Stories of Kanen Hightower
“Where are we?â€
“I am showing you another glimpse, Kanen Hightower. A glimpse of your future.â€
Kanen looked around the darkened cave, the air hot and dry as the rough rock walls of the cave around him. He looked at himself and could see through his flesh at the cave behind. He looked at the strange, mysterious being next him, a creature more of shimmering light than substance.
Kanen turned to the being and started to ask a question when he heard the sound of a man running, his breath ragged from exhaustion it seemed. His eyes narrowed as he saw who the man was. Jubei. Of course Jubei couldnâ€
t see him and ran into the cave, frantically looking about the dry cave walls for something…for an exit that was not there.
Before Jubei could attempt to backtrack from the cave, another man rushed into the room. He wore a full helm but shouted one word when he saw the trapped man, “JUBEI!†The word was said full of loathing and hate. Kanen knew this, as he recognized both the tone and the voice as his own. He was watching himself pursue Jubei, perhaps for the last time. Kanen smiled faintly seeing the frantic look of fear Jubei wore.
A near out of breath Jubei forced out, “Come…to…finish the job, Kanen?â€
ve had enough of this. This ends here.â€, the armored man replied.
ve…heard…that before. Even…even…â€, the assassin coughed, watching the armored man, blade held high and ready approach slowly.
The watching, near transparent Kanen expected some trick now from Jubei, some craftiness that would quickly turn the tables on the approaching armored man, but Jubeiâ€
s next words both shocked and horrified the watching man.
“…I believe…it was…right before…you cut down…poor Seven.â€
The armored man didnâ€
t even try to deny the words saying, “She was aiding you. Helping the Evil. She could no longer be trusted.â€
“Did you…did you think to listen to her?â€
With a sneer the armored man replied, “She had nothing to say. Only pleas for your life.â€
Jubei looked at the armored man as he now stood over him, and collapsed down to the floor of the cave, shaking his head.
“She pleaded with you to spare her life too, remember? She begged for her life…â€
The armored man struck Jubei in the mouth with his armored fist, causing blood to flow freely.
“Shut up, killer.â€
“Now what will you do? Kill me, and then what? After all these years of chasing me?â€
“My goal will be complete. By Helmâ€
s Will.â€
Spitting blood, Jubei looked up at the man, “Helmâ€
s Will? Donâ€
t you mean Kanenâ€
s Will?â€
“Insolent bastard! You heathen! Your lies end now!!â€
With that the man swung his sword down. And again. And again. He swung the blade until he was covered in blood, the shape beneath him hardly looked like a man anymore at all, the dry cave floor greedily sucking up the life blood of man who was known as Jubei.
Finally, panting from the effort, he stopped.
s Will is done. It is finished.†With that, the blood soaked knight turned and left the cave without looking back, though to what, was unknown.
The being of light turned to Kanen and asked simply “What of this?â€
Kanen, shaking his head, tore his eyes away from the gory remains of his mortal enemy and answered with his own question, though expecting no answer “Why would I kill Seven?â€
“You heard him.†The voice replied, accused.
“Yes, I heard him.â€
“Then why do you ask?â€
“Nothing I heard would cause me to kill my very own wife. She is the love of my life, my partner…â€
The voice replied, “Indeed…That is indeed the point. Have you already become that separated?â€
“My love for Seven will always be much greater than my hatred of Jubei…this would show the opposite, it seems.â€
“I saw no love here…except the love of oneâ€
s own self.†The voice stated emotionlessly.
“I have to agree…that is all I saw as well.â€
“And yet we see it growing daily…seething.â€, the being answered.
“I cannot believe I would allow myself to come to this.â€
“Could you not?â€
Shaking his head Kanen continued, “This was not Helmâ€
s will…this was murder.â€
“Very good, Paladin. Though a child could be that observant.â€
Kanen returned dryly, “Well Iâ€
m glad Iâ€
m at least as observant as a child.â€
“You jest as your own life slips away on the waters of simple choices.â€
Kanen returned, “I would not let my lust for vengeance consume me like this…this was only murder.â€
“Paladins walk a very narrow path. As thin and as dangerous as the edge of a knife.â€
Kanen only nodded, and listened as the being continued to speak.
“The many have been watching and have questioned your actions. The many are concerned.â€
“What many? Just who are you? What actions?â€
“We are all.â€
“Actions you will take…decisions you will make.â€
“I have always tried to serve Lord Helm faithfully…â€
“This was no illusion, Paladin…but the river of time can be altered…diverted…â€
“So this that you have shown me is what might happen, based on my decisions?â€
“Not what MIGHT happen, Paladin, what WILL happen. Do not mistake this for a vision. Choose wisely.â€
“I pray often to Lord Helm for guidance†Kanen answered.
“Praying for guidance is not always the true thing to do. The Will of Helm is exact. You have been given many gifts, much power, Paladin of Helm. Use them. Do not always run to the breast of Helm. He dislikes weakness in his Champions.â€
s eyes hardened somewhat at those words, but forced himself to listen and accept them.
“Use what you have learned. The many will be watching you, as the Eternal Watcher watches us. Do not disappoint.â€
With that Kanen found himself suddenly on the empty streets of a darkened city, looking about, he quickly realized it was Peltarch.
Then the Paladin heard a strong, rich booming voice echoing across the darkness, “I bless you, my son. Choose well.â€
Murmuring quiet prayers of thanks to his Lord, Kanen realized he now understood the prayers he had been unable to understand until to now. Looking about the darkened empty streets, he quickly got his bearing and headed south, out of the city and to home. He wanted to share his news with Seven, and the walk would give him time to think hard on things he had seen and heard. The scenes he had been shown would never occur. By Helm he swore this.
The sun was shining brightly on the meadow, the wind blowing gently. A house stood nearby, apparently empty and abandoned. A small boy runs from the west into the meadow, apparently upset, his eyes wet with tears. Suddenly he stops by a large rock and throws himself down next to it, kicking at the ground. Just then, a small girl comes running into the meadow behind the boy, she looks around until she spots the boy near the rock and slowly approaches him.
“Mommy is waiting for us†, she said quietly.
“I donâ€
t wanna leave!â€, he replied defiantly.
“We have to….mommy saidâ€
“But…but why isnâ€
t daddy coming?â€
“Durai…you remember what mommy said…Heâ€
s not nice anymore. And itâ€
s too dangerous here.â€
“But itâ€
s not fair, Revanna!â€, Durai nearly shouted, his eyes filled with tears.
“We have a new daddy now, remember?â€, Revanna said in a quiet voice.
“Yeah…but itâ€
s still not fair!â€, he choked through his tears.
“Durai, mommy said we would be safer away from here.â€
As the two young children were talking they didnâ€
t notice the man who had followed them from the west. A bald man with a ponytail, dressed in red and golden armor, until he suddenly called out, “Durai! Revanna! Where are you?†Suddenly he spotted them and walked slowly over to the two children and knelt by their side.
s wrong? Your mommy is waiting for usâ€, he said quietly, noticing Duraiâ€
s tears.
“Jubei, Durai says he doesnâ€
t want to go…†Revanna began before her brother hit her in the arm.
“I did NOT say that!†he shouted after hitting her hard enough to make her rub her arm.
