Care of the Forest
The last few days a ghost has been moving through the forest south of camp. An outline moving from area to area, a stop and go activity seems to be at hand. The feminine outline moves along the trees like a whisper in the wind. After two days of this activity a beautiful Elf emerges from the forest, covered in dirt and leaves, her bright almond shaped eyes glisten green as she sashays up to Katyaâ€
s tree and post a soil stained note
I have been in the woods now some two days plantin seeds of Pine and Birch, me is tired of all the folks stompin into this wonderfuls forest that me still calls home and abusin it. Me been findin logs strung all ova and trees half way cut threw, left ta die cuss someone not think it was worth finishâ€
n the job.
I not ah Gali no more, but me heart still is, an me soul is accordance with Meilikki, an me nor me goddess is to damn happy about the condition of these woods. If me find who eva is rippin the trees out ah here with out givin back, or havin some sort of common since.
I gonna pin their arse to the nearest tree with a few dozen arrows.
((OOC.. please do not leave logs laying all over the forest that you don't want, it causes lag to the server and is just sloppy work ethics. This is not directed only to the Gali, but to all who use the south forest for wood… have fun :!:
waves and smiles at Andu as she wanders up, nodding to Moe and Cotton… settling down in her usualy spot she nudges Elrin with her elbow and holds out her hand for some apple putting some jerky on a well oiled cloth
I trust everyone is well today... starts munching and listening to the conversation float by
Liith wanders into the fires, her hands and face tainted with soil from tendingher herbs and her hair is full of littel blossoms and leaves of this and that, she moves to sit near elrin , and nods a greeting to all who sit at the fires.. "elrin, Andu.. Sista Cottons… oh... my... gods... " she stumbles back and her grey eyes widen in fear as though she has seen a ghost.
"Chan? is... no... cant be.. i saw you go to your god... i saw.." she falls swiflty to the ground, in a faint at the shock.
Chandon walks over listening to the conversation of what is going on with the south forest. He shakes his head some as he sits down.
"The Rawlinswoods, used to cover this entire region of Narfell, streched as far as the Icey Lake and Peltarch. Countless years for negeltic, goblins hordes running amuke, wars, and just normal human expansion has reduced it to what it is today." _He pauses for a moment. _"the best we can do, is protect what we have left. Planting the seedlings after you take some for your crafts, like you have been." He smiles some. "I will do what I can to help. I'll take some seedlings with me to plant in the forest when I travel. I will also look for those that defile what is left, and let those that protect know of you I am seeing doing it."
He then pulls out some of the Romi wine, and begins to take a long drink of it. He offers it to any around him.__
_Not wanting to intrude upon the discussion, Renwick slowly moves closer to the group and listens. He is just congratulating himself on his stealth when Nawen looks up at him and smiles.
After listening for awhile, and silently agreeing with Orc Man about the druids, he starts off toward the edge of the camp to check on the condition of the woods and thinking that he needs to work on his stealth._
Speaking around a mouthful of apple, he replies to Orc Man's inquiries
"You know it, Moe… The seedlings should do fine on their own, but it wouldn't hurt to go out and check up once in awhile..."
he chews loudly a bit more before swallowing, absently slicing another thin from his apple, letting it sit for awhile before speaking again
"Well, guess there's nothing better to do after a hard days work but sit back and relax."
He pops the apple slice into his mouth off the flat of his blade and eases back into his deformed rut, stretching out his legs, and crossing his ankles
Listens to Cotton tell Andu what happend, when she says he is welcome at the camp any time he makes a face but does not say anything, he see's Elrin approaching
Plant many more seedlings? I tried planting some at the East entrance to the forrest, hopefully they grow.
Cotton's smile goes soft at Andumien's words, nodding in agreement with him
Thank yas sweets for ya comin an yappin with us about it, that means allot ta me an the others. Yas always welcome here Andu, always
She leans forword taking a bottle of Rom wine from out of her well worn backpack and passes it around to all present
Andu nods thoughtfully as Cotton explains what she can about the incident, then purses his lips tiredly before speaking.
I will speak with Davin and find out what he knows. Then I will speak with Rera. She has a good heart, but is perhaps quite a bit overambitious. Some of those who are overambitious learn well from mistakes made in such haste and haught. I, once, was quite the same way.
Andu glances to Orc Man at this, as if waiting for some 'witty' retort at that, but then glances over as Elrin approaches and smiles softly before answering him.
Just enjoying the fire, friend.
Elrin wanders up from the forest a few hours later, covered in dirt, smelling of pine and tree-resins. He wipes his brow with the back of his hand, sweat beading, and strolls up the fires where Cotton, Andu, and Orc Man are gathered. He wanders over to a nearby tree, and starts removing his equipment, leaning his bow, shield, and sheathed sword up against it, before taking off his armor, and stowing it carefully. He plops down into his deformed rut and frowns, wiggling into place, attempting to wear it back down, he settles after a time and looks to them all with a faint smile.
"Greetings all, not interupting anything I hope?"
He says as he pulls an apple from his satchel, and a knife from his belt, slicing thins off his apple and popping it into his mouth
Cotton smiles seeing Andu and settles into her normal rut to face him
Bout ah week or so back she come ta camp an visit, while she was here me an Elrin decide ta go patrol the South forest and maybe look for some healthy trees to craft with. So Rera tagged along ta help work off some items she wanted me ta craft her.
