The Time Has Come

  • Cray greets Zanetar with a familiar smile and says with a smirk

    This must be a grand occation it's drawn the finnest people.

    chuckles to himself

    Fancy meeting you down ere mate.

    nods repectfully to zantar as he dismisses himself and continues on his way

  • Scyth enters the city, the gaurds snapping to attention at his approach, he scans the commons as he passes, his eyes fall upon Zanetar.

    Ah a new comer

    Scyth makes his way over the the group, his iron shod feet ringing lightly on the cold marble.

    Be welcome here, I do not believe we have met, I am Scyth. Should there be anything that you need, do not hesitate to ask me. It often takes new comers a bit to adjust to the city, simply give it time.

  • Zanetar turns his head slowly to Sedrick, first giving Arizima a dismissive look.

    "Friend? Be wary of your suppositions… Friend."

    An ambiguous smirk rolls across his lips for a moment before he makes further into Arnath.

  • a large figure in armor and horned helm can be seen in the distance carrying a skull in one hand. He watches the confrontation.

  • As the two make acquaintances Sedrick walks by with an extremely large, usual smile. He greets arizima friendly and nods to Zanetar "Hello my very good, amiable friends. Tis grand to have such quantity, and quality…. in one place." 😄

  • ((wow, this town is gonna go far ;p))

  • He wears a strange look on his face as he tries to contain his laughter.

    "Pet? Don't flatter yourself, young one."

  • Arizima smirks slightly

    Yes pet?

  • Zanetar is always willing to immediately summon his arrogance, which he does for Arizima. His nostrils flare and eyes narrow as he jerks his head at her in a rather rude and condescending (though sutble) manner.

    He speaks in a harsh and cold tone to make his simple address, "Girl."

  • Watches Zanetar walk in and rolls her eyes slightly, approaches him and frowns


    breaks out into a small smile, her voice and eyes still cold


  • The man rises and watches the shady figure walk into the city, his eyes bearing a cautious (having been betrayed before) albeit trusting look. A brief smirk curls on the corner or his lips, the dried blood of healed wounds flaking off as they do so, and he hefts his belongings onto his shoulder and moves in after his savior.

  • A shadow slowly slips over top the sleeping ragged body of Zanetar. Cold green eyes look out from behind a dark helmet, looking over the all to familiar man. Reaching down he places a hand upon the banites chest, sending forth healing energies through him healing some of the wounds and causing him to blink awake. The Phantom of a man looks over to the guards and in a simple deep voice.

    "Let him in, he will do fine here."

    At that he waves his hand, the gate opening, and he walks in and dissapears off into some shadows.