Character profiles
Full Name: Zak Spear
**Home Town:**Unknown
Race: Halfling
Classes: Barbarian/Fighter
Hair: White and Medium sized
Height: 3.5Foots
Age: 23
weight: 43 kilosZak can't remember his home town because he was too young when he left. His story begin when his parents travelled trought the Forest of Tethyr.At this time he was 5 years old and still he can remember every single seconds of this travel.
Their Caravan was slowly making his way trough the forest when a group of fierce bugbears embushed them. His father, a brave and powerfull fighter, fought bravely alone as his mother ran to find shelter for her child. Hearing them coming, hearing her husband suffering and knowing they would never lose them by running. She hide Zak in a tree trunk and run the other way. Heigt or maximum ten step later, Zak saw of his own eyes his mother fall with three arrows in the back. The bugbears did not find him. All he could do was surviving this deadly environment. Zak is not a Barbarian from any clan. He learned his barbarian way in the woods living there alone for seven longs years.
After those longs years he was captured by a traveller. Esan Torien who brought him to his home and offered him a proper education. He shown him manners and teached him the Common language along with a lot of figthing tactics. For six years he lived with Esan in Beregost. So at 18 years old he left this town to make his own life.
He travelled for two years in toril until he come across a barbarian town named norwick. He planned to stay there for a few weeks because he was feeling home there. Then he met a girl by the name of Atel Vai'Sini who he married.
He will live in this town he now call home, defending it to his best, as long as it provide a fine haven for him and his wife.
Zak is always happy and full of energy. He show courage and a daring like no other halfling does. Zak never choose friends from their kind. Speaking of such he have a lot of his friend that are not of his Kin.
He would die anytime for his love or a friend. He is allways ready to help but never try giving him a order or you may hit a wall.
Ode Galapogos - Gnome Barbarian
Ode is a large, warn, tough looking Gnome. His bright orange hair and long curved nose are distinctive features. His gruff look is slightly off set by his always well kept, finely trimmed facial hair. His cap, sporting a green feather, hides his long dreadlocked, rather smelly hair.
He is often mistaken for a dwarf because of his gruff temperament and crude mannors. He, without exception, will take offence to this and become quite angry. He has a notoriously short fuse and is prone to flying off the handle. Consequently, Ode is a Gnome who loves to fight, thats what he does best. He fears nought and tends to lose himself in the battles he is involved in, shouting, screaming, smoking and charging. He can be hard to control but as a leader, he leads from the front, his bravery an example to all those who follow him.
Ode enjoys drinking but loves to smoke, and does so profusely. He is rarely seen without his finely carved pipe, bellowing smoke, hanging from his mouth.
He finds reading a problem as the words often appear muddled and backwards to him.
Tribe, lands and family honour are of utmost importance to him and he will do everything in his power to defend it at all costs, giving his life if needs be.
Highly skilled with the axe, ode refuses to use any other kind of weapon, believing them inferior. The bigger, generally, the better!
Ode is a very loyal companion. Advancement of his personal honour and reputation drive him onwards. His moods can make him somewhat, unpredictable.
Born into the Galapogos tribe, son of Oder Galapogos 'the wise'. Ode was expected to follow in his fathers footsteps as tribal shaman, such is traditional. His birthright, as eldest son, was to one day succeed his father.
Odes shamanic training began at a young age. His father would sit him down in his dark, musty, tent and force Ode to study for many hours, the tribes teachings, traditions and a variety of arcane writings. To Ode the writings never made much sense, always backwards, upsidedown, just wrong somehow, he struggled greatly, becoming more fustrated as time wore on.
One morning, after yet another slap down from his farther for failing to answer any of the questions posed to him correctly, Ode finally snapped. He completely destroyed the tent and put his father on his back. That was the last time Ode ever set foot in his fathers tent. Uden, Odes younger brother took his place.
Shortly after the incident Ode began to train with the tribal hunters and warriors, his skills improved quickly and he soon became an expert with his weapon of choice, the axe.
