Stories of Kanen Hightower
Kanen woke slowly. He turned to Seven's side of the bed with a smile that quickly faded when he saw the empty pillow. As he had every day for these weeks that she had been gone.
He slowly sat up and listened. The house was silent about him. Kanen had spent little time here, having left on his own for a couple of weeks in his fruitless search for Jubei, and even now that he had returned, only to sleep. He attempted to exhaust himself before returning home, so that sleep could quickly take him…though sometimes to troubled dreams about what was happening to Seven...and if the pregnancy was going well.
He longed to be with her during this time, to help ease her burden as much as he would be able, yet that had been denied him by his one time rival and lifetime enemy, it seemed...Jubei. The fact he had been unable to find any trace of the killer worried Kanen. He feared that Jubei might have somehow followed Seven where ever she had gone. Yet if the assassin had captured or killed Seven, the Paladin felt that Jubei would have boasted about it to Kanen, if only to torment and taunt him.
Kanen thought of writing to Seven's parents, but didn't know what to say or how to explain to her father that he was not protecting Seven. Kanen didn't even know if her parents knew of the pregnancy or not. Seven was always independent and reserved, in some ways, still with him, even after all these months of marriage. As her last leaving showed. He did not blame her, but wished she had consulted with him, that did hurt some, he admitted to himself.
Setting such thoughts aside, he rose from the bed and knelt and began his prayers to Helm to watch over his wife and to protect her. He did this for some hours each day since she had left.
Some time later, Kanen rose, gathered his things and left the house to begin his morning training and exercise. He forced himself to focus his mind on the strange events that were happening in the area. The wife of the chancellor of Norwick slain, a plague causing it's victims to fall into undeath, and strange attacks from the ring of standing stones just inside the south gates of Norwick. Yet thoughts of Seven and concern for her were never far from his mind. He only hoped he would see her again soon.
His head slumped onto his chest as he sat in the chair by the fireplace; Kanen began to dream…
He was running. The young Paladin was running in the darkness, away from the bandit caves, his mind and emotions in turmoil. He and Seven had only recently started seeing each other, yet he knew he felt deeply for her. But just now he had listened while Seven had said she loved Jubei. Kanen, Wilhelm and Braeth had come to the bandit mines to free Seven, as Jubei had taken her hostage. Yet during the confrontation, Seven had said she loved the assassin, driving a spike through Kanenâ€
s heart. Jubei had run off and they had freed her, as she sat there bound and naked. Seven, quite shaken by her ordeal, had barely said a word of thanks to them before dressing and running off, seeming to be looking for Jubei. It had been too much for the young Paladin. He had run off on his own, headed back to town, which is where he found himself now, moving through the grassland that he could barely see as there was little light supplied by the night sky.
Just then, Kanen tripped over something and fell headlong, face first into a huge field of mud that the recent rains had apparently caused. Sputtering, Kanen slowly climbed to his feet, covered in the mud and grime. He made an ineffectual attempt to push the mud from his armor, yet it clung in dark, smelly clumps. The Paladin was almost shaking in his fury…not only was he a mess on the inside, but now also on the outside. Kanen then paused just as he was starting to rise from his knees. He instead began praying to Helm, while he knelt there in the mud.
Perhaps this was a message from my Lord, Kanen now thought. He had allowed himself to become ‘muddiedâ€
in affairs of the flesh. A true Paladin of Helm had no place in romantic matters he had been told a thousand times by his betters at the Hold. Finally, after everything that had occurred tonight, he understood and agreed. So, there in the darkness, Kanen committed himself to the Vow of Chastity, forever forsaking any further romantic involvement with any woman ever again. The knight then stood, and make his way slowly back to Norwick. He noticed Cila as he entered the town, but walked past before she noticed him. She only represented another distraction from his true mission that he would now dedicate himself to fully.
The next day, Kanen ran into Seven and unemotionally informed her of how he was now changed. He was surprised that she seemed upset by his news but determined that it was something that no longer mattered to his new goals, and politely excused himself. Later that evening, after much searching and watching, he found Jubei lurking in the woods, and Kanen was able to subdue him after considerable effort, and bring him to Norwick to be tried for his crimes.
s trial was made into a town event. It was the heartfelt testimony of Seven though, that saved the killerâ€
s life. She testified that Jubei was a tool being used by another, and that his actions were not his own. She further dropped the charges of kidnapping against him. Jade was incensed, but Jubeiâ€
s life was spared, though he served time in a cell in Norwick. Seven was seen visiting Jubei in his cell frequently by the town guards, Kanen couldnâ€
t help but overhear.
The knight had made himself very busy. After Vinessa and the traitor Selron had been defeated, he would watch and observe others, especially anyone who seemed suspicious. Any evil or darkness that he would sense about them he would quietly inform the militia and the mayor about. Kanen used his natural charm and skills in persuasion to try and make these leaders of the various cities and towns see the importance of his findings, and to see that their laws were not sufficient for dealing with this dangerous menace. He lobbied long and hard to have being found a follower of a dark god become a crime, with some success.
Kanen commissioned new armor to be forged for him. He wore black armor with the white symbol of Helm emblazoned on his breastplate. Black so that he could more easily watch and listen without being so easily observed. He allowed himself little free time, as his work consumed him. He was Helmâ€
s Watchman, observing the evils about him, only acting when he knew his enemy and was prepared for anything they might try to escape their justice.
Kanen heard rumors that his one time friends Wilhelm, Reginald, Kara and even Jubei, having served his long sentence, had gone to far off Thay to do battle with Jubeiâ€
s former master, and some said to rescue Jade and Seven. He never heard the whole story, but eventually, he saw them in the area again, including both Jade and Seven. Jubei was added again to his list of those to be watched, yet he had seemed to have changed, perhaps for the better under the guidance of Seven, who was seen constantly at his side. Kanen told himself he didnâ€
t care.
s name became known and feared by those of evil intent. Plots were made against his life but all had failed. The names of those he had caught or slain in combat grew. The witch Aspera Chillwind, Salina the self-admitted Banite, Justinia Norwick the false Paladin, the cleric who claimed to be of Tyr but was found to be a Banite named Ashan Nottiams, and many others all had fallen to his blade or were put to death in Norwick for their crimes of worshipping a dark god or other crimes against Norwick. He would not allow them to rise to power; he knew he had to cut them down as soon as they were found out, to spare the lands future pain and misery.
Then there was Garen. Kanen had spoken at length with Adam Bromley, who claimed that Garen was none other than Hydrek the half-demon reborn somehow in human flesh. Kanen believed this to be true but could find no evidence against him. His heart did not seem to be dark, but when, watching while invisible and silent, he saw Garen starting to work on the Paladin Sarah Raime. His subtle comments about power and strength, something that Sarah obviously craved.
So, without legal proof, or even justification that he could make to his god, Kanen attacked Garen in a surprise ambush on the road one day, slew him in a terrible duel, burned the corpse, and immersed the ashes in acid. The feeling was as if the sun had been blotted out of the sky. Kanen knew what it was. Helm had withdrawn His favor from him for his actions, but the knight could feel no remorse or regret. He had removed a threat, an enemy that was only growing stronger daily. His lack of remorse may have explained the reason the divine favor was never again returned to him, yet this bothered Kanen less than he thought it would.
His watching became more difficult after this, no longer being able to read the intentions and hearts of those around him, but Kanen found that by careful observation, he could still determine who was Evil and who was not. The priests were the easiest, as most would eventually summon undead servants, the surest sign of their evil and signal that they needed to be brought to justice if possible, or simply slain if there was no other choice.
Through the months he lost count of the number of opponents who had died to his blade, almost all deserving their final justice, he was sure. He always followed the Law, yet in the wilds the law did not exist, thus allowing him to go beyond it when necessary, as he had that first time with Garen. Most people shunned the knight, avoiding him whenever possible, not that he cared. Kanen remained faithful to his Lord through all this time, never leaving the service of Helm, if not as Paladin, then as a simple guardian and watcher, removing evil before it had chance to take root.
When he learned of their wedding, he was shocked and angered that it bothered him. He thought on the brief time he and Seven had shared, before that night that had changed him forever, and was surprised at his feelings of something forever lost. He even made himself to go the wedding of Jubei and Seven, staying hidden in the background. Former assassin and the beautiful cleric of Torm, joined in marriage. Watching their apparent happiness filled the knight with a dark fury, his vision becoming red in his near-uncontrolled anger as he left the ceremony before it was completed.
