Stories of Kanen Hightower
Still enjoying the heck out of this.
…by the way...if you need someone killed... you know where to go...
Excellent entry Kanen, one of your best!
Hey Kanen, you have all this in .doc or .txt form somewhere? It's a little long to read in front of the dummy box, I'd like to sit on the back porch with a mug of joe and watch the clouds when I read it.
s eyes snapped open, and he came alert quickly from his sleep. He listened to the sounds around him as he lay next to the still sleeping form of Seven, together in their bed in the pitch-black darkness. A large storm was apparently playing havoc over the town of Jiyyd, as he could clearly hear the rain striking the roof of the house, and could hear the moaning of the wind, even through the thick walls of their home, yet he had slept through many storms, this wasnâ€
t what woke him, but then…what had?
There. He heard the sound that had woke him again. A banging noise coming from somewhere else in the house. Fumbling through a drawer in a small table next to his bed, Kanen drew out a candle and lit it. He cupped it in his hands to not wake his wife who he knew was very tired and worn from caring for their two children, because though she had Meraâ€
s helpful aid, the twins were much more work than Kanen would have believed possible. He assisted where he could, but the two women seemed intent on taking most of the burden on themselves. Seven had even gone so far as to decide to stay in the house with the children for a time, hardly leaving the house at all, apparently making up for the time lost during her separation from them.
The noise repeated itself again, bringing Kanen out of his thoughts. Glancing about the room, he drew his sword from itâ€
s sheath that he kept next to the bed, threw on a robe, and slowly padded barefoot out of their room, now shining the light about, looking into the darkened corners for any intruders, sword held ready. He found nothing and no one in the main room.
Once again, he heard the noise. Turning his head, he realized it was coming from Sevenâ€
s study. Moving cautiously, blade held ready, he slowly approached the door that was closed. He quietly put his ear to the door, listening. He again heard the loud banging sound from inside. Taking a deep breath, sword held high, Kanen slowly turned the knob on the door, then threw it open, looking quickly about the room. As he opened the door, a strong gust of wind blew from inside the room, extinguishing his light, leaving him in darkness, as he stood blocking the doorway.
He stood there for a few minutes, awaiting an attack that did not come. His eyes slowly adjusted to the near dark conditions, but he noticed the window in Sevenâ€
s study was open, admitted a faint light from the storm raging outside. Then he heard the noise yet again and realized it was the banging of a loose shutter on the window. Smiling slightly, Kanen walked over to the window to secure the shutter and shut the window. The wooden floor was wet. He felt a board give slightly under his bare foot, as he shut and secured the window.
Looking down, he realized one of the boards seemed loose and was slightly ajar. There seemed to be a space below the boards. Squatting down, Kanen lifted the loose board and tried to look into the darkness. He relit his candle and looked again. Inside the space there was a book. The book looked very familiar, he realized because it was Sevenâ€
s diary. The diary she had said she had lost. The one that Jubei had supposedly stolen. Frowning, Kanen lifted the book out and set it on the table by the window. The diary fell open to a page, apparently the last page that Seven had been writing in.
He found himself reading, and becoming filled with rage as he read the words there. The last entry was about Sevenâ€
s last trip to Peltarch, the day their children had come home at last. It spoke of how she met someone secretly there. Jubei. Her words were full of a guilty happiness she felt, and spoke of the joy she felt when in his arms when they lay together. Kanen could barely see now, his fury hot and near blinding.
He stormed out of the study, down the hall and stomped back into the bedroom he and Seven shared. He stood over her, looking down as she still rested peacefully, a faint smile on her lips. Looking up, Kanen realized his sword was again in his hand and with a shout of fury he brought the blade down, aiming at her traitorous neck…
s eyes opened, and he realized he was covered in a cold sweat. The details of his dream were still fresh in his mind, as he turned to see the sleeping form of Seven lying next to him, deep in slumber. Slowing his breathing, he could hear a storm raging outside their house. Just as he was starting to close his eyes to return to sleep, he heard the noise. A banging noise. Blinking, Kanen realized it was just like the sound from his dream. Frowning, he rose quietly. He gathered his sword and a ring that gave off a magical light, threw on a robe and padded barefoot out of the room.
Holding the ring high, sword held ready, he looked about the room but found nothing but empty shadows. Again the banging noise from Sevenâ€
s study, he knew. Slowly he moved to the door, and put his ear on it to listen, and heard nothing. Turning the knob, Kanen threw open the door and was struck by a gust of wind. Peering about the room, Kanen saw the window was indeed open, letting in the wind and rain from the storm outside. Also the shutter was loose and banged again while he stood watching it.
Feeling strange as things played out almost exactly as in his dream, he moved to the window to close and secure it…and felt a board move loosely under his bare foot. He first closed and secured the window, then looked down. There was an empty space below the board. Moving the loose board out of the way, Kanen got down on his hands and knees and almost apprehensively looked into the space. He found a single sheet of strange parchment, though, not a book.
The writing on the parchment was written with a delicate hand, the letters spidery and flowing. The parchment read:
The assassin may want your children, but I want you. You will pay. By the gods, I swear you will pay.