Ode quickly became notorious throughout the clan for his very short fuse. Seemingly anything could, and often did, set him off. A misplaced word, even a look. His combat skill and temper were a dangerous, yet effective combination. After an incident with the chiefs eldest son, Odes father presented Ode with his own pipe and a large pouch of pipeweed. From that day on, the two, Ode and his pipe, were rarely separated. The smoking kept his temper in check, much to the relief of his father, and everyone else.
Ode spent most of his time leading small warbands that patrolled the clans lands, defended them from brigands, orcs and even occasionally other Clans.
Recently stories & rumour from the neighbouring town of Norwick have been circulating throughout the small clan of wandering Gnomes. The chief and his council met then decided to send Ode to monitor events there in order to assess the threat to their tribal lands and hunting grounds.
Odes father regularly sends quantities of pipeweed to his son through an old merchant friend, partly out of duty to his son but more likely to ensure the safety of the Norwick townsfolk!
Whisper … (Revised)
Physical Description:
A young, blond, & athletic human female. Roughly 20 years of age.
Tends to favor youthful and revealing clothing styles, though lately taken to more subdued style of attire.
Personality Description:
Seemingly a little girl lost in the world at first glance; the past few years in the Narfell region, as well as her trials in the service of her god, have aged her far more than her physical appearance indicates.
Painfully shy in her youth. She was kept from many of the realities of the world by her doting father, now departed. She lately tends to open up to the many allies she has met in the region, but still has great difficulty dealing with most social situations.
Is very unsure of the world, the people in it, and her own place in it...therefore her self-image and social interactions tend to be Neutral in nature. A naive view of the world, combined with her new-found religious training, makes her less judgmental of other beings (good or evil) than most.
Nonetheless, her youthful naivetÃ
and adherence to her church dictates tend to make her situational and whole-world outlook lean strongly toward the Lawful.
She once carried the shadow spirit of a long-dead, evil general as a favor for a Gnomish cleric who saved her life; this was her first experience with the church of the god Kelemvor... The Gnomish cleric, though, had the willpower and training to contain the fiend, Whisper was horribly unprepared for the onslaught of the spirit's evil nature.
Her history so far:
- The shadow was originally bestowed on the powerful Gnome so that it could be given an opportunity to show atonement (by fighting alongside the Gnome as he spread the word of Kelemvor) for its past lifeâ€
s evils to the god Kelemvor. Once the death god was convinced of the beingâ€
s change in nature, it was to be granted freedom from its undead state and allowed to ascend to the higher planes as a petitioner. Should the shadowed general fail to atone, he would be sentenced to fall into the pits of the Abyss, where he belonged after death to begin with. The god Kelemvor allowed this situation as a favor to another god, Sune, to whom the shadow had done some favor prior to his passing. The shadow general found it hard to divert from his evil ways in life though, and indeed intended to trick the death god by using his spiritually weak new carrier as a pawn in his bid to be resurrected into a new host body...thereby eventually returning as the powerful evil warrior he was long ago.
The situation came to a head when Whisper, in a state of near psychosis from the abomination she carried, fled Narfell and wandered the wilds in a near catatonic state. The hand of Kelemvor intervened and she was soon taken in by a family devoted to the god Sune. The shadow saw its opportunity to act, and that evening made an attempt to dominate the familyâ€s youngest son. As the general incarnated himself in the flesh of the child, Whisper found herself charged with an immense amount of power from the god Kelemvor. Summoning all of the newfound power she held, Whisper drove the shadow out of the child and banished it. As the power bestowed on her from the god subsided, she fell into a deep, comatose sleep. The next day, an emissary sent on behalf of Kelemvor appeared at the familyâ€
s doorstep. He bore Whisper away, and when she awoke days later her formal religious training began…
- Whisper is slowly recuperating from her experience with the shadow. Her contact with Kelemvor has instilled in her a new found devotion to her faith, and a driving ambition to bring aide and comfort to the near fallen, and dutiful respect to the departed. The past few years have seen her grow from a sheltered child to a powerful warrior and then further into an instrument of Kelemvorâ€
s will. She has recently returned to Norwick, newly enlightened and charged to seek out avenues to exercise her faith. Though her trial has seemingly ended concerning the shadow, she canâ€
t help noticing the feeling of unease she feels sometimes when she is alone…almost as if he is still there, hungering for the warmth of her mortal soul..