He was angry at himself for caring at all, and angry at the couple for their apparent happiness. So he bagan to follow Jubei. He knew all he had to do was watch carefully and he would find that Jubei was back to his old ways, he was sure of it. Yet he could find no such evidence. All he saw was Seven and Jubei happily together, hunting and helping fight the enemies of the area. This only caused Kanen to become even more enraged, though he kept his fury cold. He then began plotting a way to end Jubeiâ€
s life, as even if he didnâ€
t deserve it now, he did from his crimes so long ago. Norwick had been foolish to only give him a jail sentence, and the knight rationalized that he could now give Jubei the justice he had avoided all these months.
So, after much careful observation, he finally found Jubei traveling the trail alone. The killer tried to reason with Kanen, saying that he had changed, that Seven had redeemed and saved him, which only caused the knight to become angrier for some reason. He drew his blade and attacked, ignoring Jubeiâ€
s pleas to discuss this matter, his body filled with a dark fury as he rained blow after blow on the former assassin. The fight was over shortly later, Kanenâ€
s blade piercing Jubeiâ€
s heart, as the knight smiled into the dying face of his prey.
Just then, Seven walked down the trail, her eyes open wide, with a horrific expression on her face, screaming for Jubei as he died. What Kanen noticed most of all, however, was that her belly was distended greatly, obviously carrying a baby…
With a near shout, Kanen stood, breathing hard, gasping. He looked quickly around at his surroundings, at his house, as the dream slowly faded. It was very late, but he heard Seven moving about in her study, as though busy at something. He thought of checking on her, but he was so tired and drained from the horrific dream that he instead decided to head directly to bed, falling asleep almost as soon as his head touched the pillow.
A short while later, a tearful Seven emerged from her study, her belongings packed, as she began to prepare for her long journey.
Kanen sat in his chair, idly paging through a book given him by Ashen the ranger that was written about Kanenâ€
s former home, Helmâ€
s Hold, which was so far from here. His mind was not on the book however, as he flipped through the pages, occasionally looking up and staring into the flames of the fireplace. His mind instead was on recent events. The journey to the bandit fortress and the fierce battle that had ensued there, the exploration of the dead city Mintas Rhelgor, and Adamâ€
s sacrifice and final death that occurred before they left that place. But most of all, Kanenâ€
s thoughts were on the encounter from a few days ago just north of Norwick.
Jubei had finally revealed himself. The assassin had given someone a message to relay to the couple, saying that he would claim their baby. Enraged, Kanen demanded to know where the killer had been seen, and Magnus, who had been forced into the role of messenger, led them to the place he had seen Jubei, Hugh was met along the way and joined them.
The group also saw the evil gnome again, apparently restored to life, or the approximation that kept him animated. Once they arrived to where Magus led them, Kanen yelled out for the coward to show himself, to face him. The air coalesced into more of the creatures of shadow and air that someone had told him might have been called invisible stalkers, attacked.
The battle was brief as the three slew the shadowy creatures quickly, then looked about for the source of the attack. Finally Jubei had shown himself and he made claims that Seven and Kanen had built their happiness on the graves and misery of their friends and on betrayal of those friends. They argued with Jubei about what he was doing, what was his purpose, and he again said he would take the child from Kanen and Seven, though for what purpose he did not say.
Jubei claimed he was following his own code, as Seven had freed him, and no longer had a master that he served. How this assassin was able to summon these creatures of air was a question yet to be answered, but Jubei had obviously gained new power since they had seen him last. And he seemed to have twisted his code to mean whatever purpose he required of it.
When they moved to attack him, he disappeared and the assassin taunted them for a time from a hidden place, he could be heard but not seen, but Seven grew weary of the exchange and suggested they leave, which they all did. Jubei had denied that his actions were borne of jealousy of the happiness and Kanen and Seven now shared, yet his denial rang hollow to the Paladin…that was what this was all about, he was almost sure. Why else did Jubei toy with them? The strange dreams that had plagued Seven, killing her falcon companion, stealing her personal diary and now threatening the life of an unborn child, one that Seven wasnâ€
t even sure existed yet.
His head nodding while sitting in the chair, Kanen drifted off to into an exhausted sleep while thinking of these events and how actions of the past had brought them to this point…
Very Well written. You did a great job..
Darkness. The bedroom was pitch-black. Kanen heard Sevenâ€
s soft rhythmic breathing but nothing else, though his ears strained to hear any sounds that were occurring within their house. Yet he heard…nothing.
To say the last few days had been eventful would have been an understatement. Kanen had encountered Elendel at the healers here in Jiyyd. It seemed the guard slayer thought Kanen had some influence or control over the actions of others, particularly the Norwick militia. He had all but demanded that Kanen tell them to call off their hunt of him. Of course the Paladin had no such power, but even if he did, he would never agree to such demands, and told the evil elf as much. Others entered the healer's, and a tense standoff ensued, but after making threats that Kanen would be responsible for what happened to the area now, and that he should watch his house, he caused magical darkness to blackout the room and fled before any could stop him.
So, sometime later, Kanen and Seven had decided to travel to Peltarch. Kanen was low on healing supplies and Seven wanted to look for the gnome, though she didnâ€
t vocalize it, Kanen thought that was her reason at least. The trip had started normally enough, though Kanen had been sure to protect himself and Seven with the power of Helm against Evil, among his regular prayers of for the strength and grace of his Lord.
The bandits at the bridge were in some strength, several heretics and almost a score of lesser bandits fell to their blades as the pair continued to slowly make their way north. Then the area was quiet, bandit corpses strewn all about, Seven whispering prayers on their behalf, Kanen continuing to watch all around them for any more unseen attackers.
Then they struck. Kanen still felt the pain from their icy nails from his last encounter and shuddered slightly when he realized the air around them had been distorted into the same creatures of shadow and air. Kanen and Seven stood back to back, combating the near-invisible foes almost silently, except for an occasional prayer from Seven of healing for herself or Kanen. Finally, the last creature had been dissipated, as both of them looked about for any additional foes. Kanen yelled out for the gnome to show himself, just as Seven saw the gnome up on a nearby hillside.
Charging in fury, Kanen and Seven both rushed up the hill, and encountered more of the unnatural creatures of air, and though it was near midday, darkness descended about them. The fight in the blackness was hard, but it seemed the creatures had difficulty locating the pair in the darkness as well. Finally the group of creatures were defeated…and there was the gnome, apparently caught off guard by their victory as he had not apparently tried to make his escape.
Seven and Kanen closed on the gnome and attacked. Every spell he attempted to cast was interrupted by their attacks, until he was bloody with several wounds that were bleeding freely. He tried a final time to flee and was cut down, never once attempting surrender or asking for mercy. Seven seemed upset that they had killed him, but Kanen reminded her that Hugh had almost captured the evil little gnome, but that he had been able to suddenly disappear from Hugh, so he likely would have done the same this day as well, if he had been given a chance. Kanen watched about for any further attackers, wondering where Jubei was…apparently the same thoughts were going through the mind of Seven as they both yelled out for him to show himself, but were only answered by silence.
Seven examined the body of the dead gnome only to make a horrific discovery. The top of the head of the gnome was missing, and there was no brain inside! Somehow this…thing had walked and talked like a person, yet contained no brain to control it. Then before their eyes, the body of the gnome crumbled to dust, as though from great age. Kanen felt they had indeed done a service for Good this day by destroying this powerful creature of evil…even though it seemed he, or it, was only a puppet for someone or something else.
No matter how hard they looked, they saw no further attack or foe, so continued on their way north into the Pass. Again they encountered bandits of some strength and numbers, yet were defeated by the angry pair, and they finally stood up on the high ground of the area, looking about for further enemies, or perhaps spot a particular one hiding in the shadows…
Kanen started to ask some question about Jubei possibly being the one who had stolen her diary, but Seven suddenly changed the subject. She asked Kanen if he remembered about the gift from the druidess Lyâ€
Ahnna. Lyâ€
Ahnna had given Kanen a plainly wrapped package saying only that it was for Seven, so Kanen had passed it on to her. When he had asked Seven about it before, she had only replied she wasnâ€
t ready to tell him what it had been…yet.