“Come now, children…what is this all about?†Jubei asked quietly.
“What about daddy?â€, Durai asked in a pleading voice.
Jubei sighed then replied, looking the boy in the eyes, “Durai, you know what happened….he hurt your mother. We canâ€
t let that happen again. And we especially canâ€
t let that happen to you two.†Smiling at the two children, reaching for their small hands, he continued. “We both love you very much…more than anything. You know that.†The boy nodded up at the man with a slowly forming smile.
“See? Our new daddy will protect us!†Revanna said with a smile that was only a little sad, as both children hugged Jubei, nearly knocking him over as they laughed together.
All three, hand in hand, slowly walked again west, leaving the meadow and the empty house behind.
A near transparent Kanen stood unmoving, and silently seethed as he watched the nightmarish scene slowly end. He then turned to the strange being floating by his side ask asked in a barely controlled voice, “What was that?â€
“Decisions, Kanen Hightower…decisions. A glimpse.†The voice whispered to him.
“My mortal enemy with my wife…and my children? You claim THIS is my future?!?†he shouted in reply.
“I claim nothing. I simply showed you. It was your decision to watch.â€
“This cannot be…what could it mean? I would never hurt Seven or the children. I refuse to accept thisâ€, he stated, controlling his breathing and his emotions.
“You leave only questions and no answersâ€, he accused the being.
“Another glimpse, Kanen Hightower?†the voice asked without emotion.
Getting himself under control he looked hard at the being and forced himself to reply in a calm voice. “Very well. Show me what you will.â€
With that, the ghostly pair vanished once again.
edit: how'd that end up there?!
The rough-hewn cave was dark and damp, somewhere water could be heard dripping. Suddenly a tearful, frightened young girl comes running from the west, sobbing, her breath coming in ragged gasps from pushing her little body so hard. She looked frantically about in the darkness, “m…mommy? Where is mommy?†she pleaded to the darkness, yet the only answer was heavy, armored footsteps also coming from the west. A man came into view, wearing dark armor with a full helm that hid his features from view, he moved slowly, confident in his movements, hardly breathing hard at all.
The small girl screamed in terror as she saw the man, but realized she was trapped; the only exit was one the armored figure was blocking. “I want mommy!!†she cried to the uncaring cave walls. In a deep grating voice the armored figure spoke “Oh… mommy is quite dead.†The girl looked up to the man, face contorted in fear and anger and shouted, “Liar! Mommy is strong! Mommy can save me!†The man continued in his grating voice, “Mommy… is very cold and dead…little one…just like… your brother…†The small girl glared up at the man now and screamed, “You lie! Durai is not dead…I saw him!â€
The man continued speaking, even as he slowly drew his sword and continued, “Oh, my dear Revanna, he is… very dead…and now…you join him!†With that the man brought his sword down at the small girl, killing her in a single strike, her screams ending abruptly. He searched her broken young body quickly, finding only a single item. “Lovely. Just a stupid prayer book…†he tossed the book aside and slowly made his way from the chamber leaving the body as it lay, blood slowly pooling and spreading around her.
His voice choked with emotion a near transparent Kanen looked on ‘This cannot be! And where was I during this?!?†He called out, tears falling from his face. A voice that was somehow both loud and yet quiet, both booming and whispering replied near his ear. “The future…your dear daughter perished. Your wife and son with her.†Kanen replied in a raw voice “NO!!!†The voice continued, as though he had not spoken. “And where are you? Why are you not here protecting your daughter, and your wife and son? Questions, questions…Choices to be made, Kanen Hightower. Hard choices. To follow oneâ€
s heart…or to follow oneâ€
s god.†Answering in defiance, shaking his head, Kanen slowly regained control of his emotions and replied “No. One can do both.†The voice continued without emotion “Remember this scene, Paladin. Remember it well.†The world changed around him and suddenly he was standing by the grave of Faramir Otarch, back in Jiyyd once more. Kanen looked at the grave of the Paladin and thought on the message being given.
Kanen had seen the poor boy Liam killed before his very eyes as the lich had been brought back into the world. His mortal enemy Jubei had left him at deathâ€
s door when he had relied too much on a Holy sword instead of his skills and sound tactics. The Paladin had even left his wife and children for a short time, though quickly realized that error and returned a few days later. He had been duped by the elven sorceress Melâ€
hrus Janâ€
h to recover an object of evil and turn it over to what he thought was a fellow Paladin, but instead only a corrupt man who had once been a Paladin. His thoughts had been, for the first time, tinged with slight doubt. Why had his Lord Helm allowed him to recover the Holy sword, only to have the young boy Liam killed because of it? Why wouldnâ€
t He give an answer to his fevered prayers on this subject? Kanen felt as though he stood on a razorâ€
s edge.
Due to his rigorous physical training the knight knew he was getting physically stronger. He could run longer, carry more…but it was more than that. He felt on the verge of understanding prayers that few Paladins even at his former home, Helmâ€
s Hold, had been able to comprehend and utilize…yet he also felt on the edge of falling. Falling from grace, on the edge of losing his faith in the wisdom of his Lord. The doubt was small now, a mere nagging, but he knew it must be dealt with quickly and soon or it would only grow.
s what this was about. Kanen had been standing in Jiyyd, talking with Hugh, when suddenly…there was a presence. A wispy presence that spoke his name and suddenly he was…somewhere else. On a vast, red hued field. It then asked him if he had thought of the future. The presence seemed to talk to itself, as though it was actually more than one entity. It said that he relied on physical strength too much. That he did not see what was even before his own eyes. It said it would show him though, and show him now. The presence told Kanen he would be shown the future, but that he would be unable to do anything, only watch and observe as he was as mist there. So the horrific scene of his daughterâ€
s death had played out…
Suddenly, cutting through his musing thoughts he heard a manâ€
s scream from the west “HEEELLP!!!†Quickly the knight ran towards the sound of the screams and found a man hanging off the cliff that jutted out over the rocks some twenty or thirty feet below. Moving quickly, Kanen ran to the edge of the cliff and grabbed the man firmly around the wrist. The man looked up, with pleading eyes and responded in a voice that was both grating and deep “Please…help me…†Kanen paused for a second, frowning down at the man, the voice seeming very similar to the voice from the cave. “Iâ€
m…slipping!†the man cried in desperation.
Shaking his head, closing his eyes, Kanen pulled firmly and with all his might to bring the man back safely from the cliffâ€
s edge. Slowly, but surely the man was pulled to safety. “Oh…thank the gods…†the man breathed in his deep grating voice, as he brushed himself off. Kanen looked at the man, piercing him with his gaze, attempting to sense evil in the manâ€
s heart but found none. With a smile, the man looked up. “Iâ€
m John Donnerville. You are Kanen…I know you well†he spoke with a wide smile. “How are the kids?†John asked, tilting his head slightly. Kanen forced a smile on his face and forced himself to reply evenly “My children? They are fine…†John looked at Kanen with a grin and added in a friendly manner “I saw Seven just the other day…she is looking more beautiful every time I see her. You are quite a lucky man.â€
His eyes narrowed only slightly Kanen forced himself to reply amiably “Yes. I am a blessed man. In many ways.†John slapped the Paladin on the shoulder, chuckling a bit. Folding his arms, tilting his head slightly Kanen now asked “John, what is it you do?†The man replied nonchalantly “Oh, this and that. Listen, let me give you some gold for this…you saved my life!†Shaking his head, Kanen refused, though with a forced smile still on his face. John shrugged his shoulders and said “Fair enough…Well…Iâ€
ll just be on my way." Kanen watched as the man walked past him, however the man suddenly added in his deep raspy voice “Oh, listen! You should make sure your doors are locked. Thereâ€
s a few crazies running around Jiyyd.†Kanen turned quickly, only to see the manâ€
s back as he walked slowly away. “…Alright…†was all Kanen replied.