Mallis Twi
Height: 3'1"
Weight: 90
Hair: Dark Brown / Black
Eyes: Silver / Clear
Age: 26
Deity: none
Race: Halfling
Class: MonkMallis is the only son of his late father Balterus. Balterus was a well known and respected priest who prized his temple and his teachings over his own son. In desperate pursuit of his father's affection, he at the age of thirteen would kill people that fit his father's teachings in order to hear his father talk about him in the temple to his followers in a good way. However, his father was hung for the crimes, for the townfolk believed it was Balterus that killed, not Mallis. Mallis left his home and his past, never to return.
I can't say much about the next phase of his life, because I am writing the novella on it. All I can say is that Mallis's anger and depression left him to drink, he became insane through a helmet, and turned into the wonderful halfling you see now today.
(soon to be short stories… after the novella)
Afterward, Mallis tried coping with his insanity. He traveled the world looking for acceptance. He eventually found it under the tutelage of a group of Harpers known as the Sun Walkers: Raeg Althor, Tornacmes of the Blood, and Talderas D'Vor. Under their help, he calmed himself and was able to control his outbursts of bloodlust and anger. Soon he became a monk with an odd, but comforting humor. He still is haunted by his controlled insanity; however, as of now people can be sure he is one of the good guys.Mallis as of now has joined the Red Army in pursuit of being though of as a good guy. He may laugh inappropriately and tick people off sometimes with his off humor, but it's the only thing really keeping him from turning over back to his past.
Trevel Miltern
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 230
Hair: Dark Red
Eyes: Grey
Age: 25
Deity: Tymora
Race: Human
Class: FighterTrevel is the third son of Laerid Miltern, one of the Noble merchants of Suzail in Cormyr, and Julianna Dresault a war wizard. It was his mother's dream that he join the war wizards in hope that he would continue her families legacy in that fashion. His father paid for an education at the most pretigious school in Suzail, but Trevel spent more time with his father's caravan guards than his schoolbooks. After a short time it was obvious that Trevel was not even magically talented, let alone inclined. His father then tried to get Trevel to join the Purple Dragons. And after a short time he was accepted into the Purple Dragons. Trevel was with a caravan traveling through the Great Dale when it was attacked by goblins. Most of his possesions were taken from him in the raid, but still he suvived. As one of the few survivors he was chosen to go north and see what could be found and done about them. Soon he found himself in Narfell and followed the goblins to the city of Norwick. There he stays until something can be done.
He is a very friendly man, never intentionally hurting anyone. and is quick to apologise when he does. He dislikes injustice, and does what he can to help promote peace. He is willing to help anyone in need, and will back off when it is not needed. His voice is slow and measured, and his tone always cheerful.
Lydia Laemyr
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 114 lbs
Hair Color: Dark Blue
Eye Color: Also..Dark Blue
Age: 21
Goddess: Mielikki
Race: Half Elf
Class: Druid
Lydia is normally a happy person..and when she is not, she tries to hide her feelings as best she can. Certian things tend to set her off..such as insults about her race or someone saying that an animal should be skinned because it has a pretty fur… She has a high respect for animals and nature, and a love which drives her to protect both from any that wish it harm. Most that know Lydia also know that she has little reguard for the laws that restrict animals from town, for she is most usually seen walking around town with her faithful companion, Plada, or as an animal herself.
Duna Aloa
She was born in a little town called Genlul, it was situated in a forest near the Spine of the world.
Duna lived with her grandmother, that was because her parents left to find a tooth of lion. The tooth of lion is an estrange blue plant, it was needed beacause the town was under a spell, the babys that where born died misteriously. Duna was the last baby born.