Now Seven told him what the package had contained. Apparently the druidess had given Seven a fertility charm. This stunned Kanen, but her next words, barely whispered, stunned him further…that she had been wearing the charm and that she was late. The Paladinâ€
s head was awhirl with sudden emotion, surprise that Seven would wear the charm, dawning joy that she might be carrying his child, yet apprehension Seven didnâ€
t seem that happy about the idea…yet she had worn the charm?
Seven then revealed to him that she also felt she was growing distant from her Lord Torm, and removed the charm from around her neck. She then threw it far into the Pass below them, saying that she had put more faith in the charm than she had faith in her Lord recently…a startling admission that left Kanen speechless.
Then their discussion turned back to Jubei. Seven started with not understanding how he could have thrown his code away when it had meant so much to him. Kanen replied coldly that if Jubei came within the reach of his sword, the assassin would be put to death once and for all, finishing what he should have so long ago and that this time he would not allow Seven to save the killer.
They argued back and forth for a time, their first, until they finally worked out their differences, at least for now and embraced. Gathering their things the couple then made their way north to the city, both feeling the strain of having Jubei somewhere, watching them, and wondering who Jubei was working for that could create such a horrific creature as the gnome they had destroyed.
Saying a quiet prayer to his Lord for protection and the strength to defend them both, Kanen finally was able to sleep, though waking several times, each at some almost heard sound, that turned out to be nothing…at least so far.
Kanen stood behind his house, in the early morning light. He was stripped to the waist, only wearing the baggy trousers and soft shoes that he wore during his daily regimen of training. He had just returned from his daily run through the swamp to the south, sweating slightly. The vermin that attacked him in the swamp usually fell quickly. He regularly practiced cutting them down as he ran, trying to not break stride or lose his balance when possible.
Drawing his greatsword, he began moving the blade around his body in an intricate pattern of steel, moving the blade from position to position.
His thoughts though, were not on the motions of the blade but instead on recent events.
At least one of their enemies was now known.
The fact that it was, once again Jubei, was at first a shock, but now Kanen was filled with a quiet fury. The assassin had been playing, toying with he and Seven. Jubei had wounded Seven by killing her companion falcon, while mocking Kanenâ€
s ability to protect her by the attack into their home, leaving his calling card behind.
Kanen now passed his blade through complex moves, both attacking an imaginary foe, and defending against their expected responses, moving the blade faster and faster, until he was covered in a fine sheen of sweat.
Jubei was a weapon, a tool Seven called him. He had killed the Paladin Steele, who though eventually revived, never seemed to have recovered from the duel.
Jubei was a former rival for the affections of Seven. These thoughts Kanen put aside, because although true, Kanen trusted Seven implicitly. They had pledged their hearts and souls together in marriage; no former rival could damage that bond. Perhaps that was one source of Jubeiâ€
s apparent anger, that Seven had chosen Kanen in the end. Perhaps not, but that seemed likely to the Paladin.
Jubei had apparently been training and was perhaps even more deadly than when Kanen had last encountered the killer. In their many previous chance encounters on the road, there had always been a tension. As though each was waiting only for some signal or word before battle would be joined between them…that signal had never come however, as Seven had usually been nearby, to end the violence before it could begin, pushing them away from each other.
Kanen returned again to the thought Jubei is a weapon. Whoâ€
s weapon? And why? There were still unanswered questions. Who was the foul little gnome who had mastery of the creatures of shadow? He had attacked them in the cleaning womanâ€
s apartment, and apparently attacked Seven again since then as she traveled to Peltarch, though thank Helm, with Vino, Bram, and others. Seven had also mentioned a tall companion to the little gnome, that Kanen had not seen yet, or what threat he represented.
This was far from over, Kanen knew. So many questions…but at least he now knew who one of his foes was. His old enemy, Paladin killer, and paid assassin. Apparently now working for some new dark master.
Sheathing his blade across his back, Kanen began running his laps about the town, greeting the guards as he ran past, then, when finally exhausted, running beneath the waterfall to cool down from his morning ritual of exercise and training.
He then slowly walked back to the house he and Seven shared, taking in the morning air, although occasionally looking about for any signs of anyone watching him…if they were, he didnâ€
t see it. Kanen made his way back into the house quietly, and began his morning prayers and meditation, hearing Seven starting to rise in the bedroom.
I will be ready. I will protect her. We will learn who is behind this and they will pay, to Helm I swear this.
very cool stuff knight
It was evening, the sun gleaming blood red in the sky as it slowly descended. The Pass was empty of life it seemed. The only thing Kanen could hear was the crunch of his boots on the dry, dirty path. Breaking the stillness, the cry of a hawk was then heard, and Kanen looked up into the sky, tracking the birdâ€
s seemingly slow flight, watching as the bird suddenly faded away.
Turning his attention back to the road before him, it seemed night had fallen and a figure was blocking the path. The figure was dressed in full plate armor and helm, all black. Actually, the armor looked like the ebon plate that Ashan had worn; yet this man was nowhere near as tall as that servant of Bane. The man had a greatsword pointed toward him, yet was unmoving. Kanen looked down at himself and realized he was dressed only in robes, yet his blade was slung across his back, which he quickly drew.
They stood staring silently at each other for some time, each unmoving, greatsword held ready. Finally Kanen grew impatient and began his attack, swinging the blade in an arcing curve at the armored manâ€
s side, which the knight easily blocked with his own blade, as the sound of steel ringing on steel echoed in the pass. The armored man took a half step forward, feinted an overhead swing, which Kanen moved to block, and instead stabbed out at him.
Kanen had maneuvered his blade to block the expected overhand swing, and he was not able to lower his sword fast enough to block the sudden sword thrust. The attack, aimed at his throat, he was able to partially dodge at least, and instead the sword pierced his left shoulder, as he felt it grind against the bones there, blood soaking his robes. Stepping back rapidly, teeth gritted against the pain, Kanen swung his blade horizontally at the rapidly advancing armored man, actually striking him in the side, yet bouncing off the armor, only causing the armored man to grunt slightly from the deflected blow.
As the fight wore on, Kanen found himself near naked and bleeding from a dozen small wounds, his robes in bloody tatters. The best he had been able to do in kind to the armored man was a wound to his armored right thigh, and that had earned him a deep gash along his own right side for the risky move it had taken to slip past the manâ€
s defenses.
s sword hilt was now becoming slippery with his own blood, and the once dusty ground was slick with it. Kanen moved quickly toward the armored man, beneath the powerful swing that was being aimed at him, attempting to unbalance his opponent and knock him from his feet. Yet the knight saw the move coming and slammed his armored fist into Kanenâ€
s mouth, dropping him to the ground, instead.
Tasting blood, his vision dimming, Kanen looked up at the armored figure looming over him, as he tried to roll away and scrabble to his feet. The descending blade missed him, and he was able to quickly stand, just as the sword struck the ground where he had been. Moving quickly, Kanen kicked down and pushed at the blade as it was still pointed down, stuck into the ground, with his foot as hard as he could. The armored man lost his grip on the sword and it fell to the ground. Kanen stood on the blade and then kicked it behind him, keeping his sword raised and pointed at the armored man.
The man circled warily, obviously trying to move towards his sword, but Kanen kept himself and his raised blade between the knight and his fallen blade. Kanen struck out repeatedly with his sword, which the man blocked with his armored forearms that were becoming slick with his own blood, as the armor could not protect him completely from Kanenâ€
s sharp blade.
With a strangely familiar cry, the man charged Kanen, locking his armored fists around Kanenâ€
s own, as both men struggled for control of the greatsword. The man hammered his armored fist into Kanenâ€
s ribs and into the side of his head, again and again, as Kanenâ€
s grip weakened, as he was being pushed backwards. His vision was growing dark from the beating of the armored fist and he stumbled and fell to the ground heavily, sprawled out.
The man, sensing victory, reversed the greatsword in his grasp, preparing to stab down at the man at his feet. Kanen, flat on his back, flailed his arms around and behind him, looking for anything to stay the inevitable. Reaching back, he felt something hard, something metal. Kanen quickly wrapped his hand around the hilt of the forgotten sword behind him, and swung it around, still flat on his back. With a cry of his own he stabbed up at the armored knight, the blade piercing breastplate and driving through the armored chest, as Kanen pushed the blade harder, rising from the ground. Blood was pouring from the wound and down the blade and Kanenâ€
s arms, as the sword pierced the man entirely and exited his back.