Kanen read and reread the note trying to determine its meaning or author, yet could learn nothing more from it. Just as he was about to fold it up to put it away, it caught fire and burned away in a flash of light, leaving only ashes. Kanen sat heavily on the chair in Sevenâ€
s study, realizing he had no proof that any of this had occurred.
Kanen knelt in prayer for some time before quietly returning to his bedroom and climbing back into bed next to Seven. The letter had existed. He had seen and read it. It was proof that he wasnâ€
t going crazy, that someone was trying to cause him harm. The Paladin realized however, he still had no clue on who was doing this or even why. He slowly returned to a troubled sleep, his dreams of forms masked by shadows, surrounding and laughing at him.
Salina puts in a bid to be his squire, too.
no sleeping with the maid now, KanenPfeh.. Kanen wouldn't sleep with the maid. It's too cliche.
Everything else is fair game however.
no sleeping with the maid now, Kanen
Kanen was sitting on the bench near the gates of Jiyyd, quietly reading, when he heard a woman's voice ask if his name was Kanen Hightower. Looking up, he saw a red haired woman who looked weary and worn, as though tired from some journey or struggle.
After confirming to her that he was Kanen, she introduced herself. It was Mera. Mera, Seven's childhood friend. Mera, the nurse who was bringing his children home to Jiyyd at last. With a smile Kanen greeted her, but he also looked nervously about as she seemed alone.
Apparently seeing his unanswered question, Mera explained the children were right outside the gate with the two bodyguards she had hired to help protect them during their journey. Moving quickly, both Kanen and Mera went back outside, gathered the babes and the packs that contained the clothing and possessions of the children and Mera herself, thanked the guards, and reentered Jiyyd.
Kanen held his daughter, Revanna, most carefully as he showed Mera the way back to the house he shared with Seven. It would also be Mera's home, Kanen realized. Mera carried his son Durai with more practiced ease than the Paladin was able to mimic.
Carrying the children inside their home, Kanen and Mera took the children and put them in their cribs that Seven had purchased recently. Both babes seemed to fall asleep almost immediately apparently worn out from their long, tiring journey.
Mera looked worn as well, but stayed alert and awake long enough for Kanen to show the house to her, and he apologized that Seven was unable to be there to meet her, as Seven had gone to the temple of Tyr in Peltarch for the day, but would be returning later that evening.
Mera smiled and mentioned that was like Seven, always deep in her studies. Kanen and Mera sat in front of the fireplace, getting acquainted as they would be sharing the same house, and already shared the love of the children and of Seven to base their new relationship upon.
Mera explained to Kanen that Seven had been something of a big sister to her, while they were growing up, and that Mera had looked up to Seven, as Seven was somewhat older than Mera. When he asked what profession Mera followed, Kanen expected her to say she was a priestess like Seven, and was somewhat surprised to learn that Mera was actually a mage instead.
Mera noticed the Paladin's slight frown at her words and smiled saying she was used to such a reaction to her chosen profession. Kanen apologized saying that while he might have trouble trusting mages in general, he would trust her since Seven did already, and because she had cared for his children apparently as if they were her own.
Her eyes drooping, Mera admitted she was more tired than she thought and Kanen showed her to where she would be staying, with the children, and allowed her to get some much needed sleep after their long journey.
Later that evening Seven returned home, and was overjoyed to see both her children home at last, and her friend from her childhood that would be staying with them.
Kanen realized he had a family of his own at last. His beautiful wife Seven, his son Durai, his daughter Revanna, and now Seven's childhood friend Mera. The Paladin had become well blessed in his years in Narfell. But one thought shadowed his evening of happiness. Those who had great riches had more to lose than those with none. He only hoped and prayed he could protect them all from the dangers in Narfell, and of course, from Jubei in particular. He knew though, Helm willing, all would be fine.
Except for this one thought of darkness, it was a fine evening indeed. Kanen sat back and watched Seven and Mera laughing and speaking of times past, and watching in near amazement at the beauty of his children. They all stayed up late into the night, and when he finally retired for the evening, Kanen's dreams that night were only remembered as vague shadows when he awoke, which was probably for the best.
Wearily, Kanen walked towards his house in Jiyyd. He still was trying to make sense of the events of the past few hours, though without success. He and Lucia had traveled to Norwick, as Jiyyd had seemed very quiet and safe from threats.
When they arrived, it was to the shouts of warning about some undead menace coming from the crypts of Norwick. Kanen quickly murmured his prayers to Helm, asking for His divine assistance if battle were to be joined. Just as the two were about to enter the graveyard, a skeletal form came shambling slowly out.
It was a huge, powerful skeletal warrior with a greatsword etched with dark runes. Its evil was easily felt with little effort from the Paladin. With a call to Helm for His power, Kanen ran up to and placed his palm on the skull of the undead creature and using the power of his healing touch, destroyed the skeletal form utterly.
Falling to his knees, Kanen thanked his Lord for the victory, giving praise to Helmâ€
s power, when the dust that the skeleton had became slowly gathered and the skeletal creature reformed! Apparently, this was no simple skeletal creature, but some darker abomination. Kanen and Lucia decided to follow it, gathering their friend Fishel, cleric of Illmater, along the way, trying to determine its purpose or intentions before another attempt to destroy it would be made.
