Journal of Shane Andryl
Journal Entry #27
On our patrols of the lands around Jiyyd, Tera and I have apparently discovered the cause to the eeriness in the small cave near the Jiyyd swamps. At least, we now have an explanation for the distant voices that can be heard there. We descended into it’s depths this day, bent on finding out it’s source, and on learning whom or what is constantly replacing the traps that can be found there. Now, I almost wish we hadn’t.
The voices were closer than ever, and seemed to gain a source from the depths below. We descended carefully, shielded from harm by our Lords’ graces. Soon, we found tracks of fiendish little dwarves and mephits all around. They had come from their hiding under night’s guise. It did not take long before a battle erupted and our blades dealt death all around. Quickly, we pressed on, certain that more was to be found in the depths below. And by Helm’s will, we did! There, deep in the darkness of that cave, we found the evil that lay beneath: a demon, bound and caged by unknown force, swaying it’s evil tongue to try and stain our souls into releasing it from it’s bounds. It’s heart was shielded well, so immense was it’s power that neither Tyr or even Helm’s watchful gaze could see through it. Yet it’s tongue couldn’t hide it’s lies, and we didn’t bend to it’s will. Seeing it could not sway our hearts, it then tried to lure us into battle, but that too was withstain, though I must admit that it has taken much of my strength to keep myself from striking at it.
It vanished when it saw that that too was to no avail, but it is there, I know it. We must seek a way to banish it for good, before another foolishly sets it free.
Journal Entry #26
It has become quite clear that the Black Hand has seen us as a danger to their cause, and have shown this in warning like one would expect from their likes. Adela has been assaulted this day, and covered by darkness, was left with their mark in hand. She is well, but it is a clear statement. We shall need to watch the shadows carefully, before any lose their lives to their hands. A plan has been devised to lure them out, and now we await the time when all preparations for it are ready. Until then, we wait, wary for the next attack. They may come, we are ready for them. I but fear for Adela now, for she has had much to endure lately. She does not need the threat of a dagger at nightfall right now.
Journal Entry #25 – First dealings with the Black Hand
Though a good thing was done this day, I fear an enemy has been gained as well, one that is not to be underestimated.
It all started when a hin came rushing through the gates at Jiyyd with a desperate cry for aid. His name, we learned it but later, was Perrytwiddle Rotapple. He claimed that he had been with a caravan in the central plains, as they had been attacked by the savages that reside there. They had slain all but him, and had taken an axe meant a great deal to him. We decided to head out and investigate the matter, and soon after we discovered the remains of the caravan. The few tracks that could be seen headed straight towards the valley of the Featherlight savages.
After much effort, we were able to gain access to their vale and speak with their chieftain Molar. There we learned that our efforts had been in vain, as the axe had been theirs to begin with, and the caravan had been nothing but a group of hin thieves that had felt the wrath of the savages for trying to steal that axe. Matters soon became worse as it became clear that by allowing the savages to turn their attention towards us, we had inadvertently aided the hin in stealing the axe once more. Molar’s anger was great, as he saw us as none other than dishonorable Jiyyd thieves. Yet he was still able to listen to our reason, and allowed us 3 days to prove our honor and see the axe returned. Upon our failure to do so, Jiyyd would be lain to waste.
We left at once and turned towards the Regal Whore where we had parted with the hin’s company. It came as no surprise to find the hin had fled there, apparently holding the inn’s well-earned coin in his pockets as well. We turned to the nearby city of Omphur at once, as the hin had remarked that he would have sold the axe there. Helm smiled on us, for we arrived there in good speed and without much effort, and found the guards to be mild to our cause, allowing us entry into the town.
The hin was recovered swiftly, and after his mirage of lies was shattered, so was the axe and what coin he had taken. Yet from him it became clear that there was more to this than just a mere artifact theft. The hin had worked for the Black Hand, and it was them that had ordered the recovery of the axe so that coin for their cause be made from it. We returned to Jiyyd, dragging the hin along with us, and persuaded him to speak on the Black Hand in exchange for his safety from the wrath of the savages. Alas, he was not able to make true on his plea, for but a few breaths later, skillfull assassins took his life, leaving us blinded to the matters of this Black Hand organization.