With a final surge of strength, stumbling only once, the armored man drove his sword down and into Kanen. The sword stabbed through the center of Kanenâ€
s left thigh, breaking the bone, pinning him to the ground. The man dropped to one knee, then fell on his side, unmoving and apparently dead. Kanenâ€
s sight was growing dark from blood loss and the exhaustion and pain from the duel, yet he felt compelled to turn painfully toward the knightâ€
s head that was within his reach and removed the helm.
Kanen stared into his own dead eyes, face pale from the blood loss of his mortal wound…
With a start he awoke. I am fighting myself. Instead of having jealous thoughts or concerns about Seven he needed to focus. Direct his mind and energy at protecting both she and himself from their attackers. Helm willing, they would find a way, but he could not let these other thoughts distract him anymore. This dream he felt he understood. Looking over at Sevenâ€
s sleeping form, Kanen closed his eyes and was quickly asleep, perhaps resting better than he had in some time.
The night was overcast and windy in the Pass. Kanen and Lucia had decided to travel north to Peltarch to replenish some much-needed supplies. As they had passed the bridge across the waterway near the gypsy camp, two bandit clerics had turned and fled from them, leading them further north into the rough and hilly terrain. As Kanen and Lucia pressed the pursuit of the bandits they had been following, the bandits suddenly turned and stood their ground as they stood at the top of a hill along the path. With a curse, Lucia climbed the hill and engaged the two bandit clerics in front of them, as Kanen turned, and moved back down the hill, and engaged the two bandit clerics that were suddenly moving in from the rear.
With her sheer strength, Lucia cut the first one almost in half in her first swing, as the second barely got his shield up in time to take the blow that was meant to remove his head from his shoulders, though ruining the shield in the process. As Lucia sneered at the bandit she noticed his attention seemed to be focused on someone or something behind her…Lucia tried to turn in time to avoid the attack from the man in dark plate armor who was suddenly behind her, yet she was only able to partially deflect the attackerâ€
s blade from sliding between her ribs, as she felt it slice open her side instead.
Snarling in rage, turning, Lucia raised her blade to strike down the hidden attacker, and saw him smiling at her with a dark smile, as though he knew some secret that she did not. Lucia realized her vision was growing fuzzy and her side was burning fiercely, much more than such a wound should have. She noticed her strength seemed to draining away as well, as the pain from the wound become very intense. Trying to ignore it, Lucia swung at the head of the bandit knight, who easily parried it with his bastard sword, and opened a new, deep cut across her midsection. Looking at the banditâ€
s blade, Lucia noticed a faint green glow from it, as her new wound began to burn fiercely as well. She stumbled forward and dropped to one knee, barely able to raise her blade as the bandit thrust his sword into her chest, piercing her heart, killing her instantly, smiling down into her now lifeless eyes, laughing at her corpse.
Kanen has quickly dispatched one of the clerics he had moved down the hill to face, knocking the bandit to the ground and quickly stabbing into his chest, barely turning in time to block the mace from his remaining opponent, when the Paladin felt an intense pain in his left thigh as an arrow was suddenly sticking out from it, apparently buried deep in the bone of his leg. Scanning about, he saw the archer a short distance away on his left flank. Using the distraction, the bandit cleric swung his mace and connected with the side of the Kanenâ€
s helmet, causing his vision to double and almost stunned him.
Muttering a curse at the cleric, Kanen swung his greatsword in a descending arc, slamming the blade deep into and through the shoulder of the bandit cleric, the blade lodging deep in the banditâ€
s chest, leaving a bloody ruin. The archer used this distraction to continue to fire arrows at the armored knight. Two arrows fell short or glanced harmlessly from Kanenâ€
s armor. The third arrow, however, sunk deeply into the left bicep of the Paladin, just as he completed his lethal swing at the bandit cleric. Kanen kicked his blade free from the bloody corpse, now having to favor both left leg and left arm, keeping the pain under control with concentration and force of will. Turning, the Paladin ran as quickly as his injured condition allowed toward the archer, shouting a cry to Helm his Lord.
The archerâ€
s eyes widened as he saw the knight approaching, but kept his hand steady as he prepared another arrow to fire, held his breath and fired at point blank range, just as the Paladin reached him. Kanen knocked the bow aside and stabbed the sword into the chest of the bandit. The arrow that the bandit had fired at the knight had buried into his chest and his breathing became labored and difficult, as he looked at the shaft sticking out from his chest. Kanen stumbled and then fell to the ground, his vision growing dark, and each breath an agony.
Just then he heard the laughter of the bandit knight from the hill above, and saw Luciaâ€
s lifeless body at the banditâ€
s feet. Kanen stumbled and crawled his way from the area, traveling back south before he was found in his helpless condition. His vision was doubled and blurred, and he knew he was leaving a bloody trail behind him, but he continued, crawling and stumbling. Each breath he drew felt as though he was inhaling bits of sharp metal. Finally he reached the waterway near the gypsy camp, and stumbled into it, letting the fast running water cool him and partially revitalize him from the agony of his wounds, as darkness almost took him then, as he heard the banditâ€
s hounds starting to search for his trail.
Kanen slowed his breathing and forced himself to concentrate, pulling the arrows from his arm and leg, and then forcing himself to pull the arrow free from his chest, again nearly dropping off into blackness. Removing his punctured breastplate, with a murmured prayer to Helm, Kanen laid his hands upon his chest and willed the flesh to be healed. The terrible blood flow from his chest and leg stopped, and the wounds partially closed from the power of the healing. Taking a deep breath, Kanen then reached into his pack and pulled out his remaining potions of healing and quickly gulped them down, finally feeling somewhat whole again.
The Paladin then called out to Helm in prayer, in a clear voice to grant him His strength, so that he might defeat his foes. Kanen feltâ€
s his Lordâ€
s might fill him with new strength and energy, as he emerged from the water, buckling his breastplate back on, and headed again back north, toward the ambush and the body of his friend Lucia. He encountered a few bandits along the way, cutting them down quickly as he moved back to the hill where Lucia had died and he had almost joined her.
Quickly climbing the hill, he saw the bandit knight, who was waiting for him. Luciaâ€
s body still lay where it had fallen, lifeless and still in a pool of her blood. Without a word, Kanen attacked, swinging his blade at the bandit knight who quickly parried it and countered with his own attack, stabbing at Kanenâ€
s legs. The Paladin quickly stepped away and noticed the faint green glow from the sword of the bandit knight. Glancing down at Luciaâ€
s body, he noticed that her wounds were blackened as though by some acid or…some poison.
Kanen realized that if he allowed the banditâ€
s sword to slice into his flesh that he would mostly wind up like Lucia, poisoned and then dead. So Kanen changed his tactics to fight a defensive duel, blocking every attack of the bandit knight, only striking out when he had a clean opening. The fight wore on for some time, each man panting with the effort, the bandit unable to pierce Kanenâ€
s defenses, yet Kanen was still unable to do more than block each of the attacks of the bandit. After a time, it seemed they were stalemated, matched in skill with a blade, each unable to find the advantage needed to end the duel.
Tiring of the exchange, seeing no easy end in sight, Kanen called out to Helm to grant him His power, as he swung the blade overhand and down at the bandit. The greatsword first met the blade of the bandit knight and shattered it. The greatsword continued down and severed the arm the blade had been attached to, leaving the bandit staring dumbly at the blood flowing from the stump of his arm. With a follow up swing, Kanen removed his head, as the body fell heavily and rolled down the hill.
Looking around, apparently alone, Kanen gathered up the body of his fallen friend and her belongings and began moving south, wary for any further attack but encountering no further resistance.
Two shadowy figures looked down at the retreating knight from a nearby hillside.
One turned to the other and whispered in a hoarse voice, “Well? Heâ€
s not dead. My mistress paid good money to have his body delivered to her.â€
“Yer mistress will have to come up witâ€
more gold ifâ€
n she want to continue this. That dark knight alone cost half oâ€
what sheâ€
s paid so far. Tell her to bring more gold if she want any more outta us.â€
Both men watched quietly as the Paladin continued south, the womanâ€
s body thrown over his shoulder, as he faded into the distance.