Now when we get out deep forest Orc Man bumped into us an the Dryad friend of mine comes ta see wha we is doin as well. Orc Man an Elrin both tell her ta not go near the Dryad cuss she very nervous an only speaks ta me normally. But Rera not listen and goes runnin by me an chasin after the poor lass. I get in ah few words for the Dryad turned an ran off.
leans back shaking her head
Now when we get back to where Elrin an Orc Man is waitin, Davin and Zak come walkin up as well. Yap bout ah full forest that day. she grins at all listening
At this point me is fed up with Rera and her neva listenin, so me walked off headin back ta camp. Later Elrin an Orc man come an find me North ah bit an soon here comes Rera. She smart off sayin she the one taken care of the forest an she wont stop us from detroyin it no longer. Make some otha comment to, but I not catch them all, seems she was mad at Orc Man to for some reason.
she shrugs helplessly
All me know is sayin wha she did is outa line. We work hard at takin care of Mielikkiâ€
s forest and do our best ta look after it, me not see her here less she needâ€
n somthin.
grumbles coming back from the forrest seeing his signs are gone, he sits down at the fire just in time for cotton to appear and yell at him, he looks up and shrugs
"Sorry, I didn't mwan all the druids but wouldn't have looked good if I just wrote 'RERE FARK OFF AND NEVER COME BACk', me like Davin and some of the other druids, but most of them…...shrugs
opens his mouth to continue speaking when Andu sits down at the fire, Orc Man turns to Cotton
o> You should explain sis, don't think I'm in too good a standing with his like, might believe you more.settles in to his rut and waits for cotton to tell Andu
As Cotton 'talks' with Orc Man, a nearby rock begins to silently warp and expand in one part. In moments, a stone face is visible in the rocks surface, and in a few more moments, a leg protrudes fully from the rock. As the tongue lashing continues, the figure finally emerges, his shape has lost its slate grey color and returned to skin, bark, and flesh. As Cotton finishes, Andu'mien presents himself with a bow, and speaks.
"As far as I can tell, m'lady Cotton… there was no real harm done. There is much history in this valley.... much that neither myself or Orc Man are fully aware of. I often watch over these woods, and perhaps even call them a second home, as well as this camp of randir (elvish for wanderers), should they extend such hospitality. As in the Rawlins, there have been far worse times for loggers, and far worse times for the trees they log. This change, perhaps although only slight, pleases me, though it seems not all of my druids are aware of the change at all."
Slowly, Andu takes a seat near to them at the fire and looks to Cotton and Orc Man in turn before speaking again.
"Could you tell me of what has happened with Rera?"
Elrin watches as Cotton flips out on Orc Man, smiling faintly, finding it funny
"I guess no amount of schooling can make up for his lack of courtesy…"
He chuckles softly and wanders out into the forest to give them some peace
Cotton stomps back into camp looking for Orc Man Okays, why in the NINE HELLS was that farkin letter abouts?!
Her eyes glitter with anger looking around the camp fires
Davin an them othas is ah wonderful helps ta us an they is more than welcome!she stops and calms herself taking several breaths
Me knows ya wanna do wha ya think is right but yap with an Elder for ya go makin all camp look like arses again. All we want is for who eva is still sneakin out there an leavin logs about and half cut trees ta stop. We not want ta insult our Druid friends, well maybe only Rera'
rolls her eyes She come back ta camp yappin bout how she the one takin care of the forest an insultin us again me gonna beat her even more silly and drag her hog-tied ta Davin
On one early morning, a softly trodden elven boot breaks through the glistening layer of dew rich leaves in the clearing outside the Romni woods. In the near distance, a gleaming copper sword protrudes from the earth, with a sign attached. As the elf gracefully glides towards and past the sword, he pauses only for a moment, gripping the hilt of the sword, but not seeming to pull on it at all. Silently, he continues to pass into the woods, leaping up into the branches of the trees, and gliding from one bough the next effortlessly.
Behind, in the clearing, the copper sword sits still, though in moments, the entire sword has lost its gleam, and soon thereafter is a solid, soft shade of green. As the minutes pass, the shade of green becomes more rich, and the sword breaks in half of its own accord. With no sign of the elf amongst the nearby trees, oddly, the remains of the sword are suddenly engulfed by a twisted mass of vines, which oddly spring from under the blanket of fallen leaves, and pull the remains into the earth.
During one of her irregular stays at the Gypsy Camp, Tindra notices the sign placed by Orc Man and shakes her head.
"Idiot," she says in Elven. "Who died and made him Elderr?"
Lucina walks by and reads Orc Mans sign and sighs
And I thought this place was a place of peace. Shakes her head slightly Perhaps he should try doing what the druids do, then see if he is going to make such comments… oh well though, only helped to make my decision.... ((ooc, see my next post))
eyes go wide reading Orc Man's sign
Elrin winces upon reading Orc Man's sign.
Hmm, that's not going to go over too well…
He hoists his pack up onto his shoulder and heads out into the forest to complete his chores.
On a stroll out through the pass Davin comes by the sign and looks it over
…Right, maybe he should take it up with the elders. Dram specifically who actually came and asked for our help.