We rushed back to the savages’ vale at once, for time was running out, and arrived there just as Molar was about to gather his army. Helm forbid if we had been but a few moments later! Matters quickly calmed upon presentation of their treasured heirloom, and Molar quickly realised our good intentions towards his tribe. We have been allowed access into their vale, and can count the Featherlights as friends for now. It is an honor, albeit that they are savages. Still, they may yet one day prove usefull allies.
Journal Entry #24
It has been over a year now since I have come to these lands, and finally news from my home in Cormyr has come to me once more. My father still lives, albeit from his sickbed. Garran sends me word that his mind has left him. At times, he doesn’t wish to acknowledge one’s presence as such, and it appears that his madness has nearly turned friendly neighbors into foes, as even the slightest courtialities have been disrespected by him. It would only be for the friendship that has existed between knights, that relations still stand.
From what Garran tells me, he constantly lingers between clarity and insanity, as curse upon curse falls upon the names of fathers and child… and on God and King. It saddens me this day to learn what has become of the great man that he once was, but though it pains me much to do so, action must be taken. I shall send word to Garran to relieve my father of all duties that still befall him, and renounce my rights as child. Garran must hold all the keep’s matters from now on, so I shall grant him the authority do so, in my family’s name. Helm granting, it may yet live on beyond me. Perhaps it may continue to hold the valor it once has had, but at least, the lands will continue to hold the protection of the keep. I will request of him that he sends the armor that is rightfully mine. Though it saddens me greatly, I now know that I shall not return to what was once my own home… it is home no more.
Journal Entry #21
I find myself more and more in the company of Bottesini Lichmar. Our paths seem to cross with every step that I take outside of the Jiyyd gates, and for the last few days, even within. It is pleasing at the least that he would visit this often, especially since I have refrained from visiting Norwick for a while now. There is something about this man that has caught my attention, and I would know more of him for the time being. His past is dark enough, yet his intentions are pure, bent on making a mence with it, but there is more to his visits than just being amongst friends. Although he denies it, his manners speak more than a thousand words can do. Yet I am thankful for his silence, welcome it even, for my own heart has grown weak to his presence. I can not allow it. While I do appreciate the companionship, I can not allow him to distract me from my current course.
Journal Entry #22
Dark tidings come once more at the fire of Norwick. I had once more brought myself to visit the barbarian hold and check on matters and friends. Nature itself has turned on the town and it’s people as animals attack the gates for no reason at all. At least, such was thought, for this day Mielikki has spoken to those that would listen, proclaiming an end must come to the destruction of the woods beyond. This has stirred quite the riot of course, pitting many a soul, both dwarven and other, against the druids that guard the forrest. Their hearts must be calmed quickly, before it comes to worse. I must speak to the Elven druid Jaroo on this matter, as he possesses the calm required for this task. I have trust in his wisdom, and in Andu’mien’s. They must be brought to speak with the Dwarves, before this escalates.
Journal Entry #23
With every dawning sun, I find myself more and more within the druid’s conflict. Jaroo has come to me this day, angered as the Druid’s Glenn appears to have been defiled by some unknown source. I have been allowed to see it, but whereas I greatly appreciate this honor, I fear there is not much that I can do however, for this matter does not concern Helm in the least. Yet I have come to respect the work of the Circle in great manner. They have my aid should they wish to call upon it, but for now I must leave this in their hands. I am certain that they can restore their Glenn to what it once was. At least the animosity off late has ceased a bit, as it would seem that the Druids and the Dwarves have come to an understanding.
Journal Entry #19
The dream has been fulfilled, as word has come to me that the paladin Alania has been returned to us, granted chance to life once more. This is most joyful news. I am sure that we shall meet soon enough.
Journal Entry #20
Triviality has returned to my life as it seems, as my days have been filled with small patrols and defense at the Norwick gates. The peace of Jiyyd has done me well, allowing me to consider matters as they come. Yet with nightfall, the creeping doom that lures from beyond seems to awaken, frequently setting the lands to turmoil.