It was evening, the sun gleaming blood red in the sky as it slowly descended. The Pass was empty of life it seemed. The only thing Kanen could hear was the crunch of his boots on the dry, dirty path, and the occasional sound his full plate armor made while he moved. Breaking the stillness, the cry of a hawk was then heard, and Kanen looked up into the sky, tracking the birdâ€
s seemingly slow flight, watching through the eye slits in his full helmet.
Turning his attention back to the road before him, it seemed night had fallen and a figure was blocking the path. The figure was a warrior dressed in grey full plate armor, with a matching, full pot helmet. A bastard sword was held in the warriorâ€
s right hand, and a shield strapped on the left. The warrior seemed vaguely familiar to Kanen, but he couldnâ€
t place where he had seen this person before. The warrior was blocking his path, weapon held ready.
Kanen unslung his greatsword from his back, and cautiously approached. The warriorâ€
s sword was raised, as in a salute, which Kanen, returned, then the warrior attacked, with a quick slash to his legs, which he easily parried, steel ringing on steel. Kanen then swung his own blade in a flat, rising arc to the warriorâ€
s left side, which was skillfully blocked by the warriorâ€
s shield.
Both combatants were encased in full plate armor. The fight was not about finesse or graceful moves, instead a contest of willpower and endurance. Whoever could withstand the constant hammering on their heavy armor, and the bruises and cuts that were caused in the exchange of blows, while still being able to swing their blade and cause damage to their opponent would be the victor.
Soon both were breathing heavily, bleeding from small wounds where their armor had not been able to fully protect them, and weary from the constant shock of blade parrying blade. Realizing his strength was reaching his limits, Kanen decided to take a risk. With a deep breath, he feinted yet another attack on the warriorâ€
s battered shield, however instead of finishing the swing, Kanen lifted the blade above his head, leaving himself exposed for a counter move, and then brought the blade around from the left with all the force he could muster, driving his sword deep into the warriorâ€
s right side, beneath the guard of the warriorâ€
s sword, that was moved too slow to deflect the attack. Kanen pulled his sword free with effort.
The warriorâ€
s sword dropped from nerveless fingers into the dirt, and the shield soon followed. The warrior sat very heavily in the bloody dust of the road, the deep wound bleeding freely. With gasping, weakening breath, the warrior was able to remove the helmet that had offered protection but was now useless. Kanen watched as blonde hair spilled out from beneath the helm…and he looked upon the pale face of Seven, blood dripping from her mouth, as she looked at him in fear and pain, then looking down at her side, at her mortal wound.
With a curse, Kanen dropped his sword and ran to her side, cradling her in his arms. She looked up at him weakly, smiling a weak, bloody smile. Kanen, tears flowing freely down his face, looked at the terrible wound in her side, knowing that she had only a few moments left to live. Pulling his gauntlets from his hands, he used his remaining strength to partially remove the armor from her torso, exposing the wound and the flesh surrounding it. Kanen closed his eyes, bowed his head, and placed his hands directly on her torn flesh, ignoring her weakened hiss of pain.
It seemed at first his healing power would not be granted, and Kanen concentrated harder, knowing there was no time to lose. Finally, almost reluctantly, he felt the healing power that Helm granted him flow from his hands into her, and when he opened his eyes, her wound was mostly closed, the flow of blood stopped, and a look of returning life and strength in her eyes, as he cradled her, and rocked gently back and forth, whispering thanks to Helm for his power.
Looking down at Seven, she seemed to be looking at something behind Kanen, her eyes showing recognition and she began smiling a bright smile. Turning his head, Kanen looked at the sword that was pointed at his throat, and the man of platinum blonde hair and green eyes that the sword belonged to. Looking at the blade, Kanen knew he had no chance. His own sword lay well beyond his reach, and he was pinned by the weight of Seven, who he still held in his arms.
Kanen started to speak, but with a quick move, the man thrust his sword into the throat of Kanen, who instead sputtered and gurgled weakly. The man helped Seven to stand back up, as she kissed him with passion. Then both looked down at Kanen, the man laughing, Seven smiling her bright smile as Kanenâ€
s vision faded…
His eyes opened, and Kanen realized he was breathing fast, almost panting as he lay in his bed, Seven lying asleep next to him. Kanen tried to make sense of these dreams he had been having. Seven had explained to him what the parchment he had found meant, even before the first dream. That she had simply been writing of her impressions of the strong dreams she had been having, and had not ever been unfaithful to him.
He had told himself that she could not control what dreams she had, but something about the dreams seemed to have some outside influence that they had not learned the source of, at least not yet. He had told Seven he would be able to deal with her having these strange dreams, and he had, except for these occasional nightmares, though this nightmare was new. Kanen lay staring at the ceiling trying to determine the meaning of what he had experienced in his sleep. However he drifted off into an exhausted rest before too long, his questions remaining unanswered.
This is so good….
Blood! Blood! Blood! Blood! Blood! Blood!
It was evening, the sun gleaming blood red in the sky as it slowly descended. The Pass was empty of life it seemed. The only thing he could hear was the crunch of his boots on the dry, dirty path, and the occasional sound his full plate armor made while he moved. Breaking the stillness, the cry of a hawk was then heard, and the man looks up into the sky, tracking the birdâ€
s seemingly slow flight, watching through the eye slits in his full helmet.
Turning his attention back to the road before him, it seemed night had fallen and a figure was blocking the path. The figure was dressed in the armor of the local bandits, leather and care worn. This bandit had a hood though, and his face could not be seen within its shadowy depths. He had a short sword in one hand, a dagger in the other, with his arms crossed. He was obviously blocking the path, seeming to dare the armored man to come forward.
With seasoned confidence, the man unslung his greatsword from his back and advanced slowly, watching the bandit carefully, ready for any sudden movements. He approached within a few feet of the bandit and stopped. His blade was held up in a ready position, but the bandit did not move, only continued to stand in the center of the path, motionlessly. They stood as though frozen for what seemed like hours, each unmoving, seeming to wait for some signal. Then the singing of a girl or woman could be heard, coming from some distance away, slowly approaching. Both men turned toward the sound.
Rage filled the man as he noticed the bandit was looking off to the side, as though searching for the source of the sweet sounding voice. With a shout he attacked. Lifting the sword above his head, he charged the bandit, who seemed a bit surprised, but he recovered quickly. As the man attempted to swing downward, the bandit caught the hilt of the great blade on his shortsword with a ring of steel on steel, blocking the swing. At the same time, he stabbed at the armored man with his dagger, thrusting it between plates near the manâ€
s right shoulder, drawing first blood.
With a grunt, the man pushed the bandit away from him, forcing the hooded figure back a few steps. Now a bit more wary of the fast-footed bandit, the man swung again at him, this time bringing the large blade in a horizontal arc at waist height. His sword only met air, as the bandit nimbly ducked below the swing, and stabbed out with his sword, again finding a place between the interlocking plates of the manâ€
s armor, this time stabbing into his lower left thigh, causing blood to trickle down the armor and pool in the dusty ground, as the armored man hastily backpedaled, favoring his left leg.
The bandit stepped forward now, weaving his blades in a pattern of moving steel. The man blocked the shortsword being thrusted at his eyes with his greatsword, however the dagger stabbed again into his shoulder, in the same spot as before, but now deeper, causing the wound to bleed freely, blood flowing down his right side. Taking his left hand from the pommel of his blade, the man slammed his armored fist into the jaw of the bandit, forcing the hooded figure back, who shook his head from side to side, seemingly stunned at least for the moment from the force of the blow.
Regaining the initiative, the man spun the sword in a slow, ponderous figure eight, before swinging it down toward the banditâ€
s legs. The bandit attempted to step out of the range of the blade, but was a bit slow, the tip of the greatsword cutting a long, bloody furrow down the front of the thigh of his left leg, as he hissed in pain. Both men now slowly circled each other, breathing heavily. The man blinked back the sweat that was in his eyes beneath the helm, the air growing hot within the steel confines.
The bandit seemed to stumble over some unseen obstacle and went down to one knee. The man seeing an opportunity rushed forward with his sword raised, just in time to receive the full force of the kick aimed at his groin by the kneeling bandit, who had kicked up at him in a well-practiced move. The man nearly lost the grip on his sword as he stumbled again quickly backwards, barely able to block the thrusts and slashes of the banditâ€
s blades as the hooded figure swiftly pressed his advantage. A quick thrust to his armored left side, however opened a new wound there, weakening him further.
