A Vision in the Dark - Agnavar Solvas
Narfell UN: Agnavar
Character: Agnavar SolvasRain poured down all about him, he was alone on a dark street in the midst of a large city, his heavy black robes sagged with the weight of the water. He felt a sudden chill rise up his back as the sound of an angry drunk woman's scream filled his ears, reverberating off the halls of a nearby alley. "Where am I?" he thought, the sudden disorientation overwlmed him.
Agnavar stood to find himself square with a large house. The light of the house window unconsiously drawing his gaze. He moved closer, confused an unable to get his bearings. Without warning a dark figure lurched towards the window within the house in his direction, hitting the glass pane and shattering it. A the last moment before it hit, he saw a glimse of what it was… A man or so it appeared with glowing red eyes and bloated green tinged skin, open sores covering his face. The man... Or what was left of one broke through the glass landing on the ground in front of him. Owning only one leg it clawed it's way along the cobblestones toward him moaning. It grabs him by the ankle and starts to pull itself to it's good leg. Defensively Agavar kicks it, the blow landing directly on the things face and tossing it sideways. It's jaw making a sicking crack turns downwards at an unnatural angle and it speaks with a lisp... "Heeelp uss..."
Agnavar, catching his breath mumbles "help us?" He pulls his leg free of the crawling groteque figure and stands there looking at it in disbelief.
It painfully pushes it's jaw back into place, again making a sickening pop and pulls itself to a half sitting position. Speaking slowly, painfully, but purposely the living zombie addresses Agnavar. "Many will die, help us."
"...How, what can be done?" Agnavar replied shakily, steading himself and feeling a testiment of faith upon him.
"Seek the land of Narfell... Pity usss! Free usss..." The resounding voice ending in a raspy unearthly tone. "Rid us of our unearthy massster," the figure weezed, letting some strange fluid gurgle in it's mouth and ooze from it's chest. The zombie begins jerking in pain and angish as it's sores open and bubble once again.
A wave of grief flowed over Agnavar as the sound of dozens moaning in anguish filled his ears. He shut his eyes, feeling suddenly dizzied and sick from the encounter, then screamed madly trying to rid his ears of the horrible sound... He awakened at the sound of his own scream.
Agnavar was alone in his inn room at the Old Skull Inn. He whiped the sweat from his forehead and sat up just as a burely old man burst into the room with a club and a lantern, followed by the friendly old woman who sold him the room. "What's the trouble here?!" The burely man asked somewhat angered about the start.
"My pardons," answered Agnavar, "I've had a... a nightmare of sorts. I'm sorry to have troubled you."
"Well, next time you have a dream lets try to keep it to yourse-" The old man started out angerly but was cut short by the old woman.
"Henry, please, he didn't mean to wake anyone. Please, go check on the stables." She finished, watching Henry leave the room. Turning to him she says empethetically, "That must have been some dream you had there... You screamed as though someone was being murdered."
Agnavar just nodded, "My pardons. I didn't mean to wake anyone." She left him in peace as he thought about the irony of her statement. He knew full well that this was no ordinary dream... It had been a vision from his deity, Kelemvor. That eve, he packed all his things and left Shadowdale for the caravan.
Reviewed. XP Pending.