Evil Roll Call
(( And If I ever get to playing him again, he'll be the one to fear on Narfell instead of Ashan
. ))
I don't doubt it! Y'know, right after he reaches level nine 'n stuff.
Login: Wildeyes
Character: Teyahytal
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Class(es)/Level(s): Necromancer (5)
Residence: Norwick
Information: Teyahytal is merciless, arrogant, and wholly consumed by ambition. Even so, he will rarely go out of his way to do evil when it does not serve his own ends. Destruction without a purpose is wasteful and foolish. Similarly, he will avoid fighting those he believes are below him.His choice to dabble in necromancy was spawned by a desire to tap into the well-disguised secrets of both life and death, and he takes an unusual amount of care to ensure that his path does not stray too far into either element.
(( And If I ever get to playing him again, he'll be the one to fear on Narfell instead of Ashan
. ))
Login: Fonkin_Ashoal
Character: Vinnimar. Draken
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Class: Cleric (2) Fighter (1) (evil, war)
Residence: Norwick
RP Token: No
Information: As a Cleric of Tiamat, he wishes to infiltrate an orc clan and drive them to war with the people of Norwick. Posing as a warrior of Tempus, he plans to get close to some while watching others closely. He has joined with the Brokentusk Clan and has become shaman though known only to the clan itself. He will get into there ranks and persuade the chieftain that the people of Norwick are out to destroy them and must go to war. :twisted: He occasionally has to sneak off to heal himself if there are folks around. He can't wait until the time to reak havoc upon all of Narfell arrives :twisted: So he makes his plans carefully and does what he thinks any "Good Warrior of Tempus" would.Edit:
The Brokentusk has become non-existent in Narfell therefore, he has joined with Scuttle's Orcish Army. He has basically the same plan. He will try and murder Scuttle and take over as General of this army.Edit:
Dunno what's going on with Scuttles idea but, Grog keeps tellin Vinni about Magnus' Red Army. We'll see what happens. :twisted:Edit:
Vinni's Dead.
Login: Corvus_69
Character: Erigdush
Alignment: Nuetral Evil
Class: Fighter (3)
Residence: Gypsy Camp
Information: Ralia's muscle/bodyguard, an undead creature who wants to eat everyone he meets, does whatever Ralia says, dimwitted.
Login: cjsvg
Character:Merin Thorne
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Class/Levels: Rogue (2)/Fighter (1)
Residence: Norwick
Character: Oberyn Dayne
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Class/Levels: Cleric (3)
Residence: Norwick
Login: Flinkie
Character: Shamil Freth
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Class: Fighter, Level 5
Residence: PeltarchInformation: Joined Raila in order to use the her undead powers to establish the tyranny of Bane. Works with her loyally. As of now wishes to bring Raila back to her former power.
Login: Ang432
Character: Anabelle
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Class: Vampire
Residence: UnknownInformation: a druid in Norwick many years ago, she was turned into a vampire by Navar. She brought fear to the town of Norwick before she was defeated in her refugue. Nothing has been heard of her since then, but some people think she was not destroyed and may come back someday.
Character: Lydiah Thensen
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Class: Rogue
Residence: NorwickTassabra's pupil, she is learning the ways of the shadows at her side.
Login: Emerwyn Ilmahaire
Character: Tassabra
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Class(es)/Level(s): Rogue7/Fighter1/Ranger1 (Assassin of Mask)
Residence: Peltarch
Information: Trained under Mask discipline. That should be enough. (Warning: Tassabra is NOT a thief! I mean no pickpocketing, maxed out hide, move silently, trap handling, etc… just to make sure no one mistakes therms)
Login Craspit
Character: T'lael Alleneseph
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Class(es)/Level(s): Rogue/Cleric
Residence: Currently in Norwich, looking to relocate
Information: T'lael has been a troubled soul since his youth. He was born in a mining town in the north that was located some distance underground (due to the harsh winter weather, and convenience to mining). The town was massacred by demons of the underground, and by sheer luck T'lael managed to evade the shadowy figures (drow). His escape came at the cost of barely surviving in the sheer darkness of the caves he was forced to crawl through, which led deeper and deeper underground.
Living off any fungus type plants he could find, his senses became extremely fine tuned to the underdark (alertness feat), and his skin took on an ebony jade appearance like many of the creatures infused with it's radiation.
