Leon Tarrant

  • Well he has permently retired due to ill circumstances so forget this this.

    Leon grew up a small village of Roeb. He grew up with his older (3 Years older) brother Ivor, and younger sister Lyn (2 years). A little after he turned 12, his dad came home drunk. As soon as Leon saw his dad drunk he ran to his small room he shared with his brother. Once again his dad was in a bad mood and drunk like nearly evrey other night. This
    ment problems.

    Nearly evrey night his dad would come home drunk and beat his mom, him or his siblings. As you could guess he started to get angry bout this problem then he blew… That was it his home family freinds and so on... All at once evreything he ever loved or cared for was gone.

    He ran into a near by forest and watched the rampage of fixing it all up. Thats when he met the fairy dragon. He had fallen to the ground and looked hurt. Leon sat there and just yerned to be able to do something to help this poor creature. Then all of a sudden it happened. Some bright lights glowed and flew into the small dragon. Then he rose a small creature. They started to talk and began to relize that they were spirtaly connected. Leon also found out that his name was Cane. Cane went out to hunt. They survied for a few days off this food. Leon then snuck into the local general store. He stole a bag and some food cloths and other supplies.

    He then set out to explore the world. He had no home no family, all he had was Cane... So he had no worrie's to returned. He then travled to here. As he travled Cane and Leon grew an intense bound and practiced power and control over there powers.

    He now has a great hate for acohal and all who drink it. He also is one of the first to defend a woman in need from a man.

    OOC: Needs some work. If you have any suggestions just give me a PM.

    My account is Nights_Sorrow
    MY Charcter is Leon Tarrant

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