Turning back to the cliff, Kanen spoke quietly to himself. “I had to save him…†Suddenly the presence was there. “Why?†it asked. Looking directly at it, the Paladin responded in a strong voice “Because I am sworn to protect and defend the innocent.â€
“Are your children not innocent? Is your wife not innocent?†the voice now asked. Again the knight replied, “I have no proof that man has done…or will do…anything…he was not Evil.†The voice quickly responded, “But you saw his actions.†Nodding, Kanen answered, “Of course I did…but I donâ€
t even know for sure that was the same man. I never saw his face.†The voice spoke again “So. You base your decision on ignorance then?â€
Eyes narrowing Kanen answered in a firm voice “No. I base my decision on a man who needed my aid. I gave it as I would to anyone, unless I knew they were of Evil.†His face paling, Kanen now added, “Wait! That doesnâ€
t meant that he will…it doesnâ€
t mean what I saw will come true does it?†The voice simply replied, “It is the future I show you, dear Kanen…it is about your existence. About your life…and your decisions. You could have slipped…†Shaking his head Kanen responded, “No. I am a Paladin. He had committed no crime…perhaps my saving him will change what I saw…perhaps this was the day he changed for the better.â€
“Is it worth risking the life of your children?†In answer, Kanen simply stated, “Life is risk. Having children in this dangerous place is a daily risk. Perhaps if I had let him fall, he would survived and then decided to kill Seven and the children. I stand by my decision.†The voice added ‘Hmm…speculation, a wonderful tool. Very well. Your choice is made. We are far from finished yet, Paladin.â€
With that statement there was a sudden flash of light then both the Paladin and the wispy presence were gone, leaving only the quiet cliff side, the wind gently blowing the grasses in the sudden silence.
The air was still in the Nars, a hot, humid day with the sun shining down brightly. Kanen felt the heat as he sweated lightly in his armor, heading south along the dusty dirt road. As he approached Samâ€
s Hill, the knight saw Sam talking to someone. The person was turned around with his back to Kanen, but the Paladin looked at the red and golden armor in growing recognition as he drew nearer to Sam and the bald man with a pony tail wearing red and gold armor that Sam was talking to.
“Dere he is now. Mr. Kanen, this feller hereâ€
s asking fer yuhâ€, Sam said with a smile as Kanen approached.
“There he is indeed†the bald man replied, turning slowing, seemingly without care.
As the man turned, Kanen looked into the cold dark eyes of the killer who had been haunting him these months and years, it was the assassin Jubei back to plague him once more.
Jubei turned and regarded Kanen emotionlessly, saying, “It seems youâ€
ve upgraded your weaponry. Anticipating a confrontation?â€
Eyes narrowed, through gritted teeth Kanen forced out a single question in a quiet, cold voice, “Tell me Jubei…tell me why I should not cut you down right now?†Kanen still had his two handed sword resting on his shoulder, yet Jubei had made no move to his own weapons.
s eyes grew wide as he sensed and heard the fury in Kanenâ€
s voice and drifted his hands to his twin bastard swords, slowly moving behind Jubei. He was surprised by this turn, but ready to support Kanen in any way he could, as always. They were in the Nars. And there was no law in the Nars to trouble either of them.
Kanen continued in a voice of cold fury “You have threatened my life, the life of my wife and have said you will take my children from me. You have sent your creatures of shadow to attack and torment us. Why should I not cut you down now?â€
Jubei returned Kanenâ€
s stare for some moments, still making no move toward his weapons. Finally, Jubei replied, “The children are mine.†And suddenly he faded from view.
Kanen spun about, looking in all directions as Sam did the same. Suddenly creatures of shadow beset them both, Jubeiâ€
s favorite minions it seemed. Singly, the creatures were no match for either warrior, but a small swarm of the creatures attacked them. Their claws icy when they seemed to reach through armor to the flesh beneath directly. The battle was soon over, with Sam and Kanen fighting back to back, until there were no more shadow attackers.
Kanen swung his sword about, yelling for Jubei to come back and face him, calling Jubei a base coward who would not fight for himself. Then he appeared. Though mostly transparent, the assassin appeared before Kanen, with his katana and kukri drawn, motioning the knight forward.
Kanen and Sam both charged the assassin. Kanen swung wildly at Jubeiâ€
s head with the Holy greatsword, which Jubei easily ducked beneath, as he tripped Sam, sending him sprawling to the ground. With a shout of near uncontrolled fury, Kanen swung overhead and down at Jubei, attempting to split him in two. Jubei, moving calmly and efficiently, blocked the greatsword with his knife and sliced Kanen across the middle, though not deeply.
Sam stood back up, behind Jubei and attempted to stab both blades into the fast moving assassin, yet Jubei seemed to sense this and evaded both attacks, again sending an over balanced Sam sprawling. Kanen seemed to not feel the wound he had received and swung the greatsword diagonally at the killer, who moved to block the sword again with his knife, but the Paladin changed the swing at the last moment, got beneath Jubeiâ€
s guard and cut deeply into his side. Jubei winced only slightly as the blood began to pour down from the open wound, that was both deep wide, focusing his concentration into his next attack.
As Kanen began swinging the sword upwards, attempting to take advantage of the previous strike, Jubei stepped forward, blocking the greatsword again with his knife, quickly dropped it, and then with both hands brought his razor sharp katana down on the Paladin, cutting through his armored shoulder, deeply into his chest, and down into his belly with a single precise stroke. Blood began to pour from the gaping wound, Kanenâ€
s sword dropped from lifeless fingers, as his sight grew dark, seeing the pale though emotionless face of Jubei before sprawling to the ground heavily. Jubei looked about and quickly retrieved his knife, bleeding heavily himself, and looked at Sam who was again charging forward like an armored rhino and at others who were coming from the south.
“You seem to have friends.â€, was Jubeiâ€
s last comment to the bloody form lying at his feet as he turned and fled north, quickly disappearing from view. Sam dropped his swords and ran to the side of Kanen, frantically trying to staunch the blood flow from the mortal chest wound with what healing skill he had. Whether by act of god, or the simple skill he possessed, Sam was finally able to slow the blood leaking from Kanenâ€
s pale form, long enough for a cleric who had come from the south, was able to force life back into the knightâ€
s torn and bloody body.
Some time later, finally able to sit up though breathing very hard, Kanen looked about at the people standing around him, but only saw Sam, who had saved his life with his healing herbs and skill. Though in great pain and exhausted, he made himself think about how Jubei had gotten him to become angry and attack wildly instead of with caution. A mistake the Paladin vowed he would not make again. Jubei had won the first round, but Kanen knew it was far from over and next time he would not make the same mistake. He would die, if needed, to save Seven and the children from Jubeiâ€
s grasp. He would stay ready and prepared for the assassinâ€
s next attack, when and wherever it may occur. He prayed quietly to Helm to protect his family from this assassin to be allowed to bring this killer to justice or to end the assassin's existence once and for all, as life slowly returned to his body.