Her grandmother used medicine plants with some dead animals skins to health every live being escept for the evil ones. Her grandmother was the one who teached Duna all she knows about animals, plants, trees… That´s how Duna became a druid. But Duna lived in a town with no much people left and the left people where old... finaly her Grandmother died and she decided to go. In her way she found Aura((look in historical archives for more information about these wolf and how Duna found him)) a small wolf that help her in all the way and that now is her animal companion.
In her trip she met the humans, the elves, the half-orcs... And finaly she reached Gypsy camp.Description
She is 23 years old, she is a halfling, with a shiny green hair and a brown skin color. She isn´t very strong but she is very brave. She normaly feels happy, she likes all natural things, she always walks with her wolf but she doesn´t trust in half-orcs.
Her only objective is to live a calm live and forget the past.
Name: Aeris Kalthorine
Height: 160cm's
Weight: 55kg
Hair: Light Brown, lighter in sunlight, darker in shade
Eyes: Kaki (.. that .. .. err.. poo colour)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (CG tendancies)
God: Herself
Age: Unknown
Class: Rogue/Bard/WizardAeris is an overly playful young girl, who appears to be around only 17 years of age. She's very energetic, enjoying jokes, pranks and anything silly. She hails from a place unknown, not knowing her true birthplace, or her true race, although the large majority of her blood is definitely human (around 90%)
Aeris enjoys acting, cooking (although not particularly good at it), singing, dancing and anything fun.
Although she appears to be a ditzy girl who is care free, her past is a dark one which she wishes to forget.
Her feelings are quite brittle, easily shattered by the right people.. and sometimes she is easily scared or stressed.
She believes only in true love, 1 person per life, per eternity, although her actions do sometimes suggest otherwise (hints of flirtiness)
Grivel Rasheren
Grivel is a Moon Elf who stands about 5' 8" in height. His hair is blonde which is rare for his breed. He is very slow to warm up to strangers, but fiercely loyal to those he calls friend. He lost his family and lived alone most of his life so he is somewhat antisocial, not making friends easily.
The Wolves have become his new family and he is very protective of them.Although it doesn't come out often, he does have a pretty good sense of humor. He is devoted to Mielikki, but not overly zealous, therefore she has limited the powers he recieves from her. (This will change at a point in his life).
He doesn't care for laws and strict proceedures, but tries to adapt to the situation and is usually logical and flexible enough to come up with the right direction. This ability has earned him the respect of the other Wolves and he is one of their leaders.
Grivel has had little experience with women, other than hunting with them as equals. He fears the "L" word and has only said it to one woman. That turned out to be a mistake and he fears getting close to a woman even more now.
Yela Whitess
She is a "BOOM!!"
. She likes singing, dancing, jumping… and she never gets bored. She iisn´t really tall(she is a halfling), but she is really strong.
Her father is one of the best Paladins of Helm... and of course he tryed to convince her to be paladin too, he make her learn somethings like honor, killing evil criatures, peace first, learn how to use martial weapons and many things he even make her live for a month in a helm church, but...
She found out that that wasn´t the way of life she whanted to have and she finish learning how to use weapons and she go far from her land, from that life... but sudenly she discovered that she liked that live she needed to be with paladins and whanted to return but in the way back they told her that there was a war and that she could pass and she headed east desesperated and then she found norwick... would she whant to stay?
Kar Genth:
tall: 1´80
weigh: not know
birthday: not know
city where he was born: somepeople say he was born in hell…History:
He comes from a far land from the north, where childs are kill when they are born and bring back to live as undeads. He is one of those childs... but... he is a special one because when his fathers tryed to kill him... he... he didn´t died... his fathers where the ones that died, so he whent south trying to find peace but where he go he killed someone... and that continued hapening untill he found someone, she was a princes call Malaren. He spend 3 years of his live with her and sudenly one day... she died no one knew what hapened to her but she was dead. Kar look for the killer(he thought that the killer was a paladin... he was wrong because in that case it couldn´t be a paladin... in that case it would have been a fallen paladin...) and in his way he killed all the people in the town no one could stop him. 3 years later he got his things and travel for months... and finaly he found narfell.
