New Portrait Pack
Woah thats a whole lotta freakin pics….takes me like 30 seconds to actually upload the screen.But it's still awesome
I know how to save it to game you go to NWN and select portraits but I do not have a file name called that do I make one?
Ang, are you still accepting submissions for this portrait pack? We have a player asking about it.
Same problem for me, says the files corrupted. That's too bad… Really was looking forward to those portraits. :rain: .
I downloaded it (at work) using IE with no trouble. But that was on a pretty fat broadband link.
Hrmm been trying to download it to come visit Narfell but every time I donwload it it says its corrupted. Doesn't matter if I use IE, Firefox, GetRight, etc. Anyone know of something else I can try or an alternative location ot get it?
Like I said before, it's great, nearly only quality portraits, but it's big… very big...
So could the portrait with just another background colour or few light effects be left out next time? it's not like anyone will miss them with the huge number that's already there.
I find it impressive that she packed it down to only 20MB.
Sweeeeet! Thank yas…
huggles the cable modem
Great portrait pack. A lot of work went into that… nice-one.
Wonderful portrait pack! Thankyou.