The creature shambled its way to Jiyyd, and blew a hole in the wall there. The thing then walked into the graveyard in Jiyyd and caused yet another skeletal warrior to be raised from a grave, before it could be stopped. Both creatures left Jiyyd and traveled west back to the Nars, and began traveling north. Seeing that this thing seemed to be gathering forces, it was decided to attempt to destroy at least the second skeleton, which they were able to do.
The original creature continued on its way north, until it reached the city of Peltarch. By this time, Skyla and Marcus and Damarcus had become involved in the chase, and the group decided the creature could not be allowed to enter Peltarch, and attacked. The creature quickly slew Marcus, but as the others surrounded it, and all were severely wounded in the combat, it suddenly vanished…leaving only questions.
Skya saw to the raising of Marcus, so Kanen tiredly walked back to Jiyyd to return home to rest. Which is where he was now. He fumbled for his key, unlocked the door and entered. He first realized that someone else was in the house, he could hear movement in the main room, his fatigue and pain forgotten, he moved quickly into the main room; hand on his sword hilt when he saw her.
There was Seven, bright smile on her angelic face, golden hair and golden armor, returned to him at last. Moving swiftly, he gathered her up into a crushing embrace, raining kisses on her face and lips, as he laughed with joy. Seven returned the tight embrace happily, but seemed to wince a bit and reminded him with a weary smile that she was not fully recovered from the delivery, which caused Kanen to loosen his embrace somewhat.
Looking about, he asked where the twins were. Seven informed him that her childhood friend Mera would be arriving shortly with the babies, as Mera would be a nurse and protector for the children. Nodding, Kanen agreed with the decision, as with Jubei still running about plotting, they could use the help in protecting the infants from his grasp.
__Later that night, holding Seven in his arms, Kanen slept soundly for the first time in quite a while, his dreams untroubled by strange or dark feelings and visions. His last thought before drifting to sleep was whether if he should tell Seven about these things, but then a deep sleep took him, seeming to allow him a much needed rest at last.
The sun reached the ground in slanted rays, filtered by the leaves of the tall trees in the forest. The smell of fresh death was strong in the air, and the ground of the forest was littered with the corpses and blood of bugbears, lying at unnatural angles, a few missing their heads, and a couple more nearly clove in two.
Two figures still walked among the dead. Lucia knelt and wiped her blade with leaves to clean it of the bugbear blood and gore that covered it. Kanen stood leaning against a tree, eyes closed, murmuring a silent prayer. Lucia stood and turned with a feral grin at seeing how she had nearly cut her last foe in two, when the smile quickly faded. She looked upon the dark armored form of the foul cleric of Bane, Ashan Nottiams. She spoke his name, which caused Kanen to quickly open his eyes and stare at the hated giant.
Ashan was, of course, not alone. He had a huge skeleton servant, grinning a deathless grin, wielding a giant sword. Kanen walked over by Lucia and stood, sword drawn and ready.
“Well. If it isnâ€
t the animal Ashan.â€, Kanen said through gritted teeth, eyes hard.
“How…assiduous of you, Mr. Hightowerâ€, the dark cleric sneered.
“I donâ€
t understand. Why do you waste yourself like this. You could be…so much more, with proper trainingâ€, he added.
“Ashan, why donâ€
t you just turn yourself into Norwick now. Your crimes must be paid for.â€, Kanen returned.
Seeming to think about it, Ashan smiled and replied “Iâ€
ll do that right after you slit Luciaâ€
s throat.â€
Kanen chuckled, then laughed. She didnâ€
t see the blade headed toward her throat until it was too late. With a look filled with shock and betrayal, Lucia stood, attempting to hold in the flow of red with both hands clutching at her throat. Her mouth moved wordlessly as Kanen looked, devoid of emotion at her, holding his blooded sword at his side. Lucia fell over and died.
“We have much to discussâ€, Ashan rumbled, a dark smile on his face that matched the one Kanen wore.
Ashan laughed a dark laugh and the two headed off into the woods together, leaving Luciaâ€
s corpse behind, without looking back.
__He opened his eyes slowly.
That is NOT what happened. he thought to himself.
It was, close however…Kanen, lying in a cold sweat in his bed attempted to remember the true details. The dream had been close. Thinking hard, Kanen realized that everything up to the point of Ashanâ€
s offer seemed to be what he remembered. After that…the details seemed hazy, as though seen through a mist.
He forced himself to take deep, slow breaths, concentrating on remembering…it wouldnâ€
t come.
From another angle, then, he thought.
Kanen knew he was still a Paladin in his Lordâ€
s favor. He knew what it felt like to fall out of favor with his Lord, and as far as he could tell, Helmâ€
s favor had not been withdrawn from him. He further knew, if he had committed such an act of heinous Evil, he would no longer be Paladin. So the dream was a lie.
Slowly, his memory returned, of how he had, of course, declined Ashanâ€
s offer, some further tense moments when it seemed combat was imminent, and then Ashan withdrawing with a sneer, his undead slave walking silently behind him.
What is happening to me? Why am I having these thoughts? Where are they coming from?