He is an evil cleric of Malar god of the beasts. He is only ambition is to train his powers until he gets the power enough to kill all paladins((sounds crazy :P)) so he can rest in peace with his wife Malaren.
He isn´t really evil... he doesn´t respect rules and he can kill for money if he needs it but he won´t go killing everybody becauses he whant to...
Character Name: Sasha Daâ€
Race: Elf (Wood)
Character Occupation: Ranger
Character Age at Induction into the Camp: 105
God of Worship: Ehlonna
Height: 5â€0
Weight: 95Sasha is a short copper elf with dark hair and green eyes. On the outside she is a very easy going person with a pleasant personality. But past experiences make her not a very trusting person and she is always wary of the motives of others.
Once someone has proven their friendship she will consider them a friend for life and do whatever she can to help them.Traits:
Due to her running away from home, she is extremely nervous that someone will send word back to her parents where she is. She knows it is only a matter of time before her family seeks her out to try and take her back.
She tends to be headstrong and has the tendency to act before thinking about the consequences. Her family always said she had the eagerness and patience of a Halfling.
Allorkith Onnagh
About 1.67m tall
Weighing around 60 kg
Her age could be guessed around 18 human yearsSome muscles under those Magerobes
Skin a bit darker, i.e. quite tanned
Hair seemingly black, a dark, but strong purple 'shining' in sunlight
On the back of her left hand with a symbol:in purplish colors
Another one around the left arm, colors same, in shape of chaotic spirals and lines, forming an odd shape
Her eyes are a dark, deep, but strong purple.
Her features strengthen that exotic sense about her. Yet she could be still overseen in a mass of people.She often looks to the skies, searching. She talks seemingly to herself somtimes…
She is very loayal to her Goddess, always awaitng the next test set upon her. She would do anything that her Lady would wish of her.
That makes her sometimes seem cold, or the like.
Everyone she appraoches to talk will be spoken to with caution. Everyone attempting to chat with her will be watched carefully with those mysterious eyes.
If someone approahes her with a drawn weapon, don't be surprised if she draws her daggers... or casts a spell.
Since she is far away from her home (which is actually on another plane) and the regions she is familliar with, she explores the nearer area until she is sure to know what is around her. But this also makes her very cautious of many things...(Okay, that's all i could think of...)
Miiya is about 4'9" and is small and lithe elf. She has short red hair, often with flowers and/or leaves in it. Her eyes are a very clear bright green.
-Generally happy miiya is almost always smiling and giggling. She is a very compassionate person, wanting to help others when she can. Loves nature (druid hehe) and is always happier when it rains.
-Shy, friendly, and kind Miiya does best in small groups of people, clamming up when in a crowd. She is also timid and can be scared easily.
-She is naturally innocent, and knows little of the "civilized world" which makes her seem rather naive as well.
-Speaks broken Common and Elven (never had a chance to learn till recently), speaks Sylvan as well as Druidic fluently (what she used growing up). And she cant read or write.
Noril is an interresting fellow. Quite young at 20 years of age, he can be hard headed at times(which seems to come from his human side) and yet sometimes wise beyond his years(possibly from his elven half). As you may have gathered he is a half-elf, with a human father and elven mother. He comes from a secretive community of woodlanders deep in the Rawlinswood made up of almost entirely humans. His mother, Shi'amir, left when he was very young due to prejudice in this group not wishing to bring any hatred upon her son and he was therefore raised by his father Tamar. He learned to use a bow at an early age and has therefore become very proficient in their use. He holds a great hatred for goblins due to the intermitant raids they led against his people. He led a satisfied if rather dull life here until he was 18. This is when the troubles began…..
