a year, rumours from worried students at the College say she is not even seen about the College, but remains within the lower Master's area and suppossedly is in a dire state indeed. She recieves very few visitors compared to when she first became ill, a worried Meril informing her concerned friends she simply is not well enough to have company at present.
Anakore has been seen in the city only when business calls him there. The Knights seem to have openly grown with several new members, and they are often seen in and around the city, on various assignments. In his spare time, Anakore is usually away from the city. Rumors speak of him at the Gypsy Camp fires with a girl, and given the relative quietness of the pass he has been taking his son Nickolai for walks to the Camp many times, staying there for a few days.
Barrim on his rare exits from his office plotting the demise of the new lizard threat and working on an important trial emerges as his fellow magistrate is musing and speaking to some gathered folk.
He sits down and nods in the affirmative to a few folk recounting countless incidents of so called chaotic law enforcement in norwick.
He seems pleased that his fellow Magistrate Zyphlin is speaking about the city in the positive and using his talents to show the citizens and military of peltarch how fortunate they are to live there.
Barrim brushes a finger across his moustache and buys a few guards a drink when they get off duty and later returns to his office with a friendly pat on zyphlins shoulder
Good work there magistrate… he comments with a smile