What made Kanen pause most of all, was the thought if he had not been a Paladin, who could innately tell if he had committed such dark acts or not, he might have started to believe these dreams could be real.
Someone or something was attacking him, altering or controlling his dreams, and it seemed perhaps somehow affecting his memory…but who?
Though it was early afternoon, the sky was dark, full of the storm clouds that rumbled with thunder and was pouring rain down on the pair as they made their way into Jiyyd. The man, in shining blue and silver full plate. The woman, in blue armor of her own, yet the most noticeable thing about her was her red hair and the facial piercings and scars that marked her face.
Kanen and Lucia walked through the west gate in the downpour and made their way to the house that Kanen shared with Seven. He and Lucia had been on their way to Norwick from Peltarch when Kanen realized he needed a few things from his house. The storm hadn't really started until they were most of the way to Jiyyd.
Unlocking the door, Kanen and Lucia made their way inside. Lucia went to the fireplace to dry off. Kanen headed to his bedroom where he had left oil that he would now obviously need for polishing his armor.
When he first looked, he thought it was a body that was on his bed. When he looked closer, lighting the candles in the candelabra, he saw what it truly was.
Someone had taken the purple ceremonial armor that Seven had worn on their wedding day and pierced it with a blackened short sword, the sword also driven into the bed, pinning the armor there. Looking on the bed, Kanen found what was apparently a note stained with blood. He quickly read it:
Nothing is forgiven. Nothing is forgotten.
That was all it said. He eyes grew cold though as he realized what this was: a message from Jubei. Yet another taunt at the Paladin. That he could not protect his wife or his home from the killer. Drawing his sword, calling for Lucia, he looked about for any other sign that someone had been in his house.
They quickly searched from room to room but found nothing else out of place. Returning to the bedroom, Kanen pulled the sword free, and saw there was dried blood on the blade. Who or what the blood had come from remained a mystery for now. The blade was one like the kind Fenz in Peltarch sold, Lucia confirmed to him.
Though coldly furious, Kanen smiled. If Jubei is focusing on me, that means that he most likely does not know where Seven is, and does this out of frustration, he thought to himself.
Seven's armor would be repaired; the bed would also be repaired. All Jubei had done was let Kanen know that he was still in the area, no matter that he hadn't been able to find the killer during his search.
What Jubei had hoped to accomplish with this act, Kanen was unsure, perhaps to unbalance him in anger. It did not have the effect however, as Kanen smiled again. He would be ready for Jubei's next move. The assassin would pay for attacking Seven, breaking into their home, and most of all for causing Seven to leave, denying Kanen the ability to be with her in her time of need, a time that should be joyous for them both.
Yes, the killer had much to answer for, and Kanen would be ready for when the killer showed himself. He would stay watchful, alert, and prepared for Jubei's next move. At some point the assassin would make a mistake, and Kanen vowed to be ready.
He had been coming back to the house when he saw the weary and blooded messenger boy waiting at his door step with a letter. Kanen invited the boy in for something to eat. He also treated and healed the boy's wounds before accepting the letter from him. He then listened in concern about the unnatural forces that had tried to attack the boy, forces that sounded all too familiar.
Kanen was quite happy to hear word from Seven. The fact she gave her current location bothered him a moment, but then read on and was quite glad to read her words full of love and that she was thinking of him.
Kanen thought briefly of sending a reply, but then Seven said she would be gone within the day. Reading it a few more times he committed it to memory and then tossed it into the fireplace, so that no one could learn her location.
That left only the boy. Kanen sighed and shook his head. The boy knew where Seven was. The messenger was sitting at the dining table, eating some bread and fruit that Kanen had brought out for him. Walking up behind the boy, Kanen reached out and wrapped his hands around the boy's throat, slowly squeezing. The struggle was brief, the boy attempting to escape but to no avail. Now what to do with the body…
_With a start, a sweating Kanen awoke sitting in his chair by the fireplace, the letter from Seven still in his lap. Blinking hard, the nightmare slowly faded. Where were such thoughts coming from? First the strange dream of events changed and him most of all for the worse, and now this...
Kanen thought hard and remembered sending the boy on his way. He had not sent a message back, since Seven said she would be leaving within the next day, but had tipped the boy and sent him on his way. The Paladin started to throw the letter into the fire, but then thought of his dream. Instead he folded it carefully and placed it with the braid of Seven's hair that he kept next to his heart.
These dreams of violence and dark thoughts troubled him, but Kanen did not know what could be their cause. It was early evening still, but he spent most of the night kneeling in prayer, asking for these strange dreams to no longer plague him.
Kanen woke slowly. He turned to Seven's side of the bed with a smile that quickly faded when he saw the empty pillow. As he had every day for these weeks that she had been gone.
He slowly sat up and listened. The house was silent about him. Kanen had spent little time here, having left on his own for a couple of weeks in his fruitless search for Jubei, and even now that he had returned, only to sleep. He attempted to exhaust himself before returning home, so that sleep could quickly take him…though sometimes to troubled dreams about what was happening to Seven...and if the pregnancy was going well.