O_O …you have outdone yourself, its like reading a book...i literally almost printed it out and stapled it together so i could read it when i got off the computer!
That was an awesome quest, Kanen. One of the longest and best Ive been on. Masterfully retold!
Damn I wish Sam could have gotten ahold of that armor!
Sam and Kanen left the blood-soaked inn and made their way to the blacksmith. There, Kanen asked the smith about Set, and what he had sold to him. The smith replied that Set had sold him several suits of very fine armor, and a sword that few would want, though finely wrought. When questioned, the smith revealed that an elf had purchased one particular suit of armor, and the unusual sword. When asked further, he revealed the buyer was a tall elf mage, wearing dark clothing named Master Doriâ€
h. The blacksmith did not know where to find the mage, but mentioned that the wizardâ€
s apprentice, Melâ€
hrus Janâ€
h, could often be found in the Peltarch library. Thanking the smith, who scowled when he realized he wasnâ€
t going to make a sale from them, the armored pair left the smithy and made their way to the library.
The library was dark and musty, filled with ancient books and scrolls, some on matters mundane, others arcane. As Kanen entered the chamber, he scanned about for any woman who might look like a mageâ€
s apprentice, an elf most likely from her name. Spotting a woman wearing a red and black robe, Kanen approached her somewhat cautiously, his distrust of mages strong, while Sam stood by the door. As he walked up to her, she looked up, seeming to almost look through him, with a slight smirk.
Kanen introduced himself and said that he was looking for her master. He bluntly explained that her master had a sword that he needed to return to its rightful owner. She knew more, however. She spoke of the evil talisman that he had found purposefully hidden in the suit of armor that he had bought along with the sword. She spoke of how the thing had started to control him, consume him, and wanted Kanen to free her master from its control. When asked where he currently was, she revealed he was in the town of Jiyyd, in the swamps to the south, apparently searching for something. Thanking the woman, Kanen and Sam left the library and Peltarch.
Following an uneventful back to Jiyyd, Kanen and Sam entered the swamp. Though it was midday, the swamp was dark and forbidding. The normal buzz of insect life was strangely silent, though neither Kanen or Sam noticed at first. Then they heard it. They heard a strange low-pitched rumbling sound. Kanen realized it was the growl of some beast just as it attacked. A fierce gigantic tiger was charging, at blurring speed. Kanen yelled to Sam and they met the beast, fighting back and forth across the swamp. The catâ€
s clawâ€
s dug deep furrows in both of their shields, as they attempted to keep the beast off balance, striking when an opening presented itself. Just as Sam was able to thrust his sword into the beast, giving it a fatal wound, they heard more growls from the swamp, and the next fearsome tiger attacked.
The next minutes were a blur to Kanen; they slowly fought their way to the cave deep in the swamp. They left a trail of blood, some their own, though mostly of the giant cats, the bodies of the great feline beasts strung along the way. They both looked wildly about, trying to see an all directions, as the beasts would come running at them with blurring speed and quickness. Both men were weary and quite worn by the time they reached the cave, drinking magical potions of healing like water to close the terrible wounds the great cats were able to inflict with a flick of their massive paws.
Once inside the cave, a few more tigers attacked them, then there was silence. Exploring the cave, listening carefully, Kanen heard someone speaking an in incantation of some kind nearby. Following the sound, he and Sam saw a tall elf in dark clothing casting various destructive spells at an object against the far wall. Looking closely, Kanen realized it was a sword. Shouting for the man to stop, Kanen approached the elf warily. The Paladin noticed that the elf, apparently Master Doriâ€
h, had some sort of medallion or object, tucked into his shirt.
Walking up to the elf, Kanen stated that they would be taking the sword back to its rightful master, but wanted no trouble with the elf. Laughing darkly, the elf sneered and replied that he no longer cared about the sword, gripping the object he wore about his neck. Before Kanen could attempt to move closer, or remove the object from around the elfâ€
s neck…he suddenly vanished and was gone. Running up to the sword, lifting it, Kanen was astounded by the fineness of the blade, the perfect balancing and sharp edge. Then the rumbling began as rocks began to fall from the ceiling of the cave. With a shout to Sam to quickly follow, Kanen ran from the cave quickly, dodging most of the rocks that fell from the ceiling, returning outside to the fetid swamp.
As they made their way out of the swamp, walking slowly and painfully, both bloody and weary, having used all of their healing that they had on them, Kanen turned at Samâ€
s sudden shout and saw a tiger larger even than the ones before standing on Samâ€
s back, pinning him there. With a cry to Helm, he drew his sword again and attacked, drawing the beast away from Sam, who slowly stood and then attacked the beast as well.
Both men knew they had little choice but to find a way to kill this beast, bloody and weary or not, as they could not outrun it. Blood poured from deep bloody furrows on both men and beast, armor rent and torn, locked into a death struggle where there could only be one end result. Either both men dead or the beast slain. The monstrous cat was covered in sword slashes and deep punctures where it had been stabbed and slashed over and over by their bright sharp blades, but the beast refused to die, itâ€
s remaining eye glowing with bloodlust and hatred.
It seemed to happen very slowly to the Paladin. He was charging forward, trying to knock the beast from itâ€
s feet, distracting it from Sam, whose terrible wounds and shredded armor matched his own, when the beast reached out with a great paw and pulled Kanenâ€
s shield from his grasp. With a roar, the beast lunged forward and bit deeply into his thigh, causing him to drop to the ground from the sudden blood loss, the world growing dim. Sam shouted at the beast and stabbed deeply into it, causing the great cat to turn and strike him across the head, leaving a bloody furrow across his face, knocking him to the ground, bleeding his lifeâ€
s blood out as well.
The cat roared in victory and moved to bite into Sam, but then suddenly froze, its eye glazed over in death. The great beast finally fell to the ground heavily, pinning Samâ€
s near lifeless body beneath it. Sir Mirit withdrew his axe, looking at the horrific, tattered mess the two warriors had become in their death struggle with the giant feline. He began muttering prayers over each, trying to keep them alive, and begin the healing. The strain on the Paladin was obviously very great, as he seemed to weaken as both men slowly regained life in their bodies and their terrible wounds began to slowly close and heal.
Looking about, Kanen and Sam saw that the other still lived and were glad. However, Sir Mirit seemed very pale and haggard from the effort required to bring them back from the edge of death. Once both had rested some, life returning to limbs with wounds nearly healed, Kanen reached into his pack and withdrew the sword he been sent to find to Sir Mirit. The dwarven Paladin was obviously very happy to have the sword returned indeed, though saddened and worried that the talisman had not been recovered as well.
Kanen returned to Sir Mirit the wondrous armor that the Fallen Paladin Set had worn, along with the shards of the sword Set must have used while he was a Paladin. Looking from the shards to Kanen, Sir Mirit asked him to meet him the next dawn at the forges in Jiyyd, as he would need his help with something. Kanen agreed and all three made their way back into Jiiyd, to their homes and much needed rest and time for recovery. Kanen was asleep as soon as his head touched his pillow, next to Seven who had apparently turned in early, though it was already night outside. Kanenâ€
s last thought was that they had been fighting in the swamp most of the entire day, before darkness took him.