The lich is gaining power and sends forth it’s minions at an alarming rate. Shadows have been appearing almost everywhere at an increasing rate, even within the town walls, and undead minions have come at night around the Narss, sent through portals of some kind. Many a man has come to hold them at bay, yet the source remains as of yet hidden in the shadows.
Journal Entry #18
Helm be praised that we were just in Jiyyd the night before. A threat to the town has been waylaid by the mere actions of a simple boy! It still pains me to know how much the little one suffered in this ordeal.
It all began with the young Dana being quite shaken by the fact that her brother had gone missing after a simple game of hide and seek. He had hidden himself all too well it seems. It didn’t take much investigation to uncover that the boy had been a fool, and had tried to hide himself in the well. With the summonings of the mage Lichmar, whom I’ve come to trust as a good soul, we quickly uncovered that the boy had gone down there, and that he had probably hidden himself in a dark tunnel that lay ahead. Yet more was uncovered, as not only this tunnel, but the Orcs in it as well were not supposed to be a part of the small Jiyydean community.
We quickly rushed the girl home, and descended ourselves into the well, aided by a young elven woman who’s name is up to this day a mystery to me. Soon, we learned from a more than talkative lot of these Orcs, that the boy was their captive, ready to be used as mere food to their fiendish jaws. He had fallen into their secretly delved tunnels, and was as such a threat to their plans, as were we now that we had seen their numbers amassing below the town. With the fury that engulfed us upon this knowledge we most promptly dispatched with these foul creatures. They saw no reason in surrender, and I saw none in their existence. My hand was guided well that night, as Orc after Orc fell to our blows and sparks of magic, until finally we did reach the boy’s cage.
The fury that had engulfed us had all but waned, and we were tired of the battles that had been. The Orc that was guard to the lad would have dispatched with us promptly, so I lowered my blade and tried reason instead. Helm be thanked for this Orc’s wisdom, for neither him nor we felt like doing battle any more than the other. It soon became clear what the Orc wanted, and we traded the boy for the food in our packs. I had to steel every nerve in my body to accomplish the boy’s freedom, as the tunnels we were in had been shaken by the battles, and were on the fringe of collapse. But we prevailed, and made it out just in time.
If any of the Orcs were left, they shall not be able to recount the happenings. They now lay buried under piles of stone. The boy however, was less than lucky, as the prolonged exposure to the subterranean had struck him with cave fever. We quickly brought him to the healer’s, and rushed to Norwick with all speeds to recover some fernberries that were needed for the boy’s health. I shall not forget the smile on little Marlo’s face, as he slowly recovered and learned that he had indeed won his little game of hide and seek. Neither shall I forget his father, who was more than thankful for the lives of both his children. I shall bear the blade he entrusted me with in pride. They have my blessings, and my guard.
Journal Entry #16
My fears have come true this day, and I curse myself for having had them. I have heard the tale, and I have seen the man. It breaks my heart.
The foul creature has awoken, driven on by the blood of a poor little boy. Liam, I remember him well, playing happily in Jiyyd. He is gone now, and the evil that his murder awoke, has been unleashed. The paladin Kanen remains alive, witness to the events, a mere reflection of what he once has been. If not even his hand, guiding Helm’s holy blade, could strike this evil down, then how are we to stand against? I pray now, with every ounce of my soul, for strength.
Coliding with these events, I have received a vision that disturbs me greatly, if not even more. I have seen a city in dark battle, blood and turmoil all around. Amidst the warriors, I saw a creature that watched me from the shadows. It had more heads than one, but I cannot forget the way that one of them beheld me. It was the face of a woman, golden in hair as bright as the sun’s dawn, yet it watched me, mourning, eyes filled with sorrow. What does it mean? Have I wronged in any way, or is it but tiding of things to come? I am uncertain… the events that have occurred weigh too heavily on my mind.