The elder of the community passed away from an unidentified sickness with very little warning and without naming his successor for leadership of the tribe. Noril's father would have been the best choice for the new leader and it would have been so if not for his long time rival Jahgad having played on the people's fear of other races. He made the critical points of Tamar having bedded an elf and having a half-elven son. Tamar did not fight the decision of Jahgad as the new leader though it was not in the best interest of the tribe. Noril however did not except this so willingly and began arguing with Jahgad and these fights grew more and more heated. One night several choice words were exchanged between them and they came to blows. Shortly after this Noril decided it was time to find his own way in life and after packing and saying goodbye to his father he set out to find a new home. Luckily he managed to survive long enough to find the Gypsies Camp and found it to be a good place for his new life to begin.
The rest is currently unfolding as I write this
Noril Swift
Name: Vormav D'Fyr
Race: Human
Age: Roughly 20
Birthplace and Date: Unknown
Occupation: VagabondVormav is of average height and weight for his age and race. His left and right ears are missing flesh, giving a warped pointed look to them. He is an albino, possessing no body hair or pigmentation whatsoever. He prefers to hide his face and head in a deep hood, but often goes shirtless. His muscles aren't the large powerful ones of a weightlifter, but the lithe ropey muscles of a bare knuckles boxer, or a runner. Vormav is heavily branded, and at first glance looks tatood. Until very recently he has lived with no tongue, and thus not spoken. A powerful cleric of Vormav's god recently healed his old wound, gifting him the speech he hasn't had for most of his life. He is accustomed to being silent, and often forgets he can speak. Instead he falls back on silence and gestures out of habit.
Vormav's parents had given birth to a freak they thought. No hair out of the womb. Terribly pale and with huge ears, slightly deformed as to add a pointed quallity to them. Not the graceful ears of elvish blood, ears that looked to have been gnawed by a dog. They first thought him dead before he began crying. The cleric who had come to assist the midwife in birthing the child, and bless him in the name of Tyr, left promptly after pronouncing the child daft and an albino. Drowning was what he recommended. It was the humane thing to do.
His mother wouldn't hear of it. And insisted on raising him along side his brother's and sister's as best she could. She was the only one who loved him. The rest of his family simply called him "the albino." And this when being polite. He spoke very little, even being intelligent enough at a young age to hide how much he could speak and how much he did understand. Best people thought him slow and left him alone.
Vormav was taken at an early age from his family. Kidnapped while playing on the edge of his father's property. He was taken by a motley band of men and women. Some human, most not. They worked in a small team, he was to make seven if one could count the boy as a member of the gang.
He was a slave plain and simple. As they traveled he was to be their beast of burden, and when they stopped theit servant in whatever needed doing. Noone paid attention to a child. Especially if the child was clean, well behaved, and quiet. To this end the group removed Vormav's tongue.
They traveled form town to town, doing from what he could tell, alot of drinking. They sat in inns getting very medicated and listening to gossip. Before too long he figured out they brokered in information and subtle coercion based upon what they had learned.
They expected him to march many miles in a day, keeping up with them and carrying the heaviest packs. All while keeping silent and observant of his surroundings. They would pounce on him and demand to know the number of trees in a particular copse to his immediate right, covering up his eyes. Wrong answers yielded brutal beatings. They would subject him to no end of physical pain for no reason whatsoever. Often inflicting a particular wound just so he would "know how it would feel." These trials went on and on. Reading and writing, extensive hand to hand combat, endurance drills. They wore him out from dawn until dusk every day, and sometimes more than that. Never with a word of explanation.
For many years he lived this way. Building up his body, his mind, his discpline. Over time the gang believed Vormav was like family to them. And so came his initiation. Colored metal brands were heated and pressed against his flesh. Leaving markings covering most of his body. He was now one of the group. An explanation after all of these years.
The very next mission required seven people to all be in on the plan and attuned to one another. Vormav's job was very simple, he was a lookout. He watched safely and quietly as the town watch signaled each other silently. He watched coldly and knowingly as they pushed wagons with heavily greased hinges up to the warehouse doors. He observed secreted away in the shadows as the men pitched buckets of oil all over the building, and set it ablaze. He turned to leave, able to feel the heat on his skin and hear the screams on the wind.
