Evil Roll Call
Login: Uber_Hesky1
Character:Argan Ghend
Book Stolen From: The Redemption of Althalus
Class/Levels: Rogue (1)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Info: Ex-farmer converted from worship of Chauntea to worship of evil demon Daeva (mixing two completely separate fantasy worlds here). Busily convincing paladins that's he's good so he can stab them in the back later. Oooh yes.
Character: Khorgar
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Deity: Garagos
Class/Level: Level 1 Cleric/ Level 0 Barbarian
Residence: The Western Foothills outside Peltarch
Information: http://nwn.black-flag.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=10143
Bloody combat is all he desires, glorying in mayhem and death. He can be drawn to others causes in exchange for coin, weapons or sometimes merely the prospect of battle.
Login: BCobo
Character: Arkanis
Alignment: LE
Deity: Velshroon
Class (Level): Cleric (2), Fighter (1)Residence: Norwick, but he travel too much to call anywhere his home.
Other Info: Arkanis is a devote follower of Velshroon. After he received a vision from the necromancer god, Arkanis started preparing for his destiny. He intends to gain enough power to take his place as a champion of Velshroon. Until then, he is posing as a priest of Mystra.
Login: Derek_monkey
Character: Unknown Wanderer
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (is growing more evil as he progresses)
Deity: Cyric
Class/Level: Level 1 Rouge, Level 3 Sorcerer
Residence: Currently Resides in the Little Cave under the the Tailored Cloth in Norwick
Information: Leader of the Underground Evil Guild(UEG)…..........click HERE for backround story or PM me IG or on IRC if you would like more info about the guild or are interested in joining
NAME : Elmdor Stormshadow
CLASS : Cleric of Talos (2) - (Air and Death)
ALIGNMENT : Chaotic Evil
GROUP : Leader of the Strombringer triadGot my RP token…
Me and my friend builded 3 priest of Talos hoping to bring destruction to norwick. Anyone wishing to join just PM me...
login: mfan2020
Character: garric
Class: Fighter 4/ rouge 1
Deity: cyric
Alignment: NE
Location: unknown grinsgarric was once good but corrupted by the powers of cyric and willing to do his bidding at all costs. He hates the militia and banites. Do not trust this man if you wish to live.l grins
norwick will fall!!!!!!
Login: FUArch
Character: Mae'Belle Sterr
Class: Ranger/Rogue
Diety: Cyric
Level: 6
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Location: NorwickOriginating from the Gate, later on Amn she always was chased by the law, always getting in trouble. At one point she had a large outlaw army with wich she raided small towns, untill at one point, they got lured in a trap set up by The order of the Radiant hard and the flaming fist militia company, half her men got slaughtered, other half captured and executed, she fought to her last breath, but did got captured to. They delt a huge blow to the enemy nearly killing all commanders and soldiers, pissed off as they were they ordered everyone dead, hanged on the spot. Mae'Belle used her second weapon, her mouth and talked her guard into letting her live in exchange for a night together, the guard agreed and made sure the rope was not to tight around her neck so she could breath. When the bodies were being dumped in the river mae'belle escaped and met that night with the knight who helped her, killing him for even thinking about them together, and made her way to Narfell, trying to regain everything she had lost without having to fear from the order and the flaming fist who assume her dead now. This is the story of Mae'Belle.
Login: Axel_O'Firth
Char: Kyle Thorn
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Location: NorwickThe evilest of the halfling family. Kyle spends his days in Norwick giving a bad name to the reputation of the Thorn family. He was a commander of the Thorn armies until he abandoned his post at the Thorn's fateful battle against the Eastlanders, taking his men with him all for the gold which was promised by the enemy.
Login: Kalisnd
Char: Vick Davire
Class: (1) Wizard
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Location: JiyydInformation: Desperately trying to gain power to kill one person who seems to really get to him.
Login: MustardJelly
Char: Eledhan
Class: Rogue
Diety: Mask
Level: 1
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Location: NorwickKilling a sentient creature in cold blood takes a lot of nerve. It helps if you don't consider other races 'sentient' of course, helps even more in fact if you consider other sentient creatures as mere tools to be used to your own ends. Eledhan has such an attitude, and it is an admirable one indeed in his line of work, and he predicts that he will have many, many customers in these parts, for even in the most uncivilised lands there are those who would like their enemies disposed of quietly.
Login: Ciemnosc
Char: Arminius Vödtnight
Class: Wizard
Diety: Myrkul
Level: 3
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Location: Norwick for nowBiding his time, waiting for the chance where he can strike hardest. Usually is lawful but has a nasty streak to him a mile wide. He is obsessed with death and pays homage to the dark gods, living or dead, in what ways he feels that he can and that is to bring death. He believes his powers come from the dark entities though not sure exactly which particular one as he has researched Bhaal, Myrkul, Loviator, Moander, and still not found the answers he has looked for.