Perhaps I should leave Norwick for a while, and travel elsewhere. I must regain my focus, for I know that I have not been my own self the last few days. Yet it are the petty things, outweighed by these last events, that drive me to it. I must learn to focus on the matters at hand, and not be distracted by these trivialities. Helm commands it. I shall watch in silence, and learn…
May Helm grant me the strength to do so.
Journal Entry #17
A change of season has done most well for me. There is more opportunity to focus on the matters at hand since I’ve taken up lodgings in the Regal Whore in Jiyyd. At the least, I can now devote more time to my studies. I have seen one of the faces in my dreams a few days past, yet so many questions still remain unanswered. They shall fall into place in time however, I am certain of it.
Journal Entry #14
My time has been utterly consumed with apparent trivial things off late. The town seems to go in a state of turmoil, as men of ill nature keep seeping through the gates, acknowledging once more that Norwick is no more but a true barbarian homestead.
I have still not received word from home, neither good nor bad, and neither have I been able to depart. The matters at hand require my full attention. Yet I must learn to focus, or I shall fall. I have learnt as such this day, when the bugbears pierced my armour and struck me down threefold. Had it not been for the caring attention of my friends and brothers, I would not have caught another glimpse of this world.
Journal Entry #15
Things move quickly now, as Kanen has summoned us to Helm’s sanctity in Jyyid. He speaks in troubled words, as if they may yet be his last. I fear that the day he speaks of is soon to come. All other matters seem trivial now, they fail, in comparison of what is to come. I feel powerless, merely a bystander watching from the shadows, while I should stand up front against this darkness that is to come, and hold Helm’ s name high. I can merely pray that Helm guards them well, and brings them victory.
Journal Entry #10
Much has unfolded in the past few days. It seems that suddenly every evil has found it’s way to Norwick. I have heard many a thing, of a Banite lurking in the shadows, and of foul plots being hatched nearby. And I have seen many a thing as well.
Last night, I was called to the northern gates in aid. There, I saw the scornful minion of Myrkul, the priest Jelde, flanked by her undead minions. It has taken every ounce of my strength and will to withstand the evil she holds within, and deny her abuses and venomous tongue. Had it not been for those that rallied to my support in this, I would have certainly drawn steel at her spiting remarks and taunts. There is much anger within me that I had not discovered before. I must learn to control it well, lest these damned souls take control of it, and lead me to my doom.
Journal Entry #11
Trivaenstel is mine once again, and honor is restored. The bandit that took my life and my possessions is no more. His last look upon this life was mine, as I watched him fall to my cuts. The shame has been avenged.
Journal Entry #12
[this entry has faded away in the passage of time… ]
Journal Entry #13
It has been 2 weeks now since he has parted. Not a day has gone by that I haven’t sat by his grave. I have many a new friend to thank for their support, it has given me strength again. I now look upon the matters differently, I know again the road to take. Helm has been silent, but he is ever present, steadying me on my way. And I shall need every bit of strength that I possess, for I have learned a lot these days. The undead plague has returned to Norwick in tenfold, and Kanen has spoken of things that I can not recount for fear of breaking this terrible silence. I am certain the Hold has heard of it by now though, and it brings me that little solace at the least. It has been the manner of his voice that has brought me to this state. It spells only doom, and I fear for his life, and ours.
Journal Entry #5
I write this entry more as confession than as recount. Countless hours have I already spent over this in prayer, seeking the solace that shall not be granted. I must write it now, before shame forbids me to do so.
It had been many a day that I spent near the gates of Norwick, either North and South, aiding in the defense of this beset town. Attacks are frequent it seems, launched either by those hateful Goblins, or the bandits to the North. Many a blade has cut my skin, and many a life has been taken by Trivaenstel. I have held Helm’s name high, and have fought with valor. But I have grown wary, and have let down my guard, allowing anger to flourish over common sense. The lady and I had had enough of this, and had decided to root out these bandits from the pass. I now see the foolishness in it. It was with but the swift stroke of a blade that the bandits cut her down, and soon after I lay beside, the officer’s blade still stuck in my back as I tried to save the young woman’s life. The last thing I’ve heard that day was his laughter as he gloried over our demise, and stripped our bodies clean while there was even still an inch of breath within me. I curse him for the foulness of the deed, and myself for my stupidity.