He longed to be with her during this time, to help ease her burden as much as he would be able, yet that had been denied him by his one time rival and lifetime enemy, it seemed...Jubei. The fact he had been unable to find any trace of the killer worried Kanen. He feared that Jubei might have somehow followed Seven where ever she had gone. Yet if the assassin had captured or killed Seven, the Paladin felt that Jubei would have boasted about it to Kanen, if only to torment and taunt him.
Kanen thought of writing to Seven's parents, but didn't know what to say or how to explain to her father that he was not protecting Seven. Kanen didn't even know if her parents knew of the pregnancy or not. Seven was always independent and reserved, in some ways, still with him, even after all these months of marriage. As her last leaving showed. He did not blame her, but wished she had consulted with him, that did hurt some, he admitted to himself.
Setting such thoughts aside, he rose from the bed and knelt and began his prayers to Helm to watch over his wife and to protect her. He did this for some hours each day since she had left.
Some time later, Kanen rose, gathered his things and left the house to begin his morning training and exercise. He forced himself to focus his mind on the strange events that were happening in the area. The wife of the chancellor of Norwick slain, a plague causing it's victims to fall into undeath, and strange attacks from the ring of standing stones just inside the south gates of Norwick. Yet thoughts of Seven and concern for her were never far from his mind. He only hoped he would see her again soon.
His head slumped onto his chest as he sat in the chair by the fireplace; Kanen began to dream…
He was running. The young Paladin was running in the darkness, away from the bandit caves, his mind and emotions in turmoil. He and Seven had only recently started seeing each other, yet he knew he felt deeply for her. But just now he had listened while Seven had said she loved Jubei. Kanen, Wilhelm and Braeth had come to the bandit mines to free Seven, as Jubei had taken her hostage. Yet during the confrontation, Seven had said she loved the assassin, driving a spike through Kanenâ€
s heart. Jubei had run off and they had freed her, as she sat there bound and naked. Seven, quite shaken by her ordeal, had barely said a word of thanks to them before dressing and running off, seeming to be looking for Jubei. It had been too much for the young Paladin. He had run off on his own, headed back to town, which is where he found himself now, moving through the grassland that he could barely see as there was little light supplied by the night sky.
Just then, Kanen tripped over something and fell headlong, face first into a huge field of mud that the recent rains had apparently caused. Sputtering, Kanen slowly climbed to his feet, covered in the mud and grime. He made an ineffectual attempt to push the mud from his armor, yet it clung in dark, smelly clumps. The Paladin was almost shaking in his fury…not only was he a mess on the inside, but now also on the outside. Kanen then paused just as he was starting to rise from his knees. He instead began praying to Helm, while he knelt there in the mud.
Perhaps this was a message from my Lord, Kanen now thought. He had allowed himself to become ‘muddiedâ€
in affairs of the flesh. A true Paladin of Helm had no place in romantic matters he had been told a thousand times by his betters at the Hold. Finally, after everything that had occurred tonight, he understood and agreed. So, there in the darkness, Kanen committed himself to the Vow of Chastity, forever forsaking any further romantic involvement with any woman ever again. The knight then stood, and make his way slowly back to Norwick. He noticed Cila as he entered the town, but walked past before she noticed him. She only represented another distraction from his true mission that he would now dedicate himself to fully.
The next day, Kanen ran into Seven and unemotionally informed her of how he was now changed. He was surprised that she seemed upset by his news but determined that it was something that no longer mattered to his new goals, and politely excused himself. Later that evening, after much searching and watching, he found Jubei lurking in the woods, and Kanen was able to subdue him after considerable effort, and bring him to Norwick to be tried for his crimes.
s trial was made into a town event. It was the heartfelt testimony of Seven though, that saved the killerâ€
s life. She testified that Jubei was a tool being used by another, and that his actions were not his own. She further dropped the charges of kidnapping against him. Jade was incensed, but Jubeiâ€
s life was spared, though he served time in a cell in Norwick. Seven was seen visiting Jubei in his cell frequently by the town guards, Kanen couldnâ€
t help but overhear.
The knight had made himself very busy. After Vinessa and the traitor Selron had been defeated, he would watch and observe others, especially anyone who seemed suspicious. Any evil or darkness that he would sense about them he would quietly inform the militia and the mayor about. Kanen used his natural charm and skills in persuasion to try and make these leaders of the various cities and towns see the importance of his findings, and to see that their laws were not sufficient for dealing with this dangerous menace. He lobbied long and hard to have being found a follower of a dark god become a crime, with some success.
Kanen commissioned new armor to be forged for him. He wore black armor with the white symbol of Helm emblazoned on his breastplate. Black so that he could more easily watch and listen without being so easily observed. He allowed himself little free time, as his work consumed him. He was Helmâ€
s Watchman, observing the evils about him, only acting when he knew his enemy and was prepared for anything they might try to escape their justice.
