Spellweaver Keep Mage Fair!

  • A flyer is posted on the town notice board:

    ((The date is Saturday, June 11, all day long! Questions? Suggestions? Don't hesitate to PM me.))

  • An additional notice is posted:

    Spellweaver Keep Mage Fair, Part 2

    The thanks of Spellweaver Keep are extended to all who attended the opening phase of its mage fair. The auctions, bardic performances, and archery competition were all worthwhile and entertaining endeavors.

    By the end of the tenday, the Keep will be holding the fair's second phase, featuring the following attractions:

    • Spellweaver Combat Tournament (admission fee: 100 gold)
    • mage duels
    • fortune-telling
    • riddle contest
    • illusionary demonstration of legendary creatures
    • arcane face-painting

    We also plan to make an announcement that will attract many of those outside the mage community.

    Attendance is open to all!

    Please note that auctions will not be held during this phase. If you wish to contact the Keep for a sale, do so after the fair.

    ((Thanks to everyone helped make the first part of the fair a great success! Part two will start tomorrow [Sunday] around 3pm EDT.))

  • Rumor spreads that the fair is very soon…

    ((Tomorrow! Estimated start time, 1pm EDT. Should run all day, barring catastrophes.))

  • Evendur renews the minor glowing enchantments placed upon the poster.

    ((Bump: Just a reminder that the fair is one week from today!))