I awoke in the most mysterious of surroundings, and it shook my very nerves. It was but a moment later that I understood where I was, and the recognition was like a hammer that crashed onto my very soul. At first, I prayed for guidance, and hoped that salvation was still to be found. Yet as time passed - it seemed like countless ages - it became clear that none was to be found. I have shamed my Lord then, for it was then that the Beast came, and whispered it’s lies within my ear… and I believed.
I have been granted a new chance to this life, though not by the hands of Lord Helm. He knows of my deed and has exacted His wrath. I am plagued by the memory of it when I close my eyes, and hear the Beast’s tongue in my dreams. I must know my error, He sees to it… and I do. I am alone with my pain and my prayers.
Journal Entry #6
After all my prayers and my devotion, Helm has forgiven me. I feel His presence all around, and I am strengthened in it. He has shown me His resolve in guiding my hand against the foulness of the undeath plague that haunts the Norwick Crypts. I know my path now, and I walk it with pride.
Journal Entry #7
Dire news has come to my attention, brought to me by messenger from my Cormyrean homestead. My father lies ill in his deathbed. I must leave at once.
Journal Entry #8
It is as though Helm himself forbids me to leave these lands. I have chartered passage on a ship in Peltarch to speed my journey home, yet it has been for naught. The ship has been infested with rats. I have sent word to my home that I shall not be able to return speedily, and hope Garran will bring him the news in his own gentle manner. I pray for him now, that he may yet live.
Journal Entry #9
A most interesting meeting has occurred this very day. I have met with other brothers of the faith, and it pleases me. It is good to know that Helm is well represented here. The paladin Kanen - I have heard his name and reputation before near the fires - has come to Norwick this day, and has offered me a place amongst his Order. I cannot refuse to stand aside in this. Much work remains as yet undone.
Journal Entry #1
Home, I look upon it for the last time.
Proud Imnesvale lies beautifully in this moonlit night, quiet and peaceful. Andryl Keep stands aside it, as always, a beacon of hope and strength in these lands that I can call my home. Yet I know that the hope is gone, it died when Father was returned to us a forthnight ago, broken in both body and soul. He has lost his faith, and I can no longer bear to watch it. The look in his eyes still haunts me, although it has been hours ago since I’ve seen it for the last. He is no longer the proud knight he once was. He is but an empty shell, awaiting absolution for things he can not control. Even the blade that he has offered me was granted more in curse than smile. Ah, good Trivaenstel, you have served him and his father’s well. May you do the same for me.
Crom is eager to go, I can feel it. He watches me with his steel hawken eyes, silently, but forbidding. I don’t blame him, for his master is in need. I am glad he came, and gave me purpose.
I look upon good Imnesvale for the last time. Garran has been entrusted with the affairs of the Keep. I am sure he will act with wisdom, so that Imnesvale may continue to prosper. I pray that all will be well…
I have not even said goodbye.
Journal Entry #2
Crom has lead me to the town of Norwick, well up north in the realms. He has not been slowed either. It has cost me my small fortune to keep track of him. For 7 days I rode in his flight, trying to keep him within sight. It is a miracle how the good hawk can put up with this pace, though it seems his master’s need has granted him godly wings.
It has all been to no avail, however. I have found Nalia’s body between the rocks south of Norwick, slain at the hands of Goblins. They have tasted Trivaenstel, but it offers little solace. My childhood friend has parted from this world, and I fear Crom is soon to follow. I was too late…
Journal Entry #3
This barbarian town appears to have more to offer than it seems. I have spent the last few days learning more of these lands, and of it’s perils. I have been guided by a young, fine warrior, Zorazina Kaarlak. We’ve already shared many a road these past few days. She has a fine heart, though a bit rash at time. Yet, such seems to be the trademark of most that frequent these parts. None the less, she seems as eager as I am to put hold to the dangers that lurk beyond. I see now why I was guided here. There is much work to be done.
Journal Entry #4
[this entry has faded away in the passage of time… ]