Kanen heard rumors that his one time friends Wilhelm, Reginald, Kara and even Jubei, having served his long sentence, had gone to far off Thay to do battle with Jubeiâ€
s former master, and some said to rescue Jade and Seven. He never heard the whole story, but eventually, he saw them in the area again, including both Jade and Seven. Jubei was added again to his list of those to be watched, yet he had seemed to have changed, perhaps for the better under the guidance of Seven, who was seen constantly at his side. Kanen told himself he didnâ€
t care.
s name became known and feared by those of evil intent. Plots were made against his life but all had failed. The names of those he had caught or slain in combat grew. The witch Aspera Chillwind, Salina the self-admitted Banite, Justinia Norwick the false Paladin, the cleric who claimed to be of Tyr but was found to be a Banite named Ashan Nottiams, and many others all had fallen to his blade or were put to death in Norwick for their crimes of worshipping a dark god or other crimes against Norwick. He would not allow them to rise to power; he knew he had to cut them down as soon as they were found out, to spare the lands future pain and misery.
Then there was Garen. Kanen had spoken at length with Adam Bromley, who claimed that Garen was none other than Hydrek the half-demon reborn somehow in human flesh. Kanen believed this to be true but could find no evidence against him. His heart did not seem to be dark, but when, watching while invisible and silent, he saw Garen starting to work on the Paladin Sarah Raime. His subtle comments about power and strength, something that Sarah obviously craved.
So, without legal proof, or even justification that he could make to his god, Kanen attacked Garen in a surprise ambush on the road one day, slew him in a terrible duel, burned the corpse, and immersed the ashes in acid. The feeling was as if the sun had been blotted out of the sky. Kanen knew what it was. Helm had withdrawn His favor from him for his actions, but the knight could feel no remorse or regret. He had removed a threat, an enemy that was only growing stronger daily. His lack of remorse may have explained the reason the divine favor was never again returned to him, yet this bothered Kanen less than he thought it would.
His watching became more difficult after this, no longer being able to read the intentions and hearts of those around him, but Kanen found that by careful observation, he could still determine who was Evil and who was not. The priests were the easiest, as most would eventually summon undead servants, the surest sign of their evil and signal that they needed to be brought to justice if possible, or simply slain if there was no other choice.
Through the months he lost count of the number of opponents who had died to his blade, almost all deserving their final justice, he was sure. He always followed the Law, yet in the wilds the law did not exist, thus allowing him to go beyond it when necessary, as he had that first time with Garen. Most people shunned the knight, avoiding him whenever possible, not that he cared. Kanen remained faithful to his Lord through all this time, never leaving the service of Helm, if not as Paladin, then as a simple guardian and watcher, removing evil before it had chance to take root.
When he learned of their wedding, he was shocked and angered that it bothered him. He thought on the brief time he and Seven had shared, before that night that had changed him forever, and was surprised at his feelings of something forever lost. He even made himself to go the wedding of Jubei and Seven, staying hidden in the background. Former assassin and the beautiful cleric of Torm, joined in marriage. Watching their apparent happiness filled the knight with a dark fury, his vision becoming red in his near-uncontrolled anger as he left the ceremony before it was completed.
He was angry at himself for caring at all, and angry at the couple for their apparent happiness. So he bagan to follow Jubei. He knew all he had to do was watch carefully and he would find that Jubei was back to his old ways, he was sure of it. Yet he could find no such evidence. All he saw was Seven and Jubei happily together, hunting and helping fight the enemies of the area. This only caused Kanen to become even more enraged, though he kept his fury cold. He then began plotting a way to end Jubeiâ€
s life, as even if he didnâ€
t deserve it now, he did from his crimes so long ago. Norwick had been foolish to only give him a jail sentence, and the knight rationalized that he could now give Jubei the justice he had avoided all these months.
So, after much careful observation, he finally found Jubei traveling the trail alone. The killer tried to reason with Kanen, saying that he had changed, that Seven had redeemed and saved him, which only caused the knight to become angrier for some reason. He drew his blade and attacked, ignoring Jubeiâ€
s pleas to discuss this matter, his body filled with a dark fury as he rained blow after blow on the former assassin. The fight was over shortly later, Kanenâ€
s blade piercing Jubeiâ€
s heart, as the knight smiled into the dying face of his prey.
Just then, Seven walked down the trail, her eyes open wide, with a horrific expression on her face, screaming for Jubei as he died. What Kanen noticed most of all, however, was that her belly was distended greatly, obviously carrying a baby…
With a near shout, Kanen stood, breathing hard, gasping. He looked quickly around at his surroundings, at his house, as the dream slowly faded. It was very late, but he heard Seven moving about in her study, as though busy at something. He thought of checking on her, but he was so tired and drained from the horrific dream that he instead decided to head directly to bed, falling asleep almost as soon as his head touched the pillow.
A short while later, a tearful Seven emerged from her study, her belongings packed, as she began to prepare for her long journey.
Kanen sat in his chair, idly paging through a book given him by Ashen the ranger that was written about Kanenâ€
s former home, Helmâ€
s Hold, which was so far from here. His mind was not on the book however, as he flipped through the pages, occasionally looking up and staring into the flames of the fireplace. His mind instead was on recent events. The journey to the bandit fortress and the fierce battle that had ensued there, the exploration of the dead city Mintas Rhelgor, and Adamâ€
s sacrifice and final death that occurred before they left that place. But most of all, Kanenâ€
s thoughts were on the encounter from a few days ago just north of Norwick.
