Badly wounded orc

  • Shak can be seen gathering torches…

  • Glances over her shoulder as she heads out
    K, you coming? I have something to speak with you and Gagor about in private. give kuuzu a small wink and motions for him to walk with them

  • Legion

    A Evil bellowing laugh is heard as you leave the gates.. MUHHAAHA…. MUAHAHAA....

  • pauses to listen to kuuzu on his way out

    <o>yes the druids will pay, killing animals or not, farkin burying me alive growls several obscene things about druids…ga gor goin ta plant sem druids, some day clenches his fist as his upper lip curls up reveiling sharpened incisors some day..

    resumes his steady pace towards the gate</o>

  • Legion

    _KUUZU sees the orc and aproaches him " (o) So ye gut hit by dem farkin tree huggas too? I am glad I burnt down der glenn! nae wurry I have surprise fer dem let me know if ye seek revenge…. Andu must pay!_*

  • Gagor grin at her and his eyes sparkle at the thought of splattering somethings guts over the caves floor, then he awnsers
    sures, noffin beddur teh dos

    grabs his one and a half hander and heads for the gates

  • Ari watches the exchange between Gagor and Zanetar, her eyes careful and calm, then goes to welcome Gagor, and ask him if he would like to go walk the formain caves with her, since he is down here

    Since normally we walk the goblins sout of norwick, how about we do something different this morning, eh?

  • . . . after spending a fourtnight in a room in the inn Gagor emerges reinvigorated and looks about arnath still rubbing his throat

    sos…wut un orc teh do down 'ere eh ?

    sends a smirk at zanetar before wandering off looking at things that changed since the last time he stayed

  • Zanetar scowls at him as he enters, mumbling something rude about vermin halfbreeds.

  • as he staggers to the shadow of barony and rants on about druids he awnsers the qeureys of others

    <o>farkin treehuggers and their wigglin', had me stuck under tha ground when i was still alive !

    talks to the innkeeper and gets a room to lick his wounds and heal his ego</o>

  • Nim watches quietly behind his helm as the half-orc staggers about, wondering if a new lease on life might have brought him some manners.

  • Ikurus notices Gagor walk into town on a brief visit

    Gagor, mate. You alright?

  • Ari stand on the tower and watches the orc for a while as he babbles in his own language, then finally moves down to the gates

    Gagor? Is that you my friend? What happened?