With a shout of desperation, the man flexed his knees, crouching slightly, planting his feet firmly on the ground as the bandit continued to advance. With a move from years of training, the man caught the bandit in the center of his chest with his armored shoulder and lifted up and pushed back, straightening his legs. The bandit was caught flat footed, lifted into the air and fell heavily onto his back, losing both his blades and his wind as his head struck the ground soundly, as he slowly tried to rise back up. Looking down at the leather-armored figure, the man prepared a final blow at his enemy, lifting his sword high, though favoring his wounds carefully.
Just then a blonde haired woman came running from somewhere behind the man, her voice raised in a startled cry as she ran and crouched at the banditâ€
s side, seeming to not notice the armored man with his sword poised to strike. The woman cradled the banditâ€
s head in her arms, lowering his hood, and kissing him soundly with apparent affection. As the woman drew back, the man saw the banditâ€
s face for the first time. He had never seen this man of platinum blonde hair and green eyes before, but the mere sight of him caused the man to be filled with a dark fury. Then the woman looked up at the man, seeing him at last, with her blue eyes wide in fear and sudden mutual recognition. Seven shook her head, raising her arms protectively over the downed bandit, starting to whisper a prayer of healing.
His eyes now slits, Kanen swung his blade down…
With a start, Kanen woke, covered in a sheen of sweat, Seven sleeping at his side. Blinking rapidly, thinking of his dream, he rolled toward her, pulling her gently toward him as he lay on his side. It was some hours before sleep finally came again, however.
The four were arrayed around the hidden trap door that they had found at the bottom of the ruined tower. Each prepared themselves to enter into the unknown in search of their friend. Kanen knelt in quiet prayer to Helm to protect them all from the strong evil he felt below, and that they might be allowed to find the girl, his good friend, alive and well. Adam sat nearby, humming a quiet tune. Lucia reclined against some rocks, sharpening her blade in a well practiced ritual. Marcus stood, staring blankly at the wall. Through the weeks that Robyn had been missing Marcus had become more and more automaton-like, devoid of feeling and his responses emotionless and sluggish.
All four then stood and prepared to open the door. After each drank a potion of invisibilty, they lifted the door and descended quickly below. The caverns were dimly lit, yet the forms of men in robes could be seen all about the chambers of the cave complex, moving furtively about. Also a few elementals of fire were in the complex, magical guardians of their fortress. The group quickly searched the connecting caves and found the area where Robyn and a tribesman were being held, stripped naked, badly injured, but still alive.
Robyn at first thought the ghostly forms were from her imagination, and she had to be convinced that they were real and they were there to get her out. Marcus had moved back out into the main corridor, looking at the men in robes with a blank stare, yet fingering his blade and nodding slightly. Just then the magic of the potions faded and Marcus was spotted. With a yell he charged the first man in robes, who was starting to cast some spell. Hearing the commotion, Kanen quickly hugged Robyn, drew his blade and went out into the corridor to help Marcus, the element of surprise and stealth now lost.
The battle was short but very vicious. Each robed and cowled man would accept no quarter, continuing to attack until the life was forced from his body. The elementals were able to badly burn both Marcus and Kanen before being defeated. Kanen found a dark altar, that was surrounded with blood and poured a vial of holy water over it, whispering a blessing to his lord, hoping this would 'defile' the altar.
The group looking about, saw no more enemies but realized some may have slipped away and might even now be summoning reinforcements of some kind. So they quickly made their exit from the evil place, back through the trap door and sealed it.
Marucs walked ahead with a stony expression, seeming to ignore the distraught and sobbing Robyn, who Kanen half-carried from the place. Muttering a curse at Marcus, Kanen tried to explain to the girl that Marcus had grown more and more filled with worry and despair while she was gone, and might well be half-mad, not knowing how his actions or words were perceived. The group quickly made their way back to town, after returning the tribeman to his home. Kanen realized Robyn would need time to heal, and hopefully the sudden rift between Robyn, who could not understand Marcus' strangeness, and her husband-to-be could yet be mended. However, most importantly, she was alive and safe.
After a brief discussion Robyn decided to come stay with Kanen and Seven for a time to allow her to regain her strength and will. Kanen quietly thanked Helm for his protection and allowing all to go well, at least for this night, though many questions were raised by this. Who were these men in robes? who or what was the dark altar dedicated to? Would they come back and seek revenge or had they been broken? As always, time would tell.
The day had come. Kanen stood wearing a deep blue full plate armor, that was cermonial rather than functional in nature. He was toying with a buckle along his side that was sticking out slightly, from his nervousness. Today my life changes forever he thought to himself, his throat suddenly dry, as he took slow, deep breaths.
He stood at the front of the room, before the High Priestess of Tyr, many of his and Seven's friends sitting quietly in the chairs behind him. Daisy looked at the slightly pale young man, saw his obvious nervousness and smiled warmly to calm him. Kanen started to murmur a thank you to the High Priestess for her efforts, when the door to the back room suddenly swung open, as Kanen turned to watch. Jenna, dressed in her Joydancer finest, came out with a smile and nodded to Daisy. Daisy presented to all the bride, Seven Ecksetter~Dai.
Seven came walking slowly forward, both regal and graceful. Kanenâ€
s breath caught as he looked at her, as she moved slowly toward him. She was dressed in ceremonial armor of purple hue, and to Kanen she never looked more lovely, the image of her being burned into his memory, as he would always remember how she looked this day. And yet, as she walked toward him, her image seemed to blur a bit. Suddenly she was wearing yellow half-plate, as when he had first met her, smiling her bright smile in greeting to him for the first time. Then she was dressed in silvered full plate armor, looking both troubled and sad. That image changed to Seven in all black armor, as she had worn in Thay, her smile bright but cold. Then she was in her newly made golden armor, with a loving look and smile at Kanen. Blinking, his vision cleared just as Seven moved next to him, taking his hand gently in hers as the ceremony began.
The High priestess spoke words of wisdom to them both, and bound them together in marriage. Both pledged their love and lives to each other, exchanged wedding rings, kissed happily the first time as husband and wife, and were finally wed. The small crowd cheered as the High Priestess introduced them for the first time as a married couple, and everyone retired to the backroom for some food, drink, and to wish the newlyweds well.
Jenna first sang for them, then played music that allowed Kanen and Seven to dance together, each holding the other tightly as they moved across the dance floor. Seven with grace, Kanen with careful movements. Many gave fine gifts, and all wished the couple their best. Finally, as the evening drew to a close Kanen and Seven left together, to return to their new home. The trip was uneventful and they reached Jiyyd uninjured, though both tired and drained from the long day filled with emotion. As they walked to their front door, Kanen unceremoniously picked up Seven and carried her into their home, surprising her with the sudden move. Setting her down inside, Kanen looked out onto the sleepy town and closed the door quietly. He started to unbuckle the armor he wore, turned to see Seven doing the same with a playful smile on her face. It was a fine beginning.
Kanen lay in his bed, staring up towards the ceiling in the darkness. Seven lay partially draped across him. Her breathing was slow and rhythmic as she seemed to be sleeping easily. For Kanen, sleep would not come.
One week. In a single week his life and Seven's life would change forever. They would become one. Seven stirred slightly, one of her small arms sliding across his chest before she again lay still. Kanen turned his head and looked at her. She was so beautiful. The word angelic came to mind and seemed no exaggeration. He gently brushed her hair back from her face, before turning his head again to look up at the dark ceiling.
Some of the litanies of the priests who trained him in faith so many years ago, came unbidden to his mind:
_Be vigilant.Stand, wait, and watch carefully.
Protect the weak, poor, injured, and young, and do not sacrifice them for others or yourself.
Anticipate attacks and be ready.
Know your foes.
Careful planning always defeats rushed actions in the end.
Demonstrate excellence and purity of loyalty in your role as a guardian and protector._
These words were the commands of Helm. Through the years, Kanen had come to a better understanding of their wisdom, he thought. Going through them again and again, he could find no plain evidence that he would be unable to fulfill them by being married.It had taken him years to learn the wisdom of some of these words, the commands, and Helm only knew how Kanen had survived until he had. Some of them went against his impulses that had driven him when he was first named Paladin. He had been quite the zealot when first coming to Norwick, so sure that Helm would never let him fall and that all Evil must be identified and destroyed as quickly as possible. While these actions were what had felt right at the time, they were not the commands of Helm.