Login: ArcaneMastah
Char: Ahriman Shadowrevan
Class: Fighter(eventually Fighter/Cleric)
Diety: Asmodeus
Level: 1
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Location: UndisclosedDevil-Knight, drawing his powers from the hells themself, he sets off to gain power in an attempt to bring forth the demonic forces on the lands of Narfell.
Login: Bishop Lillis
Char: Gnosh Achtheinos
Class: Wizard
Deity: Gruumsh
Level: 1
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Location: JiyydHalf-orc who hopes to one day gain dominance over the surrounding orc tribes through his superior intelligence and magic-aided influencing of others. Disrespectful of all other races, especially other half-orcs that are not as intelligent as he is.
Login: Balrog1979
Character: Aron Brown (aka "white")
Class: fighter1 / Cleric
Diety: Auril
Level: 6
Alignment: Neutral Evil (is set to Chaotic Evil to cover his background, awaiting some attention to change it towards the way he is
Location: NorwickAron was a loyal servant in the few brave in Vaasa when he became influence by the Queen of frost. In a mission to bring the winter to Narfell he arrived one cold night to Jiyyd.
He soon became a Cleric of Auril and began his work.. letting bolts hit both Bandit and other factions in Narfell.. there will be no roof takeing away the coldness from narfell's inhabitants! the winter IS comming.. and he is openly standing preacheing when the frostbites hits Narfell.
(i have had him on hold a while since it was simply not fun to interract with me.. im working on that to make him as he is now but still not unpleasant to other players)
Login: Balrog1979
Character: Cehul
Class: Rouge
Diety: Cyric
Level: 6
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Location: NorwickThe murderer of Halforcs.. to everyone dead.. even his brother.
Rumored to be alive.. .
the truth was that he moved.. planning in the deeper parts of narfell.
Login: Phelan0
Character: Yurana
Class: Cleric
Diety: Malar
Level: 9
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Location: Gypsy CampHas one goal.
Login: Ballboonius Maximus
Charater: Myrin Darkblade
Class: rogue
Level: 1
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Location: PeltarchMyrin is an evil hin that use to work in a general store. After killing the owner of the store because he wasn't getting as much coin as he wanted, he set out for hopes of riches and power.
Login: Cardinal_Alpha
Character: Delirean Dilheart
Class: Cleric (Heal, Magic)
Deity: Priest of Bane
Location: JiyydBeing one of the 20 darks knights personally sent out by Bane to cloud this land with darkness, Delirean dedicates his live and all he owns to the success of Bane and his quest for domination.
After coming to the land of Narfell, Delirean has ceased ever chance to spread the name and believes of Bane. After being exiled from Norwick almost being killed by the militia for praising the name of Bane. Delirean has come to the town of Jiyyd hoping to continue his work.
Login: leinad888
Character: Blake Webber
Location: Peltarch
Class: Neutral Evil Rogue, follower of Mask.Blake has lived in peltarch for about a month. He has seen (and been exiled from) lots of cities in Faerun, and now he wants to try his luck in Peltarch.
Witty and smart, he roams the docks at night and the busy streets trying to carefully earn some coin. He carries a range of knives with him at all times and is ready to kill anyone that gets in the way of his aspirations for wealth.Right now im trying to find some contacts for him to associate with in Pelt.
Gwen icengre Neurtral Evil Druid (4) Cleric (1) Barbarian (1) Talos Worshipper
Malic icengre Neutral Evil Cleric (1)Gwen and malic come from a long line of Talos worshippers and since their time of birth have been His, body and soul. Gwen with each level advance has been slowly changing from a druid that worships natures harsh side to a killing machine filled with the Destroyers dark power, though she has tried to resist. At this point she is almost utterly evil and has little chance of being redeemed; Her friends have also finally given up turning her from this dark path of destruction. Malic has always been darkly evil and hopefully, the citizens of Norwick will try and hang him by the neck until dead
for any crime he may in the future commit (he is a gutless manipulative worm after all). Both have been working towards frightening the populace of Norwich into becoming talos worshippers and if they have to manufacture a disaster to do so they will (heh heh).
login: SynicaLyonbane
Charactor: Valdush Bonesnapper
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Class: Fighter/Cleric
residence: Norwick
information: A large half orc smart enough to stay out of trouble in these human lands.
He follows a code1 Family first all others last
2 Take what you need leave none alive who could come back later to harm you
3 Keep you freinds close but those that opose you in a hole
4 People can't tell what you done if they don't have a head