OOC note to all players in Arnath

  • What we currently do is people idling in #Narfell_Underground go

    "Is anybody down in Arnath"
    "soon.. I am eating dinner"
    "I am, I am"
    "err.. anybody else?"
    "Hey! what you mean by that.."
    "uh.. I can log in"
    "okay.. give me five min, I am downloading something and I'll be there"
    "shut it"
    kicks Pink
    "is he dead?"
    "think so"
    "is he undead?"
    "whatever.. anybody else going down"
    "yeah.. yeah.. I get the pun, so who is there?"
    "about six of us now"
    "oh cool, okay logging in"


  • ANother thing that would help: could the DMs interesting in running stuff for Arnath maybe post what times they are usually on? Not a guarantee that they'll be there, but it at least gives us an idea of when we should try to be down there.

  • shrugs…I know ever Dm has their different tacts, but from what others said....its hard with multiple characters, and multiple play times from players....I agree that shouting wouldn't be very desirable...but perhaps some private tells....I recently had one from a player and Pinky saying hey, some arneth folks are brewing and doing somethings, wanna log in and join them...I know metagaming and ooc things are limited at times, but this might be a time when its more needed, until more said changes are made with Arneth....just a thought...

  • That's reasonable. I keep wanting to spend more time down there– main reason I don't is I haven't found anyone to come exploring more areas with me. As far as I know, it's insta death from drow or formians for a lowbie like me if I wander out of the city.

    I was thinking of posting a note to organize a lowbie exploring party down there, I think I'll go ahead. Maybe we could do that with some DM oversight so we don't all die from taking the wrong transition. 🙂

  • Something that could help in many ways would be setting up times as PC's where we all agree to log on down there. From there we can go around, RP going mining or getting stuff from the UG, and basically staying in Arnath and the lands around.

    That way if RW see's those times and can make one she can, if not we still are down there and have fun…

    ...plus that helps us start RPing the big changes that will be coming to arnath soon and make it a lot easier of a place to stay in for longer periods

  • I understand about there nothing to do in arnath currently, but I'm not about to do a shout over the server to get interest in arnath…that will just draw unwanted people to the event...period...if you guys want any events from me, then you will have to make the effort to be in arnath more often. I'm not going to waste my time to try and herd you guys back into the underground...

  • Quick reminder: Arnath has something like a dozen active members. When any given player logs on, the odds of seeing another Arnathian down below is next to nil. With nothing else to do down there it's fairly normal for us to head above. In fact, even if there ARE other Arnathians down below there isn't any non-DM adventuring to do.
    Even our bounties are tied to the surfacers.

    Until there are some add-ons to the underground or some populating of the empty areas, your best bet is to do a simple shout: "There is trouble brewing below the surface world…" and that should bring the Arnathians home. Also, some unwelcome interlopers for us to cast out with a vengence. 😉

  • Do to schedule change I am on at different hours during the week, I gat off work now at 3am est, only like 14 people on now when I log in.

  • Yes, I like being down in arnath, but for example, I sat down there for the better part of an hour and rped her slumped against a wall.though at times there are plenty of people down there, and as we get more and more, things will pick up I am sure… people who go up top do however, need to start watching out for potential wonders of arnath... cause when you have -maybe- ten people who live there and play on a regular basis.... things get hard to organize and things get hard to rp down there.

  • I am tring to spend more time down there. it is just a long run to get down there and get back up. But i will see what i can do. I had a thought of maybe makeing a port in the lucky ferret for only arnath citizen to use. that my help us from going up and down. makeing it easier. but i understand and will try harder.

  • I like arnath events, often when im on the surface ill grab the arnath folk and tell em to come down.