So many years ago, Kanen had refused the Vow of Chastity. At times, he had regretted it. He had been poorly prepared or suited for entering into romantic commitments, being so young and having been so sheltered at the Hold. By all rights he shouldn't be holding Seven now. He had walked away from her once. He still remembered that time of confusion, trying to do the right thing and failing miserably all around.
Shaking his head slightly, he put those thoughts aside. That was ancient history now, and both he and Seven had promised to let it stay in the past. They had gotten back together and after all they had been through together, Kanen had felt it was time to ask for her hand in marriage…it had just seemed right. He had felt no doubt, no trace of hesitation at the time.
Did he regret it now? He had told Seven, at least in general terms, about how Faramir's fate and the reasons behind his fall had troubled Kanen. She had told him to quit identifying with that man, that he was not Faramir, as Lucia had also said, and as Jenna had said.
Closing his eyes, Kanen realized he had made his decision. It might be the harder choice, make things more difficult, and he could well regret it later, but his decision was made. He drifted slowly off to sleep.
“…that is what he did. That is the secret behind Faramir Otarch.†Kanen hung his head and closed his eyes in shame over his brother Paladinâ€
s actions. _To have fallen so far, so fast_… Kanen thought.
Frowning, Lucia looked at Kanen as he stood next to the fireplace as she sat in a chair with her feet propped up on the table. “That is a terrible thing he did, Kanen. But what does this have to do with you?†she asked.
Opening his eyes, but still staring at the wooden floor, Kanen replied in a voice tinged with pain “Lucia, Faramir was a married man, and Paladin of Helm, who lived in a fine home. Look around you. This is my home now. In a few weeks I will be married.†Kanen paused then finally said his worst fears “Lucia, what if…what if that was Faramirâ€
s first mistake…to try to be a husband to a woman while still remaining a Paladin? All this time, I thought he was an example of a Paladin who had successfully lived his life as both, yet after what I have learned…what if the reason he fell is he valued his life too much, because he felt he had too much to lose?†Kanen shook his head again, leaning against the wall next to the fireplace.
Lucia looked at Kanen and sighed. “Kanen, you are not Faramir…remember the other night? That rash young Paladin Chase was standing there outside the south gate challenging and then being threatened by Ashan. What did you do? You went right out there and confronted Ashan. If you hadnâ€
t, that young Paladin would probably have wound up dead. You didnâ€
t hesitate at all. What were you thinking?â€
Remembering the confrontation, Kanen replied “I wasnâ€
t going to stand by and let Ashan take or kill another Paladin while I was there. I was ready to die if thatâ€
s what it took…and thank you for being there, my friend. Without your help, I never could have gotten Ashan and Elendel to back down. Everyone else was just standing around watching, that night.â€
“Seven knows that your service to Helm comes first, right?†Lucia asked, her brow furrowed in pensive thought. “Of course. As I know her service to Torm must come before me.†Kanen quickly replied.
Standing, Lucia began walking toward the front door. Over her shoulder she added, “You are worrying too much about this, Kanen. You are not this other man. Just because he fell doesnâ€
t mean you will, and you donâ€
t really know the reasons for his actions. Perhaps he was always weak, or wasnâ€
t really worthy. And Seven knows your first loyalty must be to Helm…you will do just fine, my friend. May your blade stay sharp.â€
Lucia walked to the front door and out leaving her friend to his thoughts. Kanen sat before the fireplace, staring into the fire, thinking over her words. Lucia was probably right. He was doing a lot of guessing on why Faramir had done what he had done, and he had no real way of finding out the truth.
Kanen knelt on the floor, praying to his Lord for wisdom in this matter. He truly loved Seven, he knew this, but would he be able to be both a good husband and Paladin? Were his instructors from so many years ago correct? That a Paladin had no time or place for romance and love? These questions weighed heavily on him, as he knelt on the hardwood floor, head bowed, thinking on his upcoming wedding, trying to determine what Duty would require of him this time.
The common room of the Boarâ€
s Head was brightly lit, though smoky from the torches on the walls that were providing the light. The smell of roasted meat and ale permeated the room. The crowd was a bit noisome but the mood seemed for the most part amiable, with a few drunken songs ringing out. Kanen sat at the small, scarred table, opposite of Seven as they had just sat down for an evening meal after a long day traveling the roads together, part sight-seeing and part patrolling the roads for the ever present bandit forces. They had dispatched some and drove others off, at least for a short time making the roads between the city of Peltarch and the town of Norwick safe for unwary travelers.
He sat with a quiet smile, looking over at her, as she glanced about the room at the other patrons. Sevenâ€
s long golden hair was still curled, and it only enhanced her beauty in his eyes. Kanen reached over and slowly took her small hand in his, kissing her palm. He gave her a secret smile as he felt his desire for her growing, and she tilted her head slightly and returned his look knowingly with a wink. Just as he was about to suggest skipping the meal and perhaps getting a room for the night at the inn, Kanenâ€
s vision suddenly went dark, and then images started to form before him.
It was as if he was flying as a bird high above the scene below. A near-full moon provided the only light, but it was enough to make out what was happening and what had happened on the ground. At least two human bodies lay out on the plain south of Jiyyd, their forms frozen in death, bloody and torn. Surrounding the bodies was a large group of celebrating orcs. They seemed to be fighting over who would claim what from the possessions of the fallen humans. Kanen could only tell that there were many, and that the group of orcs were much more dangerous than the ones that were normally found scavenging between the Nars and along the road to Jiyyd. Then his vision went dark again, and he returned to his previous surroundings with Seven, who was looking over at him in some concern.
Kanen quickly explained about his vision to Seven, and the two armor-clad warriors left in haste to gather a group to recover these fallen adventurers, whoever they might be, their meal or other thoughts now forgotten. As the pair exited the north gates, they came upon a small group of other adventures. There was Ashen the ranger, Scutum the friendly halfling monk, Talyna the always happy halfling warrior, and the gruff dwarven warrior Balin, among a few others. Wasting no time, Kanen explained that he had received a vision of death and danger on the plains south of Jiyyd, and asked if any would care to join he and Seven, as the fallen needed to be recovered and returned to life, if possible.
All standing there agreed to join them and the small band of adventurers headed north from Norwick and traveled uneventfully into the sleepy town of Jiyyd and gathered at the southern gate of Jiyyd. Looking at the group, Kanen asked for a volunteer to travel south while invisible, to determine the tactical situation they faced. Small Scutum quickly volunteered, and Kanen told her to look for the corpses, note their location, and try to notice the size and composition of the orc forces they would be unable to avoid.
With a quick smile, Scutum downed the potion and exited the southern gate and went south. The rest of the group prepared for the mission, tightening straps on armor, checking the pull on bows, or saying quiet prayers to their gods. Scutum returned after a short time, and reported that there was a sizable force of orcs to the south, with the overly large warriors, nicknamed ‘destroyersâ€
by those who had survived fighting them, orcish mages, and orcish crossbowmen, all surrounding the corpses of two fallen human warriors, still fighting over the belongings of the dead, so currently distracted from watching their surroundings.
Thinking aloud, Kanen laid out their possible courses of action, saying they could send a few invisibly to gather the bodies of the fallen and return without conflict. They could also send an advance group and attempt to draw the orcs away from the bodies, while a second group then recovered them. Another option was a straight frontal assault, killing anything in their way, but opened them up to unknown reinforcements that might be nearby. Seven suggested another plan where they would slowly move south, engaging the orcs as few possible at a time, ready to run back north to the town gates if things became too difficult to proceed. This was the plan that was decided upon, being the most flexible and easily changed.
The group went through the south gates cautiously, looking out into the darkness. The guttural cries and grunts of the orcs could faintly be heard, as the group crept along the road, checking all about for any hidden foes. Peering into the darkness, faint orc forms were spotted, after traveling a short distance south. Moving slowly forward with great caution, they found several superior orc warriors, several heavy crossbow wielding orcs, half a dozen orcish spellcasters, and one gigantic, greatsword wielding orc, a destroyer.
