Lost Souls

  • No way…Eléndel's back? Crazy...

    And how do we get to view those yahoo group pics? Do we need some kind of special login?

  • Morfin Dyness (not entirely sure of his name) known as Eléndel Baenre

    Lives in the UG.

  • Walkman longheart, works with many. and is thinking about moving just need a key, Also thinking about buying a house.. Just need to know the info.

  • Character name - Terrick "Umbra" Oakwhisper

    Former resident of the gypsy camp, lead to the worship of Shar over the years.

  • Zanetar Den' Kath – Relatively un-secretive Banite, cold and sarcastic, pleasant to few -- Not living in Arnath, but affiliated with. Interested in citizenship.

  • Character name: The Nameless Monk

    An elven devotee of the Iron Fist, the martial artist cult of the Tyrant Lord, Bane, The Nameless Monk is a cold, ungregarious young woman. Formerly of the Four Winds monestary and once-student of Scutum Hedges, Master of the Hin Fist, The Nameless Monk has wavered on the line between good and evil for well over a decade. Her recent actions, including her dismissal of the Four Winds and numerous nefarious 'activities'* in Peltarch would tend to suggest a shift towards the latter.

    • I would be happy to send you a brief list of these, Pink.

  • Cray Vincint

  • Tor Smashor: Arneth (still no blood rag, despite going through ritual)…

    Was to help strengthen the Army of Arneth, before being captured in the orc forts.....forcing loss of Army and loss of Command...((Went inactive for a few weeks/months there....lost all the members we had mustered up 😞 ))

    Clan Remunak...

  • Chaevre' Vaelen - does not live in Arnath but conducts business there when necessary.

  • ZarZartootin Zarfindoodle is alive and ready to serve the Crawler Below.

  • Cray Vincint - Arnath

  • Amerien: Lives no where at the moment he is still in the rawlins but has been down in Arnath latley showing interest of getting involved for unknown reasons.

    ((also coming back from a much needed break…well see what happens))

  • Uraj Letum- Arnath

    [Val'danis Ceness- Lost in outer space (hehe)]

    Servitor to the 3 "Undead Gods", Velsharoon/Kiaransalee/Orcus. Experimenting and desecrating the nearest graveyards and shrines 24/7.

  • Corde is alive and kicking once more

  • Anen Spellsinger - Dead now but was a member of Arnath.

    Ramiin Briin - New Character, will be my primary character for now on, and Will be intrested in being from Arnath, or joining as soon as possible.

  • Arizima Sepret- Arnath

  • Raila Aers - Arnath

    ((Just got back from a much needed break))

  • Amurrila still lives in arnath. She is usually conducting rituals or studying undeath away from the eyes of many and seems content where she is. (inactive character at the moment.)

    Sedrick is still the same shady stranger and wierdo not really helping to improve arnath's image. He usually does not hang around one place for long though, or maybe you just don't notice him.

  • Shai'llyn - :? confused drow - lives in the UG

  • Korsha: Arnath
    A Man eater (no.. really)

    Gildor: Arnath - Peltarch - Jiyyd - Norwick
    Devoted chaos worshiper