Cursed Elf: The Exile of Kain Darkblade

  • Evermeet is a land where the Elves of Faerun have freed themselves from the greed and corruption of the human lands they once lived alongside. It is a place where all elves are free to work on their crafts or their spiritual enlightenment–all elves, that is, but one.
    It is unclear which "House" Kain Darkblade was a member of before his exile as their is no record of a "House Darkblade" or "House Kain" in any known Elven histories. But these details are unimportant.
    It is known that Kain was the eldest son of a prominant noble and stood to inherit a great deal of power and money when and if he was named his father's successor. But Kain's father secretly feared and distrusted his eldest son. He had seen a cruel heartlessness that was unnatural in an elf. All his life Kain rarely showed excitement, love, or happiness, except when hunting. But lately his father had grown disturbed by Kain's notions that hunting animals was becoming pointless and that more "exciting" prey would be necessary to quench his thirst for the hunt.
    When the time came for his father to step down and name a new patriarch of the family, a great party was thrown and a magnificent feast was laid out with a great boar at its center, hunted by Kain himself. At the end of the evening the old elf called for the floor to make his announcement. Everyone gasped in astonishment when Kain's younger brother was named the new head of the house, not Kain.
    It was noted by many that Kain barely reacted to this news, and actually was said to have cracked a smile. The celebration carried on long into the night before the guests had completely cleared out, and the servants decided to wait until the next day to clean up.
    The next morning the alarm was sounded and many elves rushed out to see what had happened. Led by a hysterical servant, the authorities found a grisly site-- the body of Kain's brother was set on the great platter where the boar had been, his hands and feet tied behind his back and an apple stuffed in his mouth. A search of the premises revealed the dead bodies of the entire house-- except Kain.
    Kain was found sleeping in the nearby woods and was brought before a court for trial. But it could not be proven that Kain did the killing, so his life was spared. The elders, however, could not ignore what had happened and exiled Kain from the the utopia that was Evermeet, forbidding him to ever return, upon penalty of death. The house's possessions where divided, the mansions torn down, and the whole matter never spoken of again.
    As for Kain, a mighty elven wizard cast a curse upon him, giving him the appearance of a drow, then magically transported him to a forest in the region of Narfill. What he did after that is another story.

    Submitted by Pup Psychoholic, a.k.a. Kain Darkblade

    NWN Account Name: Pup Psychoholic
    Character Name: Kain Darkblade

    I wrote in a historical style to try and add to the mystery of this character. I hope my pointing this out doesn't take anything away from that goal.

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