The Morgue

  • Legion

    **-Rumors is spread about the death of Arar and Yulan,an old lady by the name of Jess The Mad,tell to who want to heard how she dreamed of the death of the Lord of Arnath.Her power of divination never failed her,the population of Arnath begin to lose hope in these darkest time-

    -Two drunk sailors are gone missing since a week,the captain of those sailors have begun massive search in the town of Arnath.Peoples said that he blame this on some witches…-**

  • Legion

    The last few weeks have been quiet in Arnath.The drows and duegars have stay away in the darkness of the underground. Many begin to fear that this calm is only sign of terrors to come.

  • Legion

    -Rumor speak about how Arar look to be weakened since he locked himself in his room. Some rumors speak of Arar being unable to walk by himself anymore.-

  • Legion

    **-Since Arar is back,he have locked himself in his room. He send Karian to speak for him,she is now Arar voice.-

    -Rumors begin to spread about a artifact found by a miner,near the drow territory.No one have saw the "artifact",but the old crazy miner tale have begun to interest the dark side of Arnath.-**

  • Legion

    -Arar have dissapear in a portal he have created,saying he would go to hell to find his boy who was kidnaped at birth by Sottoth.The rumors are common about this and nearly all Arnath know by now.-

  • Legion

    -Rumors talk about the new plans for Arnath as the construction go wild. Some people speak of strange building people saw on the plans. Rumors spread quickly.

    The wife of one of the guard have beat him to near death when she found out he was drinking with a prostitute in the Inn.

  • Legion

    **-Rumors spread about the many assasination attempt on the life of Arar. They all end in a blood bath of the assasin gore. -

    -A rumor speak of Chaevre being a werewolf and a witch,many drunk folks avoid her eyes since the rumors started.-**

  • Legion

    **-Common rumors around Arnath that Arar have propose Gildor,and that she have accepted.-

    -A funny rumors said that Tribunal memeber Shaylin is pregnant of a dwarf.-**

  • **Rumor has it that the drow slayings have begun again. Many believe the "watchers" have something to do with it.

    The Barony of Shadows is buzzing with the talk that a small boy wsa grabbed by a long snaking tentacle near the underground lake. Many now fear to go close to it.**

  • Legion

    **-Rumors speak that someone is seeking harm to Arnath and lead the formians to attack. No one can confirm this with proof,but the rumors about it go wild.-

    -Bob The Kobold was saw in the battle against the formians,he have saved the life of Guard of Arnath with his awesome aim with the crossbow.People gived him a few cookies.-

    -Arar look to be more happier than before,people said Arar have more spirit in what he do than ever before.-

    -Three citizens of Arnath are again been reported missing. Some spiders web was found where it is reported they was last saw.-**

  • Legion

    **-Two more guards have been reported missing. No words on the current investigation.-

    -Rumor speak of Amerien was saw with someone suspicious,exchanging golds for a little black box with a grey skull on it,some suspect the worst in the coming day.-**

  • Legion

    **-Rumors speak of alot of new face in Arnath since Arar have take over the town to lead it to a new Hope like he himself said.

    The BrotherHood Of The Black Lotus,The Sisters Of Bones,and the newly Red Falcon group,are now often saw in Arnath walls.

    The BrotherHood Of The Black Lotus seem to seek to establish some gambling and bussiness in Arnath,rumors speak that they kill anyone that "cheats".

    The Sisters Of Bones are mysterious,they avoid most peoples.Rumors said they are witch and talking to them curse you for 5 years.

    The Red Falcon group are working for the Tribunal,they take care of some bussiness for the Tribunal.No rumor of importance circulate about them.-

    -Since the Election have begun, one guard have dissapear without leaving any clues about this.An investigation is going on.-**