Jubei had finally revealed himself. The assassin had given someone a message to relay to the couple, saying that he would claim their baby. Enraged, Kanen demanded to know where the killer had been seen, and Magnus, who had been forced into the role of messenger, led them to the place he had seen Jubei, Hugh was met along the way and joined them.
The group also saw the evil gnome again, apparently restored to life, or the approximation that kept him animated. Once they arrived to where Magus led them, Kanen yelled out for the coward to show himself, to face him. The air coalesced into more of the creatures of shadow and air that someone had told him might have been called invisible stalkers, attacked.
The battle was brief as the three slew the shadowy creatures quickly, then looked about for the source of the attack. Finally Jubei had shown himself and he made claims that Seven and Kanen had built their happiness on the graves and misery of their friends and on betrayal of those friends. They argued with Jubei about what he was doing, what was his purpose, and he again said he would take the child from Kanen and Seven, though for what purpose he did not say.
Jubei claimed he was following his own code, as Seven had freed him, and no longer had a master that he served. How this assassin was able to summon these creatures of air was a question yet to be answered, but Jubei had obviously gained new power since they had seen him last. And he seemed to have twisted his code to mean whatever purpose he required of it.
When they moved to attack him, he disappeared and the assassin taunted them for a time from a hidden place, he could be heard but not seen, but Seven grew weary of the exchange and suggested they leave, which they all did. Jubei had denied that his actions were borne of jealousy of the happiness and Kanen and Seven now shared, yet his denial rang hollow to the Paladin…that was what this was all about, he was almost sure. Why else did Jubei toy with them? The strange dreams that had plagued Seven, killing her falcon companion, stealing her personal diary and now threatening the life of an unborn child, one that Seven wasnâ€
t even sure existed yet.
His head nodding while sitting in the chair, Kanen drifted off to into an exhausted sleep while thinking of these events and how actions of the past had brought them to this point…
Very Well written. You did a great job..
Darkness. The bedroom was pitch-black. Kanen heard Sevenâ€
s soft rhythmic breathing but nothing else, though his ears strained to hear any sounds that were occurring within their house. Yet he heard…nothing.
To say the last few days had been eventful would have been an understatement. Kanen had encountered Elendel at the healers here in Jiyyd. It seemed the guard slayer thought Kanen had some influence or control over the actions of others, particularly the Norwick militia. He had all but demanded that Kanen tell them to call off their hunt of him. Of course the Paladin had no such power, but even if he did, he would never agree to such demands, and told the evil elf as much. Others entered the healer's, and a tense standoff ensued, but after making threats that Kanen would be responsible for what happened to the area now, and that he should watch his house, he caused magical darkness to blackout the room and fled before any could stop him.
So, sometime later, Kanen and Seven had decided to travel to Peltarch. Kanen was low on healing supplies and Seven wanted to look for the gnome, though she didnâ€
t vocalize it, Kanen thought that was her reason at least. The trip had started normally enough, though Kanen had been sure to protect himself and Seven with the power of Helm against Evil, among his regular prayers of for the strength and grace of his Lord.
The bandits at the bridge were in some strength, several heretics and almost a score of lesser bandits fell to their blades as the pair continued to slowly make their way north. Then the area was quiet, bandit corpses strewn all about, Seven whispering prayers on their behalf, Kanen continuing to watch all around them for any more unseen attackers.
Then they struck. Kanen still felt the pain from their icy nails from his last encounter and shuddered slightly when he realized the air around them had been distorted into the same creatures of shadow and air. Kanen and Seven stood back to back, combating the near-invisible foes almost silently, except for an occasional prayer from Seven of healing for herself or Kanen. Finally, the last creature had been dissipated, as both of them looked about for any additional foes. Kanen yelled out for the gnome to show himself, just as Seven saw the gnome up on a nearby hillside.
Charging in fury, Kanen and Seven both rushed up the hill, and encountered more of the unnatural creatures of air, and though it was near midday, darkness descended about them. The fight in the blackness was hard, but it seemed the creatures had difficulty locating the pair in the darkness as well. Finally the group of creatures were defeated…and there was the gnome, apparently caught off guard by their victory as he had not apparently tried to make his escape.
Seven and Kanen closed on the gnome and attacked. Every spell he attempted to cast was interrupted by their attacks, until he was bloody with several wounds that were bleeding freely. He tried a final time to flee and was cut down, never once attempting surrender or asking for mercy. Seven seemed upset that they had killed him, but Kanen reminded her that Hugh had almost captured the evil little gnome, but that he had been able to suddenly disappear from Hugh, so he likely would have done the same this day as well, if he had been given a chance. Kanen watched about for any further attackers, wondering where Jubei was…apparently the same thoughts were going through the mind of Seven as they both yelled out for him to show himself, but were only answered by silence.
Seven examined the body of the dead gnome only to make a horrific discovery. The top of the head of the gnome was missing, and there was no brain inside! Somehow this…thing had walked and talked like a person, yet contained no brain to control it. Then before their eyes, the body of the gnome crumbled to dust, as though from great age. Kanen felt they had indeed done a service for Good this day by destroying this powerful creature of evil…even though it seemed he, or it, was only a puppet for someone or something else.