The next morning, though, he rose early, the sky still dark though tinged with light from the coming dawn and made his way to the town smithy. He found a pale and haggard looking Sir Mirit inside, who had stoked the fires of a forge very high, and added some strange gems to the fire, making it even higher and hotter than it was before. Sir Mirt told Kanen that he would be helping him forge a sword. He gave him explicit instructions on what items to add and when, and told the man to have a hammer ready as he would be assisting in the beating of the metal to forge a new weapon.
The process continued for hours. Sir Mirit used the adamantine ore, more strange glowing gems, and the shards of Setâ€
s former sword and smelted them together in the fiery forge. Again and again, he would withdraw the glowing metal and he and Kanen would take turns pounding the metal, over and over until Kanenâ€
s freshly healed back and arms ached from the effort, blinking sweat from his eyes from the intense heat of the forge.
Finally, the dwarf told the Paladin that the main work was done, and that he would come meet him at his house sometime later. Kanen left the smithy and stopped by the stream, dousing his head into the cool water, overheated from the effort required at the forge, then made his way back home to wait, praying to Helm in thanks that they had been victorious.
Sometime later, Sir Mirit came again to his house, saying he had a gift for Kanen for his work in returning the sword. Without a further word, he drew a blade from his pack. The sword was bright and Kanen had never seen a sharper edge. It also had several wicked serrations and barbs along the hilt and blade, which would obviously rip into any wound the blade had caused. The blade had a name engraved on it, “Fanged Justiceâ€. Though Kanen at first protested that he could not keep such a wondrous gift, Sir Mirit said he insisted, as it may be his final work, that he would no longer be forging weapons and that his time was soon to be at an end, he felt.
With some sadness, Kanen accepted the sword, thanking the dwarven Paladin once more, saying he would use the blade in his honor. After saying their final farewells, Sir Mirit left and Kanen spent some hours practicing with the sword with itâ€
s wicked edge, as it would take some practice and skill to use properly without injuring himself. Looking up at the sky, he realized it was dark again, he had been training with the sword all day. Shaking his head, he walked back to his house and inside where Seven had just finished preparing a meal and found he was suddenly ravenous. The remainder of the evening was spent with his wife and children peacefully, allowing him time for some much needed rest.
Sam and Kanen left Norwick and first traveled back to Jiyyd to see Sir Mirit. There, Kanen told the dwarven Paladin about the encounter with Vorta and of Setâ€
s apparent treachery. Kanen also turned over the adamantine ore rock to Sir Mirit. Before they left however, the dwarf had further news for them, news most grave. It seems the sword was not the only thing in the caravan that needed to be recovered, if at all possible. Sir Mirit spoke alone to Kanen about an object of great evil, a talisman imbued with evil power. It apparently was hidden in one of the suits of magical armor in the caravan. They had been taking it to a place where the object could be destroyed, and must now not be allowed to fall into evil hands. Kanen told Sir Mirit he would do his best to recover both items.
With that, Kanen and Sam left Jiiyd and headed to Peltarch, having an uneventful trip to the port city. When they arrived at the southwest gate, Kanen asked the guard if he had seen a man matching Setâ€
s description enter the gate recently, but the guard was unsure and also new to the position. At the commonâ€
s they had slightly better luck. The dour and taciturn Konstantin, who was oft found sitting in the commons, mentioned that a man matching a similar description, though wearing very finely crafted dark armor, came to the commons from time to time.
Just then, a man came from the east into the commons and sat, bleeding slightly from a wound. The man matched the description of Set that Kanen had, and was wearing extremely fine crafted armor that was darkened. Kanen confronted the man, asking if he had a special blade recovered from a caravan for sale or trade. The man looked at the Paladin evenly, and said he did not have it with him, but that they could meet in a warehouse by the docks later, and then they could discuss it. The man then gathered his things and walked off, however Kanen noticed something metallic glinting from something in the manâ€
s backpack.
Sam and Kanen walked about for a while, slowly making their way to the docks, the smell of fresh fish in the air, to the warehouse. Deciding enough time had passed, Kanen and Sam entered the dilapidated, time-worn building, and stepped into darkness. Peering about, it seemed dusty and empty as the two searched about, then the sound of the door opening then quickly closing was heard. The light was dim, but Kanenâ€
s armor shone with a magical light allowing them to see the dozen or so men dressed in Blood Spider colors, who were standing with weapons drawn, blocking any attempt at exit.
Looking about, Kanen attempted to speak to the men, asking where Set was, the only reply he received was their sudden rush at him and Sam. The fight was short though vicious. Obviously, these Blood Spiders had little skill against two trained warriors. A few minutes later, Sam was wiping his blades on the cloaks of the dead and Kanen murmured a quick prayer that they might know peace in death.
As Kanen was about to exit the warehouse, he noticed a small form hiding in the shadows. Drawing his sword again, Kanen called for the person to come out. A young girl emerged, cautiously but with a smile saying that she was no friend of the Blood Spiders and started going through the pockets of the dead at the same time as she introduced herself as Leti. Taking a gamble, Kanen asked the street-wise girl if she had seen a man named Set, and described him for her.
With a sly grin she replied she had, and knew where he stayed, but that the information would cost. Scowling slightly, but realizing he had little choice, they agreed on a price of five hundred gold now, five hundred more later, if the information proved worthwhile. Handing her the gold, the three left the warehouse and made their way to the Pissing Goat, where Leti said that the man with the description of Set was staying…along with the Blood Spiders who apparently had made the Goat a base of theirs.
Kanen and Sam entered cautiously, hands near sword hilts, and walked about the great room of the Goat, which was strangely nearly empty of customers. Looking about, they noticed men dressed in Blood Spider colors slowly surround them with drawn swords and readied throwing knives. The Paladin attempted to diffuse the situation, saying they only wished to speak with Set and that there was no need for further bloodshed.
With a shout, the Blood Spiders attacked. Kanen drew his sword quickly and knocked down the first to rush him, stabbing into the man behind. With a roar Sam drew his twin blades and cut into them, causing blood and limbs to go flying. Dodging a thrown dagger, Kanen took a boot to the chin; Sam felt the bite of a dagger as it stuck into his thigh. For some time the battle raged, Kanen and Sam slowly dropping opponent after opponent, however becoming more bruised and bloody, their footing becoming unsure on the blood soaked wooden floor. Growing weary, they fought back to back. Parrying and blocking attack after attack, counter attacking when an opening presented itself, until finally…the room was silent, with the two standing alone amidst the bodies.
Shaking a bit, Kanen reached for and drank healing potion after healing potion, dropping the empty bottles on the floor; Sam did the same. Finally, somewhat rejuvenated, the two looked about the room, just as a man approached, stepping over the bodies as if they didnâ€
t exist. It was the man from the commons wearing the dark finely crafted armor, it was Set. The man smiled a humorless smile and approached, telling them they would die now. Wearily, Kanen drew his sword again, and Sam drew his twin blades. Set drew two axes and feinted a swing at Sam and then drove at Kanen.
