::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::
In contrast to Anakore's wanderings, Meril has been spending large amounts of time in the city - almost exclusively spent with Eowiel. Indeed, it is almost becoming a rarity to see them apart.
_After the defeat of the Defiler an uplifting mood seems to have taken hold of the cityfolks. Captain Anakore of the Cerulean Knights, however, seems not to share this emotion, walking around darkly, often failing to greet friends or salute his Knights, and he has been seen leaving the city on long wandering trips on more than one occasion.
Rumors spread that the captain is grieving over the death of a woman, yet few seem to understand why the death of one woman should affect him so much._
_Meril is seen stumbling back into Peltarch, a pair of longbows now carried. One appears to be his usual one, the other looks almost identical to the type Robyn carried…
He is heard to be asking for Anakore insistently._
Rumors spread that Evendur has stated publically that the threat to the city known as the Defiler has been exterminated. He has apparently acknowledged that a number of citizens of Peltarch contributed to the effort, among them himself, his Chief Advisor Anna Sigerlson, Sergeant Talgrath of the Defenders, Lieutenant Uthger of the Black Dragon Knights, Tyrran Servant Natanya, Private Tagnar Baldforge of the Guard, and renowned bard Meril. He has issued a call for unity of pride in the valor and strength of the city in the face of such overwhelming adversity.
((If I forgot your char, sorry, it's late and my mind is mush.))
Talgrath has appeared to be a bit more agitated then usual lately.
Nico hears the rumors of Abiie's leaving and remembers seeing her a few days past carrying a heavy pack and looking very panicked. He makes a note to return to find her to see what's wrong.
Rumors spread among the children of the city (which leaks further) that the young Abiie Uramesyy has run away from the city.
"She went south"
"She's living with the lizards!"
"She was a kobold, I swear it!"
though many of the rumors are… far out there.
tagnar and eowien are seen sitting at the southern tower looking out onto the nars quite regularly, keeping the guards spirits up, whilst looking for any signs of the lizard womans harassment.
Zyphlin has been seen sitting around the commons lately with a much darker expression on his face as if he is thinking deeply upon issues. His eyes tend to wander, peering off looking at something though generally it seems to be almost nothing. If he's ever addressed he generally snaps out of it, giving a smile and quickly talking the person in question into forgetting they had any worries in the first place. However the more astute observers can see something is out of place, so much so that his shadow seems to move strangely even when he is just simply sitting in a seat
Tamora La'Thayet has not been seen for some time. Her family has given up and assumed her dead, and bureid some of her belongings on a private family plot. They do not speak of the incident, except to say "She was such a sweet, sweet girl…why did she fall in with those dreadful adventurers?"
_A stranger makes his way through crowded streets drifting easily past the masses. Several guards report seeing the stranger in and near the docks district gathering around fires and whispering in ears but breaking no laws. He keeps a black heavy cloak pulled up tight, the hood covering his facial features and moves with noticeable grace. Most are not even sure if he is a man or elf.
Appearantly he looks for employment in the docks helping with the ships that may need an extra hand._
Elf Ting E'leftynen of the bardic college, (and for those more aquainted with peltarch's underworld, an important member of the Market) has gone suddenly missing. Now, this in itself is not horribly surprising as it seems to happen quite often, but this time she has not left any sort or trace of where she's going other than two drunk sailors laughing about the purple one in the barrel…
((keep up with ting's "vacation" in tales by the fire
Rumors have it the young girl known as Abiie appears more recently picking on most of the students who are in the temple classes with her, calling them low-lifes or scum. She often appears uncheerful and is out of her inn room most of the days and nights
::Zyphlin can be seen walking out of the town hall, a dark look on his face as he shakes his head::
I have a feeling that dark days are soon going to descend on the city. Why is it that the good senators always are the ones that fall…
::he slips into the shadows as he moves through the night and has not been seen outside the theater for some days::
After hearing the latest senatorial vacancy rumors, Evendur can be seen visiting the Peltarch city library for several hours longer than is his custom. When he emerges, his expression is pensive to the extreme. He mutters to himself.
"This could be either very beneficial or very harmful to the governance of the city. I suppose time will tell which…"
Rumors say that the Senate has checked the lawbooks for what has been done in the past on such an occasion, where Senators are slain so soon after an election. Apparently, some hundred years ago, there was a case of three Senators dying suddenly to plague almost immediately after being elected. The same procedure used then will apparently be used now, though there are tales of heated, angry debates between the Senators concerning this issue.
When commoners speak to magistrate barrim and mention the election, he usually says, "leave it as it is, the chaos of the last election i dont want to see repeated in the streets of this city for a while yet"
He doesn't appear to be at all interested in the positions of senator himself anymore, as he is often seen somewhat in a better mood of late perhaps he is enjoying his position as Magistrate a great deal, or perhaps it is the various friendly female company he has been seen with in the city, in norwick and at the Trademeet. Eowien of Tempus as usual or Desdirata a noblewoman.
He is often seen patting Tagnar on the shoulder too, often daily reminding him of his fine victory at the Trademeet Archery competition with a relieved chuckle to Desdirata if she is close by.
rumors run rife of a lizard girl runing around with a big double axe slaughtering people in the northern stretches of the nars. Seems undetermined whom is being attacked whether it be peltarch guards, bandits, or merchants.
Barrim notices the Blonde halfling staring at the guarhouse on occassion and asks the guard present constantly there to remind the halfling on the laws on loitering.. "A -single- reminder.." he adds with a stern expression
Anakore and Robyn Jähnsdotter are often spotted together lately. They both seem relaxed and happy, often making walks with Nickolai, the son of Anakore and Skyla, or just traveling together. They seem close, and all those who know them notice that something seems to be going on between them.