No matter how hard they looked, they saw no further attack or foe, so continued on their way north into the Pass. Again they encountered bandits of some strength and numbers, yet were defeated by the angry pair, and they finally stood up on the high ground of the area, looking about for further enemies, or perhaps spot a particular one hiding in the shadows…
Kanen started to ask some question about Jubei possibly being the one who had stolen her diary, but Seven suddenly changed the subject. She asked Kanen if he remembered about the gift from the druidess Lyâ€
Ahnna. Lyâ€
Ahnna had given Kanen a plainly wrapped package saying only that it was for Seven, so Kanen had passed it on to her. When he had asked Seven about it before, she had only replied she wasnâ€
t ready to tell him what it had been…yet.
Now Seven told him what the package had contained. Apparently the druidess had given Seven a fertility charm. This stunned Kanen, but her next words, barely whispered, stunned him further…that she had been wearing the charm and that she was late. The Paladinâ€
s head was awhirl with sudden emotion, surprise that Seven would wear the charm, dawning joy that she might be carrying his child, yet apprehension Seven didnâ€
t seem that happy about the idea…yet she had worn the charm?
Seven then revealed to him that she also felt she was growing distant from her Lord Torm, and removed the charm from around her neck. She then threw it far into the Pass below them, saying that she had put more faith in the charm than she had faith in her Lord recently…a startling admission that left Kanen speechless.
Then their discussion turned back to Jubei. Seven started with not understanding how he could have thrown his code away when it had meant so much to him. Kanen replied coldly that if Jubei came within the reach of his sword, the assassin would be put to death once and for all, finishing what he should have so long ago and that this time he would not allow Seven to save the killer.
They argued back and forth for a time, their first, until they finally worked out their differences, at least for now and embraced. Gathering their things the couple then made their way north to the city, both feeling the strain of having Jubei somewhere, watching them, and wondering who Jubei was working for that could create such a horrific creature as the gnome they had destroyed.
Saying a quiet prayer to his Lord for protection and the strength to defend them both, Kanen finally was able to sleep, though waking several times, each at some almost heard sound, that turned out to be nothing…at least so far.
Kanen stood behind his house, in the early morning light. He was stripped to the waist, only wearing the baggy trousers and soft shoes that he wore during his daily regimen of training. He had just returned from his daily run through the swamp to the south, sweating slightly. The vermin that attacked him in the swamp usually fell quickly. He regularly practiced cutting them down as he ran, trying to not break stride or lose his balance when possible.
Drawing his greatsword, he began moving the blade around his body in an intricate pattern of steel, moving the blade from position to position.
His thoughts though, were not on the motions of the blade but instead on recent events.
At least one of their enemies was now known.
The fact that it was, once again Jubei, was at first a shock, but now Kanen was filled with a quiet fury. The assassin had been playing, toying with he and Seven. Jubei had wounded Seven by killing her companion falcon, while mocking Kanenâ€
s ability to protect her by the attack into their home, leaving his calling card behind.
Kanen now passed his blade through complex moves, both attacking an imaginary foe, and defending against their expected responses, moving the blade faster and faster, until he was covered in a fine sheen of sweat.
Jubei was a weapon, a tool Seven called him. He had killed the Paladin Steele, who though eventually revived, never seemed to have recovered from the duel.
Jubei was a former rival for the affections of Seven. These thoughts Kanen put aside, because although true, Kanen trusted Seven implicitly. They had pledged their hearts and souls together in marriage; no former rival could damage that bond. Perhaps that was one source of Jubeiâ€
s apparent anger, that Seven had chosen Kanen in the end. Perhaps not, but that seemed likely to the Paladin.
Jubei had apparently been training and was perhaps even more deadly than when Kanen had last encountered the killer. In their many previous chance encounters on the road, there had always been a tension. As though each was waiting only for some signal or word before battle would be joined between them…that signal had never come however, as Seven had usually been nearby, to end the violence before it could begin, pushing them away from each other.
Kanen returned again to the thought Jubei is a weapon. Whoâ€
s weapon? And why? There were still unanswered questions. Who was the foul little gnome who had mastery of the creatures of shadow? He had attacked them in the cleaning womanâ€
s apartment, and apparently attacked Seven again since then as she traveled to Peltarch, though thank Helm, with Vino, Bram, and others. Seven had also mentioned a tall companion to the little gnome, that Kanen had not seen yet, or what threat he represented.
This was far from over, Kanen knew. So many questions…but at least he now knew who one of his foes was. His old enemy, Paladin killer, and paid assassin. Apparently now working for some new dark master.
Sheathing his blade across his back, Kanen began running his laps about the town, greeting the guards as he ran past, then, when finally exhausted, running beneath the waterfall to cool down from his morning ritual of exercise and training.
He then slowly walked back to the house he and Seven shared, taking in the morning air, although occasionally looking about for any signs of anyone watching him…if they were, he didnâ€
t see it. Kanen made his way back into the house quietly, and began his morning prayers and meditation, hearing Seven starting to rise in the bedroom.
I will be ready. I will protect her. We will learn who is behind this and they will pay, to Helm I swear this.
very cool stuff knight