Vormav wasn't the blindly loyal, simple minded thing they had trained. He had listened in those inns too. He had left missives and bribed innkeeps alongside them. He had read the scrolls and the secret teachings in the packs they all carried. He had learned of the Divine. The forces in everything and how to manipulate them. And he certainly wasn't family. Not to them, not to anyone.
Vormav wandered after that. Craving a structured life. Order in some way, yet finding nothing worth pledging himself to. He worked as a mercenary in various skirmishes. Whatever put food in his belly. Recently he has been seen in the Norwick area, staying forever on the outskirts of conversations and groups, never feeling he has a place to belong.
-Vormav doesn't relate well to people.
-He often is staring off into space unless engaged in something, or someone is speaking to him.
-He is very direct.
-He will often go to unreasonable extremes or expose himself to injury more readily than another person.
-He has never had any romantic encounters with the opposite sex, and thus isn't mentally equipped to handle anything resembling companionship. Which isn't to say he is devoid of such feelings.
Kallie Fettiams
He is a human of 1´78 meters long, he is also strong.
He likes fishing, hunting, talking with the friends… but when someone is in danger he will do anything to help. He uses the powers Sylvanus give him, to protec inocents and to figh agains darkness.
He comes from the lands near the spine of the world... he used to live in the Hight forest where he became a Silvanus cleric. His fathers died and two elves save him from diying in the woods... then they became his fathers and they make him learn all about the wood, Sylvanus and many Magic spells. Years later he the elves told him his past and he started a travel in search of his dead fathers thinking they could be alive. he met many people and learn how to move in the cities and how to treat with humans. One day talking to an orc he discobered that orcs where the ones who killed his family and that change his live... he started to kill orcs... But then he realized that there where many orcs in the world and that they weren´t all evil since then he has been fighting only evil forces and now he has discovered Narfell he thinks it is a good place to live, but will he be able to survive.....
Boon Wyrmbane (Background)
Boon stands 6'3" tall, weighing a very fit 215 pounds, with somewhat pale skin. He is 23 years of age, but already frown marks have put undue creases in his visage, making him look older. He has trained since birth in the art of swordplay, and moves with a grace and stealth that belie his size. He is slow to trust, and becoming more so. Taciturn, Boon will stare into your eyes before speaking, as if gaging the worth of your very soul. A peculiar wound, though often covered, can be seen at the base of his throat. When angered, or in the heat of battle, this recently healed wound pulses redly, as if heeding a call of it's own.
What We Know of Boon's Story:
Born the son of a noble, Boon dropped his original family name soon after tragedy struck.
Devoted to his mother and sister, his father having fallen in battle, Boon assumed the duties of a lord, maintaining the household as well as the surrounding lands. Always finding time to train, Boon practiced constantly with sword and bow. He also often hunted with Garrick, master of the kennel, so that the ways of the forest became like a second home.
As would be expected, suitors came often, as both Boon's mother and sister were fair to look upon, but no one caught either lady's fancy…..much to Boon's relief. Then came the day He was admitted, smelling of perfume, charming both women with flowery words and charming smiles. Too late, did Boon notice these smiles were never reflected in Its eyes.
In the Thing's presence, both women changed, fawning over the newcomer, but neglecting both themselves and their duties. Their eyes became vacant, their skin pale and unhealthy. Oblivious to the cause at hand, Boon begged his mother and sister to see a healer, but both women assured him they just needed rest and the soothing dreams that came. Not knowing what the ladies meant, Boon was indecisive.....and thus lost everything.
The Thing, who by now had become a trusted advisor and confidant, tried to ease Boon's fears, assuring him the ladies would be fine, urging Boon to take his mind off matters by joining the latest Great Hunt, set to begin that day. Boon finally, although reluctantly agreed, but only after gaining his advisor's promise that his mother and sister would be watched carefully and word to be sent if there was any change.
"Oh yes, but of course," the Thing had whispered in reply, smiling.