Kanen wasnâ€
t sure if he could have defeated the man alone or not, but with Sam there, the man was soon overmatched, lying in a pool of his own blood, having never said another word. Kanen searched the manâ€
s belongings, stripping the finely crafted armor from the warrior, which Sam eyed enviously, and looked into his backpack. There he found two things. A broken sword, now in shards, yet an inscription could still be read: “Sir Mandorian Set – High Paladin of the Fourth Orderâ€. Sighing sadly at another Fallen brother, he continued to search the pack and found a note listing the blacksmith of Peltarch as having bought some things. The next step would be to find this blacksmith and question him about what he may have bought, and to convince him to return the sword, and hopefully the armor the evil talisman was hidden in. Reaching down, he closed the eyes of the former Paladin, saying a quick prayer over the Fallen one, then he and Sam left the Goat, in search of the blacksmith.
Two words for you Kanen: Pulitzer Prize. It's really good.
Kanen and Sam were walking from Jiyyd, the sky bright and the day calm, discussing the value of protecting Sam's hill. A dwarf in very fine plate armor approached them from the west, obviously headed to Jiyyd or parts beyond. As the dwarf came near the pair he stopped them with a look and asked if he could have their aid. He introduced himself as Sir Mirit Terrus and that he was looking for someone. He had been told by others in the area that Kanen Hightower was a Paladin who lived in Jiyyd, and he had need of this Paladinâ€
s aid.
With a smile Kanen introduced himself and Sam to Sir Mirit, who seemed both surprised and relieved at finding Kanen. Sir Mirit said he had a great favor to ask of Kanen, but that they should speak where they would have some privacy. The three traveled together back to Jiyyd and to the house Kanen shared with Seven. After exchanging pleasantries, Sir Mirit began his tale, sitting at the fireplace.
Sir Mirit belonged to a company of weapon and armor smiths who made weapons and armor of adamantine and other rare metals and gave them as gifts to champions that they found all across the land. They had encountered a dark haired man who had apparently been wandering for some time, his armor rusted, and wielded two axes. He said his name was Set. The caravan of dwarves and the man Set were traveling through the woods south Norwick for some time, when they were suddenly accosted by a fierce bugbear wielding a large two handed axe. The bugbear said his name was Vorta, and he demanded all the weapons and armor that the caravan had…apparently somehow knowing what it contained.
Sir Mirit, moved to attack the large bugbear, but was suddenly hit from behind and knocked unconscious. When he came to, he was lying amid the bodies of his companions, his caravan destroyed and everything of value gone. When asked, he said he did not find the body of Set, however. He wandered north, and found Norwick. There he asked about for any fellow Paladins who could aid him and was told to seek Kanen Hightower in Jiyyd.
Kanen and Sam together agreed to help Sir Mirit, much to his apparent relief. Sir Mirit spoke a sword crafted for a priest, a Holy blade, that must be recovered at all costs. The two headed south to Norwick to learn more of this bugbear named Vorta, while Sir Mirit rented a room at the Regal Whore to get some much needed rest. After asking around the town of Norwick, Kanen learned that Vorta, an overly large bugbear with a gigantic axe, was the name of a bugbear leader who had been demanding weapons of the town from time to time, threatening to attack with an army if the townspeople refused. Yet, no one seemed to know exactly where Vorta laired. Some said to the woods to the far east with Skara, others said south near the elven encampment. The guards at the south gate offered Kanen 3,000 gold pieces for the head of Vorta if he could return it to him.
So Kanen and Sam gathered others, including Janu the priest of Tempus, among others and began searching for Vorta. As the traveled south, they entered the woods controlled by the bugbear forces from the Warrens. Searching cautiously about, they found an overly large bugbear wielding a very large axe observing their movements. When confronted the bugbear began to move away until Kanen stepped forward and said that he only wished to speak to a bugbear named Vorta, not to kill him, if Vorta would be willing to give or sell the information that Kanen needed to locate the sword.
The bugbear said he was indeed Vorta, and was a businessman, and he would only deal with Kanen…alone. The Paladin looked to his companions, wordlessly telling them to stay and followed Vorta off into the woods. The bugbear seemed to toy with the Paladin at first, saying he would only give the information for the knightâ€
s sword and shield, and when that offer was refused, demanded his armor as well. Just when Kanen thought no deal would be able to be reached, Vorta stopped his jokes and spoke at last seriously, saying that he would give Kanen the information about the man Set if Kanen could beat him in an honorable duel. However, if the Paladin lost, he would forfeit his sword, shield and armor, though his life would be spared.
Seeing little choice, as this seemed the only way to recover Sir Miritâ€
s sword, Kanen agreed to the terms. The duel began with Vorta rushing toward Kanen, swinging his huge axe in great, ponderous arcs. Kanen ducked below the swing and slammed his shield into the chest of the onrushing bugbear and was able to knock him backwards and down, while stabbing into the flank of the beast. With a howl, the furry creature jumped back to his feet and swung a mighty blow at the knight, who was able to barely block it with his shield, yet ruining the shield in the process, as he threw it to the ground. Grinning a toothy grin, the bugbear charged again. This time, Kanen wasnâ€
t able to block the blow and took the axe cut into his side, causing it bleed freely, perhaps breaking or cracking some ribs as well, yet the bugbear had paid a price for his successful attack as the Paladinâ€
s sword sank deeply into his belly, causing him to drop the axe in pain and he crumpled to the ground.
Spitting blood, Kanen rushed to the side of Vorta, preparing to heal the creature that had challenged him to an honorable duel, yet the giant bugbear waved him away saying he did not wish the Paladinâ€
s healing. Motioning Kanen closer, his voice a raspy whisper, Vorta revealed that Set had gone far north, to Peltarch to try to sell the suits of armor, and the ‘worthlessâ€
hunks of rock that they had found in the dwarven caravan. Vorta said there was also a fine sword that Set took with him as well, that might or might not have been the blade Kanen was looking for. When Kanen told Vorta those rocks were mostly likely extremely valuable adamantine ore, the bugbears eyes narrowed, cursing Set. Vorta told Kanen that he still had a large ‘rockâ€
of the ore in his pack, that Kanen was welcome to, shuddered, and died. Kanen could not bring himself to remove the head of the bugbear, as he had fought with honor and left him whole, only taking the heavy rock of ore.
After Kanen stumbled back to his companions and Janu healed him, Sam and Kanen rested the night in Norwick, then began the journey to Peltarch, to find and confront Set with his treachery and theft.
::A letter left on Sevenâ€
s bedside table along with a bouquet of spring daisies::
I know that your thoughts and prayers have been filled with concerns and self-doubt on if you would be able to achieve your goal as a priestess in your Order. I have overheard your pleas and prayers to your Lord Torm, I have watched you study for hours on end, working as hard as any one person could to achieve this. I have heard your breathing, lying still awake at my side deep into the night, your worries not allowing you sleep. Indeed, the only other thing that has your complete attention is, of course, our children.
