Evil Roll Call

  • Hextor isn't a god in Forgotten Realms…

    I believe what you're looking for is Bane 😉

  • Gamespy Name: Flinkie
    Character: Caramip Sventien
    Alignment: Lawful Evil
    Class: Fighter Level 3
    Residence: Norwick

    Info: A dumb wannabe-tyrant gnome. She tries desperately to please Hextor (normal D&D god of tyranny) through her attempt to take over Norwick. So far, she has a tendency to talk far too much and tell too much information, thus, she blew her plan once (which wasn't a good plan to begin with), and now she hopes to take the town by force once she's strong enough.

  • Gamespy Name: ArUlric
    Character: Lady Aspera Chillwind
    Alignment: Lawful Evil
    Class: Sorceress level 4
    Residence: Peltarch

    Info: Has suffered from numerous deaths and losses in her strength, and now finds her magical energies strangely lacking. This is of some concern to her, yet seeks to hide her current weakness behind the veneer of her former powers.

    As such, she has taken steps to gain powers over the political system in Peltarch to give her the base needed to have an effect in Narfell that her physical weakness doesnt allow. She is advisor to the Senator Rath Ashald and, pending it successful implementation by the senate, will be Minister of the Arcane in the city.

  • Login: Daerkhil
    Character: Nialee Ma'fess
    Alignment: Lawful Evil
    Class: Necromancer (2)
    Residence: Somewhere in Norwick…
    Information: She likes to "manipulate" others to do the dirty work...

  • Legion

    Character name:Victorio''Nightwish''Van Goth
    Alignement:Chaotic neutral((More time pass by more he turn toward the more evil pure side))
    Class/level:Bard (1) (follower of Cyric be part cleric of cyric in the future)
    Information:Not born to be a fighter or have much success whit numbers and arcane,Victorio can persuade whit his born gift of beauty and the easy talk he can do.He can be nicknamed the tongue of hell.:P

  • Login: Edahs (yes, it's Shade spelled backwards. I'm so creative! :lol:)
    Character: Shade Darkmoon
    Alignment: Neutral Evil
    Class(es)/Level(s): Rogue-ish… other than that? shush
    Residence: Norwick (ever-changing)
    Information: I have numerous connections to everything and everyone evil in the game. Other than that, I'll tell you over my dead body. :twisted:

  • Rangers receive their powers from nature itself, not a specific deity, so he would not lose his powers for turning evil. Evil rangers use nature and the powers it grants to their advantage.

  • Dang…hmm

  • Actually I think Malar would fit in with the way I've seen Aaobi played.

  • @5d256b4b7a=Ghenta:

    Mind you if you have a nature diety which does not tolerate evil you will lose your ability to cast those ooh soo nifty ranger spells unless you adapt one more in line with your current life philosophy. It seems that you have made him shift to a worshiping of the concept of death might I suggest Talona as a new representative?

    Or Malar :twisted:

  • @23e0682e72=DesikidA:

    Login: DesikidA
    Character: Aabi Teglas
    Alignment: Chaotic ____ (how can i get this changed…he has fallen to the dark side and become curropt...can ihave some small children to slaughter perhaps? Hmm.)
    Class: Ranger Lvl 6
    Residence: Gypsy Camp
    Information: With his craft capable of enforcing the silent lord's army and loyality to evil - Previously a decent Elf...But now has fallen and become currupt by the enticing side of pure Evil.

    Mind you if you have a nature diety which does not tolerate evil you will lose your ability to cast those ooh soo nifty ranger spells unless you adapt one more in line with your current life philosophy. It seems that you have made him shift to a worshiping of the concept of death might I suggest Talona as a new representative?

  • Login: DesikidA
    Character: Aabi Teglas
    Alignment: Chaotic ____ (how can i get this changed…he has fallen to the dark side and become curropt...can ihave some small children to slaughter perhaps? Hmm.)
    Class: Ranger Lvl 6
    Residence: Gypsy Camp
    Information: With his craft capable of enforcing the silent lord's army and loyality to evil - Previously a decent Elf...But now has fallen and become currupt by the enticing side of pure Evil.

  • Gamespy Name: T-Khan
    Character: Vega Brinard
    Alignment: Neutral Evil
    Class: Rogue (1)
    Residence: Gypsy Camp
    Info: Smart-Ass and assholy tendencies. Subtle in his ways but won't deny them.

  • yeah this forum is open for everyone. Everything here is ooc, so no information can be taken from this forum into the game.

  • I don't think this is an exclusive forum… it seems, for now anyways, to be open to the public...

  • Council of Moradin

    This doesn't need to be a full length discussion, but am I supposed to be able to access this? 🙂

    I never asked to be added in, but I do play several very different characters and most have done things that would make even some of you "evils" cringe.

    However one of my characters is Gulir Minert and I would not want anyone here feeling uncomfortable with that. I wouldn't classify myself as a metagamer, but if you are concerned with it, feel free to remove me from this section.

  • Login: Henne-JMS
    Character: Faramir Snyder
    Alignment: Chaotic Evil
    Class: Cleric lvl 4 (evil, death)
    Residence: Gypsy Camp
    Information: …

  • login: Desassclur
    Charector: Senalia
    Alignment: Nuetral Evil
    Class: Barbarian
    residence: Gypsy Camp
    information: shes a mean little woman. especially to peasants….

  • Login: GridReaper
    Character: Kira Sakai
    Alignment: Lawful Evil
    Class: Cleric lvl 9
    Residence: Gypsy Camp
    Information: Priestess of Velsharoon and master metal crafter

  • Login: Orock
    Character: Jelde Gametkasha
    Alignment: Neutral-evil
    Class: Cleric lvl 9
    Residence: Gypsy Camp
    Information: Priestess of Myrkul