One day into the hunt, Boon could no longer ignore the pangs of worry that wracked his soul. Away from the Keep, Boon began to remember things that had heretofor gone unnoticed. Oddly phrased words and directions, given by his "advisor". How Its perfumed smell seemed to fade at times, replaced by a putrid stench, that was then gone again before actually noticed. But above all, it was the smile.
Beckoning Garrick, Boon raced with his friend back to the Keep, arriving well into the night. At his first sight, carnage assailed his senses. Blood was spattered everywhere; every man, woman and child had been torn to shreds and tossed aside with careless abandon. Groaning in horror, Boon leaped up the stairs, hoping against hope that there was still time.
Bursting into the Great Hall, Boon's eyes locked with those of the Thing, now seated at the head of the table, partaking in a grisly feast. Boon's sister lay on the table, bloodless, the flesh torn at her throat, wrists and ankles by the fangs of the five creatures that had evidently fed. But now only He remained, now toying idly with Boon's mother; or rather her naked corpse from which her head lolled grotesquely.
Roaring in rage, Boon leaped at the offender, sword raised. Garrick too, although shaken, raced at Boon's side. Although bloated and somewhat intoxicated with his meal, the Thing still moved with the speed of thought, lashing out at Garrick with a clawed backhand that sent the man flying into the wall, while catching up Boon's swordarm in the other, swinging him around and almost tearing the arm from the socket. Pinning him easily, the Thing sneered down at Boon.
"Athough my brothers and sisters have left, I decided to stay, in hopes you would return, " It had whispered, the words echoing within Boon's skull. "So trusting and weak you all have been, so easily fed upon, your insignificance so great, so beneath me. I wanted you to know that, as I bled the last drops from you as my final meal here."
Unable to move, Boon could but watch as the Thing lowered fangs lowards his throat, arching in pain at his skin was torn, feeling sickened as he felt his life-blood pumping into the Thing's mouth. But at that moment, a flash of silver darted across his vision. Garrick, left for dead, had managed to pull a silver cross from the wall and, with what must have been his last breath, had stabbed it sideways into the Thing's neck, dark blood spattering as the tip erupted from the other side.
Enraged, staggering, the Thing turned on Garrick, breaking the neck of the already lifeless body. Through blood hazed eyes, Boon saw the sorely wounded creature pause once, then flee out onto the balcony and into the night. Darkness then flooded Boon.
When he awoke, Boon carefully wrapped the wound at his throat, squinting at the bright sunlight. He then gathered the bodies of all the dead, placing them within the Great Hall, before firing the Keep. Riding away, the towering flames scorching his back, Boon kept his eyes on the road ahead.
A new hunt had begun.
Aniril Linariae
See History forum….
Alessan is a wandering half-elf in the late twenties. His mother was a young Gold Elf wizard who prefered the arcane studies to her son and he never met his human father. All he know about him is that he rejected both of them for obscure reasons and left the elven village.
So Alessan grew up lonely among the other Elves. He was only too aware of what his companions called harshly his human taint, in a way that made him despise both Humans and Elves. Even his mother never fully accepted him as he was part of her broken heart. Nevertheless he was brilliant and learned the lessons of the wise and developped a taste for songs. He especially liked the ones who spoke of faraway lands. So he made his own flute and started playing and composing.
At the age of 22, he was fully mature while his fellow elves were still children. On a moonless nights, he departed without saying his farewell to anyone and never came back to the village. All he took with him was his flute and a piece of bread. He went on and on for years, never staying too long in one place. He made a living mostly by playing in the streets for copper coins. He learned many things during his many trips and soon acquired many skills apart from music, making him some sort of jack-of-all-trades.
Now you know most about Alessan's life. One thing you don't and that many do not, is his real name… He changed it from the start of his endless travelings to Alessan for personal reasons.
-Personality traits:
*Very secretive, though not shy. More from lack of self-esteem.
*Suffers from wanderlust. Prefers action to boredom.
*Exuberant, playful and original.
*Takes time to make real friends, but doesn't forget them.
*Tends to hold grudges.
*Dislikes authority and traditions.