Years passed, and eventually… he stumbled upon a way out and back to the top world of Faerun. Some point later, he came to worship Mask (or fall victim to the god's deceit).
T'lael is an opportunist, in that he will do things that purely benifit him, or that he might find some benefit for in the future. While he may heal a hunting companion, it is only to better his own survival in that it is safer with someone who trusts you, and that he might gain 'favors' to call upon later.
He is currently studying undeath, in which he sees incredible potential of power for himself... if he can find a place to study in which he won't be bothered by druids overlooking his experiments...
Rangers receive their powers from nature itself, not a specific deity, so he would not lose his powers for turning evil. Evil rangers use nature and the powers it grants to their advantage.
Not in Forgotten realms it is actualy required that the ranger have a nature diety patron who does actually grant the spells the same goes for druids in this world. The abundance of dieties of every alignment does not make this much of a problem at all though it does make "falls" often more complex to roleplay and more often than not irreversible.
Login: Gattsu Berserker
Character: Gatsu
Alignment: NT
Class(es)/Level(s): 4 barbarain 2 fighter
Residence: Jiyyd
Information: Also known as the War Machine Gatsu is a complicated guy,if you understand him you got something….
Hextor isn't a god in Forgotten Realms…
I believe what you're looking for is Bane
I figured that when I was waltzing around talking about "Hextor is the god of tyranny", but no one understood and said that Bane is the god of tyranny. I never heard of Bane (don't have the Forgotten Realms books).
So I'll just play my character (I already got everyone thinking I worship devils and this god Hextor), and pretend Hextor is a cult somewhere in the Nine Hells or Acheron.
Just do a google search. Apart from not having six arms and looking human, their outlook is fairly similar. It should not really make any difference really.
Login: Desikida
Character: Karthios Salget
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Class: Cleric
Residence: Gypsy Camp
Hextor isn't a god in Forgotten Realms…
I believe what you're looking for is Bane
I figured that when I was waltzing around talking about "Hextor is the god of tyranny", but no one understood and said that Bane is the god of tyranny. I never heard of Bane (don't have the Forgotten Realms books).
So I'll just play my character (I already got everyone thinking I worship devils and this god Hextor), and pretend Hextor is a cult somewhere in the Nine Hells or Acheron.
Login: xmattx
Character: Dai Kaal
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Class: Cleric (1)
Residence: Norwick
Information: A follower of Velsharoon, has an unhealthy interest in the undead. Lusts for power & knowlege in this regard. Generally anti social and quite, quite evil.
Hextor isn't a god in Forgotten Realms…
I believe what you're looking for is Bane
Gamespy Name: Flinkie
Character: Caramip Sventien
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Class: Fighter Level 3
Residence: NorwickInfo: A dumb wannabe-tyrant gnome. She tries desperately to please Hextor (normal D&D god of tyranny) through her attempt to take over Norwick. So far, she has a tendency to talk far too much and tell too much information, thus, she blew her plan once (which wasn't a good plan to begin with), and now she hopes to take the town by force once she's strong enough.
Gamespy Name: ArUlric
Character: Lady Aspera Chillwind
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Class: Sorceress level 4
Residence: PeltarchInfo: Has suffered from numerous deaths and losses in her strength, and now finds her magical energies strangely lacking. This is of some concern to her, yet seeks to hide her current weakness behind the veneer of her former powers.
As such, she has taken steps to gain powers over the political system in Peltarch to give her the base needed to have an effect in Narfell that her physical weakness doesnt allow. She is advisor to the Senator Rath Ashald and, pending it successful implementation by the senate, will be Minister of the Arcane in the city.
Login: Daerkhil
Character: Nialee Ma'fess
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Class: Necromancer (2)
Residence: Somewhere in Norwick…
Information: She likes to "manipulate" others to do the dirty work...
Character name:Victorio''Nightwish''Van Goth
Alignement:Chaotic neutral((More time pass by more he turn toward the more evil pure side))
Class/level:Bard (1) (follower of Cyric be part cleric of cyric in the future)
Information:Not born to be a fighter or have much success whit numbers and arcane,Victorio can persuade whit his born gift of beauty and the easy talk he can do.He can be nicknamed the tongue of hell.:P