Your devotion to them and their care has been truly amazing and wondrous to watch. The way you are always there at their side, even if deep in study, to tend to their every need, has been a joy to observe. I have tried to help where I could, and of course, Mera has been a great aid, but you have refused to rely on her, where another might have. You have taken on the role and responsibilities of mother as completely and as fully as you do everything; indeed Durai and Revanna are blessed to have a mother such as you.
m sure youâ€
ve noticed Iâ€
ve been gone the last few days, I had told you that I was going to aid a fellow Paladin, Sir Mirit Terrus, which is what I have been doing these past days, leaving little time for you, or the children, for which I apologize. Iâ€
ll go into more detail of the adventures Iâ€
ve had when I see you next, but through the madness and darkness I have traveled these last few days, I have been given a gift hard won, one that I will be giving to you. This gift I consider a sign, perhaps the very sign you have been praying for.
Know, Seven, that my heart is always filled with love for you, no matter how far away we may be from one another, and I know that together, we will defeat Jubeiâ€
s dark plans. Together as a team, with our combined faith and love, there is little we cannot accomplish.
May Lords Helm and Torm always watch over and bless our house and family.
With deepest love,
Kanen has been playing Tribes it would seem… AWAY WITH YOU FOUL DIAMOND SWORD! STARWOLF SHALL SMITE THEE!.... meh... worth a try.
Hehe, you know i dont mean it Kaney-poo
Kaney-poo? Oooh! Robyn's going to remember that one!
Hopefully I get a chance to hang out with the legendary Kanen Hightower IC.
Jeez man, don't feed his ego.
Hehe, you know i dont mean it Kaney-poo.
Thanks for the great tales Kanen it took me awhile to get through them all but it was well worth it. Hopefully I get a chance to hang out with the legendary Kanen Hightower IC.
AKA Nail StrongHammer
Kanen sat on the cool cement ground, slowly relaxing from the trip into the sewers beneath the city of Peltarch. He had gone there with dwarven cleric Covah, the sorceress Skyla, the young cleric Nefiri, and the bard Meril . Others had joined them along the way. They found pale men that without word or warning had attacked them in the sewage-strewn tunnels. Then they had uncovered what was apparently some sort of village or outpost of slavers. The combat had been brief but vicious. After the last slaver fell, they had entered the hidden place and found many cages and implements of torture and death, yet not a single slave.
Shortly later, the group left the fetid labyrinth, cleaned themselves and their equipment, and went their separate ways. Kanen had come to the benches at the center of the city and set down to rest a bit before his journey south to home, Skyla made her way there as well. Already at the benches were Amissa, Equinox and Marcus. Skyla was relating their adventures down in the sewers. Kanen frowned as he barely heard her words until she mentioned Covahâ€
s apparent fear of the rodents they found below, seeming to mock the great cleric. Her next words disturbed him further.
“…but Covah ever so bravely tried to protect me from Kanenâ€
s mischievous intentions.â€
Kanen opened his eyes and looked to Skyla, who was looking at him with a slight smirk. The others asked Skyla to explain what she meant. Skyla elaborated “You know you shouldnâ€
t pull on chains like that Kanen…especially when you do not know what they do…â€
Rising to his feet, Kanen replied, “I did no such thing. You were the one who stood next to Covah, looking up, when he pulled on that chain and the sewage fell onto you both.â€
Skyla replied with a mischievous smile, “Itâ€
s unbecoming of a Paladin to lie so…â€
Kanen answered in a low, serious tone, “I do not lie.â€
Skyla, apparently not noticing his tone continued, “Oh, but as I remember it you said ‘Skyla…Covah…come look at this! Think I should pull on this chain?â€
Kanen listened to the laughter of the others, then said, “Very well. Good day to you all. May Helm guard you.†He turned and strode toward the gates of Peltarch that led south.
Just as the Paladin reached the gates he heard a womanâ€
s voice behind him.
“Kanen, wait!†Skyla came running up to him, adding, “Iâ€
m sorry! I was just teasing!â€
Stiffly, Kanen replied, “My honor is not something I take lightly. I do not lie.â€
Skyla seemed a bit shocked by his reaction. “It was just friendly teasing…and Iâ€
ve said Iâ€
m sorry. And your honor is intact.â€
Nodding to her, Kanen answered, “I need to head south now anyway. Take care.†With that the Paladin turned on his heel and exiting the gates of Peltarch, moving south. Yet he heard her footsteps behind him again, and turned with a heavy sigh.
“Hey! Thatâ€
s not very gentlemanly of you! When someone apologizes you are supposed to accept it!â€, Skyla stated with apparent indignation.
Kanen simply stared at her a moment, then replied with some difficulty, “Very well…I accept.â€
Her eyes flashing heatedly, she shot back “And stop being so stiff! Itâ€
s a wonder you donâ€
t scare small children and animals with that frown of yours! Do you even know how to have fun and joke? You should learn to relax, not everything is so serious. Part of doing work for your god is to not be so removed from those that you are helping.â€
Kanen looked at her and replied in a controlled voice, “I see. Well now you are telling me how to be a Paladin. How interesting.â€
Biting on her lower lip Skyla replied in a rush, “Oh dear! Iâ€
m doing it again…my apologies.â€
Looking her directly in the eye Kanen answered, “…I accept. Now please, Iâ€
ll be back later, perhaps.†Kanen then turned and started to walk south again.
“But truly…how do you know if you are really helping if you do not know anything of the situation?†Seeing that he had turned and was moving away, she continued to follow at a slight distance.
Turning once more, Kanen looked once more at the red headed sorceress. “Something else?†he asked.
Looking up at him, she replied, “You do not sound sincere.â€
Briefly closing his eyes, Kanen answered in a level tone, “…so now you say I am lying again.â€
Skyla looked at him, for a moment speechless, but then quickly added, “…No…I didnâ€
t say that. Itâ€
s just that you still sound upset.â€
Taking a deep breath, Kanen forced out, “What do you want from me? I have accepted your apology…twice now…â€
The sorceress interrupted with a smile, “but thatâ€
s alright, Iâ€
m very persistent. Iâ€
ll just keep following you until I do believe you.†With that, she started humming a happy tune. “Lovely day isnâ€
t it?†she asked with a smile.
“A fine day.â€, Kanen answered and turned once again continuing south, attempting to concentrate on the road ahead and the potential dangers it contained, but hearing Skyla walking directly behind him.
“Were you ever a child, Kanen?†Skyla asked with apparent innocence.
Refusing to be baited again, Kanen responded over his shoulder, “I was mostly raised in Helmâ€
s Hold. We had little time for…frivolities.â€
Skyla queried, “Are you calling me frivolous?â€
Feeling his pulse in his temple, Kanen turned once again and nearly shouted, “Ye gods woman!†Taking a deep breath, he added in a more normal tone of voice “No.â€
Skyla, sniffing, returned, “You are rather mean. Well…if you are determined not to like me…â€
Kanen answered, “I…I never said I did not like you…â€
With another apparent mercurial change in mood and topic she added, “You know itâ€
s going to take you all day to get anywhere if you keep stopping like this.â€
“Indeed. Well--“, Kanen began. That was when the bandits struck. It was a small force, not really a match for either the Paladin or the sorceress, but their true tactic became apparent as they started to fall back from the flashing blade of the Paladin. Kanen followed, thinking to clear the roads of their danger, and stepped directly into the trap they had carefully laid on the ground. A jolt of intense electricity played up and down Kanenâ€
s body, Kanen stumbled, unfortunately forward, and received an even more intense shock than the previous, causing him to nearly fall over from the pain, nearly dropping his sword as his muscles spasmed and jerked about. Steeling his concentration, Kanen was careful to remain in one spot and dispatched the remaining bandits, with Skylaâ€
s aid, who had apparently been able to avoid the deadly trap. Once the last bandit fell, Kanen concentrated and healed himself with the healing power granted him by Helm. Stepping carefully backwards, beyond the edge of the trap, Kanen now saw it and pointed it out to Skyla.