Suddenly, behind the party an orcish voice yelled out, apparently having spotted them, and warned the force of orcs. The orcs now looked with eyes burning with hatred at the group, and charged. The battle was fierce. Orc crossbowman shooting bolt after bolt into them, harming many with their well aimed bolts. The orcish warriors moved forward and encompassed them like a noisome tide of orcish flesh. Shouting out a warning about the spell casters, Kanen waded forward into the mass. He was striking left and right, clearing a path toward the spell casters who were already using magic to enhance the orcish warriors and causing the ground beneath the party to sprout strange, rubbery tentacles. The tentacles were whipping about the party and orcs alike, causing deep burns where the tentacle struck flesh, or bruising the flesh where armor protected their target. Seven was near Kanenâ€
s side, both attacking the orcs with her sword, and keeping an eye on the group, calling for Tormâ€
s grace to heal ones that were badly injured, allowing them to continue instead of being forced to flee.
Then, pushing his way through his lesser brothers, the large orc warrior engaged Kanen, Seven and Balin as well, with his greatsword. Each blow from it numbed the hands of the orcâ€
s target, and the orc warrior was able to expertly knock the greatsword from Kanenâ€
s grasp, causing the Paladin to quickly draw his longsword instead, barely deflectling a decapitating blow. While it concentrated on Kanen, Seven and Balin were able to strike at the creatureâ€
s unprotected flanks, first weakening him, then by combining their attacks, the three were able to finally down huge warrior who died silently.
The others had already killed some of the orcish spell casters. The remaining orcish mages had fled further south. No doubt they went to warn and alert their forces, and the area would soon be swarming with alerted and ready orcs. The group quickly gathered the bodies and what belongings they could find strewn about and on the bodies of the orcs. The dead were found to be Vino, the honorable cleric of Tyr, and of Marcus, the young hotheaded warrior who had been searching everywhere for his Robyn. It seemed the two had come south looking for the missing girl and ran into more than they could handle alone.
While they had enjoyed a brief respite, now angry orcish voices could be heard shouting in deep booming voices from the south, apparently a very large group quickly approached as crossbow bolts started to come in from the south, so far harmless. Carrying the bodies between them, the group fled north now, hearing the guttural orcish voices gaining ground slowly, as the bodies of the dead bodies slowed them.
Fortunately, they were able to reach the gates, have them opened and all were safe inside with the gates closed and barred, before the orc forces could reach them. The orcs, obviously angry but unprepared for siege or open attack on the town, slowly went back south. Breathing prayers and sighs of relief the party checked and happily found that they had all made it back alive. All that remained was to heal and bandage wounds, and see to the raising of Vino and Marcus.
After taking care of that, helping the newly risen with their trauma after being raised, Kanen and Seven left the others and went into the inn in Jiyyd. Both were now quite tired and very hungry. They ate a quiet meal together, comparing what they had seen during the battle, tactics that had worked and ideas about what could be done differently next time. After the meal, they retired to a room together, happy in the otherâ€
s embrace. After expressing their love for one another for a time, they slept quietly in each otherâ€
s arms for the remainder of the night, resting peacefully.
It had started out simply enough, three men sat around the small, scarred table at the Boarâ€
s Head. Kanen looked at the other two, as Vino, the quietly competent cleric of Tyr, spoke in hushed tones about interesting information that he had come across that he knew Kanen would want to hear about something that the Paladin was searching for. The wizard Call was there as well, silently listening to Vinoâ€
s story, and watching Kanenâ€
s reaction to the information.
Vino grew silent as Marcus, the young warrior who would soon be married to Kanenâ€
s friend Robyn, walked up to the table. Marcus looked very upset, as goblin archers had just killed his friend Talgris out in the woods, and apparently wished to speak to Kanen about something. The knight told the young man that he would speak with him shortly, but that he needed to finish up with Vino and Call first. Marcus seemed a bit frustrated by this answer, and sat heavily at a nearby table, clutching his fist in pent up feelings over what had occurred.
Just then, Kanen noticed a sadly familiar red headed dwarf walk behind him. At first he thought it must be Bormus, as Bormusâ€
gruff brother had taken his own life just the previous night, and even the Friar had said nothing could be done to raise him back among the living. But then a twin to the first walked past. Balin and Bormus together. Kanen stood to speak to the dwarven brothers, both shocked and gladdened to see Balin alive and well again, yet both brothers were obviously very angry and were speaking of heading to the gypsy camp to pay back those who had harmed Balin. Kanen tried to calm them, saying they needed to bide their time and attack in strength, rather than to attack rashly. However, Call then stood suddenly, looking over at Marcus, who was being fawned over by the barmaid Misty. Call told Marcus he had had enough to drink, as Misty sat a bottle down before Marcus, her eyes and manner offering much more than what was on the menu.
Kanen realized suddenly, that he had heard of Misty acting like this before, recently. She had been flirting heavily with Janu right before… Standing quickly, and moving rapidly across the room, Kanen smacked the bottle from Marcusâ€
table onto the floor, where it shattered. Misty looked at the Paladin in apparent anger. Marcus seemed stunned by the sudden move, but stood and bent over, beginning to pick up the pieces of the bottle with his bare hands, cutting himself slightly in the liquid-covered shards of the bottle, before Kanen could stop him from touching it. Marcus seemed almost immediately affected in some way by the contact with the shards, stumbling a bit, just as his young fiancÃ
Robyn walked through the door, taking in the scene in some puzzlement.
Kanen walked over to Misty, asking her what she had put in the bottle, however, Misty only glared at the knight, saying she had done nothing, however, still winked at Marcus, continuing her obvious flirting, as Robyn, standing with Marcus, watched and looked at Marcus questioningly. Marcus, moving slowly as though perhaps drugged, waved Misty away, saying that as he would be married soon he wasnâ€
t interested in anything she had to offer. Worried, Kanen strongly suggested that they take Marcus to the Friar, so that perhaps his concerns that Marcus had been poisoned or worse be put to rest as simple overreacting of a cautious Paladin, that would have been fine with Kanen.
They immediately took Marcus to see the Friar. Kanen told the priest of his concerns that Misty might have infected Marcus in the same way she had poisoned Janu. The Friar, at first jovial, become serious after hearing this. They discussed how Janu had been given a bottle to drink from by Misty, flirting heavily with him before, during, and after he had drank from it. Janu had spent many days and weeks after that night fighting the effects and slowly regaining himself back, after drinking the demonâ€
s blood the bottle had contained. The fight had nearly killed Janu. It was believed this was how the Paladin Justinia had been turned, and Adam the bard claimed such was offered to him once by the evil Callista. The Friar cast spells of healing on Marcusâ€
hands that were only slightly cut, but whether he had been infected or not could not be easily determined, the Friar only saying that Marcus should be watched, and returned to him if he started feeling or acting strangely.
As the three left the Friarâ€
s Robyn drew her swords, her eyes hard, saying she would get answers from Misty, one way or another. Kanen stopped Robyn, telling her that she wouldnâ€
t be able to watch over or help Marcus, if she was in a jail cell. Robyn slowly agreed and sheathed her weapons, though her eyes were still full of anger. They walked back into the Boarâ€
s Head and confronted Misty again about what exactly had been in the bottle she had given Marcus. When she denied having done anything, Kanen pointedly mentioned how a bottle that Misty had given to Janu had found to have been poisoned most foully. However, Misty denied having done anything to Janu either. Getting nowhere with the furious barmaid, Kanen turned to Barle, explaining how Marcus may have been poisoned, or nearly so, in the same way Janu had been. Barle said he would look and see if he found any tampering with the shipment of ale that the bottle had come from, and would get back with them later, as he was quite busy at the moment.
Looking around, Kanen realized that Call, Vino, Balin and Bormus were gone from the Inn. Shaking his head, Kanen hoped that they had not gone unprepared after Balinâ€
s attackers, but didnâ€
t see what further he could do, as they were long gone. He watched as Robyn glared at Misty as she took Marcus and left the Inn. Kanen then walked out of the Inn into the sunlight, and prepared himself for the dangerous journey north to Peltarch, where he hoped to find Seven with some free time from her studies. Her calm, loving presence would be quite welcome right now to the Paladin after all that had occurred that day in so short a period of time.
As he left through the north gate, Kanen began thinking about the story that Vino had told. It seemed the knight had some research to do into some historical events in Damara…and Kanen still needed to find and speak with the seer Taylin to learn if she had any new information for him. The pieces of the puzzle seemed to be falling slowly together, though he wasnâ€
t sure he cared for the picture that was forming.