In a hoarse voice, pointing at the trap, Kanen forced out, “That thing is deadly. One more false step and I would have been killed.â€
Chewing on her lip, Skyla replied, “I donâ€
t see anything…oh! Now I do. Well they have been laying traps all over the Nars…â€
“Well I guess that means I had better stay on the road", Kanen responded, slowly standing.
“You?!? What about me?†Skyla shot back, apparently resuming her previous mood and tone as though the near deadly encounter had never occurred.
“Well yes, then you too, if you plan on continuing to follow me about…â€, Kanen answered.
“See? You must not really like me. You stomp about as though Iâ€
m a burden. I can really be rather useful to have around, you know!â€
Thinking on her words, there was something he wished to ask her about. Kanen had seen Skyla and his friend Wilhelm being…affectionate. Yet Wil was with Jade. Always had been. And for that matter where the devil was Jade? It was none of his business, yet Kanen wished to ask the sorceress what was going on between herself and his old friend.
“I--never mind.â€, Kanen stopped himself before he began, then tried again, “When you next see Wil, tell him Iâ€
d like to speak to him about…something. I havenâ€
t seen him in a number of days, but it seems you and he see each other fairly often so…if you would relay that information, Iâ€
d very much appreciate it.â€
Perhaps sensing the direction of his thoughts, Skyla simply nodded quietly. They made their way further south in near silence, Kanen leaving her when they came to the road that branched off to Jiyyd, heading home to Seven and his family, Skyla continuing south on to Norwick, their apparent feud ended, at least for now.
The two men finished tapping the dirt on the grave of the unknown man. Sam had been exiting the north gate of Norwick just as Kanen had been entering. Sam had a body slung over his wide shoulder, and was wanting to give the man a proper burial. The gentle half-orc asked the Paladin if he would say a few words for the man that neither knew. Kanen agreed and they had gone into the graveyard, found an empty grave and lay the man to rest. Kanen had said a few words to his Lord Helm, asking that the man be allowed eternal peace, as Sam had found the unknown man in the Nars Pass, bandits standing over his body, fighting over the meager possessions he had owned.
They slowly left the graveyard, a somber silence between them. Kanen decided that he would go into town and purchase a few supplies then enter and clear the crypts, a task that should be fairly simple for one of his faith and skills, yet the Paladin felt one that required doing from time to time to weaken the grip of the undead in the crypt. Just as they were leaving, however, two entered the cemetery. Kanen had seen both around Norwick briefly, but did not know them well. Apparently, they had been looking for the Paladin. There was Saul, the taciturn and dour dwarven cleric of Hoar, and Nefiri, the quietly confident elven cleric of Illmater. Both green and fairly new to the area. The two asked Kanen if he had any task that needed assistance, as Sam quietly left to head back into the Nars on his constant patrols.
Smiling quietly to himself, Kanen asked if they would like to accompany him into the crypt. The Paladin thought he could watch over the two while they cleared the crypt, only assisting if the two inexperienced clerics got into more trouble than they could handle, as he could easily defeat anything the crypt contained with the power of his faith and the skill he possessed.
So after brief prayers, the three entered down into the crypts. At first, things went as expected. Nefiri and Saul were able to destroy the undead they encountered mostly on their own with the power of their weapons and their faith. They removed all presence of the undead on the first level of the crypt quickly and easily.
The three then made their way to the darkened steps that led down to the lower level of the crypt. Just as they did, two men came running up the stairs, with a story about a strange skeletal form that they could not damage at all with their weapons. Kanen brandished his greatsword, a blade of magical power that was designed to destroy undead, he stated. The two newcomers introduced themselves as Jofri and Mhevyledus, cleric of Milil.
Kanen lead the group down into the lower level and met the skeletal creature, shouting a cry to Helm. However not even his magical weapon could not damage the creature. Kanen also tried to destroy the thing with the power of his faith in Helm to no avail. The Paladin shouted to Nefiri to call upon Illmater to bless their endeavors, which she did. They were then able to cause damage to the strange creature, and after a short, fierce battle, destroyed it. This was no routine trip to the crypts; there was a real danger here, a threat to any who dared enter. This only made the Paladin decide more firmly to clear the crypts of these foul creatures.
Panting slightly, Kanen was surprised by its strength and the strange magical protection that surrounded it. However the group decided to continue, and fought more of the things, one at a time, along with the more mundane undead until they reached the final gate that lead to the main crypt room. Kanen wanted to clear the crypts completely, but asked the others what they wished. All decided to continue, Kanen noted with a private smile inside his helmet.
So the group entered the crypt chamber, where the gate locked behind them. Then, as they moved forward, a foul gas filled the room, making all feel weak as they were wracked by coughing. Then they struck. The mass of undead were lead by two more of the strange skeletal creatures, however dead, faithless clerics, undead mages and deathless barbarian warriors were a mass behind them.
As Kanen swung at the first skeletal creature, it moved faster and struck him against the helmet hard with a bony fist, dazing the knight into senselessness. Then the undead were upon him. As he stood blinking, slowly trying to regain his bearings, the creatures took advantage and struck at him again and again with weapons and with magic. Kanenâ€
s armor soon become bloody from their strikes. He was near covered in his own blood from the myriad cuts and burns from their attacks when he finally regained himself and stumbled away from them. The others faired about as well, or worse. All were bloody, all were growing weary of the combat against so many foes, the two strange skeletal creatures able to break through their defenses again and again.
Kanen quickly gulped every healing potion he possessed and again attacked the nearest skeletal monster, knocking it from itâ€
s feet, slashing at it on the ground. One was destroyed just as he heard the death cry of the dwarf Saul. Rushing over, he saw the remaining skeletal monster thrust its arm through Saulâ€
s chest, as the dwarf shuddered and died.
The small group fought silently, destroying the remaining skeletal creature and all the other undead in chamber until they stood panting, surrounded by the unmoving bodies of the undead and silence of the tomb. Kanen carefully gathered the dwarfâ€
s belongings and gently laid his body over his shoulder as they made their way out of the crypt. Kanen felt responsible, as it was his idea to come here and had made no attempt to persuade them to leave when the threat was seen to be greater than normal.
They were able to exit without further event, went and raised the dwarf. Kanen vowed to himself to remember that he needed to think of those under his protection first, and whatever personal goals he might have, such as clearing the cursed tomb, second. He realized now, he should have ordered a withdrawal once it was determined what types of foes they faced. He had led them into what could have become a slaughter of everyone, avoided only by the will of Helm, and Saul had paid the price of the Paladinâ€
s error with his life. Once Saul was raised, Kanen left the group quietly and made his way back to his home, thinking deeply on the lessons he should learn from this day.
Still enjoying the heck out of this.
…by the way